Ronald Reagan On Raising The Debt Ceiling.


Dec 5, 2011
Sausalito, CA
Ronald Reagan: Radio Address to the Nation on the Federal Debt Ceiling Increase and Deficit Reduction.

PolitiFact | Obama says Reagan raised debt ceiling 18 times; George W. Bush seven times.

My bad, Ronnie only raised the Debt Ceiling Eighteen Times (18) NOT Nineteen (19) Times.

Tip, Gipper: Debt-Raising 1981-Style - Bloomberg.

Sorry RePugs, The Great Ronnie DID RAISE THE DEBT CEILING.

You want to talk about how Great the Economy was under Ronnie, then YOU must know that as part of the Great Ronnie Economic Policy, Raising The Debt Ceiling was vital.
Ronnie Raygun promised to balance the budget in his first four years as POTUS. That was his main campaign pledge. He never submitted one single balanced budget in eight years, and almost tripled the national debt.

Then Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years. In twelve years the national debt went from less than one trillion dollars almost $5 trillion. And they gave it all to the industrial military corporations.

Bubba Clinton actually balanced the budget and left office with a $200 billion annual budget surplus, which Shrub Jr. destroyed in only six months. Shrub Jr. doubled the debt yet again in his eight years, adding more to the debt than ALL presidents before him added together.

Only a complete moron couldn't see that cons are the problem, not the solution.
"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that “the buck stops here.” Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."

Senator Barack Obama, March 20, 2006
The Gipper?!!! :shock: BUT, but, Bill Kistol of Fox N00z mentions his name at every opportunity like he's the greatest con Prez ever :eusa_eh:
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And Clinton never had a surplus. Robbing Peter to pay Paul is an accounting trick, it didn't mean there was actually a surplus. This myth has been debunked on this board hundreds of times.
and here's two of the biggest LIARS of the ELECTED Democrat hypocrites who was PLAYING with our lives back then like they ARE TODAY

[ame=]Obama on Raising the Debt Ceiling during 2008 Campaign - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Harry Reid in '06: Raising debt limit last thing we should do, will weaken country, hurt economy - YouTube[/ame]
And Clinton never had a surplus. Robbing Peter to pay Paul is an accounting trick, it didn't mean there was actually a surplus. This myth has been debunked on this board hundreds of times.

Exactly right. Clinton left with 5 trillion in debt. He had a surplus in the budget which should have gone to pay off debt.
The Gipper?!!! :shock: BUT, but, Bill Kistol of Fox N00z mentions his name at every opportunity like he's the greatest con Prez ever :eusa_eh:

Kristol is an idiot, as are most of the GOP lackeys on FOX. And you'll be cheering for FOX when they throw Cruz and Paul under the bus. The only reason they keep Judge Napolitano around is because he's so hugely popular.
Ronnie Raygun promised to balance the budget in his first four years as POTUS. That was his main campaign pledge. He never submitted one single balanced budget in eight years, and almost tripled the national debt.

Then Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years. In twelve years the national debt went from less than one trillion dollars almost $5 trillion. And they gave it all to the industrial military corporations.

Bubba Clinton actually balanced the budget and left office with a $200 billion annual budget surplus, which Shrub Jr. destroyed in only six months. Shrub Jr. doubled the debt yet again in his eight years, adding more to the debt than ALL presidents before him added together.

Only a complete moron couldn't see that cons are the problem, not the solution.

and Reagan had a spendy Democrat congress and Clinton had a Republican cost-cutting congress......learn your history first before playing the blame game....moron...
Ronnie Raygun promised to balance the budget in his first four years as POTUS. That was his main campaign pledge. He never submitted one single balanced budget in eight years, and almost tripled the national debt.

Then Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years. In twelve years the national debt went from less than one trillion dollars almost $5 trillion. And they gave it all to the industrial military corporations.

Bubba Clinton actually balanced the budget and left office with a $200 billion annual budget surplus, which Shrub Jr. destroyed in only six months. Shrub Jr. doubled the debt yet again in his eight years, adding more to the debt than ALL presidents before him added together.

Only a complete moron couldn't see that cons are the problem, not the solution.

and Reagan had a spendy Democrat congress and Clinton had a Republican cost-cutting congress......learn your history first before playing the blame game....moron...

Yo moron, Raygun submitted the budget to the congress. It was HIS plan to build all those nukes. It was HIS plan to give the treasury to the industrial military complex that Eisenhower warned us against. Your shit don't flush.
Ronnie Raygun promised to balance the budget in his first four years as POTUS. That was his main campaign pledge. He never submitted one single balanced budget in eight years, and almost tripled the national debt.

Then Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years. In twelve years the national debt went from less than one trillion dollars almost $5 trillion. And they gave it all to the industrial military corporations.

Bubba Clinton actually balanced the budget and left office with a $200 billion annual budget surplus, which Shrub Jr. destroyed in only six months. Shrub Jr. doubled the debt yet again in his eight years, adding more to the debt than ALL presidents before him added together.

Only a complete moron couldn't see that cons are the problem, not the solution.

and Reagan had a spendy Democrat congress and Clinton had a Republican cost-cutting congress......learn your history first before playing the blame game....moron...

Yo moron, Raygun submitted the budget to the congress. It was HIS plan to build all those nukes. It was HIS plan to give the treasury to the industrial military complex that Eisenhower warned us against. Your shit don't flush.

It was a democrat congress that approved his budget.
The Gipper?!!! :shock: BUT, but, Bill Kistol of Fox N00z mentions his name at every opportunity like he's the greatest con Prez ever :eusa_eh:

Kristol is an idiot, as are most of the GOP lackeys on FOX. And you'll be cheering for FOX when they throw Cruz and Paul under the bus. The only reason they keep Judge Napolitano around is because he's so hugely popular.
Napolitano is the best there is on tv - I love the man.

TakeAStepBack is spot-on! We should not borrow or owe anying - as the borrower will be slave to the lender. Raising the debt ceiling just allows us to go further into debt which weakens us more. Ronald Reagan should not have had to do it, and certainly now with the immense amount that we owe, we should be aiming to get out of debt - not raising it.

This is the liberal two year old mentality." Your guy raised the debt, so it's only fair that we get to raise it umteen times" fuck that! You damn liberals think that we can afford something, because we are capable of borrowing to pay for it.

Your big government sucks, and we cannot afford it. Are you really too stupid to realize that we can go bust, and what the unbearable ramifications that will present will be :cuckoo:
You want to talk about how Great the Economy was under Ronnie, then YOU must know that as part of the Great Ronnie Economic Policy, Raising The Debt Ceiling was vital.

Reagan was clear about his objective. Our economy was roughly 10 times the Soviet economy. So if he increased military spending by 1% of our GDP, the Soviets had to respond with 10% to match it. That was a ding on our economy, it was catastrophic to them.

The result was he turned Carter's SALT "limitation" treaty to START, "reduction" treaty. He was the first President to actually get the Soviets to agree to a true reduction in warheads, not just a limitation in growth. Including the complete elimination of intermediate range ballistic missiles.

He wanted to cut domestic spending to match, but Tip O'Neil would never agree to that. So he had to pick. An impasse would have meant he would not be able to implement his priority. So he agreed to raise both. Ultimately, the Soviet Union collapsed for that reason, they were broke.

You can agree or disagree with his priority, but he knew what his objective was and it worked. Your post is just going back to history and making a shallow point with no context or grasp of what was going on then.
Uh, Reagan is dead. Been dead for 9 years now. What's the deal? Who cares what he did three decades ago? Anyone who wants to raise the debt ceiling now is just as bad as they claim Reagan was for doing it. Please check your hypocrisy at the door.
Reagan was wrong to raise the debt ceiling. So were both Bushes, Clinton, Carter, Ford, Nixon, and Obama.

Why do you libtards think that if a republican president does something stupid that that makes it OK for a democrat president to do the same stupid thing?

What we need is a president who has the balls to do what is right
Ronald Reagan: Radio Address to the Nation on the Federal Debt Ceiling Increase and Deficit Reduction.

PolitiFact | Obama says Reagan raised debt ceiling 18 times; George W. Bush seven times.

My bad, Ronnie only raised the Debt Ceiling Eighteen Times (18) NOT Nineteen (19) Times.

Tip, Gipper: Debt-Raising 1981-Style - Bloomberg.

Sorry RePugs, The Great Ronnie DID RAISE THE DEBT CEILING.

You want to talk about how Great the Economy was under Ronnie, then YOU must know that as part of the Great Ronnie Economic Policy, Raising The Debt Ceiling was vital.

Please, Ronald Reagan is like the 1950's for them -- it's all Happy Days and forgetting the inconvenient truths and facts.

Reagan was great at communicating a vision and convincing the best and the brightest to come to work for him.

Unfortunately, he got talked into some bad ideas that still haunt us today -- "trickle down" mythonomics, and Big Tent GOP or "Let's pretend to take sides on abortion and rope in all the single-issue rubes in the Bible belt."
Ronald Reagan: Radio Address to the Nation on the Federal Debt Ceiling Increase and Deficit Reduction.

PolitiFact | Obama says Reagan raised debt ceiling 18 times; George W. Bush seven times.

My bad, Ronnie only raised the Debt Ceiling Eighteen Times (18) NOT Nineteen (19) Times.

Tip, Gipper: Debt-Raising 1981-Style - Bloomberg.

Sorry RePugs, The Great Ronnie DID RAISE THE DEBT CEILING.

You want to talk about how Great the Economy was under Ronnie, then YOU must know that as part of the Great Ronnie Economic Policy, Raising The Debt Ceiling was vital.

Please, Ronald Reagan is like the 1950's for them -- it's all Happy Days and forgetting the inconvenient truths and facts.

Reagan was great at communicating a vision and convincing the best and the brightest to come to work for him.

Unfortunately, he got talked into some bad ideas that still haunt us today -- "trickle down" mythonomics, and Big Tent GOP or "Let's pretend to take sides on abortion and rope in all the single-issue rubes in the Bible belt."

see my post #17

Growing the economy by reducing federal taxes on business works, it has been proven over and over. Who do you think pays taxes levied on corporations? Hint, not the corporations, but the consumers---you and me. Taxes are included in the price of everything you buy, I hope you enjoy paying your "fair share" whatever the hell that is.
Reagan started us on our recent recession/depression. We survived Reagan's tripling the national debt but there waiting to double the debt once again was Bush. Again we survived with large infusions of cash, and now Republicans are trying to be convince their party and America that with just one more whammy Obama, and Obamacare will be gone. Sure it might take years to recover but Obama will be gone, and Obama being gone seems to have been the only goal of the Republican party since his election.

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