RTS – It’s Time To Recognize It


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
it is time for society to recognize the real trauma that religion can cause. Just like clearly naming problems like anorexia, PTSD, or bipolar disorder made it possible to stop self-blame and move ahead with learning methods of recovery, we need to address Religious Trauma Syndrome. The internet is starting to overflow with stories of RTS and cries for help.

Religious Trauma Syndrome is the condition experienced by people who are struggling with leaving an authoritarian, dogmatic religion and coping with the damage of indoctrination. They may be going through the shattering of a personally meaningful faith and/or breaking away from a controlling community and lifestyle. The symptoms compare most easily with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, which results from experiencing or being confronted with death or serious injury which causes feelings of terror, helplessness, or horror. This can be a single event or chronic abuse of some kind. With RTS, there is chronic abuse, especially of children, plus the major trauma of leaving the fold. Like PTSD, the impact of RTS is long-lasting, with intrusive thoughts, negative emotional states, impaired social functioning, and other problems.

With RTS, the trauma is two-fold. First, the actual teachings and practices of a restrictive religion can be toxic and create life-long mental damage. In many cases, the emotional and mental abuse is compounded by physical and sexual abuse due to the patriarchal, repressive nature of the environment.

Part 1 RTS 8211 Time To Recognize It

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it is time for society to recognize the real trauma that religion can cause. Just like clearly naming problems like anorexia, PTSD, or bipolar disorder made it possible to stop self-blame and move ahead with learning methods of recovery, we need to address Religious Trauma Syndrome. The internet is starting to overflow with stories of RTS and cries for help.

Religious Trauma Syndrome is the condition experienced by people who are struggling with leaving an authoritarian, dogmatic religion and coping with the damage of indoctrination. They may be going through the shattering of a personally meaningful faith and/or breaking away from a controlling community and lifestyle. The symptoms compare most easily with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, which results from experiencing or being confronted with death or serious injury which causes feelings of terror, helplessness, or horror. This can be a single event or chronic abuse of some kind. With RTS, there is chronic abuse, especially of children, plus the major trauma of leaving the fold. Like PTSD, the impact of RTS is long-lasting, with intrusive thoughts, negative emotional states, impaired social functioning, and other problems.

With RTS, the trauma is two-fold. First, the actual teachings and practices of a restrictive religion can be toxic and create life-long mental damage. In many cases, the emotional and mental abuse is compounded by physical and sexual abuse due to the patriarchal, repressive nature of the environment.

Part 1 RTS 8211 Time To Recognize It

Symptoms of Religious Trauma Syndrome:
• Cognitive: Confusion, poor critical thinking ability, negative beliefs about self-ability & self-worth, black & white thinking, perfectionism, difficulty with decision-making

• Emotional: Depression, grief, loneliness,

• Cultural: Unfamiliarity with secular world; “fish out of water” feelings, difficulty belonging, information gaps (e.g. evolution, modern art, music)

Causes of Religious Trauma Syndrome:

Authoritarianism coupled with toxic theology which is received and reinforced at church, school, and home results in:

• Suppression of normal child development - cognitive, social, emotional, moral stages are arrested

• Damage to normal thinking and feeling abilities -information is limited and controlled; dysfunctional beliefs taught; independent thinking condemned; feelings condemned

• External locus of control – knowledge is revealed, not discovered; hierarchy of authority enforced; self not a reliable or good source

• Physical and sexual abuse – patriarchal power; unhealthy sexual views; punishment used as for discipline

Cycle of Abuse

The doctrines of original sin and eternal damnation cause the most psychological distress by creating the ultimate double bind. You are guilty and responsible, and face eternal punishment. Yet you have no ability to do anything about it.

You must conform to a mental test of “believing” in an external, unseen source for salvation, and maintain this state of belief until death. You cannot ever stop sinning altogether, so you must continue to confess and be forgiven, hoping that you have met the criteria despite complete lack of feedback about whether you will actually make it to heaven.
it is time for society to recognize the real trauma that religion can cause. Just like clearly naming problems like anorexia, PTSD, or bipolar disorder made it possible to stop self-blame and move ahead with learning methods of recovery, we need to address Religious Trauma Syndrome. The internet is starting to overflow with stories of RTS and cries for help.

Religious Trauma Syndrome is the condition experienced by people who are struggling with leaving an authoritarian, dogmatic religion and coping with the damage of indoctrination. They may be going through the shattering of a personally meaningful faith and/or breaking away from a controlling community and lifestyle. The symptoms compare most easily with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, which results from experiencing or being confronted with death or serious injury which causes feelings of terror, helplessness, or horror. This can be a single event or chronic abuse of some kind. With RTS, there is chronic abuse, especially of children, plus the major trauma of leaving the fold. Like PTSD, the impact of RTS is long-lasting, with intrusive thoughts, negative emotional states, impaired social functioning, and other problems.

With RTS, the trauma is two-fold. First, the actual teachings and practices of a restrictive religion can be toxic and create life-long mental damage. In many cases, the emotional and mental abuse is compounded by physical and sexual abuse due to the patriarchal, repressive nature of the environment.

Part 1 RTS 8211 Time To Recognize It

The best word I have come up with for strict atheists, and by degrees out from there, is 'untethered'. Atheists may be aggressive or passive or forward or timid or any other nature of character but in their core they are untethered. Man is of God and to try and deny that core of oneself is to try and cut oneself off from one's true self.
Didn't you start a thread on this months ago?

And it seems to me that religion is not to blame for your problems. Lack of it is.
RTS ........ Retarded Thread Syndrome ...... :cool:

Hey Sunni Man
Let's give guno a chance here:

Hey guno
are you consistent about this religious trauma syndrome?

Do you equally acknowledge LEGAL ABUSE SYNDROME?

If not why not?
Are you only targeting Religious abuse by Religious authority
but shy away from confronting Legal and Judicial abuse by Government authority
because "that's not convenient for your agenda."

Are you equally sympathetic with victims of either abuse?
Or do you only care when it fits your agenda?
Be honest, thanks.
I go after both abuses of church and state authority,
but find judicial/legal abuses to be more damaging
because the courts and laws are Mandatory.

Once there is abuse within the legal system it becomes an endless loop
because you have to use that same system to sue to try to prove there was abuse!

So if a legal abuse victim is already traumatized from lawsuits
how do you expect to get recourse but to be retraumatized over and over.

It is VERY serious and I think worse than most religious abuse.
(The only thing worse is sexual and cult abuse that can get even more dangerous
than just legal abuse that stays on the level of civil damages only. So I'm against
all kinds and all levels of such abuse! What about you, guno?)
The op is delusional.

Why? there is both
* religious abuse syndrome (and more insidious cult abuse).
And there is
* legal abuse syndrome (and more insidious judicial abuse).

The same PTSD and longterm denial and cycles of "victimhood"
are found similarly in both types of cases. This is very serious and very hard to deal with!

These are REAL complexes that people have to break out of and recovery over a long time of healing.
Why do you assume there is something delusional about the OP topic? Did I miss something? Sorry!
RTS ........ Retarded Thread Syndrome ...... :cool:

Hey Sunni Man
Let's give guno a chance here:

Hey guno
are you consistent about this religious trauma syndrome?

Do you equally acknowledge LEGAL ABUSE SYNDROME?

If not why not?
Are you only targeting Religious abuse by Religious authority
but shy away from confronting Legal and Judicial abuse by Government authority
because "that's not convenient for your agenda."

Are you equally sympathetic with victims of either abuse?
Or do you only care when it fits your agenda?
Be honest, thanks.
I go after both abuses of church and state authority,
but find judicial/legal abuses to be more damaging
because the courts and laws are Mandatory.

Once there is abuse within the legal system it becomes an endless loop
because you have to use that same system to sue to try to prove there was abuse!

So if a legal abuse victim is already traumatized from lawsuits
how do you expect to get recourse but to be retraumatized over and over.

It is VERY serious and I think worse than most religious abuse.
(The only thing worse is sexual and cult abuse that can get even more dangerous
than just legal abuse that stays on the level of civil damages only. So I'm against
all kinds and all levels of such abuse! What about you, guno?)

Then you should start thread bout that , this thread is about the debilitating disease of Religious trauma syndrome
Hey look everyone, it's Batshit - spewing hatred and racism again.

Batty you fucking Nazi - get some good Christian and Whitey hating going on? Dreaming of "dem old killing fields back home" again?
Didn't you start a thread on this months ago?

And it seems to me that religion is not to blame for your problems. Lack of it is.

I think that the source of the rage in Batshit is that the little blue pill doesn't work on him......

I can understand your rage being victim of RTS yourself , you exhibit the signs as does koshergrl

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