Romney: Income inequality is just "envy"


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- According to Mitt Romney, the nation's growing focus on income inequality is all about envy.

"You know, I think it's about envy. I think it's about class warfare," the leading Republican presidential candidate said Wednesday on The Today Show.

When asked if there are any fair questions about wealth distribution, Romney replied, "It's fine to talk about those things in quiet rooms and discussions about tax policy and the like."

Romney: Income Inequality Is Just 'Envy' - Politics News Story - WCVB Boston
So you aren't angry with the rich because they have more money than you? Isn't that the very definition of envy?
Sweet evil Jesus, the man's a walking gaffe Machine.

Any minute now, I expect him to say, "let them eat cake!"

He paraphrases that every time he opens his mouth.

Its true that these crooks don't know we can see them.
Well let's be honest... we do envy the wealthy.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to convince 50% of the population to vote against their own interests.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to run the country into the ground, blame the government...then ask the same government for help.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to demand the government provide corporate protections, subsidies and welfare, while simultaneously denouncing "dependency" on Government.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to use their wealth to buy US public policy and law.
So you aren't angry with the rich because they have more money than you? Isn't that the very definition of envy?

Nobody is angry at rich people because they have more money. Well, none that I know of. How SOME of them get that money, that is a different story....

Also, how they use that money to influence another story, too..
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So you aren't angry with the rich because they have more money than you? Isn't that the very definition of envy?

Sure is.

What the left really hates, and who they really want to go after. Is people who have already earned their money. It pisses them off that they have Millions of Dollars in the bank and no income to tax. They ignore of course they it was taxed when it was earned, any interest on it is taxed, and when they die it will be taxed again.

They just think people should not have money laying around. Everyone should live week to week you know.


a lot of it is Envy. Yes, it is messed up that some people make Billions while other don't, But In America everyone has a chance at least to be that Billionaire. Same can't be said for most countries, and definitely can't be said for Socialist ones. Socialist Countries have a Rich elite class, it's just that the Socialist Parties who control the countries get to choose who gets to be the Billionaires, and that is exactly what the left in America wants.

To seize the money already earned by the rich to pay for their agenda.
Not envy but rather anger and resentment that they lie, steal and cheat to take money away from those who earn it and use it to line their own pockets.

I'm sick of the "job creator" lie. While the president busts his hump to actually create jobs, the lying scum like McConnell and Boehner tell us we can't expect the 1% to pay their fair share because they're creating jobs.

And, amazingly, there are actually voters who are stupidly falling for this lie.

Where are the fucking jobs then?

When Boehner was asked for the name of just ONE job creating millionaire, he could not name one. not even one.

But, he promised jobs in return for votes ad still has not come up with even one jobs bill while Congress filibusters every single jobs bill. Every one.

Who is so damn dumb they would vote again for these crooks?
So you aren't angry with the rich because they have more money than you? Isn't that the very definition of envy?

It's not an issue of being "angry" with the rich.

It's about being angry at their conduct.

In times past, the wealthy kind of understood they had obligations- to create good paying jobs, to stand up and contribute back to the society. And there are a few who still do.

The modern ones, like Mr. Romney who follow the "Greed is Good" mantra. not so much.

No sin in being rich. There is a sin in being greedy. (And I use the term "sin" in a non-religious way.)

I don't envy the rich. I often think what would I change in my life if I got hit by a lottery ticker or something, and in most of my thought expiraments, I give the money away to my relatives, maybe travel, maybe start a shop to keep myself busy, maybe dedicate myself to my writing.

Never in those do I think, "I'm going to buy up a business, screw the people who work their into taking smaller wages until I can sell off the assets at a profit." it just isn't who I am.

Maybe that's why I'm not rich, but I have no regrets.
So you aren't angry with the rich because they have more money than you? Isn't that the very definition of envy?

Sure is.

What the left really hates, and who they really want to go after. Is people who have already earned their money. It pisses them off that they have Millions of Dollars in the bank and no income to tax. They ignore of course they it was taxed when it was earned, any interest on it is taxed, and when they die it will be taxed again.

They just think people should not have money laying around. Everyone should live week to week you know.


a lot of it is Envy. Yes, it is messed up that some people make Billions while other don't, But In America everyone has a chance at least to be that Billionaire. Same can't be said for most countries, and definitely can't be said for Socialist ones. Socialist Countries have a Rich elite class, it's just that the Socialist Parties who control the countries get to choose who gets to be the Billionaires, and that is exactly what the left in America wants.

To seize the money already earned by the rich to pay for their agenda.

Attitudes like this are what people like Romney have successfully banked on.
Thanks to the very wealthy, we have seen our last legal and honest election in this country.

I do not feel any envy for that sad fact.
So you aren't angry with the rich because they have more money than you? Isn't that the very definition of envy?

Sure is.

What the left really hates, and who they really want to go after. Is people who have already earned their money. It pisses them off that they have Millions of Dollars in the bank and no income to tax. They ignore of course they it was taxed when it was earned, any interest on it is taxed, and when they die it will be taxed again.

They just think people should not have money laying around. Everyone should live week to week you know.


a lot of it is Envy. Yes, it is messed up that some people make Billions while other don't, But In America everyone has a chance at least to be that Billionaire. Same can't be said for most countries, and definitely can't be said for Socialist ones. Socialist Countries have a Rich elite class, it's just that the Socialist Parties who control the countries get to choose who gets to be the Billionaires, and that is exactly what the left in America wants.

To seize the money already earned by the rich to pay for their agenda.

Its foolish naivete like this that will ruin us.

Wise up. Turn off fochs and think for yourself.
Romney has caused a subprime disaster to us before.

Ghetto Shakedown

...The federal indictments charge that real estate dealers, lending institutions, lawyers and some FHA officials had conspired to inflate the reported value of cheap houses and sell them at high prices to people who could not really afford them. The ultimate loser was the U.S. taxpayer, since FHA guaranteed the mortgages and was left holding the low-value houses when the owners defaulted on their payments.

Responsibility for preventing such abuses rests with HUD Secretary George Romney, whose department includes the poorly administered FHA. In an eloquent if self-serving speech, Romney tried to divert attention to the broader problems of the ghetto, noting that bad housing was a result rather than a cause of ghetto squalor (see box).

That in no way could excuse what the indictments contend has happened in New York, where a Brooklyn federal grand jury charged 40 individuals and ten firms with 500 specific criminal acts, including bribery, fraud, conspiracy and giving false statements to the Government. More indictments were expected, involving a possible loss to the Government of up to $200 million....

...A real estate speculator would buy a ghetto house for $10,000. He would find a poor but working black, induce him to buy the house for $200 down, and promise that monthly mortgage payments would be low, perhaps lower than his present rent. Before guaranteeing a mortgage, FHA would send an appraiser to check the value of the property. The appraiser, who was part of the conspiracy, would get $100 from the speculator for claiming that the property was worth $20,000, and would falsify the detailed seven-page FHA appraisal form. The buyer would agree to pay that price.

To get his mortgage, the buyer would be urged to inflate his own income in his application to the FHA, which is supposed to determine whether a purchaser can really afford the housing. He would sometimes do this by listing a job he did not really hold. The indictments claim that in some cases Dun & Bradstreet would verify this baseless credit rating. FHA would agree to stand behind the mortgage, and Eastern Service would lend the buyer the money. The buyer would then often discover that the house was badly in need of repair, or that the mortgage payments were higher than he expected...
So you aren't angry with the rich because they have more money than you? Isn't that the very definition of envy?

It's not an issue of being "angry" with the rich.

It's about being angry at their conduct.

In times past, the wealthy kind of understood they had obligations- to create good paying jobs, to stand up and contribute back to the society. And there are a few who still do.

The modern ones, like Mr. Romney who follow the "Greed is Good" mantra. not so much.

No sin in being rich. There is a sin in being greedy. (And I use the term "sin" in a non-religious way.)

I don't envy the rich. I often think what would I change in my life if I got hit by a lottery ticker or something, and in most of my thought expiraments, I give the money away to my relatives, maybe travel, maybe start a shop to keep myself busy, maybe dedicate myself to my writing.

Never in those do I think, "I'm going to buy up a business, screw the people who work their into taking smaller wages until I can sell off the assets at a profit." it just isn't who I am.

Maybe that's why I'm not rich, but I have no regrets.

When I think of conservatives words like "I", "me", "mine" and "narcissist" come to mind...
Well let's be honest... we do envy the wealthy.

Then what the hell are you complaining about???

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to convince 50% of the population to vote against their own interests.

How is it against my own interest to prevent the government from robbing my neighbor? How does it hurt me if my neighbor keeps what he works for?

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to run the country into the ground, blame the government...then ask the same government for help.

Well you are the one who elected Obama.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to demand the government provide corporate protections, subsidies and welfare, while simultaneously denouncing "dependency" on Government.

Really? Because it seems like all the wealthy demanding the government provide corporate protection happen to be the same lefties who support dependency on government.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to use their wealth to buy US public policy and law.

If you envy them so much, then why don't you develop your own ability to "buy US public policy and law"? What is wrong with people with resources trying to make their country better?

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