Ron Paul's Legacy Celebrated After House Votes To Audit The Federal Reserve...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Now it's all up to the Senate. Lets hope they come through.

Hundreds of young libertarians gathered Wednesday night to celebrate the legacy of retiring Rep. Ron Paul hours after the House passed legislation to audit the Federal Reserve that the Texas congressman has been pushing for years.

“We had a little vote today in the House of Representatives,” Paul said to roaring applause at the Young Americans for Liberty event in his honor.

After the young crowd began chanting, “End the Fed! End the Fed!” Paul responded: “I’ve always argued that once the Fed gets audited, the Fed will end.”

While the House overwhelmingly passed Paul’s signature legislative desire Wednesday, Democratic Majority Leader Harry Sen. Harry Reid’s office has signaled that he won’t bring the legislation to a vote in the Senate.

Paul’s son, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul — who also addressed the crowd at Catholic University on Wednesday night — urged those assembled to email Reid’s office and plead with him to call a vote on the legislation.

The lawmaker said his staff uncovered video showing Reid in the 1990s “going to town, talking about how we should audit the Fed.”

“Now, you have to convince him that he still believes that,” Rand Paul said. “And so one of the things you can do, if everyone in this room left here and emailed Harry Reid, I think it would help.”

Ron Paul predicted that the Senate would pass the legislation if actually brought to a vote.

The Texas congressman said, “If they did have an up or down honest vote in the Senate right now, I’m convinced the majority would vote for it.”

The remarks were made Wednesday at the national convention of the Young Americans for Liberty, an organization that grew out of the students supporting Ron Paul’s presidential run in 2008...
After the young crowd began chanting, “End the Fed! End the Fed!” Paul responded: “I’ve always argued that once the Fed gets audited, the Fed will end.”

Delusional to the end.
it'll never pass the senate. Last time they passed one, it was so watered down, it was more of a ceremonial conversation. No indepth information was given up by the fed. It was literally a joke. Paul used it to gain support for the idea, but honestly most plebs dont have a fucking clue abotu the federal reserve nor do they care. The senate will squash this becasue there is no way that the governments open ended spending ability can be tampered with. They will never allow it.

This too, is all a side show of nothing.
Delusional much like the morons who believe the current fiat system will be able to continue on indefinitely. Regardless of historical record, or economic reality.
Harry Reid on auditing the Fed...

[ame=]Harry Reid: "I think we should audit the Federal Reserve" - YouTube[/ame]
it'll never pass the senate. Last time they passed one, it was so watered down, it was more of a ceremonial conversation. No indepth information was given up by the fed. It was literally a joke. Paul used it to gain support for the idea, but honestly most plebs dont have a fucking clue abotu the federal reserve nor do they care. The senate will squash this becasue there is no way that the governments open ended spending ability can be tampered with. They will never allow it.

This too, is all a side show of nothing.

Could be true, but i still hold out some hope. You can call me a dreamer, but i'm not the only one.
it'll never pass the senate. Last time they passed one, it was so watered down, it was more of a ceremonial conversation. No indepth information was given up by the fed. It was literally a joke. Paul used it to gain support for the idea, but honestly most plebs dont have a fucking clue abotu the federal reserve nor do they care. The senate will squash this becasue there is no way that the governments open ended spending ability can be tampered with. They will never allow it.

This too, is all a side show of nothing.

Exactly. The bill that passed is completely watered down and nothing close to what Paul has been calling for, for years. It's nothing but symbolic to give Paul a pat on the back before the GOP give him a boot to the rear on his way out.
Now it's all up to the Senate. Lets hope they come through.

Hundreds of young libertarians gathered Wednesday night to celebrate the legacy of retiring Rep. Ron Paul hours after the House passed legislation to audit the Federal Reserve that the Texas congressman has been pushing for years.

“We had a little vote today in the House of Representatives,” Paul said to roaring applause at the Young Americans for Liberty event in his honor.

After the young crowd began chanting, “End the Fed! End the Fed!” Paul responded: “I’ve always argued that once the Fed gets audited, the Fed will end.”

While the House overwhelmingly passed Paul’s signature legislative desire Wednesday, Democratic Majority Leader Harry Sen. Harry Reid’s office has signaled that he won’t bring the legislation to a vote in the Senate.

Paul’s son, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul — who also addressed the crowd at Catholic University on Wednesday night — urged those assembled to email Reid’s office and plead with him to call a vote on the legislation.

The lawmaker said his staff uncovered video showing Reid in the 1990s “going to town, talking about how we should audit the Fed.”

“Now, you have to convince him that he still believes that,” Rand Paul said. “And so one of the things you can do, if everyone in this room left here and emailed Harry Reid, I think it would help.”

Ron Paul predicted that the Senate would pass the legislation if actually brought to a vote.

The Texas congressman said, “If they did have an up or down honest vote in the Senate right now, I’m convinced the majority would vote for it.”

The remarks were made Wednesday at the national convention of the Young Americans for Liberty, an organization that grew out of the students supporting Ron Paul’s presidential run in 2008...

Democrats will block it. Did you read some of the comments from the old guard democrats? Barney once again...It will collapse the system

Hoyer Holding them accountable will politicize the central bank.
The fact that the Democrats are opposed to it will force the neocons to get behind it and make it a campaign issue. This could cause a shift in the republican party back towards fiscal conservatism.
The fact that the Democrats are opposed to it will force the neocons to get behind it and make it a campaign issue. This could cause a shift in the republican party back towards fiscal conservatism.
"NeoCons" and "Fiscal Conservatism" shouldn't be used in the same sentence.
Dr. Paul has dedicated his life to the cause of Freedom & Liberty. He is a true American Hero. God Bless him.

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