Ron Paul

I just fucking typed out an entire rebuttal to everything you just posted and the fucking site for some reason killed my entire post. It took way too long for me to go back and re-do it, but rest assured i refuted everything you claimed.

I'll be back tomorrow to do it again, I have my family to tend to right now.

good night Kath.
Have a nice evening.
Welp, we've got a screenshot of some guy from the internet making a claim, I guess that proves everything!

And a picture of him standing next to the owner of stormfront after the values voters debate! There's no way that could have been a quick snapshot amongst hundreds of quick snapshots with strangers that night. Nope. Just as bad, he's given speeches in front of Marxist anti-war groups and muslims too. I bet we can find some pictures of him standing next to some of their leaders. Did I mention the brothel owner in Nevada who donated money to him? Alert the press: Ron Paul's campaign paid for by selling tail!

I also hear tell that he is a big-time devotee of free-market "Austrian" economics. The two biggest names in austrian economics were Ludwig Von Mises and Murray Rothbard. Mises died before Ron Paul got into politics iirc, but he was good friends with Rothbard. Know what else those two economists were? That's right, JEWS! Clearly this conspiracy runs deeper than we suspected--a jewish conspiracy to use a white nationalist jihaadist to advance the cause of marxian pimps everywhere.
Welp, we've got a screenshot of some guy from the internet making a claim, I guess that proves everything!

And a picture of him standing next to the owner of stormfront after the values voters debate! There's no way that could have been a quick snapshot amongst hundreds of quick snapshots with strangers that night. Nope. Just as bad, he's given speeches in front of Marxist anti-war groups and muslims too. I bet we can find some pictures of him standing next to some of their leaders. Did I mention the brothel owner in Nevada who donated money to him? Alert the press: Ron Paul's campaign paid for by selling tail!

I also hear tell that he is a big-time devotee of free-market "Austrian" economics. The two biggest names in austrian economics were Ludwig Von Mises and Murray Rothbard. Mises died before Ron Paul got into politics iirc, but he was good friends with Rothbard. Know what else those two economists were? That's right, JEWS! Clearly this conspiracy runs deeper than we suspected--a jewish conspiracy to use a white nationalist jihaadist to advance the cause of marxian pimps everywhere.
I bet he's big on the polio vaccine too. Alas, as for the 'screenshot' there is also this coincidence regarding the restaurant mentioned. You seem to want to make this all about Jews, it's not. There are problems with 'white nationalists' here also. But never you mind, you like his economics, vote and donate where you wish, free country. Just like it is for me, for now.
I bet he's big on the polio vaccine too.


Alas, as for the 'screenshot' there is also this coincidence regarding the restaurant mentioned.

Ok, I'm going to come out of the closet here. I'm the front man for the League of White Nationalist Jihaadist Pimps (LWNJP). My job is to discuss our agenda with members of congress and arrange clandestine funding for them, in exchange for votes. I met with Ron Paul at Pizza Hut and he was very receptive to our plans. Of course I picked up the tab for $28.78 for two pizzas. It's right there in that publicly available link. Now if that's not enough, well...just take a screenshot here, that will prove it. I mean, come on. A screenshot.

You seem to want to make this all about Jews, it's not.

Umm no, you're the one bringing it up again, and again, and again, like a broken record.

But never you mind, you like his economics, vote and donate where you wish, free country.

I like his economics, but also his foreign policy, which is the real issue here for you quite honestly. Instead of defending your views, you have borrowed a page out of the liberal playbook and resorted to the cheap smear of racism. I can't blame you for not defending your views though; they're indefensible.

Also, just curious--did you root for Arnold Schwarzenegger when he ran for the governor of California?

Ok, I'm going to come out of the closet here. I'm the front man for the League of White Nationalist Jihaadist Pimps (LWNJP). My job is to discuss our agenda with members of congress and arrange clandestine funding for them, in exchange for votes. I met with Ron Paul at Pizza Hut and he was very receptive to our plans. Of course I picked up the tab for $28.78 for two pizzas. It's right there in that publicly available link. Now if that's not enough, well...just take a screenshot here, that will prove it. I mean, come on. A screenshot.

Umm no, you're the one bringing it up again, and again, and again, like a broken record.

I like his economics, but also his foreign policy, which is the real issue here for you quite honestly. Instead of defending your views, you have borrowed a page out of the liberal playbook and resorted to the cheap smear of racism. I can't blame you for not defending your views though; they're indefensible.

Also, just curious--did you root for Arnold Schwarzenegger when he ran for the governor of California?

Seriously, it's a coincidence that he's photographed in September with Black and his son. It's a coincidence that he has no clue to who Black is, regardless of the connection with Alex Jones, upon whom's show Paul has repeatedly appeared. It's just another weird occurence that some weirdo with over 1k posts on Vanguard message board writes what he does about a particular restaurant, that just appears on Mr. Paul's Federal Election Accounting Sheet.

Yeah, I'm impressed with your analysis.
Seriously, it's a coincidence that he's photographed in September with Black and his son. It's a coincidence that he has no clue to who Black is, regardless of the connection with Alex Jones, upon whom's show Paul has repeatedly appeared. It's just another weird occurence that some weirdo with over 1k posts on Vanguard message board writes what he does about a particular restaurant, that just appears on Mr. Paul's Federal Election Accounting Sheet.

Yeah, I'm impressed with your analysis.

Alex jones and Don Black have nothing to do with each other, so I'm not sure why you brought up Jones in this regard. If that's a subtle segue to link him to the conspiracy theorists, I thought he already handled that one on Glen Beck the other night where he directly answered Beck's question about it with an emphatic "NO".

Beck (paraphrasing): "Do you believe the government was responsible for 9/11, that a missile hit the pentagon instead of a jetliner, that explosives brought down WTC 7?" Ron Paul: "No, that's preposterous."

Now, about the guy that posted the story about the restaurant incident, here's a link for that one to thoroughly debunk the nature of which you are inferring it:

And if it goes deeper than just being against jews, here's something that I would THINK ought to make you feel more comfortable about his views on Afircan Americans, as well:

Sleuth: If you were to defy the polls and the odds and win the nomination, who would be your running mate?

Paul: Well, I don't know, but if I won, you know, I'd want a recount. You know, lets be certain about what's going on here.

But a running mate. Somebody like Walter Williams. Walter Williams is a very good economist. John Stossel, John Stossel would be good.

Ah! A black man as a running mate??? A supposed white nationalist in sheeps clothing, Ron Paul, would pick a BLACK man as a running mate! And WHY? Well, because of Ron's most endered position: THE ECONOMY.

And just so THAT doesn't get twisted, here's sometihng to back that up nice and SOLID:

Williams has stated that he is inundated with emails, but won't run, although he won't completely rule out the possibility. Instead, he endorsed Republican candidate Ron Paul.[6] Paul himself has suggested "omebody like Walter Williams" as a running mate.

Now, back to Don Black. Don Black also endorsed Bush, particularly in 2004. But also supported him in 2000. Not sure if he donated to his campaign, but I don't remember anyone giving Bush shit about Black's support for HIM.,ladd2,19934,6.html

The Pat Buchanan supporter—who voted for George W. Bush to keep Al Gore out—said Wednesday that he participated in the Jackson protest Monday, which he insists was more anti-Gore than pro-Bush. "I was right in the middle of things," Black said with a laugh. "Not a single reporter recognized me. My ego was deflated in a way."

That is not entirely surprising. Although Black is a former deputy of KKK leader David Duke's (and actually married Duke's former wife, Chloe), he tries to stay below the media radar in his wife's hometown of West Palm Beach, where they moved in 1987. Likewise, Black said that he is counseling fellow "pro-white" extremists to show up to support Bush, but not to emphasize their controversial stances such as support for the Confederate flag.

Where were you THEN, Kathianne? And this being the case, how could you support Bush, with this being the case? You can't be a hypocrite on this issue, either you don't support anyone who Black endorses, or you don't use the Don Black connection to show your lack of support at all.

I think Baron cleared up Ron's supposed anti-jew stance, in pointing out that some of Ron's best friends and closest personal mentors are JEWISH.

One last thought:



An autograph for unknown Black supporters, and then a PHOTO-OP.

And here's Ron in "photo-op" pictures with Muslims, Jews, African Americans...






This is what Ron does EVERYWHERE HE GOES.

Would you give up the racism card please Kathianne, and just admit you don't like Ron's foreign policy and leave it at that. At least I could just accept your position. You're letting the spin and propaganda get to you.

Ron has already denounced this supposed tie to white supremecy, and as far as I've seen, everything that's been used to try and make that connection, has been properly and thoroughly debunked.
Not debunked, not by a long shot. Throwing up photos with blacks and other minorities while campaigning, drawing analogies with Jewish economists is basically saying, "I'm not prejudiced, some of my best friends are..." While a significant amount of your time is spent allowing your name, cause to attract donors from groups that do hate. Distancing will not suffice, returning the money would, as would explaining the links clearly and transparently. But then he'd have a blimp of a problem, in collections.

As for the disbursements, as pointed out at your link by the poster, a case could easily be made that the dates of disbursement differ from when the service was rendered, so just in case he sites that Ron Paul has an office just around the corner, so it was likely late night takeouts.

As for the foreign policy aspect, that's your red herring, not mine. First I check out candidates I find attractive, then check out their positions. Paul was actually one of the first candidates I was attracted to, since both major parties I've grown disenchanted with, which would be clear to anyone who read what I've been posting over the years. Upon reading just started finding stuff out, much of it through his own newsletters that have now gone down the information hole, (the downside of the internet age).

As for Don Black supporting Bush, did you even read what you posted?

Conservatives, White Supremacists, Take to Florida Streets
Claiming an 'Implicit' Racial Angle, Stormfront Leader Joins Bush Protest
by Donna Ladd
November 15 - 21, 2000

...The Pat Buchanan supporter—who voted for George W. Bush to keep Al Gore out—said Wednesday that he participated in the Jackson protest Monday, which he insists was more anti-Gore than pro-Bush. "I was right in the middle of things," Black said with a laugh. "Not a single reporter recognized me. My ego was deflated in a way."

That is not entirely surprising. Although Black is a former deputy of KKK leader David Duke's (and actually married Duke's former wife, Chloe), he tries to stay below the media radar in his wife's hometown of West Palm Beach, where they moved in 1987. Likewise, Black said that he is counseling fellow "pro-white" extremists to show up to support Bush, but not to emphasize their controversial stances such as support for the Confederate flag.

"That's the kind of thing that I'm sure the Bush campaign doesn't want us to get into.
That's not the focus of it right now," he said. Still, at heart, the protests are about race. "It's an implicit racial issue here, which most people understand. But it's probably not to our advantage to turn it into an explicit one." ...

He came for no reason than to cause problems, he says so. He knew Bush would NOT want his support, though put in a way as to say that Bush wouldn't want to deal with the issue of the Confederate Flag crap. Seriously, do all of you Paulis believe the world can be spun to your vision.

Your 'defense' of him and Black just make it more certain that the foundation that is Paul is racist based.
Not debunked, not by a long shot. Throwing up photos with blacks and other minorities while campaigning, drawing analogies with Jewish economists is basically saying, "I'm not prejudiced, some of my best friends are..."

I'm so glad you said that first. ;)
You haven't even proven that they are friends, let alone that Paul even knows who Black is.

I'd love to see that when you get it.

For right now, the only thing I can see based on FACT, is that Ron shakes the hand of everyone he possibly can at his events, I've been to one PERSONALLY to attest to that. He will take a picture, and then he will move on. 2,000 of the 5 that went to Philly must have shaken his hand and taken a picture. I know, I waited a half hour to get to him in the freezing cold, about to start sleating weather, to do so, until I gave up and walked back because my 4 month old baby was out in this in his stroller with his mom and our 4 year old daughter, who by the way, never complained ONCE, and held her Ron Paul sign with PRIDE. That's how much we care.

I just don't see how a random picture is in ANY way proof of friendship and mutual support. All you've shown are AT BEST, cirumstantial happenings. If just those were good enough, maybe people would be asking more questions about 9/11. I mean, afterall, all the supposed evidence the truth movement claims to have is only circumstantial anyway, right?

As for YOUR interpretation of the Bush event which Black's group attended, i DID read it, and I'm sorry that I just don't see it your way. This is classic, really. You see it YOUR way, because it helps YOUR belief make sense, and vice versa. Obviously it's not good enough for you, as your belief runs deeper.

It's no problem, really. I know you believe what you believe, because you just do. I ALSO do. I would be more than willing to start believing that maybe Ron is a white supremecist supporter as well, if you could actually provide some real proof.

Show me them collaborating on an event of some sort, show me some of his earmarks going towards things Stormfront endorse or strive to achieve. Don't just show me a picture, only mirrored ITSELF by the probably HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of other ones just like it.

That, plus Ron saying he doesn't know Black, doesn't support Stormfront's agenda, and his VERY DAMN GOOD REASON for not returning the $500.

I'll be waiting Kath.
You haven't even proven that they are friends, let alone that Paul even knows who Black is.

I'd love to see that when you get it.

For right now, the only thing I can see based on FACT, is that Ron shakes the hand of everyone he possibly can at his events, I've been to one PERSONALLY to attest to that. He will take a picture, and then he will move on. 2,000 of the 5 that went to Philly must have shaken his hand and taken a picture. I know, I waited a half hour to get to him in the freezing cold, about to start sleating weather, to do so, until I gave up and walked back because my 4 month old baby was out in this in his stroller with his mom and our 4 year old daughter, who by the way, never complained ONCE, and held her Ron Paul sign with PRIDE. That's how much we care.

I just don't see how a random picture is in ANY way proof of friendship and mutual support. All you've shown are AT BEST, cirumstantial happenings. If just those were good enough, maybe people would be asking more questions about 9/11. I mean, afterall, all the supposed evidence the truth movement claims to have is only circumstantial anyway, right?

As for YOUR interpretation of the Bush event which Black's group attended, i DID read it, and I'm sorry that I just don't see it your way. This is classic, really. You see it YOUR way, because it helps YOUR belief make sense, and vice versa. Obviously it's not good enough for you, as your belief runs deeper.

It's no problem, really. I know you believe what you believe, because you just do. I ALSO do. I would be more than willing to start believing that maybe Ron is a white supremecist supporter as well, if you could actually provide some real proof.

Show me them collaborating on an event of some sort, show me some of his earmarks going towards things Stormfront endorse or strive to achieve. Don't just show me a picture, only mirrored ITSELF by the probably HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of other ones just like it.

That, plus Ron saying he doesn't know Black, doesn't support Stormfront's agenda, and his VERY DAMN GOOD REASON for not returning the $500.

I'll be waiting Kath.
Here's the problem Paulitics, the coincidences have more than piled up. Your inability to explain such, even when asking others for help, illustrate Paul's problem. The connections are too many, varied, and deep.

I have nothing left to prove, unless you can be much more authoritative, like Ron Paul denounces Stormfront, David Dukes, and truthers. Then we may have something to discuss. Oh, btw, he'd have to make a good faith effort to return their contributions.
Here's the problem Paulitics, the coincidences have more than piled up. Your inability to explain such, even when asking others for help, illustrate Paul's problem. The connections are too many, varied, and deep.

I have nothing left to prove, unless you can be much more authoritative, like Ron Paul denounces Stormfront, David Dukes, and truthers. Then we may have something to discuss. Oh, btw, he'd have to make a good faith effort to return their contributions.

You didn't really even address my post. First of all, I asked no one for help. Baron came in and made a post on his own will. He's allowed to do that, you know.

Piled up? I see a short little stack consisting of a circumstantial photograph, a list of campaign spenditures that may or may not link up to a meeting at the exact same time, while Paul and Black had lunch discussing how to push the white race forward in this country. You are assuming it based on very loose circumstantial evidence. DEEP, would be what I asked you to show me. Black and Paul collaborating on a white supremecist event together, or even something as simple as Black being at a rally of Ron's, or any campaign event, and being an official part of it. Speaking during it, maybe even hob-nobbing with the campaign's top staffers, coordinators, Paul HIMSELF, whatever. Show me THAT, and you got some credence.

Otherwise, he HAS denounced Stormfront...he did so on Cavuto, and on many other occasions. If you haven't found those, you haven't been looking. He also announced why he hasn't given back the money, very succinctly, and very satisfactorily. That you just WANT him to give it back, isn't a good enough reason for him to have to give it back. And the fact that he's keeping it, can not, and DOES not, mean he supports them. What's wrong with his explanation to Cavuto? Why don't you tell me.

And he denounced truthers, and their theories the other night on Glen Beck.

So I've shown you what he's done, that you would like to have seen him do to put these allegations to rest in your mind. Why you still don't find it adequate, I don't know. How many times does he, or CAN he, keep saying over and over until YOU finally believe it? Email him. Ask him yourself if it really bothers you that much. His campaign is very friendly, and I can assure you based on personal experience that they will personally reply back to you with a response.

Otherwise, tune in to Meet The Press this sunday, in your time zone. Russert is interviewing Ron, and from what I've seen, he's told Joe Scarborough the other day on Morning Joe, "Wait till you see what this guy stands for.", with a little laugh.

So tune in. I'm quite sure that it's at the point now, where the media is going to try and play the race card on Ron. Forst the ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. They ignored for a while, they laughed for a while, and now they're fighting us. I expect to see the race issue get brought up by Russert. That's the only thing I can gather from the fact that he said that to Joe.

So Kath, I'm sure you'll have your chance to hear Ron himself ONE MORE TIME, defend himself on that. I hope it's a good enough response for you.
You didn't really even address my post. First of all, I asked no one for help. Baron came in and made a post on his own will. He's allowed to do that, you know.

Piled up? I see a short little stack consisting of a circumstantial photograph, a list of campaign spenditures that may or may not link up to a meeting at the exact same time, while Paul and Black had lunch discussing how to push the white race forward in this country. You are assuming it based on very loose circumstantial evidence. DEEP, would be what I asked you to show me. Black and Paul collaborating on a white supremecist event together, or even something as simple as Black being at a rally of Ron's, or any campaign event, and being an official part of it. Speaking during it, maybe even hob-nobbing with the campaign's top staffers, coordinators, Paul HIMSELF, whatever. Show me THAT, and you got some credence.

Otherwise, he HAS denounced Stormfront...he did so on Cavuto, and on many other occasions. If you haven't found those, you haven't been looking. He also announced why he hasn't given back the money, very succinctly, and very satisfactorily. That you just WANT him to give it back, isn't a good enough reason for him to have to give it back. And the fact that he's keeping it, can not, and DOES not, mean he supports them. What's wrong with his explanation to Cavuto? Why don't you tell me.
no he didn't address Stormfront in any way. He said he didn't know them or Black, which has been proven false. His 'reasons' for not returning money are dependent of the first, which was proven false.
And he denounced truthers, and their theories the other night on Glen Beck.

So I've shown you what he's done, that you would like to have seen him do to put these allegations to rest in your mind. Why you still don't find it adequate, I don't know. How many times does he, or CAN he, keep saying over and over until YOU finally believe it? Email him. Ask him yourself if it really bothers you that much. His campaign is very friendly, and I can assure you based on personal experience that they will personally reply back to you with a response.

Otherwise, tune in to Meet The Press this sunday, in your time zone. Russert is interviewing Ron, and from what I've seen, he's told Joe Scarborough the other day on Morning Joe, "Wait till you see what this guy stands for.", with a little laugh.
I'll watch for sure.
So tune in. I'm quite sure that it's at the point now, where the media is going to try and play the race card on Ron. Forst the ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. They ignored for a while, they laughed for a while, and now they're fighting us. I expect to see the race issue get brought up by Russert. That's the only thing I can gather from the fact that he said that to Joe.

So Kath, I'm sure you'll have your chance to hear Ron himself ONE MORE TIME, defend himself on that. I hope it's a good enough response for you.
He's yet to defend himself, like you he just seems to keep posting and collecting those donations...
no he didn't address Stormfront in any way. He said he didn't know them or Black

Well that would be "addressing" them, no?

which has been proven false.

WHERE??? That's what I'm saying Kath, you HAVEN'T proven that he knows him. You shown reason to wonder. That's about it. It's all circumstantial. You still haven't shown anything directly. If you ever do, I'll be perfectly willing to admit that you are right.

His 'reasons' for not returning money are dependent of the first, which was proven false.

Since they HAVEN'T been proven false, his reasons are just that...his reasons. He says it would be foolish to give back 500$ dollars to an organization he doesn't support, so that they may do something with it that he doesn't even agree with anyway...something "bad", or "evil" or whatever Ron said. That's just not enough for you, is it?

So really, you just think Ron is a liar. I'm just not quite sure what you feel like you're missing from him here.

He's yet to defend himself

Well, he has addressed each issue you've brought up. Like I said, You ought to ask him yourself via email. Why should he bring it up during interviews when he has such little time during them to get his message out anyway? When he's asked, he'll address it. Until then, the TV media isn't even making as big a deal out of it as YOU are, so it would be a waste of his time.

I'm sure Russert will be bringing it up though. I'm expecting it. This may be the mode we're in, where the media is switcing to a new tactic to try to take him out. If Russert starts a massive media race issue with Ron, it'll be like how Huckabee is being attacked. That can really only help help Ron's campaign and chances, because now the media is almost being FORCED to talk about Ron a lot.

Like I said, hopefully he will be able to clear up the race issue on Russert, should Russert call him on it.

Also, please email Ron. You really want to know, and I really WANT you to know. Just do it. It will probably make you feel better to have the answer straight from the horse's mouth, to you.
Well that would be "addressing" them, no?

WHERE??? That's what I'm saying Kath, you HAVEN'T proven that he knows him. You shown reason to wonder. That's about it. It's all circumstantial. You still haven't shown anything directly. If you ever do, I'll be perfectly willing to admit that you are right.

Since they HAVEN'T been proven false, his reasons are just that...his reasons. He says it would be foolish to give back 500$ dollars to an organization he doesn't support, so that they may do something with it that he doesn't even agree with anyway...something "bad", or "evil" or whatever Ron said. That's just not enough for you, is it?

So really, you just think Ron is a liar. I'm just not quite sure what you feel like you're missing from him here.

Well, he has addressed each issue you've brought up. Like I said, You ought to ask him yourself via email. Why should he bring it up during interviews when he has such little time during them to get his message out anyway? When he's asked, he'll address it. Until then, the TV media isn't even making as big a deal out of it as YOU are, so it would be a waste of his time.

I'm sure Russert will be bringing it up though. I'm expecting it. This may be the mode we're in, where the media is switcing to a new tactic to try to take him out. If Russert starts a massive media race issue with Ron, it'll be like how Huckabee is being attacked. That can really only help help Ron's campaign and chances, because now the media is almost being FORCED to talk about Ron a lot.

Like I said, hopefully he will be able to clear up the race issue on Russert, should Russert call him on it.

Also, please email Ron. You really want to know, and I really WANT you to know. Just do it. It will probably make you feel better to have the answer straight from the horse's mouth, to you.

I'll await Russert, your responses have fallen way short. I wish you well, as I've been on your side of the street at a time...
I'll await Russert, your responses have fallen way short.

I thought we were discussing Ron's responses, not mine. Do I really have to prove Ron Paul to you?

If Russert doesn't touch on the Stormfront issue, will you personally email the campaign with that concern?
I thought we were discussing Ron's responses, not mine. Do I really have to prove Ron Paul to you?

If Russert doesn't touch on the Stormfront issue, will you personally email the campaign with that concern?

If Paul doesn't make clear the problems with his campaign via Russert, I'll be on more than either of us will like. Problem is, It's Christmas weekend, so not likely to be addressed. If you have more, bring it.
Let's examine the possibilities here.

Photo of Ron Paul standing next to stormfront guy at photo-op:

* RP knows the guy and endorses his views
* RP smiles for the camera with Complete Stranger #572 that night, and may not have even got his name

Internet forum post by nazi guy claiming RP is one of them:

* RP is, in fact, a nazi
* Nazi nut is lying, never attended dinners, and took publicly available information off the internet to "prove" he was there
* Nazi nut attended a dinner with RP and Pat Buchanan, because anyone can show up at a restaurant

Also I'll ask the question again: Katherine, did you root for Arnold when he ran for the governor of California?
Let's examine the possibilities here.

Photo of Ron Paul standing next to stormfront guy at photo-op:

* RP knows the guy and endorses his views
* RP smiles for the camera with Complete Stranger #572 that night, and may not have even got his name

Internet forum post by nazi guy claiming RP is one of them:

* RP is, in fact, a nazi
* Nazi nut is lying, never attended dinners, and took publicly available information off the internet to "prove" he was there
* Nazi nut attended a dinner with RP and Pat Buchanan, because anyone can show up at a restaurant

Also I'll ask the question again: Katherine, did you root for Arnold when he ran for the governor of California?
Considering I wasn't a resident of California the last bit doesn't pertain to me. As for the rest, Ron Paul according to Paulitics is to be on with Russert, hopefully some light will be shed. Truly, I hope so.
You don't pay any attention to races you can't vote in?

Anyway, the point is that Arnold has far better documented connections to Nazism. As in, good friends with an actual former German Nazi SS officer...and yet, I don't remember any voices being raised about that.


  • $waldheim.jpg
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You don't pay any attention to races you can't vote in?

Anyway, the point is that Arnold has far better documented connections to Nazism. As in, good friends with an actual former German Nazi SS officer...and yet, I don't remember any voices being raised about that.

and your point is to smear Arnold? I don't have a problem with that, however it has zip to do with anything I've posted. Go for it Baron, if it floats your boat!

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