Ronald Reagan was the Original Teabagger

See what happens when an idea is fed to the Liberal Collective?

They all "Think" the EXACT same thought an the EXACT same time
See what happens when an idea is fed to the Liberal Collective?

They all "Think" the EXACT same thought an the EXACT same time

isn't that the truth..
they make up a label for everything and everyone, they don't care teabagger is vulgar and derogatory.....frikken sheep

Maher is the biggest dumb douche around...people PAY to watch his ugly while he laughs all the way to the bank...
Massive wingnut FAIL on this thread.

Frank and Stephanie: Dumb & Dumber. :lol:

One wishes the nutball FAIL stopped here.

Confronted with information that due to high truthful content can't be processed induces in the American Nutball a state of mind best described as "deer in the headlights". Hence, second terms for Reagan and Junebug, while they turned on the only honest, aware Republican president since IKE.

Not much can be done with people like that. Which probably explains why corporations ignore what nutballs want for twenty-one months after each election (spent demonizing the "other"), then fire up the Oz Machine for ninety days every other year.
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See what happens when an idea is fed to the Liberal Collective?

They all "Think" the EXACT same thought an the EXACT same time

Nah, Maher is "edgy" because on HBO he can say all the same whackadoodle crap as every other lib Borg drone only with extra curse words.

Really Bill Maher? Ragging on Reagan deification from the boob who spent a million smackers on King Barack's reelection. Please. Sing me a new song someday dude, the material that makes your fanboys cream themselves is getting ancient.

And the next time Maher brings up Reagan (who had plenty of faults) he could at least casually mention that Reagan's administration was a job creating machine and also that it shit hammered the evil empire into near nonexistence sans a major war.

I don't call Ronald Reagan a saint but the professional left needs to stop with the hater-aide. I'm sure the next Democrat President that wins a 49 state national election will be liked by most two decades after he's dead too.
See what happens when an idea is fed to the Liberal Collective?

They all "Think" the EXACT same thought an the EXACT same time

Nah, Maher is "edgy" because on HBO he can say all the same whackadoodle crap as every other lib Borg drone only with extra curse words.

Really Bill Maher? Ragging on Reagan deification from the boob who spent a million smackers on King Barack's reelection. Please. Sing me a new song someday dude, the material that makes your fanboys cream themselves is getting ancient.

And the next time Maher brings up Reagan (who had plenty of faults) he could at least casually mention that Reagan's administration was a job creating machine and also that it shit hammered the evil empire into near nonexistence sans a major war.

I don't call Ronald Reagan a saint but the professional left needs to stop with the hater-aide. I'm sure the next Democrat President that wins a 49 state national election will be liked by most two decades after he's dead too.

This is how bad it is in Obamaland. He's openly constructing a police state in broad daylight and this is what bothers progressives

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Do some liberals ever grow up...?
Or they just grow up to be hateful disgusting human beings like Maher?
Rush Limbaugh illustrates nutball love...
[negged by double-zero seven, apparently fan of drug addicted fat men]

[ame=""]Rush Limbaugh - "It Makes Her A Slut, A Prostitute" - YouTube[/ame]
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Rush pays tribute to angry women...
[ame=]Rush Limbaugh: Lois Lerner looks like an "angry" woman - YouTube[/ame]
See what happens when an idea is fed to the Liberal Collective?

They all "Think" the EXACT same thought an the EXACT same time

Nah, Maher is "edgy" because on HBO he can say all the same whackadoodle crap as every other lib Borg drone only with extra curse words.

Really Bill Maher? Ragging on Reagan deification from the boob who spent a million smackers on King Barack's reelection. Please. Sing me a new song someday dude, the material that makes your fanboys cream themselves is getting ancient.

And the next time Maher brings up Reagan (who had plenty of faults) he could at least casually mention that Reagan's administration was a job creating machine and also that it shit hammered the evil empire into near nonexistence sans a major war.

I don't call Ronald Reagan a saint but the professional left needs to stop with the hater-aide. I'm sure the next Democrat President that wins a 49 state national election will be liked by most two decades after he's dead too.

The left's irrational hatred of Reagan is based on two things:

1. He said it was okay to be proud to be an American. After the failed Carter Admin, that's what we needed to hear.

2. He won the Cold War. The left has never forgiven him for that, and never will.

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