Rudy Giuliani may now be in Robert Mueller’s crosshairs: “The lawyers are going to need lawyers”

“And because there is no defense for someone who has already pled guilty, what they have said — everything they have — said is discoverable.”

Seems like Mueller has been only hunting for the people who were or are close to Trump. Smells with a political order.
That poltical order being, Trump was Russia's boy and Trump surrounded himself with criminals who had deep ties to Russia. Blame president babyman.
How does it feel to live without brains? Just curious.
Haja, look at the Trump cultists throw their little tantrums. Yes, Trump was Russia's boy. Yes, Trump surrounded himself wirh criminal wirh deep Russian ties. You guys are like dolls with strings...state these two simple facts, and watch you squawk and spit and scream like little b******
Seems like Mueller has been only hunting for the people who were or are close to Trump. Smells with a political order.
That poltical order being, Trump was Russia's boy and Trump surrounded himself with criminals who had deep ties to Russia. Blame president babyman.
How does it feel to live without brains? Just curious.
Seems like you know the feeling

What ties did Cohen have to Russia as it pertains to the election??? What ties to Russia did his "campaign director" have as it pertains to the election???? You REALLY believe that the ROOSKIES hacked the DNC server, passed the incriminating evidence of corruption and criminality of the DNC to Julian Assange to help Trump and fuck over the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies? W-R-O-N-G..........but leftards need someone to blame for exposing the cheating of the DNC.

View attachment 233016

The lady doth protest too much methinks.
Seems like Mueller has been only hunting for the people who were or are close to Trump. Smells with a political order.
That poltical order being, Trump was Russia's boy and Trump surrounded himself with criminals who had deep ties to Russia. Blame president babyman.
How does it feel to live without brains? Just curious.
Seems like you know the feeling

What ties did Cohen have to Russia as it pertains to the election??? What ties to Russia did his "campaign director" have as it pertains to the election???? You REALLY believe that the ROOSKIES hacked the DNC server, passed the incriminating evidence of corruption and criminality of the DNC to Julian Assange to help Trump and fuck over the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies? W-R-O-N-G..........but leftards need someone to blame for exposing the cheating of the DNC.

View attachment 233016
Cohen had ties to russia via receiving payments via novartis. And the moscow tower plans.

Manafort (campaign manager) is a Kremlin agent.

The DNC hacking is from Guccifer 2.0.
I can't believe there are still lawyers stupid enough to think risking their freedom is worth the desperate effort to defend Trump in hopes of reward
i can't believe snowflakes are so fucking stupid that they believe Trump is guilty of any actual crimes.
The two Trump stooges and tools Guliani and Dershowitz could end up as the defendants in a prosecution.

These two stooges are so bent them make a boomerang appear like a parallel sided plank.

Guliani has played the clown in the investigation of Trump with the purpose of distracting, diverting, and creating chaos. Giuliani has no morals.

Dershowtiz is stained by sex allegations and has a history of defending known criminals probably with the knowledge that they were guilty of the crimes he was defending them against.

Rudy Giuliani may now be in Robert Mueller’s crosshairs: “The l...

Rudy Giuliani may now be in Robert Mueller’s crosshairs: “The lawyers are going to need lawyers”
Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin explains why Rudy Giuliani “must testify” now

NOVEMBER 30, 2018 2:02PM (UTC)

Defense lawyers for President Donald Trump and Paul Manafort are likely to find themselves testifying, conservative Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin explained Wednesday on “The Last Word” with Lawrence O’Donnell.

“The president and his attorneys are communicating with every pathological liar and criminal out there that they possibly can,” O’Donnell noted.

“It’s remarkable, actually,” Rubin noted. “And because there is no defense for someone who has already pled guilty, what they have said — everything they have — said is discoverable.”

“So those lawyers are now themselves potential criminal defendants in a scheme to obstruct justice or to execute a bribery,” she explained.

“They will have to be called in. They must testify. They must give prosecutor everything he wants to know,” she continued. ...

conservative Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin

Conservative? Hilarious!!
Seems like Mueller has been only hunting for the people who were or are close to Trump. Smells with a political order.
That poltical order being, Trump was Russia's boy and Trump surrounded himself with criminals who had deep ties to Russia. Blame president babyman.
How does it feel to live without brains? Just curious.
Haja, look at the Trump cultists throw their little tantrums. Yes, Trump was Russia's boy. Yes, Trump surrounded himself wirh criminal wirh deep Russian ties. You guys are like dolls with strings...state these two simple facts, and watch you squawk and spit and scream like little b******
-gasping for breath-
Donald Trump doesn't have any associates who are moral, decent, and honest.

Seems like Mueller has been only hunting for the people who were or are close to Trump. Smells with a political order.
That poltical order being, Trump was Russia's boy and Trump surrounded himself with criminals who had deep ties to Russia. Blame president babyman.
How does it feel to live without brains? Just curious.
Haja, look at the Trump cultists throw their little tantrums. Yes, Trump was Russia's boy. Yes, Trump surrounded himself wirh criminal wirh deep Russian ties. You guys are like dolls with strings...state these two simple facts, and watch you squawk and spit and scream like little b******
-gasping for breath-

Out with it man! Frog in your throat?
Seems like Mueller has been only hunting for the people who were or are close to Trump. Smells with a political order.
That poltical order being, Trump was Russia's boy and Trump surrounded himself with criminals who had deep ties to Russia. Blame president babyman.
How does it feel to live without brains? Just curious.
Seems like you know the feeling

What ties did Cohen have to Russia as it pertains to the election??? What ties to Russia did his "campaign director" have as it pertains to the election???? You REALLY believe that the ROOSKIES hacked the DNC server, passed the incriminating evidence of corruption and criminality of the DNC to Julian Assange to help Trump and fuck over the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies? W-R-O-N-G..........but leftards need someone to blame for exposing the cheating of the DNC.

View attachment 233016
Cohen had ties to russia via receiving payments via novartis. And the moscow tower plans.

Manafort (campaign manager) is a Kremlin agent.

The DNC hacking is from Guccifer 2.0.

Cohen was involved in legalities involving a possible real estate deal that never came to fruition not even to the financing stage.

Manafort's ties to Russia is the very same as that of the Podesta Group that was being paid to lobby on behalf of Russia to have the sanctions lifted.

The DNC hacking wasn't done by "Guccifer 2.0" which is a CIA hacking front. The amount of data woulkd have required too much time thus setting off even the simplest of firewalls. The downloading of e-mails was an inside job. William Binney, a former high ranking NSA official broke it down very succinctly.

Again, I go back to the fact that leftards are not pissed about the corruption and criminality revealed in said e-mails, rather they are pissed that they came to light....and that says A LOT about them.
Seems like Mueller has been only hunting for the people who were or are close to Trump. Smells with a political order.
That poltical order being, Trump was Russia's boy and Trump surrounded himself with criminals who had deep ties to Russia. Blame president babyman.
How does it feel to live without brains? Just curious.
Haja, look at the Trump cultists throw their little tantrums. Yes, Trump was Russia's boy. Yes, Trump surrounded himself wirh criminal wirh deep Russian ties. You guys are like dolls with strings...state these two simple facts, and watch you squawk and spit and scream like little b******

That right there is some funny shit.....but the commie left needs SOMEONE to blame for having the light shown on the cockroaches that make up the DNC. It's not the content revealed that has them gnashing their's the fact that the corruption and criminality was revealed at all.

Man oh man........leftards have absolutely no shame at all.
Conservatives love Mueller now?
So which is it? Mueller is corrupt or he's investigating Hillary?

btw, Craig was counsel during Obama's first year in office (2009), and he is being investigated for actions taken in 2016.
Lots of us have said just let him do his job. Does it irritate me who he chose for his team and how long it is taking? Yeah.
Seems like Mueller has been only hunting for the people who were or are close to Trump. Smells with a political order.
That poltical order being, Trump was Russia's boy and Trump surrounded himself with criminals who had deep ties to Russia. Blame president babyman.
How does it feel to live without brains? Just curious.
Seems like you know the feeling

Regressives just love themselves their mindless memes, easier to let someone else do their thinking for them. LMAO

That poltical order being, Trump was Russia's boy and Trump surrounded himself with criminals who had deep ties to Russia. Blame president babyman.
How does it feel to live without brains? Just curious.
Seems like you know the feeling

What ties did Cohen have to Russia as it pertains to the election??? What ties to Russia did his "campaign director" have as it pertains to the election???? You REALLY believe that the ROOSKIES hacked the DNC server, passed the incriminating evidence of corruption and criminality of the DNC to Julian Assange to help Trump and fuck over the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies? W-R-O-N-G..........but leftards need someone to blame for exposing the cheating of the DNC.

View attachment 233016
Cohen had ties to russia via receiving payments via novartis. And the moscow tower plans.

Manafort (campaign manager) is a Kremlin agent.

The DNC hacking is from Guccifer 2.0.

Cohen was involved in legalities involving a possible real estate deal that never came to fruition not even to the financing stage.

Manafort's ties to Russia is the very same as that of the Podesta Group that was being paid to lobby on behalf of Russia to have the sanctions lifted.

The DNC hacking wasn't done by "Guccifer 2.0" which is a CIA hacking front. The amount of data woulkd have required too much time thus setting off even the simplest of firewalls. The downloading of e-mails was an inside job. William Binney, a former high ranking NSA official broke it down very succinctly.

Again, I go back to the fact that leftards are not pissed about the corruption and criminality revealed in said e-mails, rather they are pissed that they came to light....and that says A LOT about them.
But Trump said he had nothing to do with russia.
Yet offered Putin a $50 million penthouse.
So, its just normal for our presidential candidate trying to make financial deals with the dictator of our biggest enemy and hiding it from the public.

Guccifer 2.0 is real, he was discovered by forgetting to start VPN just once.

Binney claim is fluf and nonsense.
How does it feel to live without brains? Just curious.
Seems like you know the feeling

What ties did Cohen have to Russia as it pertains to the election??? What ties to Russia did his "campaign director" have as it pertains to the election???? You REALLY believe that the ROOSKIES hacked the DNC server, passed the incriminating evidence of corruption and criminality of the DNC to Julian Assange to help Trump and fuck over the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies? W-R-O-N-G..........but leftards need someone to blame for exposing the cheating of the DNC.

View attachment 233016
Cohen had ties to russia via receiving payments via novartis. And the moscow tower plans.

Manafort (campaign manager) is a Kremlin agent.

The DNC hacking is from Guccifer 2.0.

Cohen was involved in legalities involving a possible real estate deal that never came to fruition not even to the financing stage.

Manafort's ties to Russia is the very same as that of the Podesta Group that was being paid to lobby on behalf of Russia to have the sanctions lifted.

The DNC hacking wasn't done by "Guccifer 2.0" which is a CIA hacking front. The amount of data woulkd have required too much time thus setting off even the simplest of firewalls. The downloading of e-mails was an inside job. William Binney, a former high ranking NSA official broke it down very succinctly.

Again, I go back to the fact that leftards are not pissed about the corruption and criminality revealed in said e-mails, rather they are pissed that they came to light....and that says A LOT about them.
But Trump said he had nothing to do with russia.
Yet offered Putin a $50 million penthouse.
So, its just normal for our presidential candidate trying to make financial deals with the dictator of our biggest enemy and hiding it from the public.

Guccifer 2.0 is real, he was discovered by forgetting to start VPN just once.

Binney claim is fluf and nonsense.

Wrong about the real estate deal and besides, Russia only became an "enemy" when they annexed Crimea after the illegal E.U/ George Soros funded coup in the Ukriane and then defended Assad against the CIA funded ISIS mercenaries. Funny how we don't hear about ISIS so much anymore since Putin bombed them into oblivion. China is a MUCH bigger enemy to America than Russia could ever be...after all, the banking oligarchs (with the help of the Clintons and Bush) helped make them into a formidable foe.
Buzzfeed? Lol Really?
How does it feel to live without brains? Just curious.
Seems like you know the feeling

What ties did Cohen have to Russia as it pertains to the election??? What ties to Russia did his "campaign director" have as it pertains to the election???? You REALLY believe that the ROOSKIES hacked the DNC server, passed the incriminating evidence of corruption and criminality of the DNC to Julian Assange to help Trump and fuck over the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies? W-R-O-N-G..........but leftards need someone to blame for exposing the cheating of the DNC.

View attachment 233016
Cohen had ties to russia via receiving payments via novartis. And the moscow tower plans.

Manafort (campaign manager) is a Kremlin agent.

The DNC hacking is from Guccifer 2.0.

Cohen was involved in legalities involving a possible real estate deal that never came to fruition not even to the financing stage.

Manafort's ties to Russia is the very same as that of the Podesta Group that was being paid to lobby on behalf of Russia to have the sanctions lifted.

The DNC hacking wasn't done by "Guccifer 2.0" which is a CIA hacking front. The amount of data woulkd have required too much time thus setting off even the simplest of firewalls. The downloading of e-mails was an inside job. William Binney, a former high ranking NSA official broke it down very succinctly.

Again, I go back to the fact that leftards are not pissed about the corruption and criminality revealed in said e-mails, rather they are pissed that they came to light....and that says A LOT about them.
But Trump said he had nothing to do with russia.
Yet offered Putin a $50 million penthouse.
So, its just normal for our presidential candidate trying to make financial deals with the dictator of our biggest enemy and hiding it from the public.

Guccifer 2.0 is real, he was discovered by forgetting to start VPN just once.

Binney claim is fluf and nonsense.
How does it feel to live without brains? Just curious.
Seems like you know the feeling

What ties did Cohen have to Russia as it pertains to the election??? What ties to Russia did his "campaign director" have as it pertains to the election???? You REALLY believe that the ROOSKIES hacked the DNC server, passed the incriminating evidence of corruption and criminality of the DNC to Julian Assange to help Trump and fuck over the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie pussies? W-R-O-N-G..........but leftards need someone to blame for exposing the cheating of the DNC.

View attachment 233016
Cohen had ties to russia via receiving payments via novartis. And the moscow tower plans.

Manafort (campaign manager) is a Kremlin agent.

The DNC hacking is from Guccifer 2.0.

Cohen was involved in legalities involving a possible real estate deal that never came to fruition not even to the financing stage.

Manafort's ties to Russia is the very same as that of the Podesta Group that was being paid to lobby on behalf of Russia to have the sanctions lifted.

The DNC hacking wasn't done by "Guccifer 2.0" which is a CIA hacking front. The amount of data woulkd have required too much time thus setting off even the simplest of firewalls. The downloading of e-mails was an inside job. William Binney, a former high ranking NSA official broke it down very succinctly.

Again, I go back to the fact that leftards are not pissed about the corruption and criminality revealed in said e-mails, rather they are pissed that they came to light....and that says A LOT about them.
But Trump said he had nothing to do with russia.
Yet offered Putin a $50 million penthouse.
So, its just normal for our presidential candidate trying to make financial deals with the dictator of our biggest enemy and hiding it from the public.

Guccifer 2.0 is real, he was discovered by forgetting to start VPN just once.

Binney claim is fluf and nonsense.

Oh, and conderning "Guccifer"? We already know from the Vault 7 releases that the CIA can "ape" hacks by leaving bread crumbs to blame other countries for a hacking attempt. Reference the Sony hack that was blamed on North Korea a few years's all bullshit. I don't believe a fucking thing any of the incorporated alphabet agencies claim.

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