Ron Desantis is tanking in the polls against Joe Biden! The latest three polls show Biden with a commanding lead

The latest 3 polls as I type this, pitting Joe Biden vs. Ron Desantis are:

Emerson: Biden leads by 6% (43%-37%)
Redfied & Wilton Strategies: Biden by 10% (47%-37%)
Ipsos: Biden by 8% (Biden 38%, Desantis 30%)

Link: National : President: general election : 2024 Polls
The sudden absolute disintegration of Ron Desantis may be due to:

Trump making him unpopular by making his supporters hate Desantis, and
Desantis signing a horrible extremist 6-week abortion law.

Being more electable than Trump was the only thing Desantis had going on for himself. Now he doesn't even have that.
Have you heard his speeches? He's terrible. Almost as bad as Harris or Warren.
And I will remind you dimwits once again. A year and a half out, Jeb Bush was crushing the competition in the polls. How did that work out? Hillary had a 97% chance of winning her election. Don't you guys ever learn anything?
Not comparable, though, is the point. Did not 2020 teach you that you can never win with this morphing America. 50 and younger hate MAGA and Trump. And DeSantis can't beat a Cartoon Mouse.
Not comparable, though, is the point. Did not 2020 teach you that you can never win with this morphing America. 50 and younger hate MAGA and Trump. And DeSantis can't beat a Cartoon Mouse.
Desantis won in FL and is very popular. Biden will be 86, duh.

Biden is a disaster with 70% "wrong track" numbers. Kamala is also a train wreck.
Desantis won in FL and is very popular. Biden will be 86, duh.

Biden is a disaster with 70% "wrong track" numbers. Kamala is also a train wreck.
Biden is old, Harris is weak, and you will lose by 12 to 15 points. America hates MAGA.
Biden is old, Harris is weak, and you will lose by 12 to 15 points. America hates MAGA.
Its the EC that matters, not points. The MSM and democrats hate MAGA. 2024 will be more like 2016 than 2020.

Trump lost in 2020 by 43,000 votes in AZ, WI, and GA. After seeing Biden for 4-years independents would take Trump over 86 year old Joe.
The latest 3 polls as I type this, pitting Joe Biden vs. Ron Desantis are:

Emerson: Biden leads by 6% (43%-37%)
Redfied & Wilton Strategies: Biden by 10% (47%-37%)
Ipsos: Biden by 8% (Biden 38%, Desantis 30%)

Link: National : President: general election : 2024 Polls
The sudden absolute disintegration of Ron Desantis may be due to:

Trump making him unpopular by making his supporters hate Desantis, and
Desantis signing a horrible extremist 6-week abortion law.

Being more electable than Trump was the only thing Desantis had going on for himself. Now he doesn't even have that.
So you cherry-picked 3 polls that support your TDS. They are not good polls. Probably got them from CNN or MSNBC.

I can tell you what you can do with any "poll" touted by those networks- laugh at them.

DeSantis has a lead over Biden if you look at more credible polls. So does Donald Trump.

DeSantis would make a fine president. He can't beat Trump though.

Its the EC that matters, not points. The MSM and democrats hate MAGA. 2024 will be more like 2016 than 2020.

Trump lost in 2020 by 43,000 votes in AZ, WI, and GA. After seeing Biden for 4-years independents would take Trump over 86 year old Joe.
You won't get the EC, and AZ and WI and GA will go blue by larger numbers in 2024. 50 and under hate you, and that grows by year and with the abortion and democracy stupidities you people pull.

brokedickdog is trapped in cognitive bias.

The point is this: Trump will not grow his vote total, and with what he has, he loses.

DeSantis can't outbox a Cartoon Mouse. Disney has him by the man sac and is squeezing.
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its a long way to the elections pedro....anything can happen.....stress is hard on 80 year olds.....and we both know what 80 year old i mean....the presidents job ages you and is hard on the body and mind....
Sadly, not anything can happen to make Rhonda santis even make it out of the primaries. Nothing
Have you heard his speeches? He's terrible. Almost as bad as Harris or Warren.
The worst speeches in the world are Donald Trump speeches.
So you cherry-picked 3 polls that support your TDS. They are not good polls. Probably got them from CNN or MSNBC.

I can tell you what you can do with any "poll" touted by those networks- laugh at them.

DeSantis has a lead over Biden if you look at more credible polls. So does Donald Trump.

DeSantis would make a fine president. He can't beat Trump though.


So you want to cherry pick old polls because you hate when people cherry pick new polls?

Dumbass. The most recent the poll, the closer the opinion is to today's views.
If there is a poll and your guy is leading, it is a great accurate poll. If your guy is behind the poll is worthless. Too far out. But unless something big happens, i believe Trump will win the nomination.
Tell me when I said that a Biden vs. Desantis poll was worthless.
Sadly, not anything can happen to make Rhonda santis even make it out of the primaries. Nothing

The worst speeches in the world are Donald Trump speeches.

So you want to cherry pick old polls because you hate when people cherry pick new polls?

Dumbass. The most recent the poll, the closer the opinion is to today's views.
Polls are of almost no value at this point. We are still more than 18 months away from the presidential election on 11/5/24. Dumbass.

Plus many polls are wrong or biased. The biased ones are chosen by those trying to support a certain agenda. They, like this thread, are useless. Dumbass.

Do you want to know who will elect the next POTUS?

Parents. They are not "domestic terrorists". This is a massive voting block that does not want transgender ideology taught to children. They do not want Fentanyl and illegals pouring through our southern border. They don't want biological males competing in women's sports.

The Senate map is very GOP friendly in 2024. Much better than it was for republicans in 2020.
MAGA candidates will keep the house, seize the senate, and win the presidency.

The latest 3 polls as I type this, pitting Joe Biden vs. Ron Desantis are:

Emerson: Biden leads by 6% (43%-37%)
Redfied & Wilton Strategies: Biden by 10% (47%-37%)
Ipsos: Biden by 8% (Biden 38%, Desantis 30%)

Link: National : President: general election : 2024 Polls
The sudden absolute disintegration of Ron Desantis may be due to:

Trump making him unpopular by making his supporters hate Desantis, and
Desantis signing a horrible extremist 6-week abortion law.

Being more electable than Trump was the only thing Desantis had going on for himself. Now he doesn't even have that.
T acting like a dbag and hurting DeS
T acting like a dbag and hurting DeS
Quasar, I think you are o 100%. A month ago, I would have thought if DeSantis could survive the primaries and win the nomination, he would stand a chance in 2004. Trump is dirtying him (unfairly, yes, but politics is not fair), and Mickey Mouse knocked into the corner butt and is pummeling him mercilessly. 2004 is going to be a miserable, miserable GOP year.
eYou won't get the EC, and AZ and WI and GA will go blue by larger numbers in 2024. 50 and under hate you, and that grows by year and with the abortion and democracy stupidities you people pull.

brokedickdog is trapped in cognitive bias.

The point is this: Trump will not grow his vote total, and with what he has, he loses.

DeSantis can't outbox a Cartoon Mouse. Disney has him by the man sac and is squeezing.
You dirtbags have CCP Dominion software in your pocket because you rat bastards don't have the guts to run in a straight election.
T acting like a dbag and hurting DeS
Quasar, I think you are on 100%. A month ago, I would have thought if DeSantis could survive the primaries and win the nomination, he would stand a chance in 2004. Trump is dirtying him (unfairly, yes, but politics is not fair), and Mickey Mouse knocked into the corner butt and is pummeling him mercilessly. 2004 is going to be a miserable, miserable GOP year.
Plus many polls are wrong or biased. The biased ones are chosen by those trying to support a certain agenda. They, like this thread, are useless. Dumbass.
Says the hypocrite who just 3 days ago loved polls. Back then, you said:

"Meanwhile, at this date and time, Donald Trump is favored to win in 2024 according to most polls. It is way too early to make a prediction and the future is uncertain. He does lead right now though."
Says the hypocrite who just 3 days ago loved polls. Back then, you said:

"Meanwhile, at this date and time, Donald Trump is favored to win in 2024 according to most polls. It is way too early to make a prediction and the future is uncertain. He does lead right now though."
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Busted what?

I said it was way too early to call but that Trump leads in many polls. Who said I "loved polls"? I don't love polls. They are often wrong.

You "busted" nothing.


You won't get the EC, and AZ and WI and GA will go blue by larger numbers in 2024. 50 and under hate you, and that grows by year and with the abortion and democracy stupidities you people pull.
The point is this: Trump will not grow his vote total, and with what he has, he loses.
DeSantis can't outbox a Cartoon Mouse. Disney has him by the man sac and is squeezing.
You need to consider the energy of the voters.
Biden switched the 1st primary from Iowa to SC because he knows he has no chance in IA.
Independents will NOT vote for an 86 year old Biden with Kamala as VP. So Trump gains Indy votes and Biden loses Indy votes.

Desantis is a very popular governor, Disney will be like Budweiser and keep losing money unless they get straight.

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