Ron DeSantis sends Israel Florida money.

If Florida has so much money, they should send some of it to Puerto Rico and help those Americans out first.
From the title of the article, you would think that Floridians are just sending lots and lots of cash to Israel. But the article says that some business agreements are to be signed between Florida and Israel. It's not just simple cash exchanging hands, going one way. Israel, known for producing Jaffa oranges, will trade some agriculture tips with Florida for the oranges that Florida grows. Israel is also a high-tech leader and will share some of those tips as well. It's called business.
From the title of the article, you would think that Floridians are just sending lots and lots of cash to Israel. But the article says that some business agreements are to be signed between Florida and Israel. It's not just simple cash exchanging hands, going one way. Israel, known for producing Jaffa oranges, will trade some agriculture tips with Florida for the oranges that Florida grows. Israel is also a high-tech leader and will share some of those tips as well. It's called business.

Still Florida's getting the short end of the stick.
From the title of the article, you would think that Floridians are just sending lots and lots of cash to Israel. But the article says that some business agreements are to be signed between Florida and Israel. It's not just simple cash exchanging hands, going one way. Israel, known for producing Jaffa oranges, will trade some agriculture tips with Florida for the oranges that Florida grows. Israel is also a high-tech leader and will share some of those tips as well. It's called business.

The Pollack doesn’t like it because the Floridians are paying for it. We pay ( directly or indirectly) for ALL of our Gov’t officials to go abroad including Countries like.,,, I know.., North Korea, China, etc. if they were going to Pallyland he would be on the plane
From the article (what is wrong with ANY of this):

As a Congressman, DeSantis sponsored in 2013 the Palestinian Accountability Act which called for the withholding of U.S. aid to the Palestinian Authority until it recognizes Israel as a Jewish state. In 2017, he co-founded the Congressional Israel Victory Caucus, saying “Israel is our strongest ally in the Middle East, as we share common national interests and possess similar national values. Israel is not the problem in the Middle East; it is the solution to many of the problems that bedevil the region. American policy must ensure that Israel emerges victorious against those who deny or threaten her existence.”
If Florida has so much money, they should send some of it to Puerto Rico and help those Americans out first.
I'll agree to that just as soon as we STOP PAYING THE ILLEGAL INVADERS that come through our Southern border!!!!
Its not Florida's money....its the people of Florida's money...and I'm guessing 75% of the tax payers in Florida are Jews from the east coast....

A.) What gives the right of a Florida governor to hijack money to a foreign entity?
B.) If Jews are responsible, it's still just as absurd.
C.) Jews only make up 3% of Florida, so I don't know how you figure they make up 75% of tax payers in Florida.
Its not Florida's money....its the people of Florida's money...and I'm guessing 75% of the tax payers in Florida are Jews from the east coast....

A.) What gives the right of a Florida governor to hijack money to a foreign entity?
B.) If Jews are responsible, it's still just as absurd.
C.) Jews only make up 3% of Florida, so I don't know how you figure they make up 75% of tax payers in Florida.
If the people of Florida don't like it they can vote him out of office....
Jews only make up 3% of Florida, so I don't know how you figure they make up 75% of tax payers in Florida.
I was exaggerating a bit...but just a bit....I spend a lot of time in Florida...I know the state and I know its voters....
Its not Florida's money....its the people of Florida's money...and I'm guessing 75% of the tax payers in Florida are Jews from the east coast....

I sorry but that figure stinks because you obviously pulled it out of your ass! There are a great number of Jews in the Miami area. The rest of the state, not so much.

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