Rubio Bill Lets ANY Employer Deny Birth Control Coverage

Why is it so shocking to lefties that employers and taxpayers don't want to foot the bill for birth control? What's the problem? Keep it in your pants for a couple of days a month or buy the damn things yourself.

I sure as HELL wont do it.putting this blunt,anyone heard of responsible sex?if not,both gendees,keep your fucking legs closed.

Libs apparently have no self control, and assume neither does anyone else.
This issue would disappear faster if the government got the hell out of our health.

The health of the nation is a vital national interest.

I could make the same argument for racial profiling. Doesn't mean it's good for the government to do.

Why dont you take care of yourself, and ill take care of myself? That way you wont have to worry about a thing I do with my health.

Can't have any of that.
As a previous poster indicated, Rubio has exposed himself for the wingnut radical that he is. He has unzipped his fly for all women to see.

you seem to know a lot about unzipped flies..but not about much else except what you get off left-wing kook sites..

pretty sad dear.
Lefties seem shocked that Americans want to save a couple of bucks by not supplying babes with birth control chemicals and devices. What's the problem? Go out and get a prescription and buy the stuff.
WillowTree just negged me for posting this "factual" article.

Righties love to hammer down free speech - of others...

Ernie S. said:
Hi, you have received -337 reputation points from Ernie S..
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I just negged you for being an idiot and a whiny bitch

Ernie S.

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Ernie S. , one of my usual harassers and stalkers, just negged me for the above post.


Wow, look at Pee-wee goooo. His little bike also has "whitewalls"...

Conservative said:
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Stop whining about being negged, you whiny ass bitch


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that's nice

And yet they are. Deeply. :dunno: What the hell happened?

they provide insurance, not decisions.

pretty basic, imo. if you don't like what they provide, decide to work elsewhere. no one is chained to their workplace.

we're becoming a nation of mewling infants, and we want our binky NOW

What if you like your job but not your insurance?

What if you like your insurance but not your job?

Baring a single payer option, it makes sense to be paid more and be able to buy health coverage on your own.

Can you imagine if you had to buy your car insurance and your appliance maintenance agreements from the one company your employer made an 'arrangement' with?

Surely that sounds stupid to someone besides me.
Many employers offer a variety of plans. But they don't have the right to dictate to the insurance companies what they can and can't include in their plans.

Sure, but they can definitely dictate what coverage they will pay for. I've picked plans that don't cover maternity because of the expense.. you want maternity.. you pay for it.
well, me thinks you are possibly lying on that Nola....

unless you are speaking about times before 1978, 35 years ago....or you have fewer than 15 employees....

because if you cover employees with insurance then the insurance plan MUST COVER maternity for the employee or spouse....

The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 requires companies with 15 or more workers to cover maternity benefits if they cover other health benefits. But although the law applies to employees and their spouses, there’s an exception for “non-spouse

the above is for SOGGY in nola....
WillowTree just negged me for posting this "factual" article.

Righties love to hammer down free speech - of others...

Ernie S. said:
Hi, you have received -337 reputation points from Ernie S..
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I just negged you for being an idiot and a whiny bitch

Ernie S.

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Ernie S. , one of my usual harassers and stalkers, just negged me for the above post.


Wow, look at Pee-wee goooo. His little bike also has "whitewalls"...

Avatar4321 said:
Hi, you have received -457 reputation points from Avatar4321.
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Youre whining about neg reps are completely irrelevant to the discussion. Stop whining and man up and participate in the discussion.


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More wingnut negging...
You know people,

we could go to single payer healthcare and make this issue disappear altogether.

This issue would disappear faster if the government got the hell out of our health.

The health of the nation is a vital national interest.

For fun, can someone explain to me the health reason behind viagra?

BTW, I have always paid out of pocket for birth control. I have never had an insurance plan that covered contraception.
Well folks, I've just decided who the SECOND person is going on my IGNORE..

my first was well worth it..some might want to consider..

bye bye

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And yet they are. Deeply. :dunno: What the hell happened?

they provide insurance, not decisions.

pretty basic, imo. if you don't like what they provide, decide to work elsewhere. no one is chained to their workplace.

we're becoming a nation of mewling infants, and we want our binky NOW

What if you like your job but not your insurance?

What if you like your insurance but not your job?

Baring a single payer option, it makes sense to be paid more and able to buy health coverage on your own.

Can you imagine if you had to buy your car insurance and your appliance maintenance agreements from the one company your employer made an 'arrangement' with?

Surely that sounds stupid to someone besides me.

Nope... only you. Imagine if your automobile insurance company offered coverage for oil changes, flats, new tires, tune ups, front end alignments, shocks, struts, CV joints, etc.?

Part of the problem here is people don't think they should have to pay for ANYTHING when it comes to their health care.
What's the sensible alternative to using birth control?

Buying your own birth control is the logical alternative to forcing your employer to pay for it.

Your employer is offering prescription drug benefits in exchange for your WORK. How hard is that for you to understand?

Obviously, quite hard. Too bad your healthcare plan doesn't include smart pills. :lol::lol:

He is offering a medical insurance package HE PAYS FOR in return for the work done. HE decides what the package includes, not you.
Many employers offer a variety of plans. But they don't have the right to dictate to the insurance companies what they can and can't include in their plans.

Sure, but they can definitely dictate what coverage they will pay for. I've picked plans that don't cover maternity because of the expense.. you want maternity.. you pay for it.
well, me thinks you are possibly lying on that Nola....

unless you are speaking about times before 1978, 35 years ago....or you have fewer than 15 employees....

because if you cover employees with insurance then the insurance plan MUST COVER maternity for the employee or spouse....

The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 requires companies with 15 or more workers to cover maternity benefits if they cover other health benefits. But although the law applies to employees and their spouses, there’s an exception for “non-spouse

So why shouldn't we be free to choose a policy that doesn't? Why do we need to pay for coverage we dont need?

People should be allowed to negotiate with others for the services they want and not be forced to pay for services we dont need.

Why is the only solution ever forcing everyone to comply? What the heck is wrong with being free?
WillowTree just negged me for posting this "factual" article.

Righties love to hammer down free speech - of others...

Ernie S. said:
Hi, you have received -337 reputation points from Ernie S..
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I just negged you for being an idiot and a whiny bitch

Ernie S.

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Ernie S. , one of my usual harassers and stalkers, just negged me for the above post.


Wow, look at Pee-wee goooo. His little bike also has "whitewalls"...

New reputation!

Hi, you have received -1305 reputation points from California Girl.
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Stop fucking whining.

California Girl

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Aw, I knew I'd be hearing from the California "Taliban" Girl...
Many employers offer a variety of plans. But they don't have the right to dictate to the insurance companies what they can and can't include in their plans.

Sure, but they can definitely dictate what coverage they will pay for. I've picked plans that don't cover maternity because of the expense.. you want maternity.. you pay for it.
well, me thinks you are possibly lying on that Nola....

unless you are speaking about times before 1978, 35 years ago....or you have fewer than 15 employees....

because if you cover employees with insurance then the insurance plan MUST COVER maternity for the employee or spouse....

The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 requires companies with 15 or more workers to cover maternity benefits if they cover other health benefits. But although the law applies to employees and their spouses, there’s an exception for “non-spouse

a poor example, true. however, the principle is sound. Employers determine what they will pay for coverage wise, and offer it to the employees.

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