Ron Paul Warns Of Martial Law And Economic Collapse...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
It's time to start listening to the good Doctor.

[ame=]Ron Paul Warns of Martial Law and Economic Collapse - YouTube[/ame]

Yes, I think Paul's message becomes more relevant with each passing year.

Have you been keeping up with the news? We're on the brink of something not pleasant, that's for sure. The fed has been handing the banks billions of dollars through QE each month for the past 5 years under Obama, as a method to prop up the economy. Problem is the is ALL FLUFF. It's not real. You can't just print money indefinitely as a "solve" because there is absolutely no substance behind it. Eventually, things will give-way (which is what we should have let happen in 08).

Obama failed to punish anyone following the last collapse. Not one person was sent to jail despite his campaign promises to "hold the fat cats accountable". So what happens when you give a kid who does something wrong an ice cream cone?

I'm expecting the worst in the next 5 years..

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I don't like to use cliche's but the House of Cards will eventually collapse if the FED keeps printing off money. That's not paranoia, scare tactics, or a crazy man's thinking. It's just inevitable. Doesn't take a genius to figure it out.....
I don't agree with Ron Paul on everything, but he's right on the money in calling the shutdown a farce.
I don't like to use cliche's but the House of Cards will eventually collapse if the FED keeps printing off money. That's not paranoia, scare tactics, or a crazy man's thinking. It's just inevitable. Doesn't take a genius to figure it out.....


[ame=""]The Ominous Parallels: The End of Freedom in America[/ame]

Iin this brilliantly reasoned, thought-provoking work we learn why, as he demonstrates how far America has been detoured from its original path and led down the same road that Germany followed to Nazism.

How can this expanding colossal Government be sustained? It just keeps adding more Government Workers and Entitlements. It's only getting bigger. I see a day when Taxpayers will no longer be able to support it. And i think that day is rapidly approaching.
How can this expanding colossal Government be sustained? It just keeps adding more Government Workers and Entitlements. It's only getting bigger. I see a day when Taxpayers will no longer be able to support it. And i think that day is rapidly approaching.
Quite true and this should NOT be made into a left vs right issue, like the dems and repubs like to do. This is our issue as American's (left, right, middle, black, white, asian, hispanic etc). Together we will all suffer. We simply cannot continue to go down this path.

Be nice if every American put down their fucking swords and party playbooks and really understood this.
I know many like to ridicule and dismiss Ron Paul, but his warnings and predictions usually do pan out...

[ame=]Ron Paul - Predictions in Due Time (Original) - YouTube[/ame]
I don't like to use cliche's but the House of Cards will eventually collapse if the FED keeps printing off money. That's not paranoia, scare tactics, or a crazy man's thinking. It's just inevitable. Doesn't take a genius to figure it out.....


[ame=""]The Ominous Parallels: The End of Freedom in America[/ame]

Iin this brilliantly reasoned, thought-provoking work we learn why, as he demonstrates how far America has been detoured from its original path and led down the same road that Germany followed to Nazism.


Downloading it tonight to the kindle. Thanks
"Let it not be said that no one cared, that no one objected once it's realized that our Liberties and Wealth are in jeopardy." - Ron Paul
I know many like to ridicule and dismiss Ron Paul, but his warnings and predictions usually do pan out...

I think most people don't have the ability to recognize the truth these days, and when they hear someone preaching the truth they will become frightened (and rightfully so).

The ridicule is sort of a defense mechanism, because they don't want to let go of the "nicer" and often simpler world view. And again, I don't blame them; the truth is not always that pleasant.

Yes, I think Paul's message becomes more relevant with each passing year.

Have you been keeping up with the news? We're on the brink of something not pleasant, that's for sure. The fed has been handing the banks billions of dollars through QE each month for the past 5 years under Obama, as a method to prop up the economy. Problem is the is ALL FLUFF. It's not real. You can't just print money indefinitely as a "solve" because there is absolutely no substance behind it. Eventually, things will give-way (which is what we should have let happen in 08).

Obama failed to punish anyone following the last collapse. Not one person was sent to jail despite his campaign promises to "hold the fat cats accountable". So what happens when you give a kid who does something wrong an ice cream cone?

I'm expecting the worst in the next 5 years..


The fed has been handing the banks billions of dollars through QE each month for the past 5 years under Obama, as a method to prop up the economy.

Handing? You make it sound like free money.
As Government grows more desperate for Tax Dollars, the harassment of Citizens by way of Shakedowns will increase. Government has a voracious appetite for your money. It's already bad enough. Everywhere you look, it seems there's a Government Henchman in your face demanding cash. This massive Government beast must be fed. So look for more Shakedowns in the future. It's the only way this monstrosity can be sustained.
The fed has been handing the banks billions of dollars through QE each month for the past 5 years under Obama, as a method to prop up the economy.

Handing? You make it sound like free money.

The Fed is purchasing assets from these big banks to the tune of $85 billion+ a month. Many of these assets are garbage/toxic/crap that no one else would ever in a million years want to purchase (junk from the subprime mortgage days) so yes... it practically is free money.

When I have a run down car that smells like a dead pig, and no one will buy it, what's the total value? Approximately zero dollars. If this is my only asset I now have a net worth of zero dollars.

But if the Gov't comes along and says "hey I'll pay $5,000 for that piece of shit", they are handing me a free $5,000. That's how I see it.
Tomorrow has the potential to be SO awesome. Please default.

I tend to agree.

the hysteria about this proves that the hysterics are afraid it will prove the same as government shutdown - nothing happens, and it is actually GOOD
Tomorrow has the potential to be SO awesome. Please default.

Not gonna happen. It's all just a big show. Deals have already been struck. Business as usual. Another wink and a nod, and both Parties go on destroying our Nation. Big Government Progressives actually control both Political Parties at this point.

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