Ron Paul gets creamed in S.C. debate over Osama Bin Laden question.

I'll try to explain this. We were sitting on UBL for weeks, we knew were he was, we had tabs on him. What Obama should've done is confronted Pakistan's gov and gave them the ultimatum; told them that this could be done the easy way with their cooperation or the hard way with unilateral US military force. It could've been done without losing UBL and it would've put Pakistan in the position of having to make clear to us and the world whether they're our true ally deserving of $billions in foreign aid. They want our money so they would've made sure they didn't stand in our way of capturing UBL. If they tried stalling or being generally uncooperative, we would've had to take him by unilateral force like Obama did but at least with this initial diplomatic approach we wouldn't now be expected to keep sending $billions to Pakistan.

How incredibly Ignorant. Do you actually think Osama was sitting less than a Mile from Pakistani Intelligence in a Major city and they didn't Know? If Obama had confronted Pakistan as you demand, all he would have accomplished would have been to Tip our Hand. A Discrete Message would have been sent, and Osama would have been gone.

it's not as Simple as is Pakistan our ally or not. In fact the truth is they are not. Pakistan is extremely Unstable, and not exactly our Friend. We fund, and Prop up the Government there mainly because we fear what could Replace it, and have it's finger on a Nuclear Arsenal. Namely a Radical Islamic Theocracy. If we Push Pakistan to, To Publicly, Show they are working with us, and we risk igniting a Radical Islamic Backlash in that country that could end with Radicals in charge.

were walking a Tight Rope with Pakistan and frankly there is not really a good play to make.
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That's pretty funny because Paul Clearly Dodged on Several Questions. When Pushed about how he has in the past eluded to 9/11 being our Fault, he didn't address the Question, and instead said some crap that first got Boos, then ended it with end the wars bring the Troops home and got a bunch of Cheers.

IMO more evidence that Paul's Core support is made up of Mostly younger, Idealistic, and Naive Voters.

That's pretty funny because Paul Clearly Dodged on Several Questions. When Pushed about how he has in the past eluded to 9/11 being our Fault, he didn't address the Question, and instead said some crap that first got Boos, then ended it with end the wars bring the Troops home and got a bunch of Cheers.

IMO more evidence that Paul's Core support is made up of Mostly younger, Idealistic, and Naive Voters.

He never alluded to 9/11 being our fault, he said our foreign policy sometimes has unforeseen repercussions. 9/11 was one of those times.
Personally I found the whole operation to be odd. Disposing of the body like that just smells fishy to me. Not that it ultimately matters. I think Paul was right even if the delivery wasn't great. This is another example of the US doing whatever we want, wherever we want while telling the rest of the world "Fuck You and your borders bitches"

Obamerican neg repped me for my opinion in this post, he said I came across as ignorant.

What a douche....

That's pretty funny because Paul Clearly Dodged on Several Questions. When Pushed about how he has in the past eluded to 9/11 being our Fault, he didn't address the Question, and instead said some crap that first got Boos, then ended it with end the wars bring the Troops home and got a bunch of Cheers.

IMO more evidence that Paul's Core support is made up of Mostly younger, Idealistic, and Naive Voters.

He never alluded to 9/11 being our fault, he said our foreign policy sometimes has unforeseen repercussions. 9/11 was one of those times.

how does that not mean 911 was our fault? thats exactly what it means.
I agree Ron Paul didn't do a good job getting his point across, but that doesn't mean he wasn't right. The way Obama handled the situation should've been the last resort rather than the first but if you want to join Newt in defending Obama's failed diplomacy be my guest.

Last resort? Are you serious. Negotiate with Pakistan, then OBL gets tipped off a nd he escapes! Obama did it right. Only wrong thing was disposing go the body!
And what of his comment that he was killed the wrong way?

WHAT were we supposed to do? ARM him first to give him a fair shot?

Is there a right way to kill the Devil? As long as you kill him that is what matters! I personally think they did it too quickly. A shot to the head doesn't involve any pain and suffering! He died instantly!

President Paul wouldn't have even contacted the Pakistanis! That's the point!
That's pretty funny because Paul Clearly Dodged on Several Questions. When Pushed about how he has in the past eluded to 9/11 being our Fault, he didn't address the Question, and instead said some crap that first got Boos, then ended it with end the wars bring the Troops home and got a bunch of Cheers.

IMO more evidence that Paul's Core support is made up of Mostly younger, Idealistic, and Naive Voters.

He never alluded to 9/11 being our fault, he said our foreign policy sometimes has unforeseen repercussions. 9/11 was one of those times.

how does that not mean 911 was our fault? thats exactly what it means.

No it doesn't. If a girl gets drunk and someone takes advantage of her then that rape might be an unforeseen consequence of her getting drunk but that's not saying it's her fault.
right or wrong, he's saying if America didn't have such an evil and stupid approach to foriegn policy, 911 wouldn't have happend???
He is constantly getting owned by his own words.

The bottom line is Ron Paul thinks America is the true evil in the world, and if we left everyone alone the world would all be friendly trading partners. He is a dangerous fuckin bastard.

I don't agree with his foreign policy one bit, however I am willing to forgo his policies on foreign issues and embrace his domestic policies..
Yep. Certainly did.

So when did we "endless bomb" anything?

Yeah--I seem to remember getting attacked by Al Queda 4 different times before 9/11 and I sure don't remember "bombing" them first? According to Ron Paul--9/11 was somehow our fault.
He is constantly getting owned by his own words.

The bottom line is Ron Paul thinks America is the true evil in the world, and if we left everyone alone the world would all be friendly trading partners. He is a dangerous fuckin bastard.

I don't agree with his foreign policy one bit, however I am willing to forgo his policies on foreign issues and embrace his domestic policies..

Are you also willing embrace his racist newsletters? If by some miracle Ron Paul wins the nomination--you know what's coming---:cuckoo:

In my opinion a vote for Ron Paul at this time is just another vote for Mitt Romney. He has no chance of winning the nomination--and a vote for him is just a protest vote.
right or wrong, he's saying if America didn't have such an evil and stupid approach to foriegn policy, 911 wouldn't have happend???

No, he is saying we need to learn from our past mistakes and stop doing the things that piss off the rest of the world. He is saying that our policy is flawed not evil. But yes he is saying that it happened as a result of our intervention in the middle east and this has been corroborated by OBL in his own videos and many intelligence US experts including the FBI in sworn testimony before congress. This isn't something he made up but it is packaged that way to turn people like you away from him. There is no action without a reaction.
He is constantly getting owned by his own words.

The bottom line is Ron Paul thinks America is the true evil in the world, and if we left everyone alone the world would all be friendly trading partners. He is a dangerous fuckin bastard.

I don't agree with his foreign policy one bit, however I am willing to forgo his policies on foreign issues and embrace his domestic policies..

i agree on many domestic policy issues he makes alot of good points, but I kind of see him as someone who hates America. To me thats a deal-breaker.
right or wrong, he's saying if America didn't have such an evil and stupid approach to foriegn policy, 911 wouldn't have happend???

Then why don't you tell us--what it was that we did to provoke 4 attacks on this nation and 9/11?
He is constantly getting owned by his own words.

The bottom line is Ron Paul thinks America is the true evil in the world, and if we left everyone alone the world would all be friendly trading partners. He is a dangerous fuckin bastard.

I don't agree with his foreign policy one bit, however I am willing to forgo his policies on foreign issues and embrace his domestic policies..

Are you also willing embrace his racist newsletters? If by some miracle Ron Paul wins the nomination--you know what's coming---:cuckoo:

In my opinion a vote for Ron Paul at this time is just another vote for Mitt Romney. He has no chance of winning the nomination--and a vote for him is just a protest vote.
I heard newt saying this exact same thing earlier today on the radio. Looks like he found a mouthpiece.
Last resort? Are you serious. Negotiate with Pakistan, then OBL gets tipped off a nd he escapes! Obama did it right. Only wrong thing was disposing go the body!
And what of his comment that he was killed the wrong way?

WHAT were we supposed to do? ARM him first to give him a fair shot?

Is there a right way to kill the Devil? As long as you kill him that is what matters! I personally think they did it too quickly. A shot to the head doesn't involve any pain and suffering! He died instantly!

President Paul wouldn't have even contacted the Pakistanis! That's the point!

Hey--the Pakistani's knew exactly where Bin Laden was and they knew it for at least 7 years. Even Hillary Clinton was caught telling an aid--that she knew that they knew where he was long before the hit. They would have NEVER given Bin Laden up.

Newt Gingrich is right on this issue.
right or wrong, he's saying if America didn't have such an evil and stupid approach to foriegn policy, 911 wouldn't have happend???

Then why don't you tell us--what it was that we did to provoke 4 attacks on this nation and 9/11?

It's not me that thinks that. It's Ron Paul.

Sorry I read your post wrong. Yeah--I want Ron Paul to tell us exactly whom we were "BOMBING all the time--prior to 9/11?" I sure don't remember any bombing prior to 9/11.
right or wrong, he's saying if America didn't have such an evil and stupid approach to foriegn policy, 911 wouldn't have happend???

No, he is saying we need to learn from our past mistakes and stop doing the things that piss off the rest of the world. He is saying that our policy is flawed not evil. But yes he is saying that it happened as a result of our intervention in the middle east and this has been corroborated by OBL in his own videos and many intelligence US experts including the FBI in sworn testimony before congress. This isn't something he made up but it is packaged that way to turn people like you away from him. There is no action without a reaction.

Our intervention in the middle east was interpreted as an act against Islam by crazy muslim wackos. Don't you think the main problem is these people are crazy muslim wackos, and sooner or later they'd get pissed at us, because we are not crazy muslim wackos?

you're 100% wrong to say i've been brainwashed into not liking Paul. Many people don't like him, doesn't mean they can't think independently.
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