Rolling Stone: "Why Cancel Culture Is Good For Democracy"/Elon Musk: do they write about music anymore, should rename themselves "Scolding Stone"

Unchecked free speech? Is there any other kind?
Rolling Stone is now a propaganda rag run by Marxist. Actually it has been for quite some time.
Cancel culture had dumbed down the entire Nation, and the Rolling stone article is exhibit A

The "cancel culture" is merely people saying that's not what they want.

What's wrong with that?
The religious right say "no porn, no gays", fucking cancel culturers.
That must be proved in a court of law. Treason and libel are subjective.

I think that's the whole point of the US legal system.
If the US govt takes away your guns, where do you go? To court, and it must be proven they didn't infringe on your rights.

You do not have the right to any weapon you choose, nukes, for example, you do not have the right to say anything you wish.
You do have the power to say whatever you want, HOWEVER you can be sued or locked up for this. Hence, not a total right (no right is total)
Probably the truest words I've seen printed about the culture wars yet.

"When conservatives on Fox News declare that it’s a “free country” and that cancel culture is “un-American,” they forget speech works two ways: It allows for discourse to take place but grants all voices can be heard. In other words, straight white men and other people with power aren’t used to getting pushback for the ways they conduct themselves—and cancel culture has reset the ways society can react".
Always the straight white guys who are the boogeyman. This nation was in helluva lot better shape when it was ran by straight white guys.....Stick that in your leftist pipe and smoke it.

Pedophiles and sexual deviants stayed under the rocks where they belong
Their market is middle and upper class dumbass dopers and idiots who think rock musicians are 'jeenyuses'. Whatever they think is fashionable with those morons is what they write.
It's not about what you're trying to accomplish. It's about how you go about accomplishing it. That goes for the Left and for the Right.

Punishing people for speaking their mind, intimidating them, attacking them, canceling them -- it doesn't make things better. It makes things worse. It builds resentment on which that person will ultimately act. That's just human nature.
Always the straight white guys who are the boogeyman. This nation was in helluva lot better shape when it was ran by straight white guys.....Stick that in your leftist pipe and smoke it.

Pedophiles and sexual deviants stayed under the rocks where they belong
And there are a lot of those in the "straight white guys" category. :)
It's not about what you're trying to accomplish. It's about how you go about accomplishing it. That goes for the Left and for the Right.

Punishing people for speaking their mind, intimidating them, attacking them, canceling them -- it doesn't make things better. It makes things worse. It builds resentment on which that person will ultimately act. That's just human nature.

I understand newspapers dropping the Dilbert comic strip.
Man, I'm waiting for some kind of new wave punk rock to come out of Gen Z and a little disappointed it hasn't started yet. Where are you kids? Your elders have given you so much fodder for being REALLY edgy and REALLY rebellious.

Don't go to the university indoctrination centers. Start garage bands and tell us about all this crap you've been fed.

Enough with the Puritanical scolds.
I understand newspapers dropping the Dilbert comic strip.
I watched that YouTube show, and it wasn't quite what's being portrayed. His point, and he didn't pull it off very well, was more out of frustration and exasperation and irony than it was some racist rant. I'd rather have someone engage him for an honest public conversation about race rather than punish him, but I know that's no longer done in this country.

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