Ron Paul gets creamed in S.C. debate over Osama Bin Laden question.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Well--if you want to see someone get real nervous about a question--regarding a radio interview the previous week--watch this video of Ron Paul trying to explain why he disagreed with going into Pakistan to get Bin Laden---:lol: His response is SOOOO BAD it is almost incoherent.

[ame=]Ron Paul on going after Bin Laden SC Republican Debate Fox 1/16/12 - YouTube[/ame]

And here is Newt Gingrich's response to Ron Paul

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Well--if you want to see someone get real nervous about a question--regarding a radio interview the previous week--watch this video of Ron Paul trying to explain why he disagreed with going into Pakistan to get Bin Laden---:lol: His response is SOOOO BAD it is almost incoherent.

Ron Paul on going after Bin Laden SC Republican Debate Fox 1/16/12 - YouTube

And here is Newt Gingrich's response to Ron Paul

Newt Plan for America's Enemies: Kill Them - YouTube
Yes he did...and he lied to boot.
I agree Ron Paul didn't do a good job getting his point across, but that doesn't mean he wasn't right. The way Obama handled the situation should've been the last resort rather than the first but if you want to join Newt in defending Obama's failed diplomacy be my guest.
This is exactly why I can't support Paul. As much as I love his domestic policies, and I do love them, his naiviness on Islam is too much for me to support.
I agree Ron Paul didn't do a good job getting his point across, but that doesn't mean he wasn't right. The way Obama handled the situation should've been the last resort rather than the first but if you want to join Newt in defending Obama's failed diplomacy be my guest.

Last resort? Are you serious. Negotiate with Pakistan, then OBL gets tipped off and he escapes! Obama did it right. Only wrong thing was disposing of the body!
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I agree Ron Paul didn't do a good job getting his point across, but that doesn't mean he wasn't right. The way Obama handled the situation should've been the last resort rather than the first but if you want to join Newt in defending Obama's failed diplomacy be my guest.

Last resort? Are you serious. Negotiate with Pakistan, then OBL gets tipped off a nd he escapes! Obama did it right. Only wrong thing was disposing go the body!
And what of his comment that he was killed the wrong way?

WHAT were we supposed to do? ARM him first to give him a fair shot?
It was not his best moment but he did very well for most of the debate.

If you wana balance the budget one thing is for sure, if you vote Mitt/Newt/Santorum/Perry, your full of shit on that point.

Newt does great during the debates, yet he is one of the biggest pieces of shit that has ever been in politics. So what does that tell you? Not to mention Newt never answers the fucking question.

As I said before, here are how all of them but Paul answer to every single question asked.

Less taxes
America is great
Obama sucks....


These debates are a joke. I hope Paul's support gets bigger and bigger. I hope the Neocon Republicans get their Mitt Romney. I'm looking forward to the massive losses The Republican party has to go through again due to picking the most liberal candidate on stage yet again.

Paul's support is growing, have fun with the collapse.
I would not want to trust the defense of the united States to Ron Paul......
Nope. I don't care if he was a flight surgeon in the USAF.

Mr. Paul syas he's for the Founders and non entanglements...fair enough...the Founders weren't pacificists either. Ask Thomas Jefferson in dealing with the Barbary Pirates that were commanding 20% of the US treasury at the time in ransom.

Personally I found the whole operation to be odd. Disposing of the body like that just smells fishy to me. Not that it ultimately matters. I think Paul was right even if the delivery wasn't great. This is another example of the US doing whatever we want, wherever we want while telling the rest of the world "Fuck You and your borders bitches"
I'll try to explain this. We were sitting on UBL for weeks, we knew were he was, we had tabs on him. What Obama should've done is confronted Pakistan's gov and gave them the ultimatum; told them that this could be done the easy way with their cooperation or the hard way with unilateral US military force. It could've been done without losing UBL and it would've put Pakistan in the position of having to make clear to us and the world whether they're our true ally deserving of $billions in foreign aid. They want our money so they would've made sure they didn't stand in our way of capturing UBL. If they tried stalling or being generally uncooperative, we would've had to take him by unilateral force like Obama did but at least with this initial diplomatic approach we wouldn't now be expected to keep sending $billions to Pakistan.
Well--if you want to see someone get real nervous about a question--regarding a radio interview the previous week--watch this video of Ron Paul trying to explain why he disagreed with going into Pakistan to get Bin Laden---:lol: His response is SOOOO BAD it is almost incoherent.

Ron Paul on going after Bin Laden SC Republican Debate Fox 1/16/12 - YouTube

And here is Newt Gingrich's response to Ron Paul

Newt Plan for America's Enemies: Kill Them - YouTube

Every Time Paul talks about 9/11, or Defense people Boo, Then he says end the wars bring the troops home and people cheer.

People are apparently mental.
I agree Ron Paul didn't do a good job getting his point across, but that doesn't mean he wasn't right. The way Obama handled the situation should've been the last resort rather than the first but if you want to join Newt in defending Obama's failed diplomacy be my guest.

Last resort? Are you serious. Negotiate with Pakistan, then OBL gets tipped off a nd he escapes! Obama did it right. Only wrong thing was disposing go the body!
And what of his comment that he was killed the wrong way?

WHAT were we supposed to do? ARM him first to give him a fair shot?

President Obama was flawless. Just as he was about Libya.

Damn Repubs want more long drown out wars and piles of dead bodies. For crying out loud, this is the 21st century. Hand to hand combat, "boots on the ground" is just plain stupid.

Thank you Mr. President, for getting the job(s) done with no loss of American lives.

As for Paul, sometimes he sounds senile. Like last night.
Well--if you want to see someone get real nervous about a question--regarding a radio interview the previous week--watch this video of Ron Paul trying to explain why he disagreed with going into Pakistan to get Bin Laden---:lol: His response is SOOOO BAD it is almost incoherent.

Ron Paul on going after Bin Laden SC Republican Debate Fox 1/16/12 - YouTube

And here is Newt Gingrich's response to Ron Paul

Newt Plan for America's Enemies: Kill Them - YouTube
Newt is a nitwit, Ron Paul makes sense to me: even in newts own words - "gave pakistan 20 billion dollars, everything is ok" - and then in the next sentence he talks about cutting spending LMAO :cuckoo: :cuckoo::eek:

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