Romney Endorsed by 1983 Nobel Winner Lech Walesca, who toppled Communism in Poland


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May 3, 2011
Romney Endorsed by 1983 Nobel Winner Lech Walesca, who toppled Communism in Poland

Poland’s legendary dissident, Lech Walesa, can’t vote in the U.S. presidential elections but he has nevertheless decided to let his preference be known. He gave a strong endorsement to Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican contender and declared disappointment with President Barack Obama’s record.
Mr. Romney “talks about values” and “I’m very happy about it,” Mr. Walesa said after meeting Mr. Romney on Monday. Mr. Obama, on the other hand, failed to deliver on his promises of “reform,” Mr. Walesa said without elaborating.
Credited with a prominent role in toppling communism in the Soviet-controlled Poland, Mr. Walesa won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983. When the U.S. president won the award in 2009 for his contribution to world peace, shortly after being sworn in, the Polish leader didn’t hide his amazement. “Well, there’s hasn’t been any contribution to peace yet. He’s proposing things, he’s initiating things, but he is yet to deliver,” he said at the time.
I love Lech Walesca! I met him when I visited Gdansk, Poland with U of I Alumni and an American Historical Foundation group. What a great guy. He's warm, he's funny, and what a man of the 20th century he was to help get communism away from Poland.

And I'm thrilled this scion of fairness and love for people endorsed Mitt Romney, who will also be a great man in the world if he is elected President in November, 2012. :)
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As cool as it is, I see no reason for endorsements. Im not going to make a choice for candidate based on who others choose. I am going to make my own mind up. I doubt im unique in that regard.
Nice pickup, I respect him more than the western Eurotrash....I think Polocks make liberal jokes......and should!
Did Walesa really endorse Romney? Last I heard, Walesa was unhappy with Romney's anti-union position. It's also no big secret that Walesa doesn't like Obama.

Much of Mitt Romney's trip to Poland on Monday was overshadowed by lingering controversy over his insult to the Palestinians. However, his meeting with former Polish President Lech Walesa actually went rather well, with the Nobel Peace Prize winner saying through a translator, "I wish you to be successful, because this success is needed to the United States, of course, but to Europe and the rest of the world, too." That's essentially an endorsement! Yet, Romney didn't get through his visit to Poland unscathed, as later Walesa went on national television to point out Romney's shortcomings.

Poland’s Lech Walesa Endorses Romney, Says He Lacks Charisma
As cool as it is, I see no reason for endorsements. Im not going to make a choice for candidate based on who others choose. I am going to make my own mind up. I doubt im unique in that regard.
That is good, Avatar4321. It's just that I met and got to speak with Mr. Walesca in person and hear his speech about what his nation went through under the thumb of the communists who beat and mistreated their people.

If he hadn't had international attention focused on him, he could have become a political casualty back then instead of a scion of human freedom.

So I guess it means something different to me. I don't think I've ever met another world leader like him. He's an enchanting character, a family man extraordinaire, and a man of the common, ordinary people who make up hard working citizens.

He makes people want to be good and do right. It's his aura or something.
Nice pickup, I respect him more than the western Eurotrash....I think Polocks make liberal jokes......and should!
He put his life on the line for his compatriot workers. He pushed the iron curtain off the Polish people because he had to. He's a dynamic man whose thumbs up to Romney means ever so much to his many friends around this globe who know who he is and the significance of his powerful life.
Nice pickup, I respect him more than the western Eurotrash....I think Polocks make liberal jokes......and should!
He put his life on the line for his compatriot workers. He pushed the iron curtain off the Polish people because he had to. He's a dynamic man whose thumbs up to Romney means ever so much to his many friends around this globe who know who he is and the significance of his powerful life.

I agree, he's a cold war legend.....and I bet he loves him some Ronnie Reagan!
Wow, the head of a union who believes in socialized medicine endorses Romney. Who knew?
Walesa has first hand experience at the 100% Epic Fail that is Progressive Economics
Well, CrusaderFrank. Getting the Commies off the back of his own people was in and of itself the best Present Poland ever had. He acknowledged in his speech (spoken by an interpreter from Poland to English) he would have done things differently as a leader if he had known the consequences in advance.

Later on, when I spoke to him, he was speaking, and his English was quite okay. It's just that he delivers his story in Polish in GDansk, and a Polish person interprets it into our language.

I just a pushover for great guys who are family guys. They're what make children good citizens. It doesn't get any better than that.
Walesa has first hand experience at the 100% Epic Fail that is Progressive Economics

No, he has first hand experience with totalitarianism. I have nothing but respect for Walesa, good to know Romney is learning the ropes overseas. As a governor, he cannot be expected to have adequate foreign policy experience; better that he takes his lumps now, rather than after the election, if he is elected.
Wow, the head of a union who believes in socialized medicine endorses Romney. Who knew?
RDean, unions aren't every issue in Lech Walesca's life. He fought monsters who kill people for protesting starvation.

We have never seen in our lifetimes anything like what he saw in Poland in the 1970s and 80s that made him rise up in the name of his people and defend free speech, his fellow men who were suffering death and indignities, not to mention their survival.

Do you remember some of those incidents of killing the workers? I do, and I didn't like it one iota and agreed with Lech Walesca.

The man made the communist world back the hell off his people.
Walesa can't understand why the "American" Left would willing embrace a system so fucking bad they have to have walls, barbed wire and armed guard to keep people from fleeing

Why do you guys embrace a system that has a 100% Guaranteed Fail, are you morons or just plain idiots?
And did I mention that when the Russians backed off at the behest of Mr. Walesca, they became highly respected for doing so.

I can't hate someone who responds to a Lech Walesca. Get on a boat and go to Poland and hear this guy while he's still alive. You'll never be sorry you heard his story.
Wow, the head of a union who believes in socialized medicine endorses Romney. Who knew?
RDean, unions aren't every issue in Lech Walesca's life. He fought monsters who kill people for protesting starvation.

We have never seen in our lifetimes anything like what he saw in Poland in the 1970s and 80s that made him rise up in the name of his people and defend free speech, his fellow men who were suffering death and indignities, not to mention their survival.

Do you remember some of those incidents of killing the workers? I do, and I didn't like it one iota and agreed with Lech Walesca.

The man made the communist world back the hell off his people.

Voter suppression, undermining democracy, massive support for a plutocracy, fighting the rights of different minorities, over the top anti women's rights.

This is what Republicans want for America. A kind of Confederate Republican Taliban. It hasn't gotten as bad as it was in Poland, but if Republicans keep on this course, it could be here.
Wow, the head of a union who believes in socialized medicine endorses Romney. Who knew?

Link to Lech Walesa's stance on health care?

Why don't you find out.

Actually, search engines are clogged right now with Mitt Romney's praise of "socialized medicine". Go look for yourself. Republicans only want health care for foreign countries. Not for American citizens.
Wow, the head of a union who believes in socialized medicine endorses Romney. Who knew?

Link to Lech Walesa's stance on health care?

Why don't you find out.

Actually, search engines are clogged right now with Mitt Romney's praise of "socialized medicine". Go look for yourself. Republicans only want health care for foreign countries. Not for American citizens.

You made the claim, it is YOUR job to prove it. Pulling that Axelrod crap won't fly.

Can you provide a link to something that proves Lech Walesa's supports 'socialized medicine', or can you not?

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