Rubio declares candidacy....nobody cares

Rubio is not eligible for Article 2 Section 1 of the Conztitution.

The Supreme Court of the United States has never applied the term “natural born citizen” to any other category than “those born in the country of parents who are citizens thereof”.

Rubio's parents were not citizens when he was born. He is a statute citizen. A statute citizen (bestowed by mans pen) can never be made into a natural born citizen (bestowed by God/nature).

From Rep. John Bingham, father of the 14th Amendment:

"Every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.” (Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866))"

Again, Rubio's parents were not naturalized U.S. citizens when he was born and had not taken the oath of allegiance.

Sorry but he was born in the US, he's a citizen
Article 2 Section 1 calls for a 'natural born citizen', not a 'citizen'. The only time a citizen born on U.S. soil could become president was during the adoption of the constitution and several citizen presidents later until Martin Van Buren was eligible as the first natural born citizen president.

He's a citizen. You're the only one I see making a fuss about it, he announces and not one media outlet is challenging it that I can find
The requirements for citizenship seem to change constantly with this crowd.
The truth is there are only two classes of citizens:
1)Natural born
2) Naturalized.
Since neither Cruz nor Rubio was ever naturalized they must be natural born.
Reports Marco Rubio jumps into 2016 presidential race

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, a telegenic rising star with appeal to conservative and establishment Republicans, told donors in a conference call today that he will run for president, according to multiple news reports.
Rubio told his supporters he feels "uniquely qualified" to be president and criticized Hillary Clinton as "a leader from yesterday," the Associated Press reported. CNN and NBC News cite unnamed sources who have divulged Rubio's plans.
The senator is set to hold a rally this evening at Miami's Freedom Tower.
The 43-year-old senator elected in 2010 is now the third Republican in the race, joining Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. All three were elected with Tea Party support.

Although it's pretty early in the campaign, Bush looks like a winner. Odds makers have him a heavy favorite. Walker comes in second and Rubio 3rd. The rest are also rans with odds 7 to 1 to 33 to 1. Vegas odds maker also has Bush on top followed by Walker.

2016 Republican Presidential Candidate Betting Odds Oddschecker

Of these three states.....which is Jeb Bush a "lock" to win the GOP primary?

New Hampshire
South Carolina

Rubio is not eligible for Article 2 Section 1 of the Conztitution.

The Supreme Court of the United States has never applied the term “natural born citizen” to any other category than “those born in the country of parents who are citizens thereof”.

Rubio's parents were not citizens when he was born. He is a statute citizen. A statute citizen (bestowed by mans pen) can never be made into a natural born citizen (bestowed by God/nature).

From Rep. John Bingham, father of the 14th Amendment:

"Every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.” (Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866))"

Again, Rubio's parents were not naturalized U.S. citizens when he was born and had not taken the oath of allegiance.

Sorry but he was born in the US, he's a citizen
Article 2 Section 1 calls for a 'natural born citizen', not a 'citizen'. The only time a citizen born on U.S. soil could become president was during the adoption of the constitution and several citizen presidents later until Martin Van Buren was eligible as the first natural born citizen president.

He's a citizen. You're the only one I see making a fuss about it, he announces and not one media outlet is challenging it that I can find
The requirements for citizenship seem to change constantly with this crowd.
The truth is there are only two classes of citizens:
1)Natural born
2) Naturalized.
Since neither Cruz nor Rubio was ever naturalized they must be natural born.

What crowd? McGarrett is one of yours. You couldn't pawn him off on us for all the hanging chads in Florida. Bitch.
Is every asshole who predicted the "end of America as we know it" by 2012.....and then by 2016......going to take it back to 2020 if Hillary wins?

Man....some of you fuckers are butthurt whiners.
They were right. The America that existed in 2009 doesnt exist today.

In what ways, genius boy?
Let's see:
In 2009 taxes were still low thanks to the Bush tax cuts
In 2009 I wasnt requried to have health insurance
In 2009 I could get on an airplane without being searched like a criminal
In 2009 there were more businesses opening than shutting
In 2009 banking fees were low since Dodd Frank hadnt passed.
In 2009 used car dealers were more numerous since cash for clunkers hadnt passed and destroyed the used car market
I could go on. You might try reading the papers some time.
Rubio is not eligible for Article 2 Section 1 of the Conztitution.

The Supreme Court of the United States has never applied the term “natural born citizen” to any other category than “those born in the country of parents who are citizens thereof”.

Rubio's parents were not citizens when he was born. He is a statute citizen. A statute citizen (bestowed by mans pen) can never be made into a natural born citizen (bestowed by God/nature).

From Rep. John Bingham, father of the 14th Amendment:

"Every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.” (Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866))"

Again, Rubio's parents were not naturalized U.S. citizens when he was born and had not taken the oath of allegiance.

Sorry but he was born in the US, he's a citizen
Article 2 Section 1 calls for a 'natural born citizen', not a 'citizen'. The only time a citizen born on U.S. soil could become president was during the adoption of the constitution and several citizen presidents later until Martin Van Buren was eligible as the first natural born citizen president.

He's a citizen. You're the only one I see making a fuss about it, he announces and not one media outlet is challenging it that I can find
The requirements for citizenship seem to change constantly with this crowd.
The truth is there are only two classes of citizens:
1)Natural born
2) Naturalized.
Since neither Cruz nor Rubio was ever naturalized they must be natural born.

What crowd? McGarrett is one of yours. You couldn't pawn him off on us for all the hanging chads in Florida. Bitch.
McGarrett is a racist fuck. OK? Bt he's a racist fuck who does post some good stuff periodically. This is not part of the good stuff. This is part of the nativist crap. But a lot of other people buy into it. They arent necessarily on this board
Is that clear enough for you?
Rubio is not eligible for Article 2 Section 1 of the Conztitution.

The Supreme Court of the United States has never applied the term “natural born citizen” to any other category than “those born in the country of parents who are citizens thereof”.

Rubio's parents were not citizens when he was born. He is a statute citizen. A statute citizen (bestowed by mans pen) can never be made into a natural born citizen (bestowed by God/nature).

From Rep. John Bingham, father of the 14th Amendment:

"Every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.” (Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866))"

Again, Rubio's parents were not naturalized U.S. citizens when he was born and had not taken the oath of allegiance.

Sorry but he was born in the US, he's a citizen
Article 2 Section 1 calls for a 'natural born citizen', not a 'citizen'. The only time a citizen born on U.S. soil could become president was during the adoption of the constitution and several citizen presidents later until Martin Van Buren was eligible as the first natural born citizen president.

He's a citizen. You're the only one I see making a fuss about it, he announces and not one media outlet is challenging it that I can find
The requirements for citizenship seem to change constantly with this crowd.
The truth is there are only two classes of citizens:
1)Natural born
2) Naturalized.
Since neither Cruz nor Rubio was ever naturalized they must be natural born.
Not true.


Rubio is not eligible for Article 2 Section 1 of the Conztitution.

The Supreme Court of the United States has never applied the term “natural born citizen” to any other category than “those born in the country of parents who are citizens thereof”.

Rubio's parents were not citizens when he was born. He is a statute citizen. A statute citizen (bestowed by mans pen) can never be made into a natural born citizen (bestowed by God/nature).

From Rep. John Bingham, father of the 14th Amendment:

"Every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.” (Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866))"

Again, Rubio's parents were not naturalized U.S. citizens when he was born and had not taken the oath of allegiance.

Sorry but he was born in the US, he's a citizen
Article 2 Section 1 calls for a 'natural born citizen', not a 'citizen'. The only time a citizen born on U.S. soil could become president was during the adoption of the constitution and several citizen presidents later until Martin Van Buren was eligible as the first natural born citizen president.

He's a citizen. You're the only one I see making a fuss about it, he announces and not one media outlet is challenging it that I can find
The requirements for citizenship seem to change constantly with this crowd.
The truth is there are only two classes of citizens:
1)Natural born
2) Naturalized.
Since neither Cruz nor Rubio was ever naturalized they must be natural born.
Not true.


Yeah none of that is US law. Sorry.
Rubio is not eligible for Article 2 Section 1 of the Conztitution.

The Supreme Court of the United States has never applied the term “natural born citizen” to any other category than “those born in the country of parents who are citizens thereof”.

Rubio's parents were not citizens when he was born. He is a statute citizen. A statute citizen (bestowed by mans pen) can never be made into a natural born citizen (bestowed by God/nature).

From Rep. John Bingham, father of the 14th Amendment:

"Every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.” (Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866))"

Again, Rubio's parents were not naturalized U.S. citizens when he was born and had not taken the oath of allegiance.

Sorry but he was born in the US, he's a citizen
Article 2 Section 1 calls for a 'natural born citizen', not a 'citizen'. The only time a citizen born on U.S. soil could become president was during the adoption of the constitution and several citizen presidents later until Martin Van Buren was eligible as the first natural born citizen president.

He's a citizen. You're the only one I see making a fuss about it, he announces and not one media outlet is challenging it that I can find
The requirements for citizenship seem to change constantly with this crowd.
The truth is there are only two classes of citizens:
1)Natural born
2) Naturalized.
Since neither Cruz nor Rubio was ever naturalized they must be natural born.
Not true.



I'm not going to argue about it, if you're born on American soil you're a citizen of the US
If an unaccomplished inexperienced backbencher senator from Illinois can win, why not another Rubio or Paul or Cruz or......???

Are you excited about Rubio...Paul...or Cruz? The basis for conservative governance is doing less, spending less, but being right there to bless your weddings and force you to carry a pregnancy to term.

It's impossible to look at what you have to stand for as a GOP candidate and get excited about doing less, proposing nothing except rolling back and repealing whatever came before, and all the while having to explain why you want to be more intrusive
If an unaccomplished inexperienced backbencher senator from Illinois can win, why not another Rubio or Paul or Cruz or......???

Are you excited about Rubio...Paul...or Cruz? The basis for conservative governance is doing less, spending less, but being right there to bless your weddings and force you to carry a pregnancy to term.

It's impossible to look at what you have to stand for as a GOP candidate and get excited about doing less, proposing nothing except rolling back and repealing whatever came before, and all the while having to explain why you want to be more intrusive
You might have a point if your accusations were true,but they are not so you don't.
Repeating time and time again simpleton party talking points,will never make them true.

Feel free to tell me all of the wonderful new programs that Rubio/Paul/Walker/Cruz/Bush/Christie/Fiorina/West/Palin will implement then.....

We'll wait.
Always looking for government to give you something for free.


First of all, I pay taxes so it's not free; and rarely do I directly benefit from anything out of Washington.

Secondly, the question is predicated on how you get excited about a candidate that proposes to do nothing except roll back and repeal things. I was told that it was not I asked what new programs would be launched. So far nothing was reported.

Thirdly, new programs does not necessarily mean new spending.
Sorry but he was born in the US, he's a citizen
Article 2 Section 1 calls for a 'natural born citizen', not a 'citizen'. The only time a citizen born on U.S. soil could become president was during the adoption of the constitution and several citizen presidents later until Martin Van Buren was eligible as the first natural born citizen president.

He's a citizen. You're the only one I see making a fuss about it, he announces and not one media outlet is challenging it that I can find
The requirements for citizenship seem to change constantly with this crowd.
The truth is there are only two classes of citizens:
1)Natural born
2) Naturalized.
Since neither Cruz nor Rubio was ever naturalized they must be natural born.

What crowd? McGarrett is one of yours. You couldn't pawn him off on us for all the hanging chads in Florida. Bitch.
McGarrett is a racist fuck. OK? Bt he's a racist fuck who does post some good stuff periodically. This is not part of the good stuff. This is part of the nativist crap. But a lot of other people buy into it. They arent necessarily on this board
Is that clear enough for you?

He never posts good stuff. You want his vote......but you don't want his stink. You suck. Eat shit.
Article 2 Section 1 calls for a 'natural born citizen', not a 'citizen'. The only time a citizen born on U.S. soil could become president was during the adoption of the constitution and several citizen presidents later until Martin Van Buren was eligible as the first natural born citizen president.

He's a citizen. You're the only one I see making a fuss about it, he announces and not one media outlet is challenging it that I can find
The requirements for citizenship seem to change constantly with this crowd.
The truth is there are only two classes of citizens:
1)Natural born
2) Naturalized.
Since neither Cruz nor Rubio was ever naturalized they must be natural born.

What crowd? McGarrett is one of yours. You couldn't pawn him off on us for all the hanging chads in Florida. Bitch.
McGarrett is a racist fuck. OK? Bt he's a racist fuck who does post some good stuff periodically. This is not part of the good stuff. This is part of the nativist crap. But a lot of other people buy into it. They arent necessarily on this board
Is that clear enough for you?

He never posts good stuff. You want his vote......but you don't want his stink. You suck. Eat shit.
Typical post from you.
McGarrett is 10 times as smart as you are. Consider that for a while.
Is every asshole who predicted the "end of America as we know it" by 2012.....and then by 2016......going to take it back to 2020 if Hillary wins?

Man....some of you fuckers are butthurt whiners.
They were right. The America that existed in 2009 doesnt exist today.

In what ways, genius boy?
Let's see:
In 2009 taxes were still low thanks to the Bush tax cuts
In 2009 I wasnt requried to have health insurance
In 2009 I could get on an airplane without being searched like a criminal
In 2009 there were more businesses opening than shutting
In 2009 banking fees were low since Dodd Frank hadnt passed.
In 2009 used car dealers were more numerous since cash for clunkers hadnt passed and destroyed the used car market
I could go on. You might try reading the papers some time.

It's a joke reply.....right?
He's a citizen. You're the only one I see making a fuss about it, he announces and not one media outlet is challenging it that I can find
The requirements for citizenship seem to change constantly with this crowd.
The truth is there are only two classes of citizens:
1)Natural born
2) Naturalized.
Since neither Cruz nor Rubio was ever naturalized they must be natural born.

What crowd? McGarrett is one of yours. You couldn't pawn him off on us for all the hanging chads in Florida. Bitch.
McGarrett is a racist fuck. OK? Bt he's a racist fuck who does post some good stuff periodically. This is not part of the good stuff. This is part of the nativist crap. But a lot of other people buy into it. They arent necessarily on this board
Is that clear enough for you?

He never posts good stuff. You want his vote......but you don't want his stink. You suck. Eat shit.
Typical post from you.
McGarrett is 10 times as smart as you are. Consider that for a while.

Of course. Everyone knows that.
Reports Marco Rubio jumps into 2016 presidential race

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, a telegenic rising star with appeal to conservative and establishment Republicans, told donors in a conference call today that he will run for president, according to multiple news reports.
Rubio told his supporters he feels "uniquely qualified" to be president and criticized Hillary Clinton as "a leader from yesterday," the Associated Press reported. CNN and NBC News cite unnamed sources who have divulged Rubio's plans.
The senator is set to hold a rally this evening at Miami's Freedom Tower.
The 43-year-old senator elected in 2010 is now the third Republican in the race, joining Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. All three were elected with Tea Party support.


I care. OP fails. again.
Is every asshole who predicted the "end of America as we know it" by 2012.....and then by 2016......going to take it back to 2020 if Hillary wins?

Man....some of you fuckers are butthurt whiners.

A trainwreck I tell ya!
12 pages of how no one cares Rubio declared his candidacy and we're still waiting for him to do it. Later today.

I did find a comparison amusing though. Marco Rubio is like Whole Foods to Hillary Clinton's Woolworths.
Is every asshole who predicted the "end of America as we know it" by 2012.....and then by 2016......going to take it back to 2020 if Hillary wins?

Man....some of you fuckers are butthurt whiners.
They were right. The America that existed in 2009 doesnt exist today.
Democrats imagine that because the land mass is here it's the same country. It isn't.
If an unaccomplished inexperienced backbencher senator from Illinois can win, why not another Rubio or Paul or Cruz or......???

Are you excited about Rubio...Paul...or Cruz? The basis for conservative governance is doing less, spending less, but being right there to bless your weddings and force you to carry a pregnancy to term.

It's impossible to look at what you have to stand for as a GOP candidate and get excited about doing less, proposing nothing except rolling back and repealing whatever came before, and all the while having to explain why you want to be more intrusive
If an unaccomplished inexperienced backbencher senator from Illinois can win, why not another Rubio or Paul or Cruz or......???

Are you excited about Rubio...Paul...or Cruz? The basis for conservative governance is doing less, spending less, but being right there to bless your weddings and force you to carry a pregnancy to term.

It's impossible to look at what you have to stand for as a GOP candidate and get excited about doing less, proposing nothing except rolling back and repealing whatever came before, and all the while having to explain why you want to be more intrusive
You might have a point if your accusations were true,but they are not so you don't.
Repeating time and time again simpleton party talking points,will never make them true.

Feel free to tell me all of the wonderful new programs that Rubio/Paul/Walker/Cruz/Bush/Christie/Fiorina/West/Palin will implement then.....

We'll wait.
Always looking for government to give you something for free.


First of all, I pay taxes so it's not free; and rarely do I directly benefit from anything out of Washington.

Secondly, the question is predicated on how you get excited about a candidate that proposes to do nothing except roll back and repeal things. I was told that it was not I asked what new programs would be launched. So far nothing was reported.

Thirdly, new programs does not necessarily mean new spending.
What new programs has Mrs. BJ proposed?

New gov programs ALWAYS mean new must know this.

The left can ALWAYS be counted on to denigrate anyone who would have the audacity to propose limiting an unlimited government.

Have you failed to notice the negative press in the gov run media for the three R senators who announced for POTUS, which is fine with me, but that same press gives Mrs. BJ glowing doubt you and those like you are easily duped by the MSM propaganda.
Last edited:
Are you excited about Rubio...Paul...or Cruz? The basis for conservative governance is doing less, spending less, but being right there to bless your weddings and force you to carry a pregnancy to term.

It's impossible to look at what you have to stand for as a GOP candidate and get excited about doing less, proposing nothing except rolling back and repealing whatever came before, and all the while having to explain why you want to be more intrusive
Are you excited about Rubio...Paul...or Cruz? The basis for conservative governance is doing less, spending less, but being right there to bless your weddings and force you to carry a pregnancy to term.

It's impossible to look at what you have to stand for as a GOP candidate and get excited about doing less, proposing nothing except rolling back and repealing whatever came before, and all the while having to explain why you want to be more intrusive
You might have a point if your accusations were true,but they are not so you don't.
Repeating time and time again simpleton party talking points,will never make them true.

Feel free to tell me all of the wonderful new programs that Rubio/Paul/Walker/Cruz/Bush/Christie/Fiorina/West/Palin will implement then.....

We'll wait.
Always looking for government to give you something for free.


First of all, I pay taxes so it's not free; and rarely do I directly benefit from anything out of Washington.

Secondly, the question is predicated on how you get excited about a candidate that proposes to do nothing except roll back and repeal things. I was told that it was not I asked what new programs would be launched. So far nothing was reported.

Thirdly, new programs does not necessarily mean new spending.
What new programs has Mrs. BJ proposed?

New gov programs ALWAYS mean new must know this.

The left can ALWAYS be counted on to denigrate anyone who would have the audacity to propose limiting an unlimited government.

Have you failed to notice the negative press in the gov run media for the three R senators who announced for POTUS, which is fine with me, but that same press gives Mrs. BJ glowing doubt you and those like you are easily duped by the MSM propaganda.

When have Republicans ever cut down the size of Government or blanced the budget?
They run on it, but the last President to actually do it was....Bill Clinton
Before that.....Jimmy Carter
Rubio is not eligible for Article 2 Section 1 of the Conztitution.

The Supreme Court of the United States has never applied the term “natural born citizen” to any other category than “those born in the country of parents who are citizens thereof”.

Rubio's parents were not citizens when he was born. He is a statute citizen. A statute citizen (bestowed by mans pen) can never be made into a natural born citizen (bestowed by God/nature).

From Rep. John Bingham, father of the 14th Amendment:

"Every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.” (Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866))"

Again, Rubio's parents were not naturalized U.S. citizens when he was born and had not taken the oath of allegiance.

Sorry but he was born in the US, he's a citizen
Article 2 Section 1 calls for a 'natural born citizen', not a 'citizen'. The only time a citizen born on U.S. soil could become president was during the adoption of the constitution and several citizen presidents later until Martin Van Buren was eligible as the first natural born citizen president.

He's a citizen. You're the only one I see making a fuss about it, he announces and not one media outlet is challenging it that I can find
The requirements for citizenship seem to change constantly with this crowd.
The truth is there are only two classes of citizens:
1)Natural born
2) Naturalized.
Since neither Cruz nor Rubio was ever naturalized they must be natural born.
Anyone who completed a high school civics course was taught that anyone born in the US meets the citizenship requirement for president. A naturalized citizen does not. It has nothing to do with citizenship of the parents.

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