Ron Paul on Assad gassing his own people: its total nonsense


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Ron Paul: Assad Gassing His Own People Is 'Total Nonsense'

Indeed it is and anyone with a few brain cells can see Assad gains nothing but Israel,Saudi Arabia,USA,England and France gain a lot. On top of the fact smoke bombs and chemical containers marked Germany and England were found in the town AND a boy that supposedly died in it was promised food if he took part in the false flag attack.
Ron Paul: Assad Gassing His Own People Is 'Total Nonsense'

Indeed it is and anyone with a few brain cells can see Assad gains nothing but Israel,Saudi Arabia,USA,England and France gain a lot. On top of the fact smoke bombs and chemical containers marked Germany and England were found in the town AND a boy that supposedly died in it was promised food if he took part in the false flag attack.

you took the morons here like the one that posted a funny to school and they cant accept this little truth they are so much in denial mode these brainwashed stupid fucks.
Which is why Syria and Russia are keeping inspectors from entering Douma...Right!
If there were no chemicals there why would they stop the inspectors.
Ron Paul: Assad Gassing His Own People Is 'Total Nonsense'

Indeed it is and anyone with a few brain cells can see Assad gains nothing but Israel,Saudi Arabia,USA,England and France gain a lot. On top of the fact smoke bombs and chemical containers marked Germany and England were found in the town AND a boy that supposedly died in it was promised food if he took part in the false flag attack.
Yeah right. Or maybe he is a brutal dictator fighting for survival and sees that killing and terrorizing his enemies will enable him to stay in power.
Which is why Syria and Russia are keeping inspectors from entering Douma...Right!
If there were no chemicals there why would they stop the inspectors.

The theory is that some one else was behind the gas attack .

WHy did Trump immediately believe there was a Syria gas attack , but still doesn’t bye that the Russians poisoned that Russian guy in England ?
Ron Paul: Assad Gassing His Own People Is 'Total Nonsense'

Indeed it is and anyone with a few brain cells can see Assad gains nothing but Israel,Saudi Arabia,USA,England and France gain a lot. On top of the fact smoke bombs and chemical containers marked Germany and England were found in the town AND a boy that supposedly died in it was promised food if he took part in the false flag attack.
That is why during these times of democratic turmoil, we need to be logical in our thinking. LOL
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Which is why Syria and Russia are keeping inspectors from entering Douma...Right!
If there were no chemicals there why would they stop the inspectors.

Where did you get this crap that its Syria and Russia keeping them from going in? Sheesh. It's the UN Security team that is holding up the show.
Ron Paul is right again, Common sense will tell you that Assad had nothing to gain and everything to lose.
OK heres an FYI. It was Russia and Syria who asked the OPCW team to investigate. And it's the UNDSS that are holding up the show.

Live blog at link:

OPCW Director-General Ahmet Üzümcü said the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) had decided to carry out reconnaissance at two sites in the town of Douma before the inspectors would visit them.

“On arrival at site one, a large crowd gathered and the advice provided by the UNDSS was that the reconnaissance team should withdraw,” he told a meeting at the watchdog’s headquarters in remarks it later released. “At site two, the team came under small arms fire and an explosive was detonated. The reconnaissance team returned to Damascus.”

UN security team shot at in Douma
Which is why Syria and Russia are keeping inspectors from entering Douma...Right!
If there were no chemicals there why would they stop the inspectors.
They were GOING to be there the DAY Trump and company bombed the area so they had to hold back. Don't even try that crap. Its all online. Even the Russian Embassy said something about it. If the US and England and France were interested in the truth they would have waited for the evidence to come out instead they bombed Syria.
Ron Paul is right again, Common sense will tell you that Assad had nothing to gain and everything to lose.

Exactly. The Syrian Army had won the city. They were in the middle of a cease fire negotiation and expelling the terror cell that had been holding the people of Douma hostage.

Douma's people were being freed. And we're supposed to believe that Assad wanted to gas the very people his army was saving from Jaish al Islam. No way this was Assad.
Ron Paul: Assad Gassing His Own People Is 'Total Nonsense'

Indeed it is and anyone with a few brain cells can see Assad gains nothing but Israel,Saudi Arabia,USA,England and France gain a lot. On top of the fact smoke bombs and chemical containers marked Germany and England were found in the town AND a boy that supposedly died in it was promised food if he took part in the false flag attack.
Yeah right. Or maybe he is a brutal dictator fighting for survival and sees that killing and terrorizing his enemies will enable him to stay in power.

Bullshit. The Battle of Douma was over. The city had been won. Assad was freeing his people that had been held hostage by the terror group Jaish al Islam.
The city had been won. Assad was freeing his people that had been held hostage by the terror group Jaish al Islam, You know the John McCain endorsed and the US supported "good' ISIS group
The city had been won. Assad was freeing his people that had been held hostage by the terror group Jaish al Islam, You know the John McCain endorsed and the US supported "good' ISIS group

These terrorists have been shelling Damascus and killing civilians for years AND holding the poor souls of Douma hostage. Founded by a Saudi and funded by Saudi Arabia. It floors me every time I hear that this is a civil war.

When you have Sunni jihadist mercenaries from over 80 countries fighting to overthrow Assad and funded by the Gulf states it's not a civil war.

It's a freaking invasion.
Ron Paul: Assad Gassing His Own People Is 'Total Nonsense'

Indeed it is and anyone with a few brain cells can see Assad gains nothing but Israel,Saudi Arabia,USA,England and France gain a lot. On top of the fact smoke bombs and chemical containers marked Germany and England were found in the town AND a boy that supposedly died in it was promised food if he took part in the false flag attack.
Yeah right. Or maybe he is a brutal dictator fighting for survival and sees that killing and terrorizing his enemies will enable him to stay in power.
Uh huh...98% of the territory the terrorists had is GONE....the terrorists in Douma have left as well! Farsnews

They had left BEFORE the supposed attack happened. Keep dreaming up idiotic scenarios.
The supposedly "French" supplied evidence that proved assad was responible for the gassing has not been released by the US, Ever wonder why?
Uh huh...98% of the territory the terrorists had is GONE....the terrorists in Douma have left as well! Farsnews

They had left BEFORE the supposed attack happened. Keep dreaming up idiotic scenarios.
Talk to the BBC, they disagree:
In March, troops split the region into three pockets - the largest of which was around Douma, home to between 80,000 and 150,000 people. Facing defeat, rebel groups in the other two pockets agreed to be evacuated to northern Syria.

But the group controlling Douma, Jaysh al-Islam, continued to hold out. On 6 April, after negotiations with the government stalled, air strikes resumed.​
Uh huh...98% of the territory the terrorists had is GONE....the terrorists in Douma have left as well! Farsnews

They had left BEFORE the supposed attack happened. Keep dreaming up idiotic scenarios.
Talk to the BBC, they disagree:
In March, troops split the region into three pockets - the largest of which was around Douma, home to between 80,000 and 150,000 people. Facing defeat, rebel groups in the other two pockets agreed to be evacuated to northern Syria.

But the group controlling Douma, Jaysh al-Islam, continued to hold out. On 6 April, after negotiations with the government stalled, air strikes resumed.​

No. Douma was won officially on March 31. Only a small number of the terrorists remained and were in the middle of negotiating a cease fire with the Russians.

Minor airstrikes but the bottom line was the Syrian Army had freed the people of Douma. Assad had no need to use chemical weapons on the very people he had worked to save for so many years. Let alone use them and infuriate the world.

An FYI. The terror group Jaish al Islam used chemical weapons against the Kurds.

Syrian rebel Jaish Al-Islam wants negotiations: official

Syrian rebel Jaish Al-Islam wants negotiations: official
Obviously, the Regime Change powers-that-be benefited most from this supposed 'attack.' Assad had absolutely nothing to gain by it. So just do the math. The good Doctor is once again Spot On. :thup:

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