Rudy Giuliani may now be in Robert Mueller’s crosshairs: “The lawyers are going to need lawyers”

I can't believe there are still lawyers stupid enough to think risking their freedom is worth the desperate effort to defend Trump in hopes of reward
i can't believe snowflakes are so fucking stupid that they believe Trump is guilty of any actual crimes.

i can't believe deplorables are so fucking stupid that they believe trump isn't guilty of any actual crimes.
Perhaps if someone could show some evidence of a crime, then "deplorables" might believe he committed one. You can't even show that anyone in the Trump administration has committed any crimes, nor can you show anyone in his campaign committed any crimes during the campaign.

So far you have bupkis.
bupkis has more than them.
Donald Trump doesn't have any associates who are moral, decent, and honest.


How cute, another mindless regressive meme. I guess we see how you get your marching orders.


Please don't thank me.

For what, you being a mindless rube? That invokes sympathy, not gratitude.

Mueller has peered into every obscure corner and crevice for something, anything, but has found nothing!
how is that illegal? why can't any of you define the illegal here. If he knew about the dump so what? unless he has proof Guliani paid to have the emails hacked, you got fking shit wipes. And I believe they were hacked before trump announced. BTW, still no one contesting the emails.

if he knew about an illegal act before it happened & did nothing to stop it, then he comitted a crime as well.

that isn't a crime, again, he would have had to know they were going to hack, not release them. releasing them isn't a crime. fk you all are stupid.

he knew that comey was going to have to re-open the case like he said he would, the NYPD sat on those emails for a whole month & then gave them up 11 days b4 the election. it was a set up... idiot.

again, so fking what? you really want someone bad junior to be making up crimes that aren't. too fking funny :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

it's all speculation. but it's mueller who has the goods & will be starting to deliver them toot sweet.... beginning with manafort & cohen tomorrow...................
Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now.
guliani is dirty. he knew about the email dump b4 it happened. mueller wouldn't ignore that obvious display of bragging...

how is that illegal? why can't any of you define the illegal here. If he knew about the dump so what? unless he has proof Guliani paid to have the emails hacked, you got fking shit wipes. And I believe they were hacked before trump announced. BTW, still no one contesting the emails.

if he knew about an illegal act before it happened & did nothing to stop it, then he comitted a crime as well.


that isn't a crime, again, he would have had to known they were going to hack, not just release them. releasing them isn't a crime. fk you all are stupid.

Snowflakes believe simply talking to a Russian is a crime, unless Hillary is paying them to manufacture dirt on Trump, of course.
collusion is not a crime. its an invisible offense, at worst. no such statute can be found in the criminal codes.

the bias against Trump is so impassioned and pervasive that it has become impervious to facts
The two Trump stooges and tools Guliani and Dershowitz could end up as the defendants in a prosecution.

These two stooges are so bent them make a boomerang appear like a parallel sided plank.

Guliani has played the clown in the investigation of Trump with the purpose of distracting, diverting, and creating chaos. Giuliani has no morals.

Dershowtiz is stained by sex allegations and has a history of defending known criminals probably with the knowledge that they were guilty of the crimes he was defending them against.

Rudy Giuliani may now be in Robert Mueller’s crosshairs: “The l...

Rudy Giuliani may now be in Robert Mueller’s crosshairs: “The lawyers are going to need lawyers”
Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin explains why Rudy Giuliani “must testify” now

NOVEMBER 30, 2018 2:02PM (UTC)

Defense lawyers for President Donald Trump and Paul Manafort are likely to find themselves testifying, conservative Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin explained Wednesday on “The Last Word” with Lawrence O’Donnell.

“The president and his attorneys are communicating with every pathological liar and criminal out there that they possibly can,” O’Donnell noted.

“It’s remarkable, actually,” Rubin noted. “And because there is no defense for someone who has already pled guilty, what they have said — everything they have — said is discoverable.”

“So those lawyers are now themselves potential criminal defendants in a scheme to obstruct justice or to execute a bribery,” she explained.

“They will have to be called in. They must testify. They must give prosecutor everything he wants to know,” she continued. ...
Seems like Mueller has been only hunting for the people who were or are close to Trump. Smells with a political order.
That poltical order being, Trump was Russia's boy and Trump surrounded himself with criminals who had deep ties to Russia. Blame president babyman.
How does it feel to live without brains? Just curious.
Seems like you know the feeling

Regressives just love themselves their mindless memes, easier to let someone else do their thinking for them. LMAO


n'eh... it's more like the fact that progressives like to make fun of knuckledragging swamp creatures & little kitties.


OH bullshit, you talk about crimes, you can't name them, you can't produce evidence. The ones mimicking a banana republic are you freaks. Show me the man, given enough time and resources I'll find or invent a crime. There's a special place in hell for mindless nobodies like you. You lost an election, move on.

if he knew about an illegal act before it happened & did nothing to stop it, then he comitted a crime as well.

that isn't a crime, again, he would have had to know they were going to hack, not release them. releasing them isn't a crime. fk you all are stupid.

he knew that comey was going to have to re-open the case like he said he would, the NYPD sat on those emails for a whole month & then gave them up 11 days b4 the election. it was a set up... idiot.

again, so fking what? you really want someone bad junior to be making up crimes that aren't. too fking funny :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

it's all speculation. but it's mueller who has the goods & will be starting to deliver them toot sweet.... beginning with manafort & cohen tomorrow...................
you have no idea what mueller has. he may have recipes to make cakes for all we know. Won't you be disappointed if he comes back with devil's food cake recipes only.

Speculation? what's the crime bubba? why can't you answer? you posted that stupid shit now explain what makes it a crime? what's a matter mueller got your tongue?

oh for christ sake- make sense. & don'tcha worry - lots will be splained tomorrow............................... comey hasta testify all about the emails.... again...tomorrow in a closed hearing, but will be talking to the press after & he said he will be releasing the transcripts. best pay attention if you wanna learn somethin', pops. oh & both manafort & cohen will be spotlighted tomorrow too - courtesy of bob mueller.
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That poltical order being, Trump was Russia's boy and Trump surrounded himself with criminals who had deep ties to Russia. Blame president babyman.
How does it feel to live without brains? Just curious.
Seems like you know the feeling

Regressives just love themselves their mindless memes, easier to let someone else do their thinking for them. LMAO


n'eh... it's more like the fact that progressives like to make fun of knuckledragging swamp creatures & little kitties.


OH bullshit, you talk about crimes, you can't name them, you can't produce evidence. The ones mimicking a banana republic are you freaks. Show me the man, given enough time and resources I'll find or invent a crime. There's a special place in hell for mindless nobodies like you. You lost an election, move on.


tune in tomorrow for comey & mueller, meow meow...
if he knew about an illegal act before it happened & did nothing to stop it, then he comitted a crime as well.

that isn't a crime, again, he would have had to know they were going to hack, not release them. releasing them isn't a crime. fk you all are stupid.

he knew that comey was going to have to re-open the case like he said he would, the NYPD sat on those emails for a whole month & then gave them up 11 days b4 the election. it was a set up... idiot.

again, so fking what? you really want someone bad junior to be making up crimes that aren't. too fking funny :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

it's all speculation. but it's mueller who has the goods & will be starting to deliver them toot sweet.... beginning with manafort & cohen tomorrow...................
Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now. Any day now.

tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow...................................
collusion is not a crime. its an invisible offense, at worst. no such statute can be found in the criminal codes.

the bias against Trump is so impassioned and pervasive that it has become impervious to facts

not collusion... that isn't the legal term.

but 'conspiracy' is.
Get em Mueller. The best thing to happen in the last 2 years politically. Send Trump to Russia.
with his record breaking numbers of years of service as fbi director, and now as special counsel, bob mueller is just as accomplished as J Edgar Hoover
guliani is dirty. he knew about the email dump b4 it happened. mueller wouldn't ignore that obvious display of bragging...

Everyone knew the email dump was going to happen because Julian Assange told everyone the email dump was going to happen.
guliani is dirty. he knew about the email dump b4 it happened. mueller wouldn't ignore that obvious display of bragging...

Everyone knew the email dump was going to happen because Julian Assange told everyone the email dump was going to happen.

uh-huh. is that why the fox host was asking to explain & he's saying 'you'll see' ?

oh please. it was timed to dump just b4 the election. the NYPD sat on it for a month & had nothing to do with assange. other than they were duplicates..............
Um, seems going after Rudy will only strengthen TRUMP's case of the whole "Russia" thing being a witch hunt.
It might help some never-TRUMP republicans get "woke" and understand "their all Bret Kavanaugh now", in other words it doesn't matter who you are or what you have done in the past, if you don't 100% support the liberals agenda the left will try and destroy you and your family.

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