Roy Moore is guilty and so is Al Franken. Stop defending them....


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
This partisan bullshit needs to end. Everyone who is guilty should step down and that's it.

We actually have a photograph of Al Franken molesting a sleeping women so there IS NO DOUBT OF HIS GUILT.

Roy Moore's tendencies to have sex with UNDERAGED GIRLS is WELL KNOWN IN HIS COMMUNITY.

Stop defending these men, who are both GUILTY AS CHARGED.

And Bill Clinton needs to be HELD ACCOUNTABLE AS WELL, and also his RAPE-ENABLER WIFE Hillary Clinton.

It is disgusting to see anyone defend any of these people IT NEEDS TO STOP.
The Democrats are taking all Franken news and deflecting to Moore to take the heat off of Franken..

The Republicans are trying to make what Franken did out to be worse than it was to take the heat off Moore.

It's the partisans on both ends who put us in this insane, childish, transparent, counter-productive dueling gotcha sewer that we're in, so they can swim in it. Maybe one day they'll grow the fuck up.
This partisan bullshit needs to end. Everyone who is guilty should step down and that's it

I notice you left out Trump. How convenient.

We actually have a photograph of Al Franken molesting a sleeping women so there IS NO DOUBT OF HIS GUILT.

As the photo shows he's not touching her, that's a big ol' whopper. Oh, I'm supposed to believe you over my lying eyes? Yeah, right.

The "But both sides do it!" conservatives shills here are reprehensible scumbags, as they're just making shit up about liberals to defend their molester conservative heroes. I had thought they couldn't go any lower, but I was wrong. They're going to have to build a special new layer of Hell for them.
This partisan bullshit needs to end. Everyone who is guilty should step down and that's it.

We actually have a photograph of Al Franken molesting a sleeping women so there IS NO DOUBT OF HIS GUILT.

Roy Moore's tendencies to have sex with UNDERAGED GIRLS is WELL KNOWN IN HIS COMMUNITY.

Stop defending these men, who are both GUILTY AS CHARGED.

And Bill Clinton needs to be HELD ACCOUNTABLE AS WELL, and also his RAPE-ENABLER WIFE Hillary Clinton.

It is disgusting to see anyone defend any of these people IT NEEDS TO STOP.
You're entitled to your PERSONAL opinion, but you don't get to make binding judgments. So sad for you.
No, if Trump is guilty let the accusers come forth and make their complaints.

Where are they now?
This partisan bullshit needs to end. Everyone who is guilty should step down and that's it.

We actually have a photograph of Al Franken molesting a sleeping women so there IS NO DOUBT OF HIS GUILT.

Roy Moore's tendencies to have sex with UNDERAGED GIRLS is WELL KNOWN IN HIS COMMUNITY.

Stop defending these men, who are both GUILTY AS CHARGED.

And Bill Clinton needs to be HELD ACCOUNTABLE AS WELL, and also his RAPE-ENABLER WIFE Hillary Clinton.

It is disgusting to see anyone defend any of these people IT NEEDS TO STOP.

you forgot about your sexual predator "president"
This partisan bullshit needs to end. Everyone who is guilty should step down and that's it.

We actually have a photograph of Al Franken molesting a sleeping women so there IS NO DOUBT OF HIS GUILT.

Roy Moore's tendencies to have sex with UNDERAGED GIRLS is WELL KNOWN IN HIS COMMUNITY.

Stop defending these men, who are both GUILTY AS CHARGED.

And Bill Clinton needs to be HELD ACCOUNTABLE AS WELL, and also his RAPE-ENABLER WIFE Hillary Clinton.

It is disgusting to see anyone defend any of these people IT NEEDS TO STOP.

you forgot about your sexual predator "president"
I didn't forget Trump. However, where are the accusers? Why did they fade into the background after the election? If Trump is guilty where are they now? I really want to know.
"Yout Time is Up"

Alabama has some of the shortest sexual abuse statutes of limitations in the United States. A civil sexual abuse case must be filed within:
  • In childhood sexual abuse cases, two years from the victim’s 19th birthday, or
  • Two years from the event in adult sexual abuse cases.

Although the civil SOL is very short, Alabama gives prosecutors a lot of time to file violent or childhood sexual abuse charges. The criminal statutes of limitations vary depending on the severity of the offense. The criminal statutes of limitations include:

  • No statute of limitations: rape, violent sexual abuse, sexual abuse with the threat of violence, and any sexual abuse of a victim under the age of 16,
  • Other felony sexual abuse: three years, and
  • Misdemeanor abuse: one year.

Alabama Statutes of Limitations for Sexual Abuse | LegalMatch Law Library
Look, I'm still old fashioned and I expect to see irrefutable evidence before I make a judgement.

Really I don't follow this particular issue too closely other than to consider the length of time in between the event and the accusation, and, that feeling that something doesn't appear right. To have all of this come out just before an election after so many decades of silence, it's astounding and my Spider Senses start tingling.

Could he be guilty? Of course he could, it might even be probable that he is guilty, but how can anyone tell after four decades? If we start going by the "honor system" of allegations, you can kiss your freedom and that of those you love goodbye. Eventually you will piss off the wrong person and be accused of something that you had no part in.
Look, I'm still old fashioned and I expect to see irrefutable evidence before I make a judgement.

Really I don't follow this particular issue too closely other than to consider the length of time in between the event and the accusation, and, that feeling that something doesn't appear right. To have all of this come out just before an election after so many decades of silence, it's astounding and my Spider Senses start tingling.

Could he be guilty? Of course he could, it might even be probable that he is guilty, but how can anyone tell after four decades? If we start going by the "honor system" of allegations, you can kiss your freedom and that of those you love goodbye. Eventually you will piss off the wrong person and be accused of something that you had no part in.

plus, the Statute of Limitations has expired. He is NOT GUILTY in the eyes of the law. Of course the rest is up to the People of Alabama. And I hope they're as sick as I am of these predictable attacks from the Left.

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