RTS – It’s Time To Recognize It

Didn't you start a thread on this months ago?

And it seems to me that religion is not to blame for your problems. Lack of it is.

I think that the source of the rage in Batshit is that the little blue pill doesn't work on him......

From christer web site

It’s Called Post-Traumatic Church Syndrome, and Yes It’s Real

It s Called Post-Traumatic Church Syndrome and Yes It s Real

Understanding Religious Trauma Syndrome:
Understanding Religious Trauma Syndrome Trauma From Religion ExChristian.Net
Well it does seem more and more that The Democrat Party has come to think of it as a religion. What with forced indoctrinations, Messiahs......magical pens and phones.....what's next? Magical underpants?
I can understand your rage being victim of RTS yourself , you exhibit the signs as does koshergrl

The blue pill doesn't work for you, but your favorite posted of Pol Pot blowing the brains out of a doctor gets you up every time, right Batshit?

This might be of help to you

12 Step Recovery from Christianity

12 Step Recovery from Christianity ExChristian.Net

12 steps for recovering Clinton Cultists.

1. Admit you are powerless over your need to lie for Bill - that your life has become unmanageable.

2. Believe that a Power greater than ourselves can restore you to honesty.

3. Make a decision to turn your will and your life over to the care of God as you understand Him. In you're case, that would be Barack Obama

4. Abstain from "lying for Bill" one day at a time.

5. Admit to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our lies for Bill.

6. Be entirely ready to have God remove all these desires to lie for Bill .

7. Humbly asked Him to remove your need to lie for Bill.

8. Made a list of all persons you have lied to for Bill, and became willing to tell the truth to them all, even unto admitting Algore's lies.

9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

10. Continued to make a personal commitment to stop lying for Bill, and when you stumble and lie for Bill, promptly admit it.

11. Seek through prayer and meditation to improve your conscious contact with integrity, that which was done away with when you dedicated your soul to worshipping the little tin god, Bill.

12. Have had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, try to carry this message to Clinton cult worshippers and to practice these principles in all your affairs.
RTS ........ Retarded Thread Syndrome ...... :cool:

Hey Sunni Man
Let's give guno a chance here:

Hey guno
are you consistent about this religious trauma syndrome?

Do you equally acknowledge LEGAL ABUSE SYNDROME?

If not why not?
Are you only targeting Religious abuse by Religious authority
but shy away from confronting Legal and Judicial abuse by Government authority
because "that's not convenient for your agenda."

Are you equally sympathetic with victims of either abuse?
Or do you only care when it fits your agenda?
Be honest, thanks.
I go after both abuses of church and state authority,
but find judicial/legal abuses to be more damaging
because the courts and laws are Mandatory.

Once there is abuse within the legal system it becomes an endless loop
because you have to use that same system to sue to try to prove there was abuse!

So if a legal abuse victim is already traumatized from lawsuits
how do you expect to get recourse but to be retraumatized over and over.

It is VERY serious and I think worse than most religious abuse.
(The only thing worse is sexual and cult abuse that can get even more dangerous
than just legal abuse that stays on the level of civil damages only. So I'm against
all kinds and all levels of such abuse! What about you, guno?)

Then you should start thread bout that , this thread is about the debilitating disease of Religious trauma syndrome

OK guno let me try this angle:
Since Christian spiritual healing based on forgiveness
has been used effectively for healing and recovery from
all forms of abuse: sexual, drug, RELIGIOUS/CULT abuse as you relate to here,
legal and political abuse, relationships abuse, domestic and racial abuse.

Are you OK with promoting effective religious-based therapy for healing and recovery
from Religious trauma?

For examples:
* one person who had schizophrenic problems and had dabbled in new age religion,
* a friend of mine with drug problems who suffered from religious persecution in his family,
* and a priest my friend Olivia healed who was dying of pain from a cult/satanic spell that crippled him
and killed all the other priests in his circle
ALL benefited from Christian healing prayer and deliverance:
* the schizophrenic patient got of the demonic voices and regained her mind and ability to reason
she had no control over before deliverance treatment; and dropped religion altogether and
went into science and medicine because she was fascinated and grateful for how the scientific method
of diagnosing and applying steps to address her sickness led to cure and complete recovery back to normal
* my friend who remains atheist was able to use the Christian healing prayer
to forgive past abuses by his family, and stop the self-destructive drugs and demonic rages
and start working on healing his physical health that had been damaged all this time
* the satanic priest gave up the dark magic and problems that came with it and became spiritually freed from pain and suffering and started outreach to help others break free from cult and occult abuse

Guno: my question is are you OKAY with the proper
uses of religious and spiritual teachings to heal people,
including healing of past religious abuses.

1. if you are so against religious trauma
do you support teaching people how to
correct, prevent, heal and stop such abuses altogether by healing all the people
both the offenders and the victims?

2. or is your only agenda to point out the problems to blame religion
but "conveniently omit" that the solutions and prevention have come
from teaching Christianity and spiritual healing CORRECTLY?

Are you interested in cure and prevention of abuse?
or only posting this to blame religion?

Thanks for answering honestly!

And here are resources that help people for free (to treat and cure both physical AND mental health problems)
where these SOLUTIONS to healing trauma/abuse come from teaching religious practices CORRECTLY:
Healing Is Yours
Home - Christian Healing Ministries

NOTE 1: these same methods of spiritual healing based on forgiveness
can cure both unnatural abuses caused by problems such as guno mentions,
AND can cure other mental, physical and relationship problems as well.

NOTE 2: there are cases of mental and criminal sickness caused by occult and satanic cult abuse
EXCEPT by applying Christian spiritual healing to remove the demonic and satanic influences first.

So although traumatic damages can be inflicted by either abusing religious or legal authority,
the healing it takes to recover from any such abuses
is always based on Forgiveness and letting go for
natural spiritual healing -- as taught in Christianity and other harmonious methods.
And some of the deliverance and exorcism methods necessary to cure people
are ONLY practiced through Christianity.
Well it does seem more and more that The Democrat Party has come to think of it as a religion. What with forced indoctrinations, Messiahs......magical pens and phones.....what's next? Magical underpants?

Dear HenryBHough: to cite the Texas Democrat Party Platform:
"Texas Democrats believe health care is a right"

and lo and behold, look what passed into law, the ACA that even President Obama
declared as the law of the land establishing this BELIEF that "health care is a right."

How is that not abusing federal govt to establish a national belief or religion
that all citizens are required to pay into or else face punitive tax penalties?
The op is delusional.

Why? there is both
* religious abuse syndrome (and more insidious cult abuse).
And there is
* legal abuse syndrome (and more insidious judicial abuse).

The same PTSD and longterm denial and cycles of "victimhood"
are found similarly in both types of cases. This is very serious and very hard to deal with!

These are REAL complexes that people have to break out of and recovery over a long time of healing.
Why do you assume there is something delusional about the OP topic? Did I miss something? Sorry!
Let me refraise Guno is delusional.

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