Rolling Stones Journalist Assassinated?

Hours Before His Death Michael Hastings Contacted Wikileaks Attorney Said FBI Was Investigating Him - 12160

Was he assassinated? Or not? According to sources, Hastings had uncovered something huge about the CIA / FBI and was about to go public. There are two versions of how he died and one version has been silenced it appears.

The first version comes from eyewitnesses who say the car exploded into a huge ball of fire - BEFORE it went off road and hit a tree.

The second version is al lie. They covered up front end of car until they could remove engine claiming it was placed 200 yards from tree in accident. Now Mercedes are reliable cars. Doubtful this man who was in fear for his life - was driving high speed into a tree - he wasn't on a suicide mission.

The interesting thing I note is that they claim the gun manufacturer who died after outing psychotropic drugs as responsible in mass gun shootings ( SOLVAY PHARMACEUTICAL makers of Prozac, Zoloft and other mind altering drugs has never been successfully prosecuted for manufacturing these drugs ) and they claim he drove off the road and his car hit a tree. Lots of cars hitting trees these days! Wow. What a coincidence that they all happened to be exposing something shady at the time of their deaths. Do I believe this police report he hit a tree and died? Ha! NOT A CHANCE.

- Jeri

RS does not employ journalists.

aside from that

There are those from both sides that wish to believe in pure evil from the other side and will resort to anything to make others believe it as well. Until it can be proven otherwise I prefer to believe, for whatever reason, he made a bad judgement call which cost him his life. At 4:30 in the morning? I would also think, knowing the history of crashes such as this in my area, it usual involves alcohol or even falling asleep at the wheel.
sometimes believing others on the internet, well...

So you are saying it is impossible to verify whether a car bomb would have to create such an explosion in order to explain it? I find right here in the article that it has already been agreed by car experts that he was right. I'm merely confirming what he is claiming with my own sources.

Military men are not "internet" ghosts... Don't know who you are talking to these days but they don't live in cyber space. These are real people who have jobs and know more than you or I........ Mossad, Caesara, M16,CIA - retired - special forces- Insiders for cartel guys, many different ways to check something out. I believe in a multitude of counselors because King Solomon said it was the wise way to go. :eusa_angel: - Jeri

you have no idea who those purporting to be experts are. Anyone can say they are anyone.
Here is another one for you -


Also notice the sheet.

Driver Killed in High-Speed Car Crash, Fire | NBC New York
vehicle speeding on the Van Wyck Expressway in Queens crashed into a tree early Sunday morning, bursting into flames and killing the driver, police say.

Police were called to the scene at 91st Avenue and Van Wyck Expressway State Road West in Jamaica at about 3:30 a.m., according to police. Emergency responders found the BMW sedan in a tree and on fire, police say. The driver was pronounced dead at the scene

This crash happened on an EXPRESSWAY, not a city street. Not a city street like Highland.
sometimes believing others on the internet, well...

So you are saying it is impossible to verify whether a car bomb would have to create such an explosion in order to explain it? I find right here in the article that it has already been agreed by car experts that he was right. I'm merely confirming what he is claiming with my own sources.

Military men are not "internet" ghosts... Don't know who you are talking to these days but they don't live in cyber space. These are real people who have jobs and know more than you or I........ Mossad, Caesara, M16,CIA - retired - special forces- Insiders for cartel guys, many different ways to check something out. I believe in a multitude of counselors because King Solomon said it was the wise way to go. :eusa_angel: - Jeri

you have no idea who those purporting to be experts are. Anyone can say they are anyone.
Here is another one for you -


Also notice the sheet.

Driver Killed in High-Speed Car Crash, Fire | NBC New York
vehicle speeding on the Van Wyck Expressway in Queens crashed into a tree early Sunday morning, bursting into flames and killing the driver, police say.

Police were called to the scene at 91st Avenue and Van Wyck Expressway State Road West in Jamaica at about 3:30 a.m., according to police. Emergency responders found the BMW sedan in a tree and on fire, police say. The driver was pronounced dead at the scene

Yes, you missed the comments on that story. Always read the comments because you will glean extra information that isn't in the article -you can tell the credible witnesses because they always have a million details - the very thing missing from the Hastings story which tells us the eyewitnesses are either liars or working for govt.- so here read this:

Evelyn Amanda Rodriguez · Karachi, Pakistan
yes, i was at the scene. he passed me in the highway and i said that guy is goin to die. an when i passed van wyck, i saw th car in the tree,but the fire was small still. so i backed up to get help w/another person that tried to save his life by removin him from the car but he was pinned. then they tk out a carseat. then th flames blew up. That was th saddest event i ever seen. Me an my best freind could not sleep the whole night. that is y i would like to know about him since i saw him before an after the accident. i hope his fam. get cmfort. from this information. i know he was very young. LET THE LORD TAKE HIM TO ETERNAL REST. EVA
Reply · 5 · Like· November 13, 2011 at 10:47pm

Okay so let's break this down here. She saw him flying by and said this guy is going to die. Listen to all the details, I saw the car hit the tree, but the fire was small still............. so I backed up to get help, still he was pinned - when they took out a carseat - the flames blew up. Okay - stop there. This woman was there. No question.

When the car hit the tree at a high rate of speed nothing but a few small flames. Afterwards - perhaps a gas leak - flames blew larger - still no cigar because you don't have the impact explosion of fire that occured with Hastings Car. Keep looking. I'm sure you'll find something out there. Like what a car looks like after a car bomb blows it apart maybe? - Jeri

#8. Mercedes SLK 135 MPH
This is what a Mercedes SLK looks like after slamming into a tree at 135 MPH in Germany.



#10. Ferrari 360 Modena 130 MPH
The driver of this 2004 Ferrari 360 Modena was trying to show off to his girlfriend when he lost control at 130 MPH on a country road in France. The car ran into power lines, bringing down live cables and snapping the car in two

Paint looks great on both cars. Looks like Emron on the red car - really beautiful paint, isn't it? Notice no fire with either car, even when hitting a tree at 135 mph. Thanks for all the photos - this goes a long way in proving something very suspicious happened to Hastings.
So you are saying it is impossible to verify whether a car bomb would have to create such an explosion in order to explain it? I find right here in the article that it has already been agreed by car experts that he was right. I'm merely confirming what he is claiming with my own sources.

Military men are not "internet" ghosts... Don't know who you are talking to these days but they don't live in cyber space. These are real people who have jobs and know more than you or I........ Mossad, Caesara, M16,CIA - retired - special forces- Insiders for cartel guys, many different ways to check something out. I believe in a multitude of counselors because King Solomon said it was the wise way to go. :eusa_angel: - Jeri

you have no idea who those purporting to be experts are. Anyone can say they are anyone.
Here is another one for you -


Also notice the sheet.

Driver Killed in High-Speed Car Crash, Fire | NBC New York
vehicle speeding on the Van Wyck Expressway in Queens crashed into a tree early Sunday morning, bursting into flames and killing the driver, police say.

Police were called to the scene at 91st Avenue and Van Wyck Expressway State Road West in Jamaica at about 3:30 a.m., according to police. Emergency responders found the BMW sedan in a tree and on fire, police say. The driver was pronounced dead at the scene

This crash happened on an EXPRESSWAY, not a city street. Not a city street like Highland.

It doesn't matter. There have been many horrific accidents in our area which is far from any expressway. The top speed limit? 40. Cars chopped in two from hitting trees, etc. And they almost always involve excessive speed, , texting, looking for something dropped, or alcohol in the wee hours of the morning, or even fog.
My sons ex fiance ran into fog at 6 in the morning, wasn't paying enough attention. She ran across an intersection, through a fence into a forest of trees, had one topple onto the roof, tore the car apart, but fortunately she survived.
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There are many ways of ensuring a car cannot be stopped and that gas pedals get stuck. This isn't a kid, this is a 33 year old man who only hours before had told his friends that he felt his life was in danger.
Yes texting and driving is a very bad idea. Some folks live on those things. Not good.
There are many ways of ensuring a car cannot be stopped and that gas pedals get stuck. This isn't a kid, this is a 33 year old man who only hours before had told his friends that he felt his life was in danger.

All speculation of things that could be done. Maybe he did. But that still does not prove this was anything other than an accident at this point.
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There are many ways of ensuring a car cannot be stopped and that gas pedals get stuck. This isn't a kid, this is a 33 year old man who only hours before had told his friends that he felt his life was in danger.

I agree. He was murdered. What for is yet to be told. It is a verifiable fact that he was in fear for his life and he told others he felt his life was in danger. Then he dies in this car explosion? I'm not buying it. Something is fishy about this story. It will come out eventually. Might take some time but it will come out just as Breitbarts death by arsenic poisoning finally came out.

To the contrary, so far, the evidence points to some external factors other than it being a mere accident.
There are many ways of ensuring a car cannot be stopped and that gas pedals get stuck. This isn't a kid, this is a 33 year old man who only hours before had told his friends that he felt his life was in danger.

I agree. He was murdered. What for is yet to be told. It is a verifiable fact that he was in fear for his life and he told others he felt his life was in danger. Then he dies in this car explosion? I'm not buying it. Something is fishy about this story. It will come out eventually. Might take some time but it will come out just as Breitbarts death by arsenic poisoning finally came out.


Breitbarts death was proved to be from arsenic poisoning?
There are many ways of ensuring a car cannot be stopped and that gas pedals get stuck. This isn't a kid, this is a 33 year old man who only hours before had told his friends that he felt his life was in danger.

I agree. He was murdered. What for is yet to be told. It is a verifiable fact that he was in fear for his life and he told others he felt his life was in danger. Then he dies in this car explosion? I'm not buying it. Something is fishy about this story. It will come out eventually. Might take some time but it will come out just as Breitbarts death by arsenic poisoning finally came out.


The truth will never come out. Anyone who threatens to expose the truth will die by arsenic poisoning just like the coroner in the Breitbart case did.

I hope Snowden gets away and gets somewhere safe, but you know that there are planes ready to shoot down any plane Snowden is suspected to be on. It will be another "accident" like flight 800.
Are you aware that the coroner tech that died was not involved with Breitbart's case at all? Though, unfortunately I am sure that is a conspiracy as well.

Do you guys check under your beds and in your closets at night?
Life has got to be miserable.
There are many ways of ensuring a car cannot be stopped and that gas pedals get stuck. This isn't a kid, this is a 33 year old man who only hours before had told his friends that he felt his life was in danger.

I agree. He was murdered. What for is yet to be told. It is a verifiable fact that he was in fear for his life and he told others he felt his life was in danger. Then he dies in this car explosion? I'm not buying it. Something is fishy about this story. It will come out eventually. Might take some time but it will come out just as Breitbarts death by arsenic poisoning finally came out.


Breitbarts death was proved to be from arsenic poisoning?

The coroner who examined the body found arsenic. Then the coroner was dead of arsenic poisoning. The official cause of Brietbart's death was heart failure. The coroner intended to challenge that.

Michael Cormier, 61, passed away on April 20, the Los Angeles Times reports this week. Although Cormier’s death is only being publicized now, the timing of actual passing actually came within hours of the release of the preliminary autopsy report of Breitbart.

In both the Brietbart and Hastings deaths, the men had found out something damaging to obama. Damaging enough to kill over.
I agree. He was murdered. What for is yet to be told. It is a verifiable fact that he was in fear for his life and he told others he felt his life was in danger. Then he dies in this car explosion? I'm not buying it. Something is fishy about this story. It will come out eventually. Might take some time but it will come out just as Breitbarts death by arsenic poisoning finally came out.


Breitbarts death was proved to be from arsenic poisoning?

The coroner who examined the body found arsenic. Then the coroner was dead of arsenic poisoning. The official cause of Brietbart's death was heart failure. The coroner intended to challenge that.
What a coincidence! Breitbart's coroner dead from arsenic poisoning? ? RT USA

Michael Cormier, 61, passed away on April 20, the Los Angeles Times reports this week. Although Cormier’s death is only being publicized now, the timing of actual passing actually came within hours of the release of the preliminary autopsy report of Breitbart.

In both the Brietbart and Hastings deaths, the men had found out something damaging to obama. Damaging enough to kill over.

from the Russian Times?
Believe what you want. Nothing I say, or anyone else says will change what you choose to believe.
Did you also note that the article was posted by an anonymous user?

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