Romney: I would vote for Ron Paul over Obama

There aren't too many people that I wouldn't vote for before I would vote for Barry.
Smart move for Mitt. Newt hurt himself by saying he wouldn't.

Newt is a liar and that was one of the big issues with him.

Newt claimed "anyone of us would make a far better President than Obama." Then Newt flip flops and attacks Paul claiming he wouldn’t vote for Paul.

Newt claimed "I will do a Positive campaign and not attack, like Ronald Reagan’s rule!" Then Newt crashes in the polls and goes on an attack frenzy attacking Paul and Mitt. I guess Newt does not like Reagan’s rule that he alone claimed he would follow when he thought it would win him voters.

Newt has proven to be a liar, while he thinks he is being clever when calling an obvious attack an "observation," hordes of voters turn away.

Mitt is now trying to gain favor with Paul’s base in hopes he does not lose to Obama in a landslide…
One more thing.

If the primaries go well for Paul and they just might... In a month we might be looking at a Paul VS Mitt race only. If that is the case, and Paul is only pulling 35ish% of the vote to Mitt's 60ish%, I bet Mitt seriously thinks about asking Paul to be his VP...

Not that I would support that ticket nor do I think Paul would take it.
Ron Paul is about the only one running that is serious about charging course. Ron paul would seriously fight to reduce the debt, remove the fed and remove our troops from the middle east. He would be a great president and the only one that should be even considered.
Ron Paul is about the only one running that is serious about charging course. Ron paul would seriously fight to reduce the debt, remove the fed and remove our troops from the middle east. He would be a great president and the only one that should be even considered.

It really is too bad, Paul doesn't stand a chance

Mitt has lied about everything else so why not this too?

Mitt changes his "position" more often than the weather. Stick around. The real Mitt - IF there is one - will eventually resurface and we all know that that is.

Big Business, Big Military, a new war every year or so (he said it) and -

People, with everything you know about Mitt, it should bother you that he SAYS he has no real convictions. Yeah, yeah, I know we already know he has no real convictions but, here he is, actually saying it and all you can do is dutifully nod your heads up and down?

Jeeeez. Ya gotta love the obedient rw's.

Mitt has lied about everything else so why not this too?

Mitt changes his "position" more often than the weather. Stick around. The real Mitt - IF there is one - will eventually resurface and we all know that that is.

Big Business, Big Military, a new war every year or so (he said it) and -

People, with everything you know about Mitt, it should bother you that he SAYS he has no real convictions. Yeah, yeah, I know we already know he has no real convictions but, here he is, actually saying it and all you can do is dutifully nod your heads up and down?

Jeeeez. Ya gotta love the obedient rw's.

And what evidence do you have that Mitt has lied about this?

And contrary to your claim, he hasn't changed his positions nearly that often. You'd think that if he is such a liar, you wouldnt need to lie to go up against him.

Mitt has lied about everything else so why not this too?

Mitt changes his "position" more often than the weather. Stick around. The real Mitt - IF there is one - will eventually resurface and we all know that that is.

Big Business, Big Military, a new war every year or so (he said it) and -

People, with everything you know about Mitt, it should bother you that he SAYS he has no real convictions. Yeah, yeah, I know we already know he has no real convictions but, here he is, actually saying it and all you can do is dutifully nod your heads up and down?

Jeeeez. Ya gotta love the obedient rw's.

And what evidence do you have that Mitt has lied about this?

And contrary to your claim, he hasn't changed his positions nearly that often. You'd think that if he is such a liar, you wouldnt need to lie to go up against him.

I do agree with what he said to a degree, Mitt said this to do a sub attack on Newt and win favor with Paul supporters, not to be honest. Do I believe Mitt would vote for Paul over Ovama? Honestly I think Mitt would do a write in for himself.
He voted no against things that are unconsitutional. Believe me, theres a hell of a lot of things that are outside of what the consitution gave the federal government that they(senators, congressman) voted to give the federal government.

The federal government doesn't have the consitutional right to force people to hire or have anyone that they wish not to have in there private business or homes. It is bull shit and against the very idea's of freedom. Stay the fuck out of my life federal government and this is one of the key laws that brought the feds into our private lifes. They think they can force you to do something you don't want to do.
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I would vote for Ron Paul OR Obama over Mitt Romney...

But given a choice between the three, I'd rather have a sharp stick to the eye.

Paul is much more likely to reduce the debt then Romney or Obama. So why would you feel he is a sharp stick to your eye? Why do you feel another decade of nation building in Iran is such a good idea?

Matt, I usually have you on ignore, but I relented this time.

Paul's problem is that he takes what might be reasonable arguments and makes them sound irrational. He's an isolationist when the boat sailed on that one a long time ago.

I think we are probably going to end up in Iran sooner or later and it will be pretty bad, but both parties are on that train.
Did you even bother to understand WHY Paul voted against those things?
Regardless of how many times you people repeat this stuff, he is on record saying stuff completely opposite of your viewpoints.
This is the Ron Paul some of you are sucking up to. Disgusting.

Ron Paul's Remarkable No Votes: Holocaust Memorial Funding, Ethics Offices, Civil Rights Bills

[Mitt] hasn't changed his positions nearly that often.

We must be talking about two different Mitt's. Either that, or you don't read the news.

(gawd, its true - these people don't know we can see them!)

He also voted against the palestines as noted in that article among many other things.

Here is one quote of note:

"I never once saw him in the Speaker's Office, come out of the Leader's office or attend a Whip dinner," said a former GOP leadership aide, who worked with Paul in previous Congresses. "The guy marches to the beat of his own drum which was fine because there were enough conservative Democrats that we never needed his vote."

The aide emailed The Huffington Post minutes later: "Of course that quote will probably help him!"

There aren't too many people that I wouldn't vote for before I would vote for Barry.

eh... better than shrub. :thup:

and there isn't a single repub running who doesn't pander to the rabid right, so there isn't a single one i'd vote for.
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There is no Republican I would vote for over Obama. Or really anyone. They are too radical and represent what is wrong with America. Not to mention the enormous amount of damage they caused under Bush.

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