Ron Paul talks about Trump pulling out of Iran deal


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
Paul tells it like it is.a good deal. as you can see from the video,Iran is NOT a threat to the world.How could they possibly be with all those bases around them?:abgg2q.jpg: Isreal is the threat.:rolleyes:

what convinces me Trump did the right thing is it has pissed off all the neocon warmongers.:yes_text12::abgg2q.jpg:

Paul tells it like it is.a good deal. as you can see from the video,Iran is NOT a threat to the world.How could they possibly be with all those bases around them?:abgg2q.jpg: Isreal is the threat.:rolleyes:

what convinces me Trump did the right thing is it has pissed off all the neocon warmongers.:yes_text12::abgg2q.jpg:

Riiiiight. The people who wanted to keep a lid on Iran making nuclear weapons are the warmongers.
Gosh darn, how do you justify that?
Paul tells it like it is.a good deal. as you can see from the video,Iran is NOT a threat to the world.How could they possibly be with all those bases around them?:abgg2q.jpg: Isreal is the threat.:rolleyes:

what convinces me Trump did the right thing is it has pissed off all the neocon warmongers.:yes_text12::abgg2q.jpg:

Riiiiight. The people who wanted to keep a lid on Iran making nuclear weapons are the warmongers.
Gosh darn, how do you justify that?

We should keep a lid from genocidal Israel on making nuclear weapons.

Opps.... Too late for that.
Paul tells it like it is.a good deal. as you can see from the video,Iran is NOT a threat to the world.How could they possibly be with all those bases around them?:abgg2q.jpg: Isreal is the threat.:rolleyes:

what convinces me Trump did the right thing is it has pissed off all the neocon warmongers.:yes_text12::abgg2q.jpg:

Riiiiight. The people who wanted to keep a lid on Iran making nuclear weapons are the warmongers.
Gosh darn, how do you justify that?

We should keep a lid from genocidal Israel on making nuclear weapons.

Opps.... Too late for that.

you took her to school.something verrrrrrrry easy to do here of course.:abgg2q.jpg:
Paul tells it like it is.a good deal. as you can see from the video,Iran is NOT a threat to the world.How could they possibly be with all those bases around them?:abgg2q.jpg: Isreal is the threat.:rolleyes:

what convinces me Trump did the right thing is it has pissed off all the neocon warmongers.:yes_text12::abgg2q.jpg:

Riiiiight. The people who wanted to keep a lid on Iran making nuclear weapons are the warmongers.
Gosh darn, how do you justify that?

War mongers did want them to keep a lid on it.
Trump's position was a simple that went over the heads of just about everybody.

"Obama cut a really bad deal that is unverifiable and I want a better one".

If you are like Dr. Paul and think that Iran is not a threat then that position doesn't fly.

If you are a stupid Libtard that likes kissing the ass of the Muslims then you don't like Trump undoing the Affirmative Action Negro's deal to give away the store.

I generally side with Dr. Paul but in this case I am more inclined to think Trump was doing the right thing. Obama's deal gave the friggin Iranians tons of money, prestige and absolutely no verifiable assurances that nuclear weapons will not be produced. Obama made things more dangerous.

The deal that Obama should have cut is that Iran give up its centrifuges and the West doesn't have any sanctions. That is the deal that Trump is trying to cut and that is a good one.

That Obama asshole and that joke Kerry were morons. They should have read Trump's book "The Art of the Deal" then they wouldn't have given away the store for nothing of substance.
Trump is an idiot, a real idiot. But then again I do not want to take another country out due to Israehell and SA.
I generally side with Dr. Paul but in this case I am more inclined to think Trump was doing the right thing. Obama's deal gave the friggin Iranians tons of money, prestige and absolutely no verifiable assurances that nuclear weapons will not be produced. Obama made things more dangerous.

The deal that Obama should have cut is that Iran give up its centrifuges and the West doesn't have any sanctions. That is the deal that Trump is trying to cut and that is a good one.

Of course Trump did the right can tell by the wealthy elites going nuts over it. I have seen two articles in the financial press just this morning claiming Trump will be destroyed by this.. "WE GOT HIM THIS TIME!!!! (no really this time its real we got him pleeeeeease say we got him)" :)
Could withdrawing from the Iran deal bring down Trump?

In the meantime Iranian Mullahs, Democrats and other America haters are spastic over the move.

Iran warns Trump: 'You've made a mistake'

Senator Schumer Criticizes Withdrawal Iran Nuclear Deal, May 8 2018 |

As far as Ron Paul..put him in charge of the Fed but keep him away from foreign policy.
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Well, he did it I guess. He said that the deal was gone and he wants a better one.

Only problem is, there is a snowball's chance in hell of it being renegotiated. Iran now has the ability to go ahead and start refining weapons grade radioactive material. And, because they sanctions were lifted for a bit, they also got a bunch of money and trade, which means they can start reassembling their centrifuges and working on another bomb.

I mean, it's not like they didn't have the know how, they do. The deal stopped them from refining weapons grade material, but still allowed them to refine material for power generation.

Wonder what Trump is gonna do in a year when they start bragging about a bomb?
Well, he did it I guess. He said that the deal was gone and he wants a better one.

Only problem is, there is a snowball's chance in hell of it being renegotiated. Iran now has the ability to go ahead and start refining weapons grade radioactive material. And, because they sanctions were lifted for a bit, they also got a bunch of money and trade, which means they can start reassembling their centrifuges and working on another bomb.

I mean, it's not like they didn't have the know how, they do. The deal stopped them from refining weapons grade material, but still allowed them to refine material for power generation.

Wonder what Trump is gonna do in a year when they start bragging about a bomb?
Iran said they were sticking to the deal. It seems like a bunch of crazy stuff is coming from the anti trump wing of Merica.
Well, he did it I guess. He said that the deal was gone and he wants a better one.

Only problem is, there is a snowball's chance in hell of it being renegotiated. Iran now has the ability to go ahead and start refining weapons grade radioactive material. And, because they sanctions were lifted for a bit, they also got a bunch of money and trade, which means they can start reassembling their centrifuges and working on another bomb.

I mean, it's not like they didn't have the know how, they do. The deal stopped them from refining weapons grade material, but still allowed them to refine material for power generation.

Wonder what Trump is gonna do in a year when they start bragging about a bomb?
Iran said they were sticking to the deal. It seems like a bunch of crazy stuff is coming from the anti trump wing of Merica.

Got a link that says Iran is going to stick with the deal? Nothing that I've seen so far has said anything like that.
I generally side with Dr. Paul but in this case I am more inclined to think Trump was doing the right thing. Obama's deal gave the friggin Iranians tons of money, prestige and absolutely no verifiable assurances that nuclear weapons will not be produced. Obama made things more dangerous.

The deal that Obama should have cut is that Iran give up its centrifuges and the West doesn't have any sanctions. That is the deal that Trump is trying to cut and that is a good one.

Of course Trump did the right can tell by the wealthy elites going nuts over it. I have seen two articles in the financial press just this morning claiming Trump will be destroyed by this.. "WE GOT HIM THIS TIME!!!!" :)
As far as Ron Paul..put him in charge of the Fed but keep him away from foreign policy.

Paul is right on many things but occasionally he gets something wrong. This is a case in point.

Iran gets rid of the centrifuges and sanctions are lifted. Ironclad verification. No money, no anything. Anything less is just silly ass wishful thinking.

Trump knows that. That asshole Obama and that idiot Kerry were too stupid to figure it out or else they didn't care.
Trump knows that. That asshole Obama and that idiot Kerry were too stupid to figure it out or else they didn't care.

Or...they didnt have America's best interests at heart like Mr Trump does.
Trump knows that. That asshole Obama and that idiot Kerry were too stupid to figure it out or else they didn't care.

Or...they didnt have America's best interests at heart like Mr Trump does.

Kerry's daughter is married to an Iranian whose father is a big shot in Iran.

I wonder how much of those billions he got out of the deal?
Well, he did it I guess. He said that the deal was gone and he wants a better one.

Only problem is, there is a snowball's chance in hell of it being renegotiated. Iran now has the ability to go ahead and start refining weapons grade radioactive material. And, because they sanctions were lifted for a bit, they also got a bunch of money and trade, which means they can start reassembling their centrifuges and working on another bomb.

I mean, it's not like they didn't have the know how, they do. The deal stopped them from refining weapons grade material, but still allowed them to refine material for power generation.

Wonder what Trump is gonna do in a year when they start bragging about a bomb?
Iran said they were sticking to the deal. It seems like a bunch of crazy stuff is coming from the anti trump wing of Merica.

Got a link that says Iran is going to stick with the deal? Nothing that I've seen so far has said anything like that.
I am on my phone. Just google it. Its everywhere. Some poster here started a thread about it as well.
Well, he did it I guess. He said that the deal was gone and he wants a better one.

Only problem is, there is a snowball's chance in hell of it being renegotiated. Iran now has the ability to go ahead and start refining weapons grade radioactive material. And, because they sanctions were lifted for a bit, they also got a bunch of money and trade, which means they can start reassembling their centrifuges and working on another bomb.

I mean, it's not like they didn't have the know how, they do. The deal stopped them from refining weapons grade material, but still allowed them to refine material for power generation.

Wonder what Trump is gonna do in a year when they start bragging about a bomb?
Iran said they were sticking to the deal. It seems like a bunch of crazy stuff is coming from the anti trump wing of Merica.

Got a link that says Iran is going to stick with the deal? Nothing that I've seen so far has said anything like that.
I am on my phone. Just google it. Its everywhere. Some poster here started a thread about it as well.

Found it. Interestingly enough, it says that Iran will agree to stick with the deal, but only if the other 5 countries abide by it.

But..................there is a problem................Trump also said that any country that does business with Iran could also face sanctions. I wonder if those countries holding up their end will result in some kind of sanctions, because they will still be trading with Iran?

And, if Iran and the other 5 countries do keep the deal, what is that going to do for America's standing in the world?
And lets not forgot the pallets of cash (Pallets!!!) Barack Hussein flew into Iran secretly. From his stash I guess.

US sent plane with $400 million in cash to Iran - CNNPolitics

That was money that was frozen by the sanctions that belonged to Iran. When the sanctions were lifted, the money was unfrozen and returned to Iran.

A lie. One reason it had to be secretly flown in after being converted to Euros is because sanctions were still in place and dollars could not be used.

"The money was flown into Iran on wooden pallets stacked with Swiss francs, euros and other currencies...US officials said cash had to be flown in because existing US sanctions ban American dollars from being used in a transaction with Iran..."

Secondly the 400 million had been awarded to Americans who won judgments against Iran for their murderous acts.

"Legal claims are one of the reasons the payment to Iran was controversial when Obama first announced it. The Clinton administration had agreed in 2000 to pay that $400 million to Americans who had won lawsuits against Iran in US courts.
These families and individuals had sued the Islamic Republic for damages after the deaths of loved ones or for being the victims themselves of Iran-backed kidnappings or terrorist attacks. At the time, US officials told those families the money would come from Iran."

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