Romney Camp Calls Obama Taking Bain Donations 'Height of Hypocrisy'


Silver Member
Mar 2, 2012

Romney Camp Calls Obama Taking Bain Donations 'Height of Hypocrisy'

While Democrats assail presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney's Bain Capital business practices, Republicans note that President Obama has not been bashful about accepting cash from Bain executives or other high-profile figures in the corporate buyout business.

"President Obama has based his entire reelection campaign on a vicious, dishonest assault on Mitt Romney's business career. The real question for President Obama is this: if Bain Capital is so bad, why have you taken nearly $120,000 in donations from them?" said Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul. "President Obama's actions are the height of hypocrisy."

Romney Camp Calls Obama Taking Bain Donations 'Height of Hypocrisy' - Yahoo! News
Of course it hypocrisy.

Of course Barry will take the money as will Romney.

Lord knows they will take any money shoveled at em.

It is what it is.

Romney Camp Calls Obama Taking Bain Donations 'Height of Greetings,

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While Democrats assail presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney's Bain Capital business practices, Republicans note that President Obama has not been bashful about accepting cash from Bain executives or other high-profile figures in the corporate buyout business.

"President Obama has based his entire reelection campaign on a vicious, dishonest assault on Mitt Romney's business career. The real question for President Obama is this: if Bain Capital is so bad, why have you taken nearly $120,000 in donations from them?" said Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul. "President Obama's actions are the height of hypocrisy."

Romney Camp Calls Obama Taking Bain Donations 'Height of Hypocrisy' - Yahoo! News


That is the purest definition.
The people that work there are supposed to be free to do whatever they want with the little they are paid. Republicans, the party of "free choice" are determined to clamp down on "free choice" and turn this country into a kind of right winger Christian Taliban. It's not like it's a secret. They've been pretty honest about it.

You've got to admit, with all the bashing towards equity firms like Bain, it looks pretty damn hypocritical.

One of Obama's top campaign financiers - Jonathan Lavine - is also managing director at Bain, bundling between $100,000 and $200,000 in contributions for the 2012 Obama Victory Fund, according to estimates released by the Obama campaign
The people that work there are supposed to be free to do whatever they want with the little they are paid. Republicans, the party of "free choice" are determined to clamp down on "free choice" and turn this country into a kind of right winger Christian Taliban. It's not like it's a secret. They've been pretty honest about it.

They're free to donate to whomever they choose, no one is trying to stop that.
The people that work there are supposed to be free to do whatever they want with the little they are paid. Republicans, the party of "free choice" are determined to clamp down on "free choice" and turn this country into a kind of right winger Christian Taliban. It's not like it's a secret. They've been pretty honest about it.

They're free to donate to whomever they choose, no one is trying to stop that.

Then why is it "hypocritical"?

You've got to admit, with all the bashing towards equity firms like Bain, it looks pretty damn hypocritical.

One of Obama's top campaign financiers - Jonathan Lavine - is also managing director at Bain, bundling between $100,000 and $200,000 in contributions for the 2012 Obama Victory Fund, according to estimates released by the Obama campaign

I don't care about Bain. What I don't like is Romney saying he worked there but didn't or didn't work there but did. Which one is the lie?

An interesting article is in this thread. I realize many right wingers don't really care once their mind is made up. They had already decided what the facts are and real facts don't matter.
The people that work there are supposed to be free to do whatever they want with the little they are paid. Republicans, the party of "free choice" are determined to clamp down on "free choice" and turn this country into a kind of right winger Christian Taliban. It's not like it's a secret. They've been pretty honest about it.

They're free to donate to whomever they choose, no one is trying to stop that.

Then why is it "hypocritical"?

You are too damn stupid to understand.

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