Rubio goes on homophobic rant ending political career.

gay rights advocates are bent on labeling any anti-gay messages, including those from churches, as “hate speech.”

“We are at the water’s edge of the argument that mainstream Christian teaching is hate speech because today we’ve reached the point in our society where if you do not support same-sex marriage, you are labeled a homophobe and a hater,” Rubio said. “So what’s the next step after that? After they’re done going after individuals, the next step is to argue that the teachings of mainstream Christianity, the catechism of the Catholic Church, is hate speech. That’s a real and present danger.”

That statement is 100% true and if you liberals deny it you are lying your ass off, and don't bother calling me a christian wing nut because I am agnostic.

I like Rubio more and more every day.'s a sincerely held religious belief. See...this is America. You have the right to religious freedom and free speech.

Only Libturds want to squash religious freedom and free speech. That is the real intolerance and bigotry. All of you should be ashamed. :(

Opposition to interracial marriage has been a sincerely held religious belief in the past, and still is in places.
When your base is that hateful and ignorant, you must cut them lose and rally the moderates and centrists.
But no, the GOP continue to open their big tent to most hateful and despicable people.
Why do you believe that opposing same-sex marriage is hate speech?
Can you make an argument against marriage equality that demonstrates real, tangible harm as a result of marriage equality? Can you make an argument against marriage equality that does not disparage, denigrate, belittle or dismiss homosexuality?

Of course. Why would the expression of sincerely held religious views "disparage, denigrate, belittle?"

I have no problem with gay marriage. I have a huge problem with labeling people with sincerely held religious beliefs as hateful bigots.

Don't you feel the same?
gay rights advocates are bent on labeling any anti-gay messages, including those from churches, as “hate speech.”

“We are at the water’s edge of the argument that mainstream Christian teaching is hate speech because today we’ve reached the point in our society where if you do not support same-sex marriage, you are labeled a homophobe and a hater,” Rubio said. “So what’s the next step after that? After they’re done going after individuals, the next step is to argue that the teachings of mainstream Christianity, the catechism of the Catholic Church, is hate speech. That’s a real and present danger.”

That statement is 100% true and if you liberals deny it you are lying your ass off, and don't bother calling me a christian wing nut because I am agnostic.
Rubio's problem is calling anti-Gay dogma "Mainstream Christian teaching". It isn't. It's the dogma that controls fundamentalists and repressive religious acolytes. Where in Christian theology does it demand that homosexuals be ostracized? Where in Christian theology does it demand a judgment on homosexuality?

I'm not Catholic, but does the catechism mention marriage equality?

Rubio is exceeding his breech when citing dogma as "mainstream teaching".'s a sincerely held religious belief. See...this is America. You have the right to religious freedom and free speech.

Only Libturds want to squash religious freedom and free speech. That is the real intolerance and bigotry. All of you should be ashamed. :(

Opposition to interracial marriage has been a sincerely held religious belief in the past, and still is in places.
When your base is that hateful and ignorant, you must cut them lose and rally the moderates and centrists.
But no, the GOP continue to open their big tent to most hateful and despicable people.
Why do you believe that opposing same-sex marriage is hate speech?
Can you make an argument against marriage equality that demonstrates real, tangible harm as a result of marriage equality? Can you make an argument against marriage equality that does not disparage, denigrate, belittle or dismiss homosexuality?

Of course. Why would the expression of sincerely held religious views "disparage, denigrate, belittle?"

I have no problem with gay marriage. I have a huge problem with labeling people with sincerely held religious beliefs as hateful bigots.

Don't you feel the same?
Yes. I think there is plenty of division to go around and furthering it does no good.

But I doubt the "Christianity" of those who judge others, cast the first stone at what they consider sinners, fail to love their neighbor as they would be loved and follow dogma rather than the teachings of Jesus Christ to further their unjustified hatred and fears.

There is no "Christian Exemption" to the rule of law.
Hating faggots is no longer a way to win. Sorry boys..,

You are one of the ones who are buying into left's propaganda, just by saying hating faggots.
Being against a certain lifestyle is not hating and forcing the acceptance by the teaching of that lifestyle in our schools should not be taught, it should be done at home.
Hating faggots is no longer a way to win. Sorry boys..,

You are one of the ones who are buying into left's propaganda, just by saying hating faggots.
Being against a certain lifestyle is not hating and forcing the acceptance by the teaching of that lifestyle in our schools should not be taught, it should be done at home.
Your hatred of faggots cannot be helped. Your kind will die off, that's the best we can hope for. You won't grow up so you might as well grow down.

Being gay, BTW, is not a lifestyle. That would be being a reactionary Christian or an Atheist starving artist. Gay, Straight, Bisexual, and Asexual are sexual orientations, not lifestyles. I don't live a straight lifestyle, there is no such thing, that's just my sexual orientation.
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Hating faggots is no longer a way to win. Sorry boys..,

You are one of the ones who are buying into left's propaganda, just by saying hating faggots.
Being against a certain lifestyle is not hating and forcing the acceptance by the teaching of that lifestyle in our schools should not be taught, it should be done at home.
Your hatred of faggots cannot be helped. Your kind will die off, that's the best we can hope for. You won't grow up so you might as well grow down...

Why do you think that I hate gay people?
I don't.
I just disapprove of the lifestyle.
It doesn't mean that I can't have them as friends, which I do.
I also don't like the drinking lifestyle, but it does not mean that I don't have friends who get drunk all the time.'s a sincerely held religious belief. See...this is America. You have the right to religious freedom and free speech.

Only Libturds want to squash religious freedom and free speech. That is the real intolerance and bigotry. All of you should be ashamed. :(

So if human sacrifice is a 'sincerely held religious belief' the US govt. should be powerless to stop the practice?
Hating faggots is no longer a way to win. Sorry boys..,

You are one of the ones who are buying into left's propaganda, just by saying hating faggots.
Being against a certain lifestyle is not hating and forcing the acceptance by the teaching of that lifestyle in our schools should not be taught, it should be done at home.
Your hatred of faggots cannot be helped. Your kind will die off, that's the best we can hope for. You won't grow up so you might as well grow down...

Why do you think that I hate gay people?
I don't.
I just disapprove of the lifestyle.
It doesn't mean that I can't have them as friends, which I do.
I also don't like the drinking lifestyle, but it does not mean that I don't have friends who get drunk all the time.
Getting drunk can be a lifestyle, not being gay or straight. Those are sexual orientations. And you obviously hate gay people, because you can't accept them. I'm sure that you also believe they are going to Hell eh? That's what the Good Book says.
Hating faggots is no longer a way to win. Sorry boys..,

You are one of the ones who are buying into left's propaganda, just by saying hating faggots.
Being against a certain lifestyle is not hating and forcing the acceptance by the teaching of that lifestyle in our schools should not be taught, it should be done at home.
Your hatred of faggots cannot be helped. Your kind will die off, that's the best we can hope for. You won't grow up so you might as well grow down...

Why do you think that I hate gay people?
I don't.
I just disapprove of the lifestyle.
It doesn't mean that I can't have them as friends, which I do.
I also don't like the drinking lifestyle, but it does not mean that I don't have friends who get drunk all the time.

So you think that depriving them of civil rights is okay as long as you can avoid the 'hate' label?

lol...he doesn't hate them, he just wants to treat them hatefully...'s a sincerely held religious belief. See...this is America. You have the right to religious freedom and free speech.

Only Libturds want to squash religious freedom and free speech. That is the real intolerance and bigotry. All of you should be ashamed. :(

So if human sacrifice is a 'sincerely held religious belief' the US govt. should be powerless to stop the practice?
These people are morons, utter irrational children. Ayn Rand asswipes, still wet behind the ears.'s a sincerely held religious belief. See...this is America. You have the right to religious freedom and free speech.

Only Libturds want to squash religious freedom and free speech. That is the real intolerance and bigotry. All of you should be ashamed. :(

So if human sacrifice is a 'sincerely held religious belief' the US govt. should be powerless to stop the practice?

We as a Nation from it's beginning have never been the Aztecs and we never will be.
Do come back to the real world.'s a sincerely held religious belief. See...this is America. You have the right to religious freedom and free speech.

Only Libturds want to squash religious freedom and free speech. That is the real intolerance and bigotry. All of you should be ashamed. :(

So if human sacrifice is a 'sincerely held religious belief' the US govt. should be powerless to stop the practice?

We as a Nation from it's beginning have never been the Aztecs and we never will be.
Do come back to the real world.
He just gave you the real world, and you rejected it because you lack all rational thought. Learn to follow a rational argument.'s a sincerely held religious belief. See...this is America. You have the right to religious freedom and free speech.

Only Libturds want to squash religious freedom and free speech. That is the real intolerance and bigotry. All of you should be ashamed. :(

Religious freedom isn't unlimited. Otherwise the Mormons would still be happily polygamous.
Hating faggots is no longer a way to win. Sorry boys..,

You are one of the ones who are buying into left's propaganda, just by saying hating faggots.
Being against a certain lifestyle is not hating and forcing the acceptance by the teaching of that lifestyle in our schools should not be taught, it should be done at home.
Your hatred of faggots cannot be helped. Your kind will die off, that's the best we can hope for. You won't grow up so you might as well grow down...

Why do you think that I hate gay people?
I don't.
I just disapprove of the lifestyle.
It doesn't mean that I can't have them as friends, which I do.
I also don't like the drinking lifestyle, but it does not mean that I don't have friends who get drunk all the time.
A few points to ponder:

Being homosexual is not a 'lifestyle'. It's an immutable characteristic like eye color or race. It's not a choice. It's a sexual orientation

Drinking to excess is not a lifestyle. It's an addiction, a disease, not a choice.'s a sincerely held religious belief. See...this is America. You have the right to religious freedom and free speech.

Only Libturds want to squash religious freedom and free speech. That is the real intolerance and bigotry. All of you should be ashamed. :(

So if human sacrifice is a 'sincerely held religious belief' the US govt. should be powerless to stop the practice?

We as a Nation from it's beginning have never been the Aztecs and we never will be.
Do come back to the real world.

So you admit that religious freedom in this country is strictly limited.
Hating faggots is no longer a way to win. Sorry boys..,

You are one of the ones who are buying into left's propaganda, just by saying hating faggots.
Being against a certain lifestyle is not hating and forcing the acceptance by the teaching of that lifestyle in our schools should not be taught, it should be done at home.
Your hatred of faggots cannot be helped. Your kind will die off, that's the best we can hope for. You won't grow up so you might as well grow down...

Why do you think that I hate gay people?
I don't.
I just disapprove of the lifestyle.
It doesn't mean that I can't have them as friends, which I do.
I also don't like the drinking lifestyle, but it does not mean that I don't have friends who get drunk all the time.

So you think that depriving them of civil rights is okay as long as you can avoid the 'hate' label?

lol...he doesn't hate them, he just wants to treat them hatefully...

Where have I ever said that their civil rights should be deprived?
Where has Rubio ever said that?'s a sincerely held religious belief. See...this is America. You have the right to religious freedom and free speech.

Only Libturds want to squash religious freedom and free speech. That is the real intolerance and bigotry. All of you should be ashamed. :(

So if human sacrifice is a 'sincerely held religious belief' the US govt. should be powerless to stop the practice?

We as a Nation from it's beginning have never been the Aztecs and we never will be.
Do come back to the real world.

Then why isn't polygamy legal? Mormonism started IN this country, IN the real world, in the 19th century.
Hating faggots is no longer a way to win. Sorry boys..,

You are one of the ones who are buying into left's propaganda, just by saying hating faggots.
Being against a certain lifestyle is not hating and forcing the acceptance by the teaching of that lifestyle in our schools should not be taught, it should be done at home.
Your hatred of faggots cannot be helped. Your kind will die off, that's the best we can hope for. You won't grow up so you might as well grow down...

Why do you think that I hate gay people?
I don't.
I just disapprove of the lifestyle.
It doesn't mean that I can't have them as friends, which I do.
I also don't like the drinking lifestyle, but it does not mean that I don't have friends who get drunk all the time.

So you think that depriving them of civil rights is okay as long as you can avoid the 'hate' label?

lol...he doesn't hate them, he just wants to treat them hatefully...

Where have I ever said that their civil rights should be deprived?
Where has Rubio ever said that?

Does Rubio support equal marriage rights for gays?
“We are at the water’s edge of the argument that mainstream Christian teaching is hate speech because today we’ve reached the point in our society where if you do not support same-sex marriage, you are labeled a homophobe and a hater,” Rubio said. “So what’s the next step after that? After they’re done going after individuals, the next step is to argue that the teachings of mainstream Christianity, the catechism of the Catholic Church, is hate speech. That’s a real and present danger.”

Rubio is clearly a liar – this is comprehensively false, a ridiculous slippery slope fallacy, and hyperbolic demagoguery.

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