Ron Paul Needs To Drop Out

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
With his pitiful 4th place showing (barely ahead of Herman Cain) and weak perfomances Ron Paul has proven he has "no viable way forward" in this campaign.
He needs to drop out, endorse someone else, and go back to doing what he knows best:running his mouth for his half-crazy supporters.
Not going to happen with proportional distribution of delegates....He's in for the long haul to do some horse trading at the RNC.

Deal with it.
He's not in it to win. He won't drop out.

The last few weekends, there has been a fairly sizable group of Ron Paul supporters with signs trying to garner support for their candidate near the local grocery store. They are the only ones that I've seen doing that.
no. he can't win florida. he won't *win* anything.

but that isn't what he's in the race for.
With his pitiful 4th place showing (barely ahead of Herman Cain) and weak perfomances Ron Paul has proven he has "no viable way forward" in this campaign.
He needs to drop out, endorse someone else, and go back to doing what he knows best:running his mouth for his half-crazy supporters.
I know that was aimed at guys like me Rabbit, but unlike James Richard "Dick" Perry, Ron Paul has enough support for the long haul. AND he can remember which agencies he's gonna' close!

Feel the burn! Let the Butt Hurt flow you phaggot! :lol:

With his pitiful 4th place showing (barely ahead of Herman Cain) and weak perfomances Ron Paul has proven he has "no viable way forward" in this campaign.
He needs to drop out, endorse someone else, and go back to doing what he knows best:running his mouth for his half-crazy supporters.

Kinda ties into my "Ron Paul's last hurrah" thread after Iowa doesn't?
Paul has never been in this so-called "race" because he could win. He always knew he could not win.

He's lookin' to make a place for his pathetic teabagger son to move in to.

That probably won't happen though because most people see through the act, see if for what it is - that the crumb doesn't fall far from the fruitcake.

What people see is that Ron Paul, for his nuttiness, means well.

Rand Paul means anything but "well".
Not going to happen with proportional distribution of delegates....He's in for the long haul to do some horse trading at the RNC.

Deal with it.

With third and fourth place finishes the only horse trading he'll be doing is desserts for drinks.

It is funny to watch the Paul-bots' tiny heads explode as they realize: The uprising has been canceled.
And you'd rather smear his supporters and libertarians in general, than snap out of your neocon bootlicker trance and recognize that your Wilsonian progressive policies are bankrupting the nation.
Not going to happen with proportional distribution of delegates....He's in for the long haul to do some horse trading at the RNC.

Deal with it.

With third and fourth place finishes the only horse trading he'll be doing is desserts for drinks.

It is funny to watch the Paul-bots' tiny heads explode as they realize: The uprising has been canceled.

I don't think the campaign was counting on SC and actually he was second in NH and he will probably end up with most of Iowas delegates. I don't think he is in bad shape. I don't think he expects to win though. The uprising is just getting started much to your dismay.:razz::razz::razz:
With his pitiful 4th place showing (barely ahead of Herman Cain) and weak perfomances Ron Paul has proven he has "no viable way forward" in this campaign.
He needs to drop out, endorse someone else, and go back to doing what he knows best:running his mouth for his half-crazy supporters.

Shut up.

You weren't peddling this crap when Rick Perry, Bachmann, Santorum, and Newt all lost races and could only gather single digits in the last two states.

All this "drop out" crap is an elitist attack on democracy, we've had three races, and we'll never have a decent presidential candidate until every state has it's own voice heard and has a chance to make a decision on a wide variety of candidates.
The fascinating outcome would be Mitt and Newt slog it out until the end but both don't have enough votes to win outright with Ron Paul the kingmaker!
And you'd rather smear his supporters and libertarians in general, than snap out of your neocon bootlicker trance and recognize that your Wilsonian progressive policies are bankrupting the nation.

The narco-libertarians need to go smoke a few and sit out of politics for a few decades. Maybe join the DNC where they're welcome.
With his pitiful 4th place showing (barely ahead of Herman Cain) and weak perfomances Ron Paul has proven he has "no viable way forward" in this campaign.
He needs to drop out, endorse someone else, and go back to doing what he knows best:running his mouth for his half-crazy supporters.

Shut up.

You weren't peddling this crap when Rick Perry, Bachmann, Santorum, and Newt all lost races and could only gather single digits in the last two states.

All this "drop out" crap is an elitist attack on democracy, we've had three races, and we'll never have a decent presidential candidate until every state has it's own voice heard and has a chance to make a decision on a wide variety of candidates.

I wasnt peddling this crap because we hadn't had any primaries yet. Now that we've had two real primaries we can see which way it is going. And it isn't going Paul's way. If he can't show decently in a very conservative state with a large military population like SC then he isn't going to do well period. Weren't his claques here touting that Paul's major source of contributions were the military?

You chumps are worse than the democrats....At least a few of them can own up to the fact that they're a bunch of socialists.

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