Romney in 2016?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
It is too bad that we can't have a redo of the 2012 election. I think a lot of people would change their minds about who they would prefer for President. Do you think he might have a chance in 2016? He is in excellent health and only six months older than Hillary...
It is too bad that we can't have a redo of the 2012 election. I think a lot of people would change their minds about who they would prefer for President. Do you think he might have a chance in 2016? He is in excellent health and only six months older than Hillary...
You're right ... more would vote for Obama.
LOL, switch on the light and watch the cockroaches...
It is too bad that we can't have a redo of the 2012 election. I think a lot of people would change their minds about who they would prefer for President. Do you think he might have a chance in 2016? He is in excellent health and only six months older than Hillary...

A lot of people changed their minds in 2012. Obama took his illegal overseas campaign contributions and paid for a rigged election.
It is too bad that we can't have a redo of the 2012 election. I think a lot of people would change their minds about who they would prefer for President. Do you think he might have a chance in 2016? He is in excellent health and only six months older than Hillary...

A lot of people changed their minds in 2012. Obama took his illegal overseas campaign contributions and paid for a rigged election.

Oh, yeah, that's it.

Has nothing to do with the fact the GOP nominated the worst possible candidate.
It is too bad that we can't have a redo of the 2012 election. I think a lot of people would change their minds about who they would prefer for President. Do you think he might have a chance in 2016? He is in excellent health and only six months older than Hillary...

A lot of people changed their minds in 2012. Obama took his illegal overseas campaign contributions and paid for a rigged election.

LOL. You silly asses got your asses kicked because your ideas were all 19th century. Now you want to double down on those ideas. Very, very smart:lol:
I also want to debunk Gasbag's silly notion that "A lot of people changed their minds."

Obama did get a little shy of 66 million votes in 2012, 3.5 million less than he got in 2008.

Romney got a million more than John McCain did.

But the fact is, a lot of folks who lived in states that were not swing states stayed home in 2012. Understandable, their votes didn't really count.

Voting participation was actually UP in the Swing states.

Here's a very useful chart for those who understand numbers.

Of the 12 Swing States, the vote total was up in 9 of them. (and I thought that two of the ones where it was down, MI and PA, it was a stretch ever calling them "Swing States".) Obama won 11 out of 12 of them.

It was down in states like IL and TX, becuase those states were uncontested.
Did any of you read the entire OP, or are four sentences beyond your attention span? Obama's approval rating has dropped 10 points since the election, so the assertion that he would do as well or better in an election today than he did in November is asinine.

As far as prognostication about the 2016 election, it seems like none of the erstwhile GOP candidates will do any better at uniting the party than Romney did in 2012. Remember, he was running against an incumbent who used all of the powers of the Presidency to ensure reelection (not to mention Sandy).
Assuming Hillary will be nominated in 2016, who else would be better able to remind people of the foreign policy fiasco under her watch as Secretary of State?

All this being said, the next President will likely have to deal with the explosion of the debt/interest bomb we have been constructing. Only an ideological megalomaniac who wants to complete the transformation of America should interested in that job. On that basis, I'm not sure Romney qualifies.
Did any of you read the entire OP, or are four sentences beyond your attention span? Obama's approval rating has dropped 10 points since the election, so the assertion that he would do as well or better in an election today than he did in November is asinine.

As far as prognostication about the 2016 election, it seems like none of the erstwhile GOP candidates will do any better at uniting the party than Romney did in 2012. Remember, he was running against an incumbent who used all of the powers of the Presidency to ensure reelection (not to mention Sandy).
Assuming Hillary will be nominated in 2016, who else would be better able to remind people of the foreign policy fiasco under her watch as Secretary of State?

All this being said, the next President will likely have to deal with the explosion of the debt/interest bomb we have been constructing. Only an ideological megalomaniac who wants to complete the transformation of America should interested in that job. On that basis, I'm not sure Romney qualifies.

No he has no chance.

They would be better off picking someone new.
It is too bad that we can't have a redo of the 2012 election. I think a lot of people would change their minds about who they would prefer for President. Do you think he might have a chance in 2016? He is in excellent health and only six months older than Hillary...

No... just no... we don't need any Romney, or Perry, or Santorum, or Gingrich, etc, we don't need ANY RERUNS. We need NEW BLOOD... like CRUZ, or WEST, or the good Dr. CARSON.
It is too bad that we can't have a redo of the 2012 election. I think a lot of people would change their minds about who they would prefer for President. Do you think he might have a chance in 2016? He is in excellent health and only six months older than Hillary...

No... just no... we don't need any Romney, or Perry, or Santorum, or Gingrich, etc, we don't need ANY RERUNS. We need NEW BLOOD... like CRUZ, or WEST, or the good Dr. CARSON.

What about that black guy from Louisiana? I thought he was the new leader of the tea party now after all that fuss
It is too bad that we can't have a redo of the 2012 election. I think a lot of people would change their minds about who they would prefer for President. Do you think he might have a chance in 2016? He is in excellent health and only six months older than Hillary...

Romney (in my opinion) was a rather boring, uncharismatic candidate and a bold representation of the "establishment" in Washington. A great number Americans are fed up with "establishment" and want to see some real change. He's not your guy to do this.

I think Obama was quite beatable in 2012; all it needed was a decently strong candidate.

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It is too bad that we can't have a redo of the 2012 election. I think a lot of people would change their minds about who they would prefer for President. Do you think he might have a chance in 2016? He is in excellent health and only six months older than Hillary...

Why would you want him?
Romney was a great candidate and Obama ran a shitty campaign and still won a rigged election. Simple as that. These libtard blowhards don't want to acknowledge the reality cos they're scoundrels who support corruption. NUFF SAID.
If Romney is the candidate it locks up the election for whomever they select to carry the progressive banner. He had his chance unfortunately he was a candidate that didn't have a message nor could answer how he would reverse the current course of the US economy.
It is too bad that we can't have a redo of the 2012 election. I think a lot of people would change their minds about who they would prefer for President. Do you think he might have a chance in 2016? He is in excellent health and only six months older than Hillary...

Obama would likely win by 10 million votes this time (if we had a re-do). That would be totally awesome; he may be the one non-TEA party GOP nominee that Hillary could beat.

Bring it on!

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