Rosenstein Is A Strange Hombre

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Sometimes he looks like a Gestapo officer, sometimes like a total dork, but always like he knows things you don't know, will never know. Does he? He seems to have no enemies since Bush made him a US attorney, Obama put him in the DOJ where he still was when President Trump made him Deputy AG. That either means he has no opinions or so many he appears trustworthy to everybody...which seems impossible and it is. He stuck a shiv in Comey's back for Trump, then turned around and sicced Mueller on Trump's ass. If I were Mueller, I'd keep my head on a swivel around this character because he could be next.

Sometimes he looks like a Gestapo officer, sometimes like a total dork, but always like he knows things you don't know, will never know. Does he? He seems to have no enemies since Bush made him a US attorney, Obama put him in the DOJ where he still was when President Trump made him Deputy AG. That either means he has no opinions or so many he appears trustworthy to everybody...which seems impossible and it is. He stuck a shiv in Comey's back for Trump, then turned around and sicced Mueller on Trump's ass. If I were Mueller, I'd keep my head on a swivel around this character because he could be next.

Trump is the target. Rosenstein's been around long enough to recognize when a President is unfit to lead.
Sometimes he looks like a Gestapo officer, sometimes like a total dork, but always like he knows things you don't know, will never know. Does he? He seems to have no enemies since Bush made him a US attorney, Obama put him in the DOJ where he still was when President Trump made him Deputy AG. That either means he has no opinions or so many he appears trustworthy to everybody...which seems impossible and it is. He stuck a shiv in Comey's back for Trump, then turned around and sicced Mueller on Trump's ass. If I were Mueller, I'd keep my head on a swivel around this character because he could be next.

Trump is the target. Rosenstein's been around long enough to recognize when a President is unfit to lead.

Yeah, why let millions of voters decide when you can just pick one Almighty, all knowing to decide, right?

Trump isn't going anywhere. Certainly not if America loves their democracy.
That Swamp Rat Rosenstein has been buddies with Swamp Rat Robert Mueller for 25 years!
Sometimes he looks like a Gestapo officer, sometimes like a total dork, but always like he knows things you don't know, will never know. Does he? He seems to have no enemies since Bush made him a US attorney, Obama put him in the DOJ where he still was when President Trump made him Deputy AG. That either means he has no opinions or so many he appears trustworthy to everybody...which seems impossible and it is. He stuck a shiv in Comey's back for Trump, then turned around and sicced Mueller on Trump's ass. If I were Mueller, I'd keep my head on a swivel around this character because he could be next.

He did a good job with Chris Wallace. It was like he was swatting away gnats. I have to say you are correct though, he kind of looks like a cyborg. "Guess she don't like the cornbread either..."
Sometimes he looks like a Gestapo officer, sometimes like a total dork, but always like he knows things you don't know, will never know. Does he? He seems to have no enemies since Bush made him a US attorney, Obama put him in the DOJ where he still was when President Trump made him Deputy AG. That either means he has no opinions or so many he appears trustworthy to everybody...which seems impossible and it is. He stuck a shiv in Comey's back for Trump, then turned around and sicced Mueller on Trump's ass. If I were Mueller, I'd keep my head on a swivel around this character because he could be next.

Trump is the target. Rosenstein's been around long enough to recognize when a President is unfit to lead.

Yeah, why let millions of voters decide when you can just pick one Almighty, all knowing to decide, right?

Trump isn't going anywhere. Certainly not if America loves their democracy.
Millions more decided against Trump. If Rosenstein finds that Trump did, in fact, commit treason... I bet you'd still defend him.
Sometimes he looks like a Gestapo officer, sometimes like a total dork, but always like he knows things you don't know, will never know. Does he? He seems to have no enemies since Bush made him a US attorney, Obama put him in the DOJ where he still was when President Trump made him Deputy AG. That either means he has no opinions or so many he appears trustworthy to everybody...which seems impossible and it is. He stuck a shiv in Comey's back for Trump, then turned around and sicced Mueller on Trump's ass. If I were Mueller, I'd keep my head on a swivel around this character because he could be next.

Trump is the target. Rosenstein's been around long enough to recognize when a President is unfit to lead.

Yeah, why let millions of voters decide when you can just pick one Almighty, all knowing to decide, right?

Trump isn't going anywhere. Certainly not if America loves their democracy.
Millions more decided against Trump. If Rosenstein finds that Trump did, in fact, commit treason... I bet you'd still defend him.

I won't defend against irrefutable evidence. As it were, Russia like every other country tries to get an edge and get their horse in the race chosen. It's why the Ukraine government did so and Clinton admitted it openly. It's why Australia and Norway gave many millions to Clintons Foundation then abruptly withdrew any further funding after she lost.

If anyone wants to talk about collusion and conflict of interest, let's talk about media, global leaders openly speaking out against Trump. Why? They don't want an American First agenda, they rather like an exploited and weakened America. I'm smart enough to know that the America spirit and principles of individual liberty and freedom are FAR more akin to human interests than some elite government ahole somewhere in the world playing the piano and sipping wine at his ballroom on our dime.

In the end, did Russia want Trump to win? Sure they did. Did they expect him to win? Hell no. Just as many other nations bet their farms and future personal wealth on Clinton winning. Sorry, liberty, justice and the American Way still means something to some.
Sometimes he looks like a Gestapo officer, sometimes like a total dork, but always like he knows things you don't know, will never know. Does he? He seems to have no enemies since Bush made him a US attorney, Obama put him in the DOJ where he still was when President Trump made him Deputy AG. That either means he has no opinions or so many he appears trustworthy to everybody...which seems impossible and it is. He stuck a shiv in Comey's back for Trump, then turned around and sicced Mueller on Trump's ass. If I were Mueller, I'd keep my head on a swivel around this character because he could be next.

Trump is the target. Rosenstein's been around long enough to recognize when a President is unfit to lead.

Yeah, why let millions of voters decide when you can just pick one Almighty, all knowing to decide, right?

Trump isn't going anywhere. Certainly not if America loves their democracy.
Millions more decided against Trump. If Rosenstein finds that Trump did, in fact, commit treason... I bet you'd still defend him.

The word "treason" gets used to easily to make rhetorical points on both sides. President Trump will not be indicted nor will he be impeached. For all the bluster and talk, even if Mueller puts together an obstruction case, they won't indict the President. There are constitutional law doctrines that have been around for 200 years on this. The voters will again decide in 2020 whether they trust the President and whether he delivered on his (many) promises. And, I suppose, whether if he doesn't deliver on his promises, they believe that it was the fault of the media, the Congress, Hillary, Obama, his dog, his cat, the blinding sun in left field, or whatever other excuse he tries to sell to the credulous for not living up to grandiose promises.
Sometimes he looks like a Gestapo officer, sometimes like a total dork, but always like he knows things you don't know, will never know. Does he? He seems to have no enemies since Bush made him a US attorney, Obama put him in the DOJ where he still was when President Trump made him Deputy AG. That either means he has no opinions or so many he appears trustworthy to everybody...which seems impossible and it is. He stuck a shiv in Comey's back for Trump, then turned around and sicced Mueller on Trump's ass. If I were Mueller, I'd keep my head on a swivel around this character because he could be next.

Trump is the target. Rosenstein's been around long enough to recognize when a President is unfit to lead.

Yeah, why let millions of voters decide when you can just pick one Almighty, all knowing to decide, right?

Trump isn't going anywhere. Certainly not if America loves their democracy.
Millions more decided against Trump. If Rosenstein finds that Trump did, in fact, commit treason... I bet you'd still defend him.

I won't defend against irrefutable evidence. As it were, Russia like every other country tries to get an edge and get their horse in the race chosen. It's why the Ukraine government did so and Clinton admitted it openly. It's why Australia and Norway gave many millions to Clintons Foundation then abruptly withdrew anymore funding after she lost.

If anyone wants to talk about collusion and conflict of interest, let's talk about media, global leaders openly speaking out against Trump. Why? They don't want an American First agenda, they rather like an exploited and weakened America. I'm smart enough to know that the America spirit and principles of individual liberty and freedom are FAR more akin to human interests than some elite government ahole somewhere in the world playing the piano and sipping wine at his ballroom on our dime.

Indeed, let's talk about media, global leaders openly speaking out against Trump. You seem to suggest that is "collusion." So is there a memo to that effect? Emails? Is meeting with Russians to get dirt on your opponent "collusion?"

The media needs to gin up Trump Hate to get clicks and viewers. President Trump needs the media for a foil. The only collusion going on here is the unspoken shark and remora symbiosis that is right in front of all our faces. The President loves the media and the media loves to hate Trump. Gets them all more exposure power and money.
Sometimes he looks like a Gestapo officer, sometimes like a total dork, but always like he knows things you don't know, will never know. Does he? He seems to have no enemies since Bush made him a US attorney, Obama put him in the DOJ where he still was when President Trump made him Deputy AG. That either means he has no opinions or so many he appears trustworthy to everybody...which seems impossible and it is. He stuck a shiv in Comey's back for Trump, then turned around and sicced Mueller on Trump's ass. If I were Mueller, I'd keep my head on a swivel around this character because he could be next.

Trump is the target. Rosenstein's been around long enough to recognize when a President is unfit to lead.

Yeah, why let millions of voters decide when you can just pick one Almighty, all knowing to decide, right?

Trump isn't going anywhere. Certainly not if America loves their democracy.
Millions more decided against Trump. If Rosenstein finds that Trump did, in fact, commit treason... I bet you'd still defend him.

I won't defend against irrefutable evidence. As it were, Russia like every other country tries to get an edge and get their horse in the race chosen. It's why the Ukraine government did so and Clinton admitted it openly. It's why Australia and Norway gave many millions to Clintons Foundation then abruptly withdrew any further funding after she lost.

If anyone wants to talk about collusion and conflict of interest, let's talk about media, global leaders openly speaking out against Trump. Why? They don't want an American First agenda, they rather like an exploited and weakened America. I'm smart enough to know that the America spirit and principles of individual liberty and freedom are FAR more akin to human interests than some elite government ahole somewhere in the world playing the piano and sipping wine at his ballroom on our dime.

In the end, did Russia want Trump to win? Sure they did. Did they expect him to win? Hell no. Just as many other nations bet their farms and future personal wealth on Clinton winning. Sorry, liberty, justice and the American Way still means something to some.
What did Ukraine do? How much dirt on Trump did they give to Hillary's advisers? Did their government hack the RNC? Did their government engage in a massive media campaign to spread fake news?

When Russia invaded Ukraine, did you cheer?
Sometimes he looks like a Gestapo officer, sometimes like a total dork, but always like he knows things you don't know, will never know. Does he? He seems to have no enemies since Bush made him a US attorney, Obama put him in the DOJ where he still was when President Trump made him Deputy AG. That either means he has no opinions or so many he appears trustworthy to everybody...which seems impossible and it is. He stuck a shiv in Comey's back for Trump, then turned around and sicced Mueller on Trump's ass. If I were Mueller, I'd keep my head on a swivel around this character because he could be next.


Lawyer thru and thru------I could NEVAH BE A LAWYER
What did Ukraine do? How much dirt on Trump did they give to Hillary's advisers? Did their government hack the RNC? Did their government engage in a massive media campaign to spread fake news?

When Russia invaded Ukraine, did you cheer?

This thread is about Rosenstein...take a fucking hike.
Sometimes he looks like a Gestapo officer, sometimes like a total dork, but always like he knows things you don't know, will never know. Does he? He seems to have no enemies since Bush made him a US attorney, Obama put him in the DOJ where he still was when President Trump made him Deputy AG. That either means he has no opinions or so many he appears trustworthy to everybody...which seems impossible and it is. He stuck a shiv in Comey's back for Trump, then turned around and sicced Mueller on Trump's ass. If I were Mueller, I'd keep my head on a swivel around this character because he could be next.

Trump is the target. Rosenstein's been around long enough to recognize when a President is unfit to lead.

Yeah, why let millions of voters decide when you can just pick one Almighty, all knowing to decide, right?

Trump isn't going anywhere. Certainly not if America loves their democracy.
Millions more decided against Trump. If Rosenstein finds that Trump did, in fact, commit treason... I bet you'd still defend him.

I won't defend against irrefutable evidence. As it were, Russia like every other country tries to get an edge and get their horse in the race chosen. It's why the Ukraine government did so and Clinton admitted it openly. It's why Australia and Norway gave many millions to Clintons Foundation then abruptly withdrew any further funding after she lost.

If anyone wants to talk about collusion and conflict of interest, let's talk about media, global leaders openly speaking out against Trump. Why? They don't want an American First agenda, they rather like an exploited and weakened America. I'm smart enough to know that the America spirit and principles of individual liberty and freedom are FAR more akin to human interests than some elite government ahole somewhere in the world playing the piano and sipping wine at his ballroom on our dime.

In the end, did Russia want Trump to win? Sure they did. Did they expect him to win? Hell no. Just as many other nations bet their farms and future personal wealth on Clinton winning. Sorry, liberty, justice and the American Way still means something to some.
What did Ukraine do? How much dirt on Trump did they give to Hillary's advisers? Did their government hack the RNC? Did their government engage in a massive media campaign to spread fake news?

When Russia invaded Ukraine, did you cheer?

do not underestimate the UKRAINE-------it is STRATEGICALLY very important----especially to
world trade
Trump is the target. Rosenstein's been around long enough to recognize when a President is unfit to lead.

Yeah, why let millions of voters decide when you can just pick one Almighty, all knowing to decide, right?

Trump isn't going anywhere. Certainly not if America loves their democracy.
Millions more decided against Trump. If Rosenstein finds that Trump did, in fact, commit treason... I bet you'd still defend him.

I won't defend against irrefutable evidence. As it were, Russia like every other country tries to get an edge and get their horse in the race chosen. It's why the Ukraine government did so and Clinton admitted it openly. It's why Australia and Norway gave many millions to Clintons Foundation then abruptly withdrew any further funding after she lost.

If anyone wants to talk about collusion and conflict of interest, let's talk about media, global leaders openly speaking out against Trump. Why? They don't want an American First agenda, they rather like an exploited and weakened America. I'm smart enough to know that the America spirit and principles of individual liberty and freedom are FAR more akin to human interests than some elite government ahole somewhere in the world playing the piano and sipping wine at his ballroom on our dime.

In the end, did Russia want Trump to win? Sure they did. Did they expect him to win? Hell no. Just as many other nations bet their farms and future personal wealth on Clinton winning. Sorry, liberty, justice and the American Way still means something to some.
What did Ukraine do? How much dirt on Trump did they give to Hillary's advisers? Did their government hack the RNC? Did their government engage in a massive media campaign to spread fake news?

When Russia invaded Ukraine, did you cheer?

do not underestimate the UKRAINE-------it is STRATEGICALLY very important----especially to
world trade
Yeah. That's why Russia invaded it and worked to elect Trump. They wanted the U.S.'s blessing. And they would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for those pesky U.S. loyalists.
Sometimes he looks like a Gestapo officer, sometimes like a total dork, but always like he knows things you don't know, will never know. Does he? He seems to have no enemies since Bush made him a US attorney, Obama put him in the DOJ where he still was when President Trump made him Deputy AG. That either means he has no opinions or so many he appears trustworthy to everybody...which seems impossible and it is. He stuck a shiv in Comey's back for Trump, then turned around and sicced Mueller on Trump's ass. If I were Mueller, I'd keep my head on a swivel around this character because he could be next.

Gee, it's almost as if our political system was taken over and bought out by the coporate state just like the media machine making all this dems versus reps stuff a ruse.

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