Romney won't repudiate Trump on birther issue

Just shows what idiots the rw's are. They will support this lily livered, mealy mouthed twerp even though its obvious that he does not have his own opinions about anything.

Like Norquist said - all the GObP needs is someone to sign when and where he's told to sign.

Mittens is the perfect pub/bag candidate.

If he can't have and state an opinion on this ASSinine issue, how is gonna represent the United States on the world stage? President Obama has made huge progress for the US - Kiss it all goodbye if the pub overlords get more power than they now have.
Just shows what idiots the rw's are. They will support this lily livered, mealy mouthed twerp even though its obvious that he does not have his own opinions about anything.

Like Norquist said - all the GObP needs is someone to sign when and where he's told to sign.

Mittens is the perfect pub/bag candidate.

If he can't have and state an opinion on this ASSinine issue, how is gonna represent the United States on the world stage? President Obama has made huge progress for the US - Kiss it all goodbye if the pub overlords get more power than they now have.

tell us the media isn't think they would EVER write something about Obama not repudiating anything his crazy supporters say?

AP is especially a lapdog for obama
The Associated Press: Romney won't repudiate Trump on birther issue

By STEVE PEOPLES, Associated Press – 3 minutes ago
SAN DIEGO (AP) — Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney isn't taking a position on supporter Donald Trump's return to the controversy over where President Barack Obama was born.

So, the left is mad because Romney won't take the bait and play their stupid game? He is going to concentrate on the real issues that people are concerned about, but the media will continue to throw this stuff out there to divert attention from the economy and unemployment. Let Trump do what he wants, but why is the left so insistent on dragging Romney into it? Funny how the media encourages people like Trump and offers up tons of coverage. Meanwhile, they ignore important developments that make Obama look bad.
That's not surprising at all. Trump is as big of an idiot as Romney. When I see them together I'd like to barf all over them!!!
Just shows what idiots the rw's are. They will support this lily livered, mealy mouthed twerp even though its obvious that he does not have his own opinions about anything.

Like Norquist said - all the GObP needs is someone to sign when and where he's told to sign.

Mittens is the perfect pub/bag candidate.

If he can't have and state an opinion on this ASSinine issue, how is gonna represent the United States on the world stage? President Obama has made huge progress for the US - Kiss it all goodbye if the pub overlords get more power than they now have.


So if the left thinks this birther issue is so important than Romney needs to comment on it then when the hell is Obama going to give us his opinion on or repudiate the Romney bullying story. After all the Post felt that was so important they gave it front page status and dedicated 5000 words to it now as we remember this story was about Romney leading a group and jumping a alleged gay kid and cutting his hair and the story is out a mere 24 hours after Obama decides he supports gay marriage again. Now this incident took place all most 50 years ago but it did have gay issues attached to it so the way I see it the story was either important enough for the President to comment on or it was so irrelevant he should have repudiated it now when the President wants to do one or the other I will support Romney taking a stand on the birther stuff on way or the other until then spare us this Romney needs to comment on the birther issue bull shit.
The Associated Press: Romney won't repudiate Trump on birther issue

By STEVE PEOPLES, Associated Press – 3 minutes ago
SAN DIEGO (AP) — Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney isn't taking a position on supporter Donald Trump's return to the controversy over where President Barack Obama was born.

So, the left is mad because Romney won't take the bait and play their stupid game? He is going to concentrate on the real issues that people are concerned about, but the media will continue to throw this stuff out there to divert attention from the economy and unemployment. Let Trump do what he wants, but why is the left so insistent on dragging Romney into it? Funny how the media encourages people like Trump and offers up tons of coverage. Meanwhile, they ignore important developments that make Obama look bad.

The media made trump open his mouth and they made Romney use Trump for a fund raiser
Just shows what idiots the rw's are. They will support this lily livered, mealy mouthed twerp even though its obvious that he does not have his own opinions about anything.

Like Norquist said - all the GObP needs is someone to sign when and where he's told to sign.

Mittens is the perfect pub/bag candidate.

If he can't have and state an opinion on this ASSinine issue, how is gonna represent the United States on the world stage? President Obama has made huge progress for the US - Kiss it all goodbye if the pub overlords get more power than they now have.


So if the left thinks this birther issue is so important than Romney needs to comment on it then when the hell is Obama going to give us his opinion on or repudiate the Romney bullying story. After all the Post felt that was so important they gave it front page status and dedicated 5000 words to it now as we remember this story was about Romney leading a group and jumping a alleged gay kid and cutting his hair and the story is out a mere 24 hours after Obama decides he supports gay marriage again. Now this incident took place all most 50 years ago but it did have gay issues attached to it so the way I see it the story was either important enough for the President to comment on or it was so irrelevant he should have repudiated it now when the President wants to do one or the other I will support Romney taking a stand on the birther stuff on way or the other until then spare us this Romney needs to comment on the birther issue bull shit.

Romney doesn't need to comment on it. He's a pussy and he's going to lose anyway, so he might as well go the birther route.
Romney is a pussy. He can't even stand up to right wingers who chased away his foreign policy adviser. He couldn't take down one shy kid. He had to talk 5 other guys into doing it for him.

all that civility and vulgarity from you people lately is touching

So if the left thinks this birther issue is so important than Romney needs to comment on it then when the hell is Obama going to give us his opinion on or repudiate the Romney bullying story. After all the Post felt that was so important they gave it front page status and dedicated 5000 words to it now as we remember this story was about Romney leading a group and jumping a alleged gay kid and cutting his hair and the story is out a mere 24 hours after Obama decides he supports gay marriage again. Now this incident took place all most 50 years ago but it did have gay issues attached to it so the way I see it the story was either important enough for the President to comment on or it was so irrelevant he should have repudiated it now when the President wants to do one or the other I will support Romney taking a stand on the birther stuff on way or the other until then spare us this Romney needs to comment on the birther issue bull shit.

Romney doesn't need to comment on it. He's a pussy and he's going to lose anyway, so he might as well go the birther route.
Calling someone a pussy on the intelligent discourse scale I believe that puts you one step below the birthers.
So if the left thinks this birther issue is so important than Romney needs to comment on it then when the hell is Obama going to give us his opinion on or repudiate the Romney bullying story. After all the Post felt that was so important they gave it front page status and dedicated 5000 words to it now as we remember this story was about Romney leading a group and jumping a alleged gay kid and cutting his hair and the story is out a mere 24 hours after Obama decides he supports gay marriage again. Now this incident took place all most 50 years ago but it did have gay issues attached to it so the way I see it the story was either important enough for the President to comment on or it was so irrelevant he should have repudiated it now when the President wants to do one or the other I will support Romney taking a stand on the birther stuff on way or the other until then spare us this Romney needs to comment on the birther issue bull shit.

Romney doesn't need to comment on it. He's a pussy and he's going to lose anyway, so he might as well go the birther route.
Calling someone a pussy on the intelligent discourse scale I believe that puts you one step below the birthers.

You are right I should have used the words gutless, and weak to describe Romney.

P.S. Romney will lose the general election.
Just shows what idiots the rw's are. They will support this lily livered, mealy mouthed twerp even though its obvious that he does not have his own opinions about anything.

Like Norquist said - all the GObP needs is someone to sign when and where he's told to sign.

Mittens is the perfect pub/bag candidate.

If he can't have and state an opinion on this ASSinine issue, how is gonna represent the United States on the world stage? President Obama has made huge progress for the US - Kiss it all goodbye if the pub overlords get more power than they now have.


So if the left thinks this birther issue is so important than Romney needs to comment on it then when the hell is Obama going to give us his opinion on or repudiate the Romney bullying story. After all the Post felt that was so important they gave it front page status and dedicated 5000 words to it now as we remember this story was about Romney leading a group and jumping a alleged gay kid and cutting his hair and the story is out a mere 24 hours after Obama decides he supports gay marriage again. Now this incident took place all most 50 years ago but it did have gay issues attached to it so the way I see it the story was either important enough for the President to comment on or it was so irrelevant he should have repudiated it now when the President wants to do one or the other I will support Romney taking a stand on the birther stuff on way or the other until then spare us this Romney needs to comment on the birther issue bull shit.

You really think that the Romney issue = the birther issue? Really!??
Romney is a pussy. He can't even stand up to right wingers who chased away his foreign policy adviser. He couldn't take down one shy kid. He had to talk 5 other guys into doing it for him.

all that civility and vulgarity from you people lately is touching
Yes and all of it from the people who want to preach to the rest us about being civil, understanding, and respectful of the views and opinions of other's. The next time some of you want to use the words radical, extremist, bigoted, or hate filled to describe someone else you should take a hard look at yourself first.
I think the lapdog media is starting to see the writing on the wall..and they aren't good for Obama

That is why we get crap like this and articles about Romney in HIGH school....tsk tsk

So if the left thinks this birther issue is so important than Romney needs to comment on it then when the hell is Obama going to give us his opinion on or repudiate the Romney bullying story. After all the Post felt that was so important they gave it front page status and dedicated 5000 words to it now as we remember this story was about Romney leading a group and jumping a alleged gay kid and cutting his hair and the story is out a mere 24 hours after Obama decides he supports gay marriage again. Now this incident took place all most 50 years ago but it did have gay issues attached to it so the way I see it the story was either important enough for the President to comment on or it was so irrelevant he should have repudiated it now when the President wants to do one or the other I will support Romney taking a stand on the birther stuff on way or the other until then spare us this Romney needs to comment on the birther issue bull shit.

You really think that the Romney issue = the birther issue? Really!??
I think both issues are irrelevant but if you want Romney to comment on one then Obama can dam sure comment on the other or even better both sides can shut up about both and focus on issues that really matter.
Romney doesn't need to comment on it. He's a pussy and he's going to lose anyway, so he might as well go the birther route.
Calling someone a pussy on the intelligent discourse scale I believe that puts you one step below the birthers.

You are right I should have used the words gutless, and weak to describe Romney.

P.S. Romney will lose the general election.

Congratulations you moved up three inches on the scale.

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