Romney Refuses To Apologize For Condemning Dead Americans

Hyperbole, much? :lol:

Uncensored is a DNC plant on this Board, period.

Says the guy who is working for Obama, by making some of the most outrageous statements on the Board trying to move people away from Romney.

You are a plant, Uncensored.

Now you need to get back to sexually serving your male customers.

Shouldn't you be off writing the next apology to Al Qaeda, Fakey?


uncensored will sway millions of votes to Obama.

MSNAACP Headline"

Uncensored wins electon for Obama.
The embassy was desperately trying to save their own lives and he chooses that moment to kick them under the bus.

And then, incredibly, tried to blame the president.

He's an idiot and would be even worse that Bush.
Do you realize what an insult that is to the hundreds of American troops, who, in the face of overwhelming odds, fought to the very end, and sometimes won?

They did not capitulate, nor did they flinch in the face of overwhelming odds.

They returned and gave, in full measure, their devotion to our country.

So, you say that the embassy personnel should do less....

Speaks volumes for the people who promote this notion that it is okay and acceptable to capitulate to the enemy in the course of combat.......

I find you utterly contemptible. Time to put you on ignore, as you lower the IQ of amoebas.

The embassy staff were surrounded and outnumbered by an angry mob, trying to by time for reinforcements to arrive. Suggesting that they should have died fighting instead of trying to calm the violence is a low blow.

Main problem is that the embassy did not have high enough security on 9/11 after we were warned about a probable attack by our intelligence. And the little security we had there were not allowed to bring live ammunition?? I understand maybe trying to buy time is the reasoning this was said, but the fact is is that the embassy was grossly under-prepared and put themselves in a very bad situation. Why were they under-prepared in a very dangerous situation, b/c of Obama's disengaging foreign policy. He is clearly trying to limit our presence in the middle east (i.e. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libyia, Syria), but is still leaving a very vunerable presence there, b/c he does not want to offend. Either pack it all up, or keep a strong garrison. I don't think that you can argue against the disengagement policy put our embassy in a very bad posistion where they "had" to apologize for something they never should have, a video that is just a front for a clear terrorist attack.
Opinion: "Why were they under-prepared in a very dangerous situation, b/c of Obama's disengaging foreign policy."

Evidence for Opinion: "None"
Just saw where Romney is refusing to apologize for his politically motivated statement that the Americans in the Embassy, fearing for their lives, were terrorist sympathizers.

What a pompous self righteous ass Romney is...

It is shameful that Romney would use the death of a U.S. Ambassador as an opportunity to lambast the speech of that very same U.S. Ambassador!

Let me explain a few things that intelligent people call facts.

  1. Romney criticized the statement released by the US Embassy in Egypt.
  2. So did Obama.
  3. At the time he made that statement the consulate in Benghazi had not been attacked.
  4. Ambassador Stevens did not make the statement released by the embassy in Egypt.
  5. The attack in Libya was a planned attack that was condemned by the Libyan government.
  6. The government in Egypt condemned the guy who made the film.
In other words, if we look at facts, your statement is not worthy of the styling edits I implemented, much less the bold size 5 font you used.

1. Romeny said that the President apologized to the attackers and sympathized with them.

2. In reality the President condemned the attackers and the movie. And he went on to say that the movie did not justify any attacks anywhere.
The president condemned the attackers.

The president also condemned the movie but that it was not grounds for violence anywhere.

The is not a 'Reagan 1980 Embassy moment' that Romney can exploit successfully.

We all need to remember that Romney is not Reagan and there is no John Anderson third party.
He just didn't go far enough, like condemning the Egyptian Ambassador for imposing a bizarre sort of gun control on the guards by taking away their ammunition.
It is shameful that Romney would use the death of a U.S. Ambassador as an opportunity to lambast the speech of that very same U.S. Ambassador!

Let me explain a few things that intelligent people call facts.

  1. Romney criticized the statement released by the US Embassy in Egypt.
  2. So did Obama.
  3. At the time he made that statement the consulate in Benghazi had not been attacked.
  4. Ambassador Stevens did not make the statement released by the embassy in Egypt.
  5. The attack in Libya was a planned attack that was condemned by the Libyan government.
  6. The government in Egypt condemned the guy who made the film.
In other words, if we look at facts, your statement is not worthy of the styling edits I implemented, much less the bold size 5 font you used.

1. Romeny said that the President apologized to the attackers and sympathized with them.

2. In reality the President condemned the attackers and the movie. And he went on to say that the movie did not justify any attacks anywhere.

So why mention it?
Condemnation of the movie and calling it an "abuse" of freedom of speech is an apology for freedom of speech.

Fuck Obama, and fuck Islam. The world would be better off without them.
They aren't *rioting* over anything Terry Jones said.

They are attacking US embassies and threatening US campuses at the express command and under the direction of al Quaida.
Opinion: "Why were they under-prepared in a very dangerous situation, b/c of Obama's disengaging foreign policy."

Evidence for Opinion: "None"

evidence for opinion:

-They were warned about possible embassy attack

-They had a whooping 4 marines gaurding the embassy without live ammunition

-They were stupid enough to believe that the video was the real reason was the radical islamist were pissed off at America all of a sudden and felt the need to apologize for it.
Nope, no credible warning of an attack on the consulate.

Nope, no credible warning of an attack on the consulate.

Nope, no one apologized for the video at the WH. Someone at the Egyptian embassy, before the riots went wild, said the video was wrong but that it was not grounds for violence.
Romney lied, period, and I apologize to him for all us who are going to vote for him.

Part of it is that he is LDS, and they do not apologize to non-Mormons for anything.

Mitt may have sealed his defeat with the lying and the refusal to acknowledge the lies.
Nope, no credible warning of an attack on the consulate.

Nope, no credible warning of an attack on the consulate.

Nope, no one apologized for the video at the WH. Someone at the Egyptian embassy, before the riots went wild, said the video was wrong but that it was not grounds for violence.

Here is proof of the warning. US intelligence warned embassy in Egypt of concern about anti-Muslim film – CNN Security Clearance - Blogs

And yes Hilary apologized for the video... twice, once even in our own state building. May not have used the word apology, but went on how its disgraceful and haneous... so she might have well.
Get it right. This was not intelligence about an attack or a warning of an attack. Read very carefully from your sources.

The cable did not discuss any specific threat, the official said. It warned instead about the existence of the movie being posted on the internet and the fact that it was gaining attention. A seven minute portion of the movie aired on an Egyptian TV talk show the weekend before the protests started, according to a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Bureau of Intelligence memo obtained by CNN on Thursday.

The cable was not sent to the embassy in Tripoli, Libya or the consulate in Benghazi. US officials have said there was no intelligence ahead of the attack in Benghazi, which intelligence officials still believe was not planned. The White House spokesman Jay Carney said Friday there was no "actionable intelligence" indicating an attack was being planned.
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Romney jumped the gun and now he can't take it back.

All politicians stick their foot in their mouth, but Romney does more than most.
Get it right. This was not intelligence about an attack or a warning of an attack. Read very carefully from your sources.

The cable did not discuss any specific threat, the official said. It warned instead about the existence of the movie being posted on the internet and the fact that it was gaining attention. A seven minute portion of the movie aired on an Egyptian TV talk show the weekend before the protests started, according to a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Bureau of Intelligence memo obtained by CNN on Thursday.

The cable was not sent to the embassy in Tripoli, Libya or the consulate in Benghazi. US officials have said there was no intelligence ahead of the attack in Benghazi, which intelligence officials still believe was not planned. The White House spokesman Jay Carney said Friday there was no "actionable intelligence" indicating an attack was being planned.

Then why send the report specifically to the Egyptian embassy? "Oh hey, not really important, but you might wanna know there's a video out there, might piss some people off, but don't do anything about it like ramp up security, even though its 9/11 and history has shown us that terrorist love to ramp up their attacks on the anniversary of 9/11 against our troops in afghan an iraq. But yea, you should be fine with 4 marines and no live ammo, thats probably a good idea."

Is that the reason they sent the report? Mind you this article is from CNN so ofcourse theyre going to spin it so nobody they like looks incompetant. But I highly doubt that the report was sent just for the heck of it. Your thoughts
Romney lied, period, and I apologize to him for all us who are going to vote for him.

Part of it is that he is LDS, and they do not apologize to non-Mormons for anything.

Mitt may have sealed his defeat with the lying and the refusal to acknowledge the lies.

You're so phony
Romney jumped the gun and now he can't take it back.

All politicians stick their foot in their mouth, but Romney does more than most.

I still dont get how he jumped the gun, I dont see how you can think its right to apologize for the video. Like I said before an embassy in crises mode is going to look to the administration for direction, even if the administraition did not tell them to apologize, it was still the wrong decision to make. If it wasn't the wrong decision then why is the administration backpeddling from it and distancing themselves???

And right in the middle of the crises, after the ambassador was killed Obama decided to go to Vegas and pick up a check for his campaign fundraiser. Guess what, Isreal urgently wants to set up a meeting with Obama concerning the nuclear situation in Iran, what does Obama do... Sorry Isreal no time, I have a more urgent meeting with letterman, jay-z, and beyonce.
You are spinning your own report?

Romney got it wrong and won't apologize.

Which answers your post #299 above as well.

Get it right. This was not intelligence about an attack or a warning of an attack. Read very carefully from your sources.

The cable did not discuss any specific threat, the official said. It warned instead about the existence of the movie being posted on the internet and the fact that it was gaining attention. A seven minute portion of the movie aired on an Egyptian TV talk show the weekend before the protests started, according to a Department of Homeland Security/Federal Bureau of Intelligence memo obtained by CNN on Thursday.

The cable was not sent to the embassy in Tripoli, Libya or the consulate in Benghazi. US officials have said there was no intelligence ahead of the attack in Benghazi, which intelligence officials still believe was not planned. The White House spokesman Jay Carney said Friday there was no "actionable intelligence" indicating an attack was being planned.

Then why send the report specifically to the Egyptian embassy? "Oh hey, not really important, but you might wanna know there's a video out there, might piss some people off, but don't do anything about it like ramp up security, even though its 9/11 and history has shown us that terrorist love to ramp up their attacks on the anniversary of 9/11 against our troops in afghan an iraq. But yea, you should be fine with 4 marines and no live ammo, thats probably a good idea."

Is that the reason they sent the report? Mind you this article is from CNN so ofcourse theyre going to spin it so nobody they like looks incompetant. But I highly doubt that the report was sent just for the heck of it. Your thoughts
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