Ron Paul talks about Trump pulling out of Iran deal

Well, he did it I guess. He said that the deal was gone and he wants a better one.

Only problem is, there is a snowball's chance in hell of it being renegotiated. Iran now has the ability to go ahead and start refining weapons grade radioactive material. And, because they sanctions were lifted for a bit, they also got a bunch of money and trade, which means they can start reassembling their centrifuges and working on another bomb.

I mean, it's not like they didn't have the know how, they do. The deal stopped them from refining weapons grade material, but still allowed them to refine material for power generation.

Wonder what Trump is gonna do in a year when they start bragging about a bomb?
Iran said they were sticking to the deal. It seems like a bunch of crazy stuff is coming from the anti trump wing of Merica.

Got a link that says Iran is going to stick with the deal? Nothing that I've seen so far has said anything like that.
I am on my phone. Just google it. Its everywhere. Some poster here started a thread about it as well.

Found it. Interestingly enough, it says that Iran will agree to stick with the deal, but only if the other 5 countries abide by it.

But..................there is a problem................Trump also said that any country that does business with Iran could also face sanctions. I wonder if those countries holding up their end will result in some kind of sanctions, because they will still be trading with Iran?

And, if Iran and the other 5 countries do keep the deal, what is that going to do for America's standing in the world?
Idk. It could be a mess, we will just have to see.
Im not too worried about our standing though. It would take a lot more than trump to ruin our standing. Despite peoples rhetoric and the wedge issue junkie media.
I mean, we have been caught multiple times fucking ovet our allies with the last couple presidents and nothing happened.
Sanctioning a terrorist govt wont do it either.
Well, he did it I guess. He said that the deal was gone and he wants a better one.

Only problem is, there is a snowball's chance in hell of it being renegotiated. Iran now has the ability to go ahead and start refining weapons grade radioactive material. And, because they sanctions were lifted for a bit, they also got a bunch of money and trade, which means they can start reassembling their centrifuges and working on another bomb.

I mean, it's not like they didn't have the know how, they do. The deal stopped them from refining weapons grade material, but still allowed them to refine material for power generation.

Wonder what Trump is gonna do in a year when they start bragging about a bomb?

You got it wrong. The Cold War was won without firing a bullet, but that’s because RR built up our military and showed strength. Trump is very similar in that respect. Iran does not have the balls to restart their nuclear program. And if they do DT will not hesitate. We’re going to win this
Well, he did it I guess. He said that the deal was gone and he wants a better one.

Only problem is, there is a snowball's chance in hell of it being renegotiated. Iran now has the ability to go ahead and start refining weapons grade radioactive material. And, because they sanctions were lifted for a bit, they also got a bunch of money and trade, which means they can start reassembling their centrifuges and working on another bomb.

I mean, it's not like they didn't have the know how, they do. The deal stopped them from refining weapons grade material, but still allowed them to refine material for power generation.

Wonder what Trump is gonna do in a year when they start bragging about a bomb?
Iran said they were sticking to the deal. It seems like a bunch of crazy stuff is coming from the anti trump wing of Merica.

Got a link that says Iran is going to stick with the deal? Nothing that I've seen so far has said anything like that.
I am on my phone. Just google it. Its everywhere. Some poster here started a thread about it as well.

Found it. Interestingly enough, it says that Iran will agree to stick with the deal, but only if the other 5 countries abide by it.

But..................there is a problem................Trump also said that any country that does business with Iran could also face sanctions. I wonder if those countries holding up their end will result in some kind of sanctions, because they will still be trading with Iran?

And, if Iran and the other 5 countries do keep the deal, what is that going to do for America's standing in the world?
Idk. It could be a mess, we will just have to see.
Im not too worried about our standing though. It would take a lot more than trump to ruin our standing. Despite peoples rhetoric and the wedge issue junkie media.
I mean, we have been caught multiple times fucking ovet our allies with the last couple presidents and nothing happened.
Sanctioning a terrorist govt wont do it either.

Really? Because in addition to leaving the Paris Accords, we now have opted out of the Iran deal. The US is no longer considered an important factor in the ME.
Iran said they were sticking to the deal. It seems like a bunch of crazy stuff is coming from the anti trump wing of Merica.

Got a link that says Iran is going to stick with the deal? Nothing that I've seen so far has said anything like that.
I am on my phone. Just google it. Its everywhere. Some poster here started a thread about it as well.

Found it. Interestingly enough, it says that Iran will agree to stick with the deal, but only if the other 5 countries abide by it.

But..................there is a problem................Trump also said that any country that does business with Iran could also face sanctions. I wonder if those countries holding up their end will result in some kind of sanctions, because they will still be trading with Iran?

And, if Iran and the other 5 countries do keep the deal, what is that going to do for America's standing in the world?
Idk. It could be a mess, we will just have to see.
Im not too worried about our standing though. It would take a lot more than trump to ruin our standing. Despite peoples rhetoric and the wedge issue junkie media.
I mean, we have been caught multiple times fucking ovet our allies with the last couple presidents and nothing happened.
Sanctioning a terrorist govt wont do it either.

Really? Because in addition to leaving the Paris Accords, we now have opted out of the Iran deal. The US is no longer considered an important factor in the ME.
Lol Im sorry guy, but you sound like you are regurgitating a dnc email.
Americans really need to grow up.
If you think AMERICA is lost because of these actions, you are so short sighted, i dont see how you can plan for the next day.
Well, he did it I guess. He said that the deal was gone and he wants a better one.

Only problem is, there is a snowball's chance in hell of it being renegotiated. Iran now has the ability to go ahead and start refining weapons grade radioactive material. And, because they sanctions were lifted for a bit, they also got a bunch of money and trade, which means they can start reassembling their centrifuges and working on another bomb.

I mean, it's not like they didn't have the know how, they do. The deal stopped them from refining weapons grade material, but still allowed them to refine material for power generation.

Wonder what Trump is gonna do in a year when they start bragging about a bomb?
Blame it on Obama or Hilliary
Well, he did it I guess. He said that the deal was gone and he wants a better one.

Only problem is, there is a snowball's chance in hell of it being renegotiated. Iran now has the ability to go ahead and start refining weapons grade radioactive material. And, because they sanctions were lifted for a bit, they also got a bunch of money and trade, which means they can start reassembling their centrifuges and working on another bomb.

I mean, it's not like they didn't have the know how, they do. The deal stopped them from refining weapons grade material, but still allowed them to refine material for power generation.

Wonder what Trump is gonna do in a year when they start bragging about a bomb?
Blame it on Obama or Hilliary

Why not? It's what his supporters do.
Well, he did it I guess. He said that the deal was gone and he wants a better one.

Only problem is, there is a snowball's chance in hell of it being renegotiated. Iran now has the ability to go ahead and start refining weapons grade radioactive material. And, because they sanctions were lifted for a bit, they also got a bunch of money and trade, which means they can start reassembling their centrifuges and working on another bomb.

I mean, it's not like they didn't have the know how, they do. The deal stopped them from refining weapons grade material, but still allowed them to refine material for power generation.

Wonder what Trump is gonna do in a year when they start bragging about a bomb?

You got it wrong. The Cold War was won without firing a bullet, but that’s because RR built up our military and showed strength. Trump is very similar in that respect. Iran does not have the balls to restart their nuclear program. And if they do DT will not hesitate. We’re going to win this

I love how you always ignore that Israel is the one that has the nuclear program a threat to the world and how there is no possible chance for Iran to be a threat since had you taken to the time to watch the video,you would have seen for yourself it is IMPOSSIBLE for them to be a threat to the world like the corporate controlled media says they are that you worship as the gospel truth since the US has HUNDREDS of military bases around listen WAYYYY too much to the corporate controlled owned media son.:biggrin:

the way Trump is kissing Israels ass there just might be a world war three.eventually Israel is going to try and invade Russia.Russia has cowardly let them take over syrai and iran bu the kid gloves will be off when they try and invade Russia.
Trump's position was a simple that went over the heads of just about everybody.

"Obama cut a really bad deal that is unverifiable and I want a better one".

If you are like Dr. Paul and think that Iran is not a threat then that position doesn't fly.

If you are a stupid Libtard that likes kissing the ass of the Muslims then you don't like Trump undoing the Affirmative Action Negro's deal to give away the store.

I generally side with Dr. Paul but in this case I am more inclined to think Trump was doing the right thing. Obama's deal gave the friggin Iranians tons of money, prestige and absolutely no verifiable assurances that nuclear weapons will not be produced. Obama made things more dangerous.

The deal that Obama should have cut is that Iran give up its centrifuges and the West doesn't have any sanctions. That is the deal that Trump is trying to cut and that is a good one.

That Obama asshole and that joke Kerry were morons. They should have read Trump's book "The Art of the Deal" then they wouldn't have given away the store for nothing of substance.

Obama didn't 'cut a deal', the US, UK, France, China, Russia and Germany. Cons love to couch everything as if the US is the only country on Earth. And every nation in this agreement is still part of the agreement except the US who broke the agreement and proved America's signature on such agreements mean nothing. No one else is pulling out. Our staunchest NATO allies Britain, France, and Germany have all stated they will not leave the agreement.

And now Trump wants everyone to believe that Kim Jong Un can be 100% trusted to sign an agreement for basically the same thing.

Trump has mental problems and Republicans are his enablers. And he has destroyed America's image and trust with the world. We have no president, he is an idiotic child.
go away shill,could care less what you have to say in your lies and bs.
Trump's position was a simple that went over the heads of just about everybody.

"Obama cut a really bad deal that is unverifiable and I want a better one".

If you are like Dr. Paul and think that Iran is not a threat then that position doesn't fly.

If you are a stupid Libtard that likes kissing the ass of the Muslims then you don't like Trump undoing the Affirmative Action Negro's deal to give away the store.

I generally side with Dr. Paul but in this case I am more inclined to think Trump was doing the right thing. Obama's deal gave the friggin Iranians tons of money, prestige and absolutely no verifiable assurances that nuclear weapons will not be produced. Obama made things more dangerous.

The deal that Obama should have cut is that Iran give up its centrifuges and the West doesn't have any sanctions. That is the deal that Trump is trying to cut and that is a good one.

That Obama asshole and that joke Kerry were morons. They should have read Trump's book "The Art of the Deal" then they wouldn't have given away the store for nothing of substance.

Obama didn't 'cut a deal', the US, UK, France, China, Russia and Germany. Cons love to couch everything as if the US is the only country on Earth. And every nation in this agreement is still part of the agreement except the US who broke the agreement and proved America's signature on such agreements mean nothing. No one else is pulling out. Our staunchest NATO allies Britain, France, and Germany have all stated they will not leave the agreement.

And now Trump wants everyone to believe that Kim Jong Un can be 100% trusted to sign an agreement for basically the same thing.

Trump has mental problems and Republicans are his enablers. And he has destroyed America's image and trust with the world. We have no president, he is an idiotic child.

that pretty much though describes EVERY president since reagan,an idiotic child who has destroyed Americans image.Reagan got the ball rolling for the destruction of america "which is WHY the corporate controlled media and our corrupt schools worship him to death." he got the ball rolling and each president since then has expanded what that bastard got started sadly.

I am STILL giving Trump the benefit of the doubt giving him these next two years to prove me wrong that he is different by getting rid of the CIA,FBI,IRS,the fed and all these other evil three letter alphabet institutions,but until he does,he has yet to prove me wrong sadlly that he is any different than any of them.
Trump's position was a simple that went over the heads of just about everybody.

"Obama cut a really bad deal that is unverifiable and I want a better one".

If you are like Dr. Paul and think that Iran is not a threat then that position doesn't fly.

If you are a stupid Libtard that likes kissing the ass of the Muslims then you don't like Trump undoing the Affirmative Action Negro's deal to give away the store.

I generally side with Dr. Paul but in this case I am more inclined to think Trump was doing the right thing. Obama's deal gave the friggin Iranians tons of money, prestige and absolutely no verifiable assurances that nuclear weapons will not be produced. Obama made things more dangerous.

The deal that Obama should have cut is that Iran give up its centrifuges and the West doesn't have any sanctions. That is the deal that Trump is trying to cut and that is a good one.

That Obama asshole and that joke Kerry were morons. They should have read Trump's book "The Art of the Deal" then they wouldn't have given away the store for nothing of substance.

Obama didn't 'cut a deal', the US, UK, France, China, Russia and Germany. Cons love to couch everything as if the US is the only country on Earth. And every nation in this agreement is still part of the agreement except the US who broke the agreement and proved America's signature on such agreements mean nothing. No one else is pulling out. Our staunchest NATO allies Britain, France, and Germany have all stated they will not leave the agreement.

And now Trump wants everyone to believe that Kim Jong Un can be 100% trusted to sign an agreement for basically the same thing.

Trump has mental problems and Republicans are his enablers. And he has destroyed America's image and trust with the world. We have no president, he is an idiotic child.

There would have been no deal if that asshole Obama hadn't been so anxious to give away the store to Valerie Jarrett's country.

I actually don't think Obama could find Iran on a map. He is not that bright. He thinks Hawaii is in Asia and there are 57 states. I suspect this was the Iranian Communist Valerie Jarrett's deal.

Obama and that clown Kerry were absolute idiots. An embarrassment to the US.

The deal should have been a simple one. No centrifuges, no sanctions. Full unfettered inspections.

Trump is smart enough to understand that. Obama was a fucking Muslim loving asshole.
Paul tells it like it is.a good deal. as you can see from the video,Iran is NOT a threat to the world.How could they possibly be with all those bases around them?:abgg2q.jpg: Isreal is the threat.:rolleyes:

what convinces me Trump did the right thing is it has pissed off all the neocon warmongers.:yes_text12::abgg2q.jpg:

here is ANOTHER video that says the same thing Ron Paul said and backs him up on that Iran is not a threat to the world right after the 40 minute mark saying same thing paul did. :thup:

Paul tells it like it is.a good deal. as you can see from the video,Iran is NOT a threat to the world.How could they possibly be with all those bases around them?:abgg2q.jpg: Isreal is the threat.:rolleyes:

what convinces me Trump did the right thing is it has pissed off all the neocon warmongers.:yes_text12::abgg2q.jpg:

here is ANOTHER video that says the same thing Ron Paul said and backs him up on that Iran is not a threat to the world right after the 40 minute mark saying same thing paul did. :thup:

Yeah, and Jr. and RumsFAILED told us that the Iraq war would be paid for in the oil we'd be getting, as well as would only take 6 months to a year.

How'd that work out? We're still there.
Paul tells it like it is.a good deal. as you can see from the video,Iran is NOT a threat to the world.How could they possibly be with all those bases around them?:abgg2q.jpg: Isreal is the threat.:rolleyes:

what convinces me Trump did the right thing is it has pissed off all the neocon warmongers.:yes_text12::abgg2q.jpg:'s not often that I see someone COMPLETELY misunderstand neocons...but you managed to do it.

You actually think that neocons liked the Iran deal?

Do you even know what a neocon is?

Lesson begins:

Neocons LOVE war...they cannot get enough of it. The poster boy for them - John (I Am Nuts) Bolton - has been begging America to attack Iran.

By ending the Iran deal, this leaves the possibility of Israel/America/Saudi Arabia attacking Iran wide open.

You see, with the deal in place, America had zero justification for attacking Iran.

But now that there is no deal, America (along with Israel and Saudi Arabia) have all the justification they want. They just have to say; 'see, Iran refuses to come to the terms that we want them to. So, we have no choice but to attack them and remove the threat.'

Neocons LOVE that Trump ended the Iran deal....they are thrilled.

Lesson Ends.

Good day.
Wonder what Trump is gonna do in a year when they start bragging about a bomb?

His Chickenhawk-in-Chief John Bolton will drag us into a war with Iran that lasts for 25 years and bankrupts us.
We'll crush Iran's military of course, because we have a GREAT military, but we will NOT WIN the war, because if we WIN, it won't make any money for all the defense contractors.
Oh and, we'll start screwing our returning disabled vets EVEN MORE.
Paul tells it like it is.a good deal. as you can see from the video,Iran is NOT a threat to the world.How could they possibly be with all those bases around them?:abgg2q.jpg: Isreal is the threat.:rolleyes:

what convinces me Trump did the right thing is it has pissed off all the neocon warmongers.:yes_text12::abgg2q.jpg:

I rarely agree with Ron Paul but he really hit the nail on head. The deal may not be what Republicans wanted but it was a deal that stopped Iran development of nuclear weapons. Yeah, I know the Iranians are really bad guys. They threaten Israel. They are developing more missiles. They side with Russia and say some really bad things about the US. but they did live up to the agreement. Walking out on the deal is like shutting door after the horses are long gone. The hundreds million of dollars of Iranian funds have already been released and we are not getting them back. It took three years to negotiate the agreement. The chief Iranian negotiators were jailed for 12 months for betraying the Iranian people by negotiating an agreement that pleased the US and now the government is in the hands of more hardliners so the chance of getting a better deal is slim to none. The sanctions are more likely to hurt the US than Iran, particular since the other signers of the agreement are still supporting it. It is also unlikely that any sanctions from the UN are forthcoming. It's a really stupid move by Trump in which the US will suffer simple because Trump felt he should honor a campaign promise that made no sense when he made it.
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