Romney's Disconcerting Overseas Campaign Poll

Will Romney Insult Israel and Our Arab Allies?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • He'll blame Obama

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • Romney will join the PLO to gain Arab-American votes in USA

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
Governor Romney is a good and decent man. He won't intentionally embarrass the country.

hello? Good and decent men and women constantly do stupid things in the pursuit of profit and power. Romney has been corrupted by his pursuits, and no amount of tithing to his weird church can help that in this world, the world of the here and now: reality.

true story

Ohhh the Outrage!!!!!!!!!


Yea I saw the Olympics stuff and it was a big to do over nothing. I really don't give a damn what other countries have to say about our presidential candidates. But if you want to talk about international approval, Obama is single digits in Israel.

I look back and laugh at Obama going to the Olympics announcement, convinced that his cult of personality was enough to get Chicago the Olympics. Ever since then, it's been hard knocks. It's what happens when people realize you're a bag of contaminated air.
In just a year, Jewish Israelis’ opinion of President Barack Obama has turned on its head, according to a new Saban Center for Middle East Policy poll.

A majority, or 54 percent, now say they have a favorable view of the U.S. president — a year ago, just 41 percent of those polled viewed Obama in a positive light.

Read more: Poll: Barack Obama rising with Jews - in Israel - Mackenzie Weinger -

The reported utility of the overseas tour was to give Romney some foreign policy chops supposedly. If that was the actual intent-- going to England, Poland and Israel isn't exactly the three most crucial nations to America's long term growth is it? Israel, I get sort of. But he should have went to China, India and Saudi Arabia if he was serious about it.

I'm beginning to think that the Governor realizes it's over too.
Yea I saw the Olympics stuff and it was a big to do over nothing. I really don't give a damn what other countries have to say about our presidential candidates. But if you want to talk about international approval, Obama is single digits in Israel.

I look back and laugh at Obama going to the Olympics announcement, convinced that his cult of personality was enough to get Chicago the Olympics. Ever since then, it's been hard knocks. It's what happens when people realize you're a bag of contaminated air.
In just a year, Jewish Israelis’ opinion of President Barack Obama has turned on its head, according to a new Saban Center for Middle East Policy poll.

A majority, or 54 percent, now say they have a favorable view of the U.S. president — a year ago, just 41 percent of those polled viewed Obama in a positive light.

Read more: Poll: Barack Obama rising with Jews - in Israel - Mackenzie Weinger -

The reported utility of the overseas tour was to give Romney some foreign policy chops supposedly. If that was the actual intent-- going to England, Poland and Israel isn't exactly the three most crucial nations to America's long term growth is it? Israel, I get sort of. But he should have went to China, India and Saudi Arabia if he was serious about it.

I'm beginning to think that the Governor realizes it's over too.

Yea I saw the Olympics stuff and it was a big to do over nothing. I really don't give a damn what other countries have to say about our presidential candidates. But if you want to talk about international approval, Obama is single digits in Israel.

I look back and laugh at Obama going to the Olympics announcement, convinced that his cult of personality was enough to get Chicago the Olympics. Ever since then, it's been hard knocks. It's what happens when people realize you're a bag of contaminated air.

More delusion by Gatsby...

Daled Amos: Does Obama's 54% Approval Rating With Israelis Constitute A Surge? (Updated)

The poll, from the Brookings Institution, finds that 54% of Jewish Israelis have a favorable view of President Obama. That is an increase of 13% over the 2010 survey, when 41% had a positive view of the president.
Yea I saw the Olympics stuff and it was a big to do over nothing. I really don't give a damn what other countries have to say about our presidential candidates. But if you want to talk about international approval, Obama is single digits in Israel.

I look back and laugh at Obama going to the Olympics announcement, convinced that his cult of personality was enough to get Chicago the Olympics. Ever since then, it's been hard knocks. It's what happens when people realize you're a bag of contaminated air.

More delusion by Gatsby...

Daled Amos: Does Obama's 54% Approval Rating With Israelis Constitute A Surge? (Updated)

The poll, from the Brookings Institution, finds that 54% of Jewish Israelis have a favorable view of President Obama. That is an increase of 13% over the 2010 survey, when 41% had a positive view of the president.

yeah, the Not-so-Great-Gatsby lies in a world of his own. :lol:
Yea I saw the Olympics stuff and it was a big to do over nothing. I really don't give a damn what other countries have to say about our presidential candidates. But if you want to talk about international approval, Obama is single digits in Israel.

I look back and laugh at Obama going to the Olympics announcement, convinced that his cult of personality was enough to get Chicago the Olympics. Ever since then, it's been hard knocks. It's what happens when people realize you're a bag of contaminated air.

Our allies might not like Obama, but the scum of the earth, like Chavez, are behind him 100%. Why would ruthless dictators want Obama to stay in office? Mind boggling, isn't it?
Yea I saw the Olympics stuff and it was a big to do over nothing. I really don't give a damn what other countries have to say about our presidential candidates. But if you want to talk about international approval, Obama is single digits in Israel.

I look back and laugh at Obama going to the Olympics announcement, convinced that his cult of personality was enough to get Chicago the Olympics. Ever since then, it's been hard knocks. It's what happens when people realize you're a bag of contaminated air.

Our allies might not like Obama, but the scum of the earth, like Chavez, are behind him 100%. Why would ruthless dictators want Obama to stay in office? Mind boggling, isn't it?

Our allies didn't like George. They like O
No Dante. I can argue any issue straight up. You just come on here to troll like a little kid. There's no irony, just you trolling as usual. Anyways, I'm done with you. In fact, I'm just putting your sorry ass on ignore. You just don't bring anything to the table.

Of course he does, we need ignorant little maggots like him to make it easier to recognize the good people. And he's so damned good at it, must of had years of pracitce, but I bet he's a lonley guy, being such a shithead and all.
It takes a special turd to even come up with a poll like this since Romney has been friends with Israels Prime Minister for 30+ years. Yep takes a special kind of stupid. Good job there danty, good job.

It takes a special turd to even come up with a poll like this since Romney has been friends with Israels Prime Minister for 30+ years. Yep takes a special kind of stupid. Good job there danty, good job.


Romney is a Mormon. He can't truly love Israel.

No Jew believes this shit: The Book of Mormon tells of families of the Tribe of Manasseh and the Tribe of Ephraim that migrated from Jerusalem to an unknown location in the Americas. :cuckoo:
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Romney's Disconcerting Overseas Campaign Poll

Romney has the midas golden touch with money...but with politics and speech?

Romney will be visiting other nations to display his Presidential candidate skills abroad (remember candidate Obama's wowza tour?). I wonder...what are the odds he'll insult and horrify his hosts in Israel?


Mitt Romney's Olympics blunder stuns No 10 and hands gift to Obama

Republican candidate backtracks on warning of 'disconcerting' signs for Games after rebukes by British PM and London mayor

In a move that astonished Downing Street, hours before it laid on a special reception for Romney at No 10, he told NBC there were "disconcerting" signs about the preparations for the Games. One senior Whitehall source said: "What a total shocker. We are speechless."

David Cameron wasted no time in rebuking Romney hours after his remarks were broadcast. On a visit to the Olympic Park, the prime minister said: "We are holding an Olympic Games in one of the busiest, most active, bustling cities in the world. Of course it's easier if you hold an Olympic Games in the middle of nowhere."
It takes a special turd to even come up with a poll like this since Romney has been friends with Israels Prime Minister for 30+ years. Yep takes a special kind of stupid. Good job there danty, good job.


Romney is a Mormon. He can't truly love Israel.

No Jew believes this shit: The Book of Mormon tells of families of the Tribe of Manasseh and the Tribe of Ephraim that migrated from Jerusalem to an unknown location in the Americas. :cuckoo:

Yep, a special kind of stupid.
It takes a special turd to even come up with a poll like this since Romney has been friends with Israels Prime Minister for 30+ years. Yep takes a special kind of stupid. Good job there danty, good job.


Romney is a Mormon. He can't truly love Israel.

No Jew believes this shit: The Book of Mormon tells of families of the Tribe of Manasseh and the Tribe of Ephraim that migrated from Jerusalem to an unknown location in the Americas. :cuckoo:

Yep, a special kind of stupid.

If the Rev Wright is such a hot topic among right wing nuts, why is the goofy and creepy stuff about Mormonism off limits?
Romney is a Mormon. He can't truly love Israel.

No Jew believes this shit: The Book of Mormon tells of families of the Tribe of Manasseh and the Tribe of Ephraim that migrated from Jerusalem to an unknown location in the Americas. :cuckoo:

Yep, a special kind of stupid.

If the Rev Wright is such a hot topic among right wing nuts, why is the goofy and creepy stuff about Mormonism off limits?

Well, it's off topic for this thread, God you really are ignorant, and on your own thread too.

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