Ron Paul on secession. So right!


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
[ame=]Ron Paul: Secession Is an American Principle - YouTube[/ame]
We were happy when the soviet satellite states did it
We were happy when the Sudan seceded
We were happy in many cases...Yet, you won't allow people to live within a nation of our own beliefs? America isn't the kind of nation we conservatives can live in anymore. We don't want to live in the western socialist states.

Yeah, I think the GOP should run with this.



You can stay in your beloved totalitarian states of america. Actually, please do.

A nation of freedom and advancement is what we want. One that uses the laws of economics and reason.
We were happy when the soviet satellite states did it
We were happy when the Sudan seceded
We were happy in many cases...Yet, you won't allow people to live within a nation of our own beliefs? America isn't the kind of nation we conservatives can live in anymore. We don't want to live in the western socialist states.

Yes we seem to believe in self-determination anywhere but home.
OTOH, I strongly suspect a vote to secede would garner less than a majority in any state proposed.

Among the wackos the GOP needs to marginalize are the drama queens.

We were happy when the soviet satellite states did it
We were happy when the Sudan seceded
We were happy in many cases...Yet, you won't allow people to live within a nation of our own beliefs? America isn't the kind of nation we conservatives can live in anymore. We don't want to live in the western socialist states.

Yes we seem to believe in self-determination anywhere but home.
OTOH, I strongly suspect a vote to secede would garner less than a majority in any state proposed.

Montana, Wy? If we move there we can easily secede them.
OK, can we PLEASE get some of these secession threads combined?

This is getting ridiculous.
1# Move to Montana, Wy
2# Call for a vote
3# Secede
4# Form a government

BOOM! Freedom! This one can outlaw marxism.
I don't understand why leftist would be against such? A few million conservatives go to Wy and Mt to form a new nation=the socialist states of America can go all the way.
A nation of freedom and advancement is what we want. One that uses the laws of economics and reason.

I believe we already have the means to secede "financially."

Just issue your own local currency, organize your own banks and businesses into a network that lends and finances other members of the network, and start setting up "alternative health care plans" and schools as business investments, and write those off your taxes.

Churches do this all the time, by creating their own campuses with built-in programs.
Businesses have developed entire subdivisions around their plants for their workers.
If this is planned out correctly, it can be self-sufficient and sustainable.
More resources will be invested back into the community and affiliates,
and less will be paid in taxes to federal govt.

The website for educational materials on managing independent currency:
Ithaca Hours - Local Currency - Ithaca, New York or c/o Paul Glover, Green Party

Note 1:
If an independent health care system is developed as part of the program, the State could be petitioned to count this as meeting the health bill mandates, especially if the program is helping to serve additional people not covered by the bill. I believe we can develop more cost-effective sustainable means of providing housing/health care, through the private sector, and should have equal liberty to set up models to prove what works best, if the federal govt is also experimenting and has yet to prove how much the ACA system will cover.

Note 2:
I also believe in funding housing, health care, and other social services by reforming the prison and mental health system to stop wasting milliions of dollars on ineffective practices.
So that is where some money could come from -- by revamping state budgets and/or setting up means of collecting restitution for crimes or abuses that cost taxpayers' money.

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