Ron Paul grassroots support could spell trouble for Romney


Aug 5, 2012
FEMA region 4
The Varsity » Ron Paul
One of the best articles I have seen...right at the bottom it gets the real point

But Ron Paul’s supporters aren’t afraid of being spoilers. To them a Romney administration is just as reprehensible as an Obama administration. Their goal is to deliver their message and awaken more people to the ideas of liberty.

Ron Paul has had decades of promoting his narco-libertarianism. He's got all he's going to get.
The Varsity » Ron Paul
One of the best articles I have seen...right at the bottom it gets the real point

But Ron Paul’s supporters aren’t afraid of being spoilers. To them a Romney administration is just as reprehensible as an Obama administration. Their goal is to deliver their message and awaken more people to the ideas of liberty.


I don't get it, what about obama would awaken people to the idea of liberty more than romney would?
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Both would do so. But Romney is a republican and would be 2020 before we could run someone against him with a legit shot at winning...Obama has only 4 more years so 2016 we can run someone against an entirely new field...maybe even get a Democrat and Republican candidate worth backing. Obama is already in there and has done a ton of damage I think Romney would undo a little bit of it...but over all both are going to awaken people to liberty but Obama would be better to do so...folks are scared of what he could do...for some reason people align more with Romney maybe because he is white maybe because he seems more moderate I don't know...we need shock and awe and Obama is the one to provide that.
I wonder how Uncle Goofys troops will feel when the entire US economy collapses and martial law is declared? Fools.
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Well seeing how he predicted quite a few things before they happened I don't think he is gonna feel to sorry for ya...the sheeple voted for their mittiot and their obama so they get what they smart folks just get to sit back and enjoy the fireworks and keep our stockpiles safe from scum looters.
I wonder how Uncle Goofys troops will feel when the entire US economy collapses and martial law is declared? Fools.
Not sure who "Uncle Goofys troops" are... But I know I'll still think that the republicans should have put up a better candidate.
The Varsity » Ron Paul
One of the best articles I have seen...right at the bottom it gets the real point

But Ron Paul’s supporters aren’t afraid of being spoilers. To them a Romney administration is just as reprehensible as an Obama administration. Their goal is to deliver their message and awaken more people to the ideas of liberty.


There is something to biting the bullet now or taking it to the head later.

Tough decision.....................
The Varsity » Ron Paul
One of the best articles I have seen...right at the bottom it gets the real point

But Ron Paul’s supporters aren’t afraid of being spoilers. To them a Romney administration is just as reprehensible as an Obama administration. Their goal is to deliver their message and awaken more people to the ideas of liberty.


There is something to biting the bullet now or taking it to the head later.

Tough decision.....................

There is no later. This next President will most likely appoint 2 Justices to the SCOTUS. That will for decades change and redirect the entirety of social and fiscal issues. Should we default on our debt and hit that cliff that is there waiting, Obama would declare Martial Law to stop a run on banks and this nation will change in that one moment ... That's a helluva gamble to take. I love my nation more than a game of russian roullette.. I'll work to make changes next time in regard to the candidate..The Tea Party has made great progress.. I'm willing to give us more time so long as I know the right person, although not my first choice is not out to fundamentally change and destroy the America I know and love.
The Varsity » Ron Paul
One of the best articles I have seen...right at the bottom it gets the real point

But Ron Paul’s supporters aren’t afraid of being spoilers. To them a Romney administration is just as reprehensible as an Obama administration. Their goal is to deliver their message and awaken more people to the ideas of liberty.


There is something to biting the bullet now or taking it to the head later.

Tough decision.....................

There is no later. This next President will most likely appoint 2 Justices to the SCOTUS. That will for decades change and redirect the entirety of social and fiscal issues. Should we default on our debt and hit that cliff that is there waiting, Obama would declare Martial Law to stop a run on banks and this nation will change in that one moment ... That's a helluva gamble to take. I love my nation more than a game of russian roullette.. I'll work to make changes next time in regard to the candidate..The Tea Party has made great progress.. I'm willing to give us more time so long as I know the right person, although not my first choice is not out to fundamentally change and destroy the America I know and love.

This I understand....

so which big government party do we want to make the choices. The right has given us Obama care and new property seizure laws.

Impressed I am not.........
America is going to collapse no matter what anyone does. We are past the point of coming back...right now its just in a slow plunge to the bottom of the canyon.Better brace as best as we can.
To them a Romney administration is just as reprehensible as an Obama administration.

Not entirely true for this Ron Paul supporter. Close, but not "just as". Despite massive misgivings about Romney's big gov history, I find the idea of another Obama administration more reprehensible than rolling the dice with Romney.
There is something to biting the bullet now or taking it to the head later.

Tough decision.....................

There is no later. This next President will most likely appoint 2 Justices to the SCOTUS. That will for decades change and redirect the entirety of social and fiscal issues. Should we default on our debt and hit that cliff that is there waiting, Obama would declare Martial Law to stop a run on banks and this nation will change in that one moment ... That's a helluva gamble to take. I love my nation more than a game of russian roullette.. I'll work to make changes next time in regard to the candidate..The Tea Party has made great progress.. I'm willing to give us more time so long as I know the right person, although not my first choice is not out to fundamentally change and destroy the America I know and love.

This I understand....

so which big government party do we want to make the choices. The right has given us Obama care and new property seizure laws.

Impressed I am not.........

I'll opt for Mitt Romney over an anti-God, anti-Israel, anti-Capitalist any day.. No candidate is perfect and there is a CLEAR distinttion in the two candidates this election cycle.. it's a no brainer. For those who choose to pretend otherwise, you have no one to blame but yourselves should America fall and when the liberal propaganda machine destroys the very fabric of this nation through the SCOTUS- a ruling clusterfuck of socialism. Don't fool yourself or anyone else.. This election has MAJOR consequences. I hope and I pray people will make the right choice and WORK to change the process while we still can... once that vote is cast, the die is set..
America is going to collapse no matter what anyone does. We are past the point of coming back...right now its just in a slow plunge to the bottom of the canyon.Better brace as best as we can.

I don't agree with that at all. I still say there's time to change things and get the debt under control with real cuts in spending across the board and complete tax reform. I say we gut the Fed, The dept of EDU, and the EPA for starters. But if you have a Socialist at the helm, NONE of this is possible.. especially with the vital appointments coming up on the SCOTUS. We have to have conservatives seated..
To them a Romney administration is just as reprehensible as an Obama administration.

Not entirely true for this Ron Paul supporter. Close, but not "just as". Despite massive misgivings about Romney's big gov history, I find the idea of another Obama administration more reprehensible than rolling the dice with Romney.

Not all of us see things the same way but we are usually fairly close to each other in thought.

There is no later. This next President will most likely appoint 2 Justices to the SCOTUS. That will for decades change and redirect the entirety of social and fiscal issues. Should we default on our debt and hit that cliff that is there waiting, Obama would declare Martial Law to stop a run on banks and this nation will change in that one moment ... That's a helluva gamble to take. I love my nation more than a game of russian roullette.. I'll work to make changes next time in regard to the candidate..The Tea Party has made great progress.. I'm willing to give us more time so long as I know the right person, although not my first choice is not out to fundamentally change and destroy the America I know and love.

This I understand....

so which big government party do we want to make the choices. The right has given us Obama care and new property seizure laws.

Impressed I am not.........

I'll opt for Mitt Romney over an anti-God, anti-Israel, anti-Capitalist any day.. No candidate is perfect and there is a CLEAR distinttion in the two candidates this election cycle.. it's a no brainer. For those who choose to pretend otherwise, you have no one to blame but yourselves should America fall and when the liberal propaganda machine destroys the very fabric of this nation through the SCOTUS- a ruling clusterfuck of socialism. Don't fool yourself or anyone else.. This election has MAJOR consequences. I hope and I pray people will make the right choice and WORK to change the process while we still can... once that vote is cast, the die is set..

So we should be a theocratic,israel first nation? That is what you are advocating...I love Obama's policy towards Israel...he is the first president to not try and appease Israel every damn time and I respect him for that little bit of backbone he uses...
To them a Romney administration is just as reprehensible as an Obama administration.

Not entirely true for this Ron Paul supporter. Close, but not "just as". Despite massive misgivings about Romney's big gov history, I find the idea of another Obama administration more reprehensible than rolling the dice with Romney.

Not all of us see things the same way but we are usually fairly close to each other in thought.

This I understand....

so which big government party do we want to make the choices. The right has given us Obama care and new property seizure laws.

Impressed I am not.........

I'll opt for Mitt Romney over an anti-God, anti-Israel, anti-Capitalist any day.. No candidate is perfect and there is a CLEAR distinttion in the two candidates this election cycle.. it's a no brainer. For those who choose to pretend otherwise, you have no one to blame but yourselves should America fall and when the liberal propaganda machine destroys the very fabric of this nation through the SCOTUS- a ruling clusterfuck of socialism. Don't fool yourself or anyone else.. This election has MAJOR consequences. I hope and I pray people will make the right choice and WORK to change the process while we still can... once that vote is cast, the die is set..

So we should be a theocratic,israel first nation? That is what you are advocating...I love Obama's policy towards Israel...he is the first president to not try and appease Israel every damn time and I respect him for that little bit of backbone he uses...

Your obvious hatred of Israel clouds any common sense you might possess. Israel first doesn't compute with me.. Loyalty and ally do.. That you have an issue with the only democracy in the region is your problem, not my own.. If your hatred is so brazen that you would sacrifice a nation for that vote.. step right up.. I don't need to waste my time and energy on someone who is a single issue voter especially regarding hatred. See ya!

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