
I'd like to share something too! The other night one of the people on this board @ForeverYoung said something very profound. Someone said, Obama doesn't represent me and then a military person said he represents the United States because he was elected ( not exact words ) so he does represent us - which prompted ForeverYoung to bring up Jewish tradition is to show honor to leaders whether you agree with them or not. She said Moses and Aaron honored Pharoah when they went before him.

The truth is it isn't only Jewish tradition, it's the right thing to do. Who you honor determines your future. Who you fail to honor also determines your future. G-d sees honor quite differently from the way the world sees honor. You don't earn honor. Honor is given due to title not behavior. That is Kingdom principles and even though I have failed miserably at them myself it doesn't change the fact that honor holds the key which opens or locks the doors to our future.

ForeverYoung mentioned that Moses and Aaron honored Pharoah. I added that Joseph also adapted his appearance to honor the Pharoah who preceded the one Moses stood before. Today? We honor Barack Obama because he represents us and by dishonoring him we are bringing shame upon ourselves.

I know that isn't the popular opinion and it is difficult even for me to reconcile it when it comes to men such as Putin. I suppose I'll have to try harder because Richard Wurmbrand, that great Christian who founded VOM after being imprisoned in a communist prison for 17 years? He honored his own communist guards without any expectation of them reciprocating.

We are all guilty of this at some time or another. ( over some president or political figure ) None of us have any excuses. Honor covers a mistake or mispoken word and acts as if the mistake was not even noticed. Honor is a sign of humility.

- Jeri
^^^I disagree completely. Often people are given a title or position they don't deserve. Also, anyone in a position of power may abuse it. I would not just automatically honor someone who has a title unless they lived up to it. However, in the case of a US President, he has been given the title and the position because the majority of US citizens felt he deserved it. He should be given respect to the extent deserves it, which is, obviously, a matter of opinion. But he should also be given a reasonable amount of respect so that the American people as a whole don't look like a bunch of ignorant, small minded provincials to the rest of the world and bring dishonor to the whole country. For example, comparing Obama, his wife and his children to monkeys and slinging racist insults at them brings dishonor on the whole country. Whatever you don't like about him, he and his family do not deserve that.
^^^I disagree completely. Often people are given a title or position they don't deserve. Also, anyone in a position of power may abuse it. I would not just automatically honor someone who has a title unless they lived up to it. However, in the case of a US President, he has been given the title and the position because the majority of US citizens felt he deserved it. He should be given respect to the extent deserves it, which is, obviously, a matter of opinion. But he should also be given a reasonable amount of respect so that the American people as a whole don't look like a bunch of ignorant, small minded provincials to the rest of the world and bring dishonor to the whole country. For example, comparing Obama, his wife and his children to monkeys and slinging racist insults at them brings dishonor on the whole country. Whatever you don't like about him, he and his family do not deserve that.

That was the point of my reply, Esmeralda. It isn't about deserving. Not according to the Torah or New Testament. Jesus said, Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's..... his own example was submission to authority. Why didn't he say Caesar doesn't deserve honor? The truth is division creates weakness and that is precisely what the enemies strategy is against this country. They want division. So let's not give it to them.
I'd like to share something too! The other night one of the people on this board @ForeverYoung said something very profound. Someone said, Obama doesn't represent me and then a military person said he represents the United States because he was elected ( not exact words ) so he does represent us - which prompted ForeverYoung to bring up Jewish tradition is to show honor to leaders whether you agree with them or not. She said Moses and Aaron honored Pharoah when they went before him.

The truth is it isn't only Jewish tradition, it's the right thing to do. Who you honor determines your future. Who you fail to honor also determines your future. G-d sees honor quite differently from the way the world sees honor. You don't earn honor. Honor is given due to title not behavior. That is Kingdom principles and even though I have failed miserably at them myself it doesn't change the fact that honor holds the key which opens or locks the doors to our future.

ForeverYoung mentioned that Moses and Aaron honored Pharoah. I added that Joseph also adapted his appearance to honor the Pharoah who preceded the one Moses stood before. Today? We honor Barack Obama because he represents us and by dishonoring him we are bringing shame upon ourselves.

I know that isn't the popular opinion and it is difficult even for me to reconcile it when it comes to men such as Putin. I suppose I'll have to try harder because Richard Wurmbrand, that great Christian who founded VOM after being imprisoned in a communist prison for 17 years? He honored his own communist guards without any expectation of them reciprocating.

We are all guilty of this at some time or another. ( over some president or political figure ) None of us have any excuses. Honor covers a mistake or mispoken word and acts as if the mistake was not even noticed. Honor is a sign of humility.

- Jeri

obama may think he's pharaoh, but no one else does. Pharoah is born to that title. obama is a community organizer who reached above his capabilities. I would not honor nor respect obama any more than I would treat the court jester as the king just because he put on the crown.
Normally I would just chock this story up as ODS, but... the lyric is her actually SPELLING it, not saying it. It's a pretty funny mistake.

Still no biggie. A pretty stupid gaffe, but still just a gaffe.

Is this FINALLY Obama's Watergate? :eek:

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