Romney Refuses To Apologize For Condemning Dead Americans

What do I know? I'm an Irish Catholic who could care less about what Mohammed said.

You're as "Irish Catholic" as Fakey Jake is a Republican. But that is irrelevant. The video is a fake, planted to cover up / excuse the terrorist attack; making Obama all the more a fool for apologizing for it.

If I want to know what Mohammed said, I'll ask Joe Frazier.

Wouldn't it be easier to read the Koran, or ask your Imam?
When you come up to speed on the issues and events of this, I will talk to you then.

In meantime, come up to speed.
Obama is responsible, yes, and he is taking responsbility.

Romney comes out firing without knowing what is going, twelve hours when he then knows what happened, he keeps firing, and does not even condemn Jones and the film maker.

Romney ignores that christian and muslim Libyans died trying to protect Americans.

I think Romney's advisers convinced him that this was an "Iran 1979 Embassy opportunity for Reagan."

The killing was NOT the result of the video. That was simply a feeble excuse. The killing was because of a gang of radical Muslim nuts who (a) hate America and (b) love to destroy.

What Christian and Libyan Muslims died?

Don't do me any favors. According to ABC News, only the four Americans died. Do you have credible information to the contrary, or are you just running off at the mouth?
fats, you are looking stupid. This is not a debate society, and I am not holding your dick for you. Uncensored will be glad to do that.

Muslims and Christians from Libya died trying to defend Americans.
He shouldn't apologize, he's right as usual. Not surprizing to me that a obama kool aid drinker like yourself would try to spin it otherwise.

spin? Romney condemned the statements put out by the Americans in the Embassy fearing for their lives... all for political gain

Surely, you are not ignorant enough to believe those statements were put out because the embassy people were in fear of their lives? But, you are an Obama bot, and that would be par for the course.

Romney was right on the money, and his statement was accurate. Now, the left wing needs to find some grain of spin to attempt to reverse the damage to Obama.

Obama was so concerned about what is happening in the Middle East, that he took a very short break from his fund raising to attempt to look like a real president. He failed.
Yesterday we noted that Mitt Romney, down in the polls after the convention, was throwing the kitchen sink at President Obama. Little did we know the kitchen sink would include -- on the anniversary of 9/11 -- one of the most over-the-top and (it turns out) incorrect attacks of the general-election campaign . Last night after 10:00 pm ET, Romney released a statement on the attacks on the U.S. embassies in Egypt and Libya. After saying he was “outraged” by these attacks and the death of an American consulate worker, Romney said, “It's disgraceful that the Obama administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions, but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks.” Yet after learning every piece of new information about those attacks, the Romney statement looks worse and worse -- and simply off-key. First, Romney was referring to a statement that the U.S. embassy in Egypt issued condemning the “efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims.” But that embassy statement, which the White House has distanced itself from, was in reference to an anti-Islam movie and anti-Islam pastor Terry Jones, and it came out BEFORE the embassy attacks began. Then this morning, we learned that the U.S. ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, and others died in one of the attacks
First Thoughts: Over the top - First Read

Just saw where Romney is refusing to apologize for his politically motivated statement that the Americans in the Embassy, fearing for their lives, were terrorist sympathizers.

What a pompous self righteous ass Romney is...

Indeed, Romney and others on the right are truly reprehensible, and irresponsible.
fats, you are looking stupid. This is not a debate society, and I am not holding your dick for you. Uncensored will be glad to do that.

Muslims and Christians from Libya died trying to defend Americans.

Not looking as stupid as some "tough guy" who posts crap he can't back up. I'm not interested in debating you, just showing that you post lies. There's nothing weaker than that.
You can look it up, if you want.

Yes, Romney may well have cost the election on this. Damn I am mad.

Obama is responsible, yes, and he is taking responsbility.

Romney comes out firing without knowing what is going, twelve hours when he then knows what happened, he keeps firing, and does not even condemn Jones and the film maker.

Romney ignores that christian and muslim Libyans died trying to protect Americans.

I think Romney's advisers convinced him that this was an "Iran 1979 Embassy opportunity for Reagan."

Senator McCain, the last GOP candidate in 08, who I really admire, said this morning that Romney handled it poorly.

so we are just suppose to take your word on this..You big Republican Romney supporter

Please Jake, join the opposition. ..... Pretty Please......
Google it. I am not carrying water for extremist righties to spill. Do your own due diligence.

fats, you are looking stupid. This is not a debate society, and I am not holding your dick for you. Uncensored will be glad to do that.

Muslims and Christians from Libya died trying to defend Americans.

Not looking as stupid as some "tough guy" who posts crap he can't back up. I'm not interested in debating you, just showing that you post lies. There's nothing weaker than that.
You far righties are as confused as you have ever been, Uncensored.

Back to your male customers, kiddo.
The embassy was desperately trying to save their own lives and he chooses that moment to kick them under the bus.

And then, incredibly, tried to blame the president.

He's an idiot and would be even worse that Bush.
Do you realize what an insult that is to the hundreds of American troops, who, in the face of overwhelming odds, fought to the very end, and sometimes won?

They did not capitulate, nor did they flinch in the face of overwhelming odds.

They returned and gave, in full measure, their devotion to our country.

So, you say that the embassy personnel should do less....

Speaks volumes for the people who promote this notion that it is okay and acceptable to capitulate to the enemy in the course of combat.......

I find you utterly contemptible. Time to put you on ignore, as you lower the IQ of amoebas.
Says the guy who is working for Obama, by making some of the most outrageous statements on the Board trying to move people away from Romney.

You are a plant, Uncensored.

Now you need to get back to sexually serving your male customers.

I can't do a thing about Obama and neither can you.

But we can be far more careful while trying to win this election.

Shouldn't you be off writing the next apology to Al Qaeda, Fakey?


uncensored will sway millions of votes to Obama.

MSNAACP Headline"

Uncensored wins electon for Obama.
That quote in no way suggests that the Americans in the Consulate were terrorist sympathizers. It quite clearly shows that the Obama administration had no clue as to why the attack occurred in spite of the warning from the Zawahiri video.

However, your completely skewed interpretation of it is very instructive to a new participant. You have no idea what you're ranting about, do you?

At the time of the statement Obama administration had not made a comment. The American Hostages made a statement fearing for their lives. surely you're not suggesting Romney only thinks it was a statement sympathizing with terrorists if Obama said the statement?

So where in any of what anyone has said are Americans in the Consulate called terrorist sympathisers?

He called the statement" sympathizing with the attackers" the attackers (I assume) could be called terrorists.
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The embassy was desperately trying to save their own lives and he chooses that moment to kick them under the bus.

And then, incredibly, tried to blame the president.

He's an idiot and would be even worse that Bush.
Do you realize what an insult that is to the hundreds of American troops, who, in the face of overwhelming odds, fought to the very end, and sometimes won?

They did not capitulate, nor did they flinch in the face of overwhelming odds.

They returned and gave, in full measure, their devotion to our country.

So, you say that the embassy personnel should do less....

Speaks volumes for the people who promote this notion that it is okay and acceptable to capitulate to the enemy in the course of combat.......

I find you utterly contemptible. Time to put you on ignore, as you lower the IQ of amoebas.

The embassy staff were surrounded and outnumbered by an angry mob, trying to by time for reinforcements to arrive. Suggesting that they should have died fighting instead of trying to calm the violence is a low blow.

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