Romney's rhetoric has suggested he is aligned with his more neoconservative advisers

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Daily Kos: Romney pulls size of Navy comment directly from ass

From Mitt Romney's speech at VMI (sorry, veterans like myself don't consider VMI some great bastion of military heritage, today it's where either legacies have to go or wayward kids get sent) today:

"The size of our Navy is at levels not seen since 1916. I will restore our Navy to the size needed to fulfill our missions by building 15 ships per year, including three submarines."

As straight to the point as I can make it, he pulled this from his ass: More below rolled up band aid.

Where is the money going to come from for these new ships and submarines that Willard proposes?
Daily Kos: Romney pulls size of Navy comment directly from ass

From Mitt Romney's speech at VMI (sorry, veterans like myself don't consider VMI some great bastion of military heritage, today it's where either legacies have to go or wayward kids get sent) today:

"The size of our Navy is at levels not seen since 1916. I will restore our Navy to the size needed to fulfill our missions by building 15 ships per year, including three submarines."

As straight to the point as I can make it, he pulled this from his ass: More below rolled up band aid.

Where is the money going to come from for these new ships and submarines that Willard proposes?

It'll come out of your kids social security and medicare.
Daily Kos: Romney pulls size of Navy comment directly from ass

From Mitt Romney's speech at VMI (sorry, veterans like myself don't consider VMI some great bastion of military heritage, today it's where either legacies have to go or wayward kids get sent) today:

"The size of our Navy is at levels not seen since 1916. I will restore our Navy to the size needed to fulfill our missions by building 15 ships per year, including three submarines."

As straight to the point as I can make it, he pulled this from his ass: More below rolled up band aid.

Where is the money going to come from for these new ships and submarines that Willard proposes?


Romney's been collecting Bushies for his cabinet. John Bolton has been advising him on foreign policy.

I particularly was amused by his "submarine" thing. It's a grab for Virginia votes pure and simple. Submarines are a wholly ineffective weapons system. Their only possible use is for missile launches from sea..but ships to a much better job.
"I would never send American armed forces into Pakistan unilaterally, even after a high value target." - Mitt Romney
Daily Kos: Romney pulls size of Navy comment directly from ass

From Mitt Romney's speech at VMI (sorry, veterans like myself don't consider VMI some great bastion of military heritage, today it's where either legacies have to go or wayward kids get sent) today:

"The size of our Navy is at levels not seen since 1916. I will restore our Navy to the size needed to fulfill our missions by building 15 ships per year, including three submarines."

As straight to the point as I can make it, he pulled this from his ass: More below rolled up band aid.

Where is the money going to come from for these new ships and submarines that Willard proposes?

How do you expect to ever get the full story relying on such biased sources as Kos?
"I would never send American armed forces into Pakistan unilaterally, even after a high value target." - Mitt Romney

Hind sight is 20/20 Bud. It was extremely Risky, and while I fully support that we did it, had it gone wrong it could have been very bad. It's always a risk to take Military Action against/in another nation, Especially one with Nuclear Weapons and a government that could easily be destabilized and fall to radical Islamic Extremists.

I am pretty confident that had Romney faced the Decision, he would have revered that statement and taken the chance, but who knows.
Romney's rhetoric has suggested he is aligned with his more neoconservative advisers

Not surprising.

One of the reasons why the neo-cons lobbied for Romney was because they know he is weak and indecisive, not unlike GWB, and can be easily intimidated and manipulated in to supporting their militarist agenda.
Daily Kos: Romney pulls size of Navy comment directly from ass

From Mitt Romney's speech at VMI (sorry, veterans like myself don't consider VMI some great bastion of military heritage, today it's where either legacies have to go or wayward kids get sent) today:

"The size of our Navy is at levels not seen since 1916. I will restore our Navy to the size needed to fulfill our missions by building 15 ships per year, including three submarines."

As straight to the point as I can make it, he pulled this from his ass: More below rolled up band aid.

Where is the money going to come from for these new ships and submarines that Willard proposes?


Romney's been collecting Bushies for his cabinet. John Bolton has been advising him on foreign policy.

I particularly was amused by his "submarine" thing. It's a grab for Virginia votes pure and simple. Submarines are a wholly ineffective weapons system. Their only possible use is for missile launches from sea..but ships to a much better job.

You proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you don't know a damn thing about naval warfare, and most likely, not much about submarines.
Here is a more balanced appraisal of Romney's 1916 comment: Fact Check: Romney's comparison of past, present Navy pointless -


Beyond confirming what Romney said about fleet size, the article by CNN is pointless. It falsely assumes that the Admirals are happy with a smaller fleet size, when what they have to deal with is a smaller ship building budget.

This would not be a big deal, except for the fact that China is busy building a blue water navy, and there is little doubt that when they are ready, they will retake Taiwan and the disputed islands that Japan currently owns. We have defense treaties with both Taiwan and Japan. That is the purpose of China's development of a blue water navy.

We don't need to be caught with our pants down again.
"I would never send American armed forces into Pakistan unilaterally, even after a high value target." - Mitt Romney

Isnt that what democrats always complain about "unilateral intervention"? Oh but for a democrat it's ok......or is it just for Osama?
To the OP, I dont think it's neocon policy, but even if it were, it's better than the Obama "We'll be friends with crazy muslims just dont post videos" morons believed a video caused the embassy please dont say anymore on this are waaaaaay too stupid to talk on it
From another thread on the prospective make up of a post-election Romney national security team:

Mike Leavitt---Secretary of HHS and EPA Administrator, George Bush
Bob Zoellick---Dept. Secretary of State, George Bush
Rich Williamson---Asst. Secretary of State, Reagan/Bush
Eric Edelman---Under Secretary of Defense, George Bush
Tom Kean---Appointee to 911 Commission, George Bush
Alex Wong---
Lanhee Chen---Advisor to Bush/Cheney campaign

Is there any other evidence of Neo-Con's running Romney needed?

If you liked the Bush administration's foreign and military policies, you'll just LOVE a Romney administration!
Anything is better than McCain or Bush. Even Obama (a worthless animal is better than a devil). But, Romney does have a bothersome lean toward neocons.
From another thread on the prospective make up of a post-election Romney national security team:

Mike Leavitt---Secretary of HHS and EPA Administrator, George Bush
Bob Zoellick---Dept. Secretary of State, George Bush
Rich Williamson---Asst. Secretary of State, Reagan/Bush
Eric Edelman---Under Secretary of Defense, George Bush
Tom Kean---Appointee to 911 Commission, George Bush
Alex Wong---
Lanhee Chen---Advisor to Bush/Cheney campaign

Is there any other evidence of Neo-Con's running Romney needed?

If you liked the Bush administration's foreign and military policies, you'll just LOVE a Romney administration!

I love it better than Obama's lets just let crazy muslims run the show and hey.....we wont make anymore movies and problem is solved!!!!!!!
I love it better than Obama's lets just let crazy muslims run the show and hey.....we wont make anymore movies and problem is solved!!!!!!!

Betcha can't prove that's the basis of his foreign policy, or even his policies in just the Middle East.

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