Romney Finally Exposes Obama's Fast & Furious False Flag Illegal Operation


May 22, 2011
I've been waiting and waiting for Romney to finally slam Obama on Fast & Furious where Obama gave thousands of automatic weapons to violent Mexican drug cartels who killed innocent people including Americans. He finally brought it up during the debate for the first time. Obama changes facial expressions when he hears the words "Fast & Furious." Then Obama signals to Candy Crowley to diverge from the topic so he wouldn't have to address it.

Obama wants to ban guns from law-abiding citizens, but he will give illegal fully automatic weapons to violent criminal drug cartels in Mexico. Explain that.

Obama Smiles & Laughs About Fast and Furious
Mitt Romney hits a homerun on an actual important issue and no Romney-bot or Republican cares. Of course.
Mitt Romney hits a homerun on an actual important issue and no Romney-bot or Republican cares. Of course.

Where have you been for the past several months?

Unfortunatley nothing is going to get done if Obama is in office, but its not going to go away.

It was funny to see Obama run and hide behind Crowley's skirt though.
A Fortune investigation reveals that the ATF never intentionally allowed guns to fall into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. How the world came to believe just the opposite is a tale of rivalry, murder, and political bloodlust.

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal - Fortune Features

False. It is admitted that they intended for this to justify gun bans.

LA Times

» Video Evidence: Obama Knew About Fast & Furious Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
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A Fortune investigation reveals that the ATF never intentionally allowed guns to fall into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. How the world came to believe just the opposite is a tale of rivalry, murder, and political bloodlust.

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal - Fortune Features

That is going to cause much cognitive dissonance amoung the Obama haters out there.

Are you freakin kidding me? Thousands of weapons accidently were dropped in the hands of Mexican drug lords? Who were the guns intended for, little Mexican children? C'mon get real.
A Fortune investigation reveals that the ATF never intentionally allowed guns to fall into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. How the world came to believe just the opposite is a tale of rivalry, murder, and political bloodlust.

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal - Fortune Features

Your Fortune Magazine article has been thoroughly debunked for months yet you cling to it with the tenacity of a dog to a greasy old bone.

No, actually it hasn't. Feel free to try though.
Mitt Romney hits a homerun on an actual important issue and no Romney-bot or Republican cares. Of course.

That's because it's already been established there's no there there.

It's only guys like you wearing tinfoil on your pointy little wingnut heads who care about this.

IOW, sux to be you.
A Fortune investigation reveals that the ATF never intentionally allowed guns to fall into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. How the world came to believe just the opposite is a tale of rivalry, murder, and political bloodlust.

The truth about the Fast and Furious scandal - Fortune Features

Your Fortune Magazine article has been thoroughly debunked for months yet you cling to it with the tenacity of a dog to a greasy old bone.

No, actually it hasn't. Feel free to try though.

Sure it has.

Fortune Magazine Tries to Tell The "Truth" About Fast and Furious, Fails Miserably - Katie Pavlich
GeoL, is everything okay? usually you are attacking obama and Romney. yet, the last few days you've been positive about Romney. Now, while i welcome the change, I am curious what's brought this about.
I've been waiting and waiting for Romney to finally slam Obama on Fast & Furious where Obama gave thousands of automatic weapons to violent Mexican drug cartels who killed innocent people including Americans. He finally brought it up during the debate for the first time. Obama changes facial expressions when he hears the words "Fast & Furious." Then Obama signals to Candy Crowley to diverge from the topic so he wouldn't have to address it.

Obama wants to ban guns from law-abiding citizens, but he will give illegal fully automatic weapons to violent criminal drug cartels in Mexico. Explain that.

Obama Smiles & Laughs About Fast and Furious
The NRA owns the deaths from F&F. They made it legal for American gun runners to buy guns and then turn around and sell them to the drug lords. The NRA has blood on their hands, and they know it!
I've been waiting and waiting for Romney to finally slam Obama on Fast & Furious where Obama gave thousands of automatic weapons to violent Mexican drug cartels who killed innocent people including Americans. He finally brought it up during the debate for the first time. Obama changes facial expressions when he hears the words "Fast & Furious." Then Obama signals to Candy Crowley to diverge from the topic so he wouldn't have to address it.

Obama wants to ban guns from law-abiding citizens, but he will give illegal fully automatic weapons to violent criminal drug cartels in Mexico. Explain that.

Obama Smiles & Laughs About Fast and Furious
The NRA owns the deaths from F&F. They made it legal for American gun runners to buy guns and then turn around and sell them to the drug lords. The NRA has blood on their hands, and they know it!

You're a fucking mindless idiot, the NRA doesn't have a damned thing to do with Fast & Furious. It belongs to O'Blamer & Co. LOCK, STOCK & BARREL!!

It was ATF and Justice that fucked this snake, all in the name of driving up gun violence to bring back the 'assault weapons ban'.

Here's an e-mail from one of the gun dealers involved to the ATF...
"As per our discussion about over communicating I wanted to share some concerns that came up. Tuesday night I watched a segment of a Fox News report about firearms and the border. The segment, if the information was correct, is disturbing to me. When you, Emory and I met on May 13th I shared my concerns with you guys that I wanted to make sure that none of the firearms that were sold per our conversation with you and various ATF agents could or would ever end up south of the border or in the hands of the bad guys. I guess I am looking for a bit of reassurance that the guns are not getting south or in wrong hands. I know it is an ongoing investigation so there is limited information you can share with me. But as I said in our meeting, I want to help ATF with its investigation but not at the risk of agents [sic] safety because I have some very close friends that are U.S. Border Patrol agents in southern AZ as well as my concern for all the agents [sic] safety that protect our country. If possible please email me back and share with me any reassurances that you can. As always thank you for your time and I send this email with all respect and a heart felt concern to do the right thing."

IOW, the gun dealers were ONLY selling these weapons because the ATF had assured them that the guns were NOT getting across the border.

Fucking lying bastards!

And here's an e-mail from the lying bastard in charge of the op...
Our subjects purchased 359 firearms during the month of March alone, to include numerous Barrett .50 caliber rifles," he went on, "I believe we are righteous in our plan to dismantle this entire organization and to rush in to arrest any one person without taking in to account the entire scope of the conspiracy would be ill advices to the overall good of the mission." In another email, Voth mentioned 1200 people killed in March 2010, yet still called the program "righteous."

Yet you want to blame the NRA?

You are a fucking moron!

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