Ron Paul: Ryan Budget Plan Doesn't Cut Anything of Substance - Cavuto Agrees


Diamond Member
May 19, 2007

30 years down the road MAYBE the budget will be balanced.

And this is a guy people think is a great conservative and should be in the presidential race?

Paul Ryan is a pussy.
Do you think Obama or anyone Democrat will purpose any cuts of substance?
Anyone can propose any cuts they want, but there's not enough people with balls in Congress to actually implement the cuts.

Just like any drug addict, the government's going to have to hit bottom before they decide to actually change their behavior.

30 years down the road MAYBE the budget will be balanced.

And this is a guy people think is a great conservative and should be in the presidential race?

Paul Ryan is a pussy.

Fuck you.

he had a great plan that gutted the Fed, but the fucking morans said it was evul and said cons declared war on the poor.

Now you're fucking bitching he comes back with a more moderate plan?

Fuck you

30 years down the road MAYBE the budget will be balanced.

And this is a guy people think is a great conservative and should be in the presidential race?

Paul Ryan is a pussy.

Fuck you.

he had a great plan that gutted the Fed, but the fucking morans said it was evul and said cons declared war on the poor.

Now you're fucking bitching he comes back with a more moderate plan?

Fuck you

Jesus christ, is Paul Ryan your fucking father or something? Why don't you tell me how REALLY feel.

And I'm sorry, but his last proposal sucked balls too. No one is proposing anything that balances a budget in less than a decade than Ron Paul.

30 years down the road MAYBE the budget will be balanced.

And this is a guy people think is a great conservative and should be in the presidential race?

Paul Ryan is a pussy.

Fuck you.

he had a great plan that gutted the Fed, but the fucking morans said it was evul and said cons declared war on the poor.

Now you're fucking bitching he comes back with a more moderate plan?

Fuck you

Jesus christ, is Paul Ryan your fucking father or something? Why don't you tell me how REALLY feel.

And I'm sorry, but his last proposal sucked balls too. No one is proposing anything that balances a budget in less than a decade than Ron Paul.

Well, there is Rand Paul's budget. :lol:
Paul Ryan can't catch a break. When he proposes big sweeping cuts the left goes crazy and when he proposes cuts that people can live with the political pundits and loser republican politicians criticize him for not doing enough.
30 years down the road MAYBE the budget will be balanced.

And this is a guy people think is a great conservative and should be in the presidential race?

Paul Ryan is a pussy.

Fuck you.

he had a great plan that gutted the Fed, but the fucking morans said it was evul and said cons declared war on the poor.

Now you're fucking bitching he comes back with a more moderate plan?

Fuck you

u mad

30 years down the road MAYBE the budget will be balanced.

And this is a guy people think is a great conservative and should be in the presidential race?

Paul Ryan is a pussy.

Fuck you.

he had a great plan that gutted the Fed, but the fucking morans said it was evul and said cons declared war on the poor.

Now you're fucking bitching he comes back with a more moderate plan?

Fuck you

Annnnnd we should thank him for putting up a useless budget now why?
30 years down the road MAYBE the budget will be balanced.
And this is a guy people think is a great conservative and should be in the presidential race?
Paul Ryan is a pussy.
Fuck you.
he had a great plan that gutted the Fed, but the fucking morans said it was evul and said cons declared war on the poor.
Now you're fucking bitching he comes back with a more moderate plan?
Fuck you

There is nothing moderate about slashing millionaires taxes by 6 trillion and raising them on poor people.
There is nothing moderate about eliminating Medicare/caid.
There is nothing moderate about eliminating, Energy efficiency spending, nutrition spending, pre-school funding, college spending, spending, science/agriculture/medical research, transportation spending etc etc etc all of which create ore economic benefits then their costs
Do you think Obama or anyone Democrat will purpose any cuts of substance?

No, but shouldn't the Republicans at least try?
If Paul Ryan's the best they can do......​

.....obviously NOT!!!!

"You have to be aggressively and deliberately ignorant of the world economy not to know and understand that clean energy technologies are going to play a huge role in the 21st century," he said. "You have to have severely diminished capacity to understand what drives economic growth in industrialized countries in this century if you do not understand that education is the key that unlocks the door to prosperity."
30 years down the road MAYBE the budget will be balanced.

And this is a guy people think is a great conservative and should be in the presidential race?

Paul Ryan is a pussy.

Fuck you.

he had a great plan that gutted the Fed, but the fucking morans said it was evul and said cons declared war on the poor.

Now you're fucking bitching he comes back with a more moderate plan?

Fuck you

u mad

Yes. I'm pissed that no one gives a fuck about doing anything, anything at all.

And while nothing happens, the economy and the debt get worse and worse.

But what the fuck do you care? you support it getting worse.
"Plan" is a bit of an overstatement when it comes to Ryan's scribblings. From the CBO's analysis of what Ryan gave them:

Discretionary spending includes both defense spending and nondefense spending—in roughly equal amounts currently. That combination of other mandatory and discretionary spending was specified to decline from 12 percent of GDP in 2010 to about 6 percent in 2021 and then move in line with the GDP price deflator beginning in 2022, which would generate a further decline relative to GDP. No proposals were specified that would generate that path.

The path for revenues as a percentage of GDP was specified by Chairman Ryan’s staff. The path rises steadily from about 15 percent of GDP in 2010 to 19 percent in 2028 and remains at that level thereafter. There were no specifications of particular revenue provisions that would generate that path.

What a visionary.

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