Romney Supported Vietnam War, Demonstrated Against Demonstrators, and then Avoided Dr

Aug 7, 2012
Romney Supported Vietnam War, Demonstrated Against Demonstrators, and then Avoided Draft

A picture taken on May 20, 1966, clearly shows a 19-year old Romney, whose father was at the time Michigan’s governor, standing with pro-war University president Wallace Sterling. To the young Romney, anti-war activists hoping to end the draft — and the senseless deaths of nearly 60,000 young American men — should not sit-in, they should sit down and shut up in preparation for potential deployment.

What a guy with a still "do as I say, not as I do" attitude even today!:-bd
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Romney Supported Vietnam War, Demonstrated Against Demonstrators, and then Avoided Draft

A picture taken on May 20, 1966, clearly shows a 19-year old Romney, whose father was at the time Michigan’s governor, standing with pro-war University president Wallace Sterling. To the young Romney, anti-war activists hoping to end the draft — and the senseless deaths of nearly 60,000 young American men — should not sit-in, they should sit down and shut up in preparation for potential deployment.

What a guy with a still "do as I say, not as I do" attitude even today!:-bd

Where did you and Obama serve, asswipe.
Romney Supported Vietnam War, Demonstrated Against Demonstrators, and then Avoided Draft

A picture taken on May 20, 1966, clearly shows a 19-year old Romney, whose father was at the time Michigan’s governor, standing with pro-war University president Wallace Sterling. To the young Romney, anti-war activists hoping to end the draft — and the senseless deaths of nearly 60,000 young American men — should not sit-in, they should sit down and shut up in preparation for potential deployment.

What a guy with a still "do as I say, not as I do" attitude even today!:-bd

Where did you and Obama serve, asswipe.

This isn't about Obama. He didn't even exist during the majority of the viet nam war. As usual your filthy language and your cluelessness and constant negging of me tells what a lowlife you are.

Romney was in favor of the war but had a student exemption. If he had the gall to stand up and support the war amidst protestors of the war, he should have had the balls to sign up and serve. THAT is the point!

Obama is trying to end the wars we are involved in, not continue them so the fact that he didn't serve isn't the same as it is with Romney or other presidents like Bush who didn't serve but yet sent our soldiers to war.
Romney Supported Vietnam War, Demonstrated Against Demonstrators, and then Avoided Draft

A picture taken on May 20, 1966, clearly shows a 19-year old Romney, whose father was at the time Michigan’s governor, standing with pro-war University president Wallace Sterling. To the young Romney, anti-war activists hoping to end the draft — and the senseless deaths of nearly 60,000 young American men — should not sit-in, they should sit down and shut up in preparation for potential deployment.

What a guy with a still "do as I say, not as I do" attitude even today!:-bd

Where did you and Obama serve, asswipe.

I was just about to post the same damned thing. Beat me to it.
Did Romney leave the country to avoid the draft like Clinton did?

Clinton didn't FAVOR the war like Romney did. That is the difference. He got an exemption thanks to daddy but still thought we should send our young men to die! He's a hypocrite and always has been apparently.
LOL... fucking draft-dodger Romney. Coward!

He's always been cowardly. He wants to be president so he can be a big, powerful man on the outside while being a sniveling coward on the inside. His decisions or lack thereof are cowardly, his campaign is cowardly because he won't give details about how he plans to fix things (that's because he can't/won't/doesn't know how). He's a lot of talk and no substance!
Romney Supported Vietnam War, Demonstrated Against Demonstrators, and then Avoided Draft

A picture taken on May 20, 1966, clearly shows a 19-year old Romney, whose father was at the time Michigan’s governor, standing with pro-war University president Wallace Sterling. To the young Romney, anti-war activists hoping to end the draft — and the senseless deaths of nearly 60,000 young American men — should not sit-in, they should sit down and shut up in preparation for potential deployment.

What a guy with a still "do as I say, not as I do" attitude even today!:-bd

Our liberal thumb-suckers are at it again---:badgrin::badgrin:

Barry had every single opportunity to enter the Gulf one war and DIDN'T. Joe Biden is NOT a Viet Nam vet either. Bill Clinton is NOT a Viet Nam vet either.
Romney Supported Vietnam War, Demonstrated Against Demonstrators, and then Avoided Draft

A picture taken on May 20, 1966, clearly shows a 19-year old Romney, whose father was at the time Michigan’s governor, standing with pro-war University president Wallace Sterling. To the young Romney, anti-war activists hoping to end the draft — and the senseless deaths of nearly 60,000 young American men — should not sit-in, they should sit down and shut up in preparation for potential deployment.

What a guy with a still "do as I say, not as I do" attitude even today!:-bd

Romney had a 2-S student deferment (the same thing I would have been qualified for had I not already completed my active obligation and not been in the Army Reserve). You are aware that still exposed him to the draft as soon as he graduated and that many of those who had such deferments either were subsequently drafted or enlisted voluntarily, aren't you? Show me where he received an induction notice and failed to report for duty, and I might see some point to your accusation.

By the way, did YOU serve in Vietnam? What was your MOS? Mine was 1542, with an SQI prefix-you guess which one. Google it, if you don't know what that is (as I suspect you do not). I did thirteen months and seventeen days in Vietnam, humping a ruck and killing VC and NVA in I Corps. Where were YOU at the time-carrying a VC flag and running down your country, or was the better part of you still running down into the wet spot on the bed? From where I sit, those of us who served there, have earned the right to decide whether we consider someone who didn't go to Vietnam to be a coward or not. If you didn't serve in Vietnam, you have not earned that privilege.
Can't say I respect this about Romney but Obama never attempted to serve even in peace time so it becomes a moot point to me.

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