Rudy to Begin Revealing Top Level Democrats Making Millions of Dollars Selling Their Public Office

And you are so stupid. Like playing with an ABNORMAL always is!

you have hundreds post making all sorts of predictions and none of them ever come true, nobody is in jail, nobody has been arrested, no nothing.

But please, keep making them, they are good comedy
All in his SECOND TERM.....setting up the demise of the Party of INFANTICIDE for decades.....Life is good for me. Sucks for you commies!
Why did it take 4 months, from Biden asking, to the Ukes firing him?

Biden sure did put his thumb on the scale eh? They were so in fear of Biden's threat, they waited 4 months to fire Shokin and they waited, until Shokin's two prosecutors were raided and found with piles of loose diamonds, from their payoffs by the corrupt companies they would not prosecute... then the Ukrainians protested Shokin cuz he didn't prosecute the Diamond Prosecutors and let them slide on being bribed, until the Ukrainian President finally fired him.

Is that the new liberal lie now, that Joe wanted him fired for four months?

Supposedly, Joe wanted him fired for the only reason that he was corrupt. So he was fired, and they put somebody else in there that was just as corrupt. Why didn't Joe demand he be gone too? That corrupt prosecutor didn't seem to bother Joe as much, only Shokin did.

It's not like this is an isolated incident when it comes to Joe's family members getting wealthy from Joe's position in government. He has a history of it. The problem is, Hillary was supposed to win and keep this all under the rug. Now that Trump is looking into what went on with Joe and his dealings, the commies are scrambling to find a way to try and get rid of him.
Joe worked with other world leaders. He was open with what he was doing and why. He did not ask for personal favors.

Biden did not lock away the conversation, he did not demand secrecy. It did not take a whistleblower to reveal what was going on

Talk about secrecy, why didn't Schiff Face bring forth the testimony from the 18th witness? Why did he hide that testimony, or not bring him to the open House inquiry for Republicans to question?

According to Shokin, on video, he stated that Joe got him fired because he was looking into Burisma and Hunter. If that's the case, then Joe did get him fired for personal reasons, which was to protect his son.
That was up to the Defense team to call their witnesses friend and hostile, to the trial, for them to Question, but the FIX WAS IN, and The DEFENSE wanted no witnesses so the Rs voted to allow no witnesses and no additional new documents pertaining to the FAUX trial.
Republicans wanted and were denied witnesses during the investigative phase. You know, the part where you are supposed to gather ALL THE EVIDENCE before submitting it to the jury. Guess who blocked that?

The fix indeed.

Y'all deserve the results you got from this SHAM PROCESS
Nope, a lie by Trump team.... they were denied unrelated to the charges, witnesses but NOT witnesses to the accusations as defense.... there are at least 10 first hand witnesses that Trump could have called in his defense like, Mulveyny, Pompeo, Bolton, Duffy, Perry, Giuliani, Parnas, Fruman, Pence etc etc etc.....

The Trump Defence team CHOSE not to call them in the House Inquiry... they were not denied....they were afraid to call ANY first hand witnesses, so they PLAYED the only hand left to play, the " house was unfair" card..... :rolleyes: And y'all ate it up, as they knew you would.....
Why did it take 4 months, from Biden asking, to the Ukes firing him?

Biden sure did put his thumb on the scale eh? They were so in fear of Biden's threat, they waited 4 months to fire Shokin and they waited, until Shokin's two prosecutors were raided and found with piles of loose diamonds, from their payoffs by the corrupt companies they would not prosecute... then the Ukrainians protested Shokin cuz he didn't prosecute the Diamond Prosecutors and let them slide on being bribed, until the Ukrainian President finally fired him.

Is that the new liberal lie now, that Joe wanted him fired for four months?

Supposedly, Joe wanted him fired for the only reason that he was corrupt. So he was fired, and they put somebody else in there that was just as corrupt. Why didn't Joe demand he be gone too? That corrupt prosecutor didn't seem to bother Joe as much, only Shokin did.

It's not like this is an isolated incident when it comes to Joe's family members getting wealthy from Joe's position in government. He has a history of it. The problem is, Hillary was supposed to win and keep this all under the rug. Now that Trump is looking into what went on with Joe and his dealings, the commies are scrambling to find a way to try and get rid of him.
Joe worked with other world leaders. He was open with what he was doing and why. He did not ask for personal favors.

Biden did not lock away the conversation, he did not demand secrecy. It did not take a whistleblower to reveal what was going on

Talk about secrecy, why didn't Schiff Face bring forth the testimony from the 18th witness? Why did he hide that testimony, or not bring him to the open House inquiry for Republicans to question?

According to Shokin, on video, he stated that Joe got him fired because he was looking into Burisma and Hunter. If that's the case, then Joe did get him fired for personal reasons, which was to protect his son.
That was up to the Defense team to call their witnesses friend and hostile, to the trial, for them to Question, but the FIX WAS IN, and The DEFENSE wanted no witnesses so the Rs voted to allow no witnesses and no additional new documents pertaining to the FAUX trial.

There was no need for new witnesses, right? The Democrats said they had a solid case, didn't they? The Democrats said it was clear cut what Trump did. So more witnesses for what?
You blow hard Trump idiots need to get off your high fuckin horse and thank God, the GOP Senate Trump whores with Mitch leading the way is as corrupt as their boss. The evidence was there, you just a senate that don't give a damn about facts...these white mf's want to get re elected, wanna get paid and Trump and Putin will see to that. But make no mistake, the orange bitch is guilty as hell and you simple minded pink mf's know it.
Trump defense team was also given the opportunity to cross examine Sondland and all public witnesses, they chose not to, is my understanding....though maybe they counted the R congress questioners as their defense team????
Yeah, we know. Rudy is going to prison, Trump is going to prison, Pence is going to prison, Barr is going to prison, Kavanaugh is going to prison........

Didn't it ever occur to you people on the left you talk just like the Nazi's used to?

Just like Comey is going to prison and Obama is going to prison and Hillary is going to prison....

Didn't it ever occur to you people on the right you talk just like the people on the left?

We would like to see people in prison who were actually involved with criminal activities. The left want to see people in prison simply because they are political opponents.

The irony of course is that the left says the exact same thing.

You wingers are mirror images of each other.

They can say all they want, but can't point to anything like we can as evidence. Comey was part of the cabal. He actually went in front of the public, read Hillary's criminal activities, and then stated she really didn't mean it, so let her run for President.

Trump didn't give his tax returns. He won an election fair and square. He's looking into extremely suspicious actives and Rudy is helping in Ukraine. That's why the left wants to see people on the right locked up. Like I said, just like the Nazi's. Get rid of anybody that resists Big Brother.
Is that the new liberal lie now, that Joe wanted him fired for four months?

Supposedly, Joe wanted him fired for the only reason that he was corrupt. So he was fired, and they put somebody else in there that was just as corrupt. Why didn't Joe demand he be gone too? That corrupt prosecutor didn't seem to bother Joe as much, only Shokin did.

It's not like this is an isolated incident when it comes to Joe's family members getting wealthy from Joe's position in government. He has a history of it. The problem is, Hillary was supposed to win and keep this all under the rug. Now that Trump is looking into what went on with Joe and his dealings, the commies are scrambling to find a way to try and get rid of him.
Joe worked with other world leaders. He was open with what he was doing and why. He did not ask for personal favors.

Biden did not lock away the conversation, he did not demand secrecy. It did not take a whistleblower to reveal what was going on

Talk about secrecy, why didn't Schiff Face bring forth the testimony from the 18th witness? Why did he hide that testimony, or not bring him to the open House inquiry for Republicans to question?

According to Shokin, on video, he stated that Joe got him fired because he was looking into Burisma and Hunter. If that's the case, then Joe did get him fired for personal reasons, which was to protect his son.
That was up to the Defense team to call their witnesses friend and hostile, to the trial, for them to Question, but the FIX WAS IN, and The DEFENSE wanted no witnesses so the Rs voted to allow no witnesses and no additional new documents pertaining to the FAUX trial.
Republicans wanted and were denied witnesses during the investigative phase. You know, the part where you are supposed to gather ALL THE EVIDENCE before submitting it to the jury. Guess who blocked that?

The fix indeed.

Y'all deserve the results you got from this SHAM PROCESS
Nope, a lie by Trump team.... they were denied unrelated to the charges, witnesses but NOT witnesses to the accusations as defense.... there are at least 10 first hand witnesses that Trump could have called in his defense like, Mulveyny, Pompeo, Bolton, Duffy, Perry, Giuliani, Parnas, Fruman, Pence etc etc etc.....

The Trump Defence team CHOSE not to call them in the House Inquiry... they were not denied....they were afraid to call ANY first hand witnesses, so they PLAYED the only hand left to play, the " house was unfair" card..... :rolleyes: And y'all ate it up, as they knew you would.....
Not that it matters to you, it spoils your lying rant@

How the House lost the witness battle along with impeachment

1 day ago · Democrats chose failure over efforts toward a more sufficient case. ... particularly in calling witnesses not subpoenaed by the House.
GP ^ | January 23,2020 | Cristina Laila

President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani dropped a bomb Thursday morning warning that he is going to start revealing documents related to the Biden family’s corrupt and criminal dealings in the Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.

Later Thursday evening, Rudy revealed that he’s going to start hitting the swamp tomorrow and unleash on top level Democrats who sold their public office for millions of dollars!

Rudy also said Democrat officials conspired with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy!

“Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy,” Rudy said in a tweet.

Rudy Giuliani ✔ @RudyGiuliani Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.


Just in time for the Republicans to take the Senate Floor.for their defense of president Trump...
What a coincidence........ROTFLMFAO, now where is the popcorn?

Poor Rudy was feeling lonely so he had to get some press.

This joke of a man has made similar threats many times and you rubes always get a little woody when he does...only to end up with blue ball yet again.
I do know one damn thing, Rudy better come up with something, cause Trump is just itching to toss the mf under the bus....Rudy is going to go to prison eventually, yall can bet on that shit.

Yeah, we know. Rudy is going to prison, Trump is going to prison, Pence is going to prison, Barr is going to prison, Kavanaugh is going to prison........

Didn't it ever occur to you people on the left you talk just like the Nazi's used to?
Like the Nazi's? I knew you trash cans were stupid, but man, you and your kind just reeekkkk of retardation. Nazi's???? Yall act like the ignorant germans following Hitler off a cliff.
Yeah, we know. Rudy is going to prison, Trump is going to prison, Pence is going to prison, Barr is going to prison, Kavanaugh is going to prison........

Didn't it ever occur to you people on the left you talk just like the Nazi's used to?

Just like Comey is going to prison and Obama is going to prison and Hillary is going to prison....

Didn't it ever occur to you people on the right you talk just like the people on the left?

We would like to see people in prison who were actually involved with criminal activities. The left want to see people in prison simply because they are political opponents.

The irony of course is that the left says the exact same thing.

You wingers are mirror images of each other.

They can say all they want, but can't point to anything like we can as evidence. Comey was part of the cabal. He actually went in front of the public, read Hillary's criminal activities, and then stated she really didn't mean it, so let her run for President.

Trump didn't give his tax returns. He won an election fair and square. He's looking into extremely suspicious actives and Rudy is helping in Ukraine. That's why the left wants to see people on the right locked up. Like I said, just like the Nazi's. Get rid of anybody that resists Big Brother.
Comey broke the law or rules and bashed a person in public, that he knew would not be charged, in the middle of an election race.... the IG found that....his election interference to hurt Hillary, was WRONG.
Yeah, we know. Rudy is going to prison, Trump is going to prison, Pence is going to prison, Barr is going to prison, Kavanaugh is going to prison........

Didn't it ever occur to you people on the left you talk just like the Nazi's used to?

Just like Comey is going to prison and Obama is going to prison and Hillary is going to prison....

Didn't it ever occur to you people on the right you talk just like the people on the left?

We would like to see people in prison who were actually involved with criminal activities. The left want to see people in prison simply because they are political opponents.

The irony of course is that the left says the exact same thing.

You wingers are mirror images of each other.

They can say all they want, but can't point to anything like we can as evidence. Comey was part of the cabal. He actually went in front of the public, read Hillary's criminal activities, and then stated she really didn't mean it, so let her run for President.

Trump didn't give his tax returns. He won an election fair and square. He's looking into extremely suspicious actives and Rudy is helping in Ukraine. That's why the left wants to see people on the right locked up. Like I said, just like the Nazi's. Get rid of anybody that resists Big Brother.
Comey broke the law or rules and bashed a person in public, that he knew would not be charged, in the middle of an election race.... the IG found that....his election interference to hurt Hillary, was WRONG.

It wasn't his call. He had no choice but to look into it. However, an FBI director does not give instructions to the AG how to do their job. It hasn't been done before. The AG knew that Comey was in on the plan, so Comey decided to take the heat off of her. It's likely what she and Bill spoke about in private on her plane. Bill told her to make an announcement that she will follow whatever suggestion the Director gives her. How did she know the Director was going to offer advice in the first place?

FBI agreed to destroy laptops of Clinton aides with immunity deal, lawmaker says

Why did it take 4 months, from Biden asking, to the Ukes firing him?

Biden sure did put his thumb on the scale eh? They were so in fear of Biden's threat, they waited 4 months to fire Shokin and they waited, until Shokin's two prosecutors were raided and found with piles of loose diamonds, from their payoffs by the corrupt companies they would not prosecute... then the Ukrainians protested Shokin cuz he didn't prosecute the Diamond Prosecutors and let them slide on being bribed, until the Ukrainian President finally fired him.

Is that the new liberal lie now, that Joe wanted him fired for four months?

Supposedly, Joe wanted him fired for the only reason that he was corrupt. So he was fired, and they put somebody else in there that was just as corrupt. Why didn't Joe demand he be gone too? That corrupt prosecutor didn't seem to bother Joe as much, only Shokin did.

It's not like this is an isolated incident when it comes to Joe's family members getting wealthy from Joe's position in government. He has a history of it. The problem is, Hillary was supposed to win and keep this all under the rug. Now that Trump is looking into what went on with Joe and his dealings, the commies are scrambling to find a way to try and get rid of him.
Joe worked with other world leaders. He was open with what he was doing and why. He did not ask for personal favors.

Biden did not lock away the conversation, he did not demand secrecy. It did not take a whistleblower to reveal what was going on

Talk about secrecy, why didn't Schiff Face bring forth the testimony from the 18th witness? Why did he hide that testimony, or not bring him to the open House inquiry for Republicans to question?

According to Shokin, on video, he stated that Joe got him fired because he was looking into Burisma and Hunter. If that's the case, then Joe did get him fired for personal reasons, which was to protect his son.
That was up to the Defense team to call their witnesses friend and hostile, to the trial, for them to Question, but the FIX WAS IN, and The DEFENSE wanted no witnesses so the Rs voted to allow no witnesses and no additional new documents pertaining to the FAUX trial.
Republicans wanted and were denied witnesses during the investigative phase. You know, the part where you are supposed to gather ALL THE EVIDENCE before submitting it to the jury. Guess who blocked that?

The fix indeed.

Y'all deserve the results you got from this SHAM PROCESS

Repeated attempts to harass the whistleblower were turned down
the evidence of Biden corruption is available. its not propaganda, its solid evidence.

WHERE are the evidence that Biden is corrupt? WHERE?

Do you want me to prove to you that Trump is proven corrupt?

Ok, lets go slow so you can understand

Joe Biden is put in charge of US/Ukrainian relations by obozo the great

his son Hunter is then given a job on the board of a Ukrainian gas company paying him 83K per month

Hunter has no experience with gas, energy, or the Ukraine, he does not speak Ukrainian

Ukraine assigns a prosecutor to investigate corruption in the gas company (Burisma)

there is 1 billion of US aid to Ukraine pending

Joe Biden tells the Ukrainian government that they must fire the prosecutor or they won't get the aid

the prosecutor is fired, the aid flows and Hunter continues to be paid 83K per month for doing nothing but having the last name Biden

Other than influence buying and corruption, how do you explain any of that?

You wouldn't know facts if they crawled up your ass and shot out your nose.

Debunking 4 Viral Rumors About the Bidens and Ukraine

At the time of his board appointment, the younger Mr. Biden had just been discharged from the Navy Reserve for drug use. He had no apparent experience in Ukraine or natural gas. And while accepting the board position was legal, it reportedly raised some eyebrows in the Obama administration. The Burisma board position was lucrative: Mr. Biden received payments that reached up to $50,000 per month.

A year later, Viktor Shokin became Ukraine’s prosecutor general, a job similar to the attorney general in the United States. He vowed to keep investigating Burisma amid an international push to root out corruption in Ukraine.

But the investigation went dormant under Mr. Shokin. In the fall of 2015, Joe Biden joined the chorus of Western officials calling for Mr. Shokin’s ouster. The next March, Mr. Shokin was fired. A subsequent prosecutor cleared Mr. Zlochevsky.

nothing in your cite refutes the FACT that Hunter was given the 83K/month board job because Joe was VP and was assigned to Ukrainian relations.

Why the furk do you think they put him on the board? It was influence buying plain and simple, and then daddy Joe got the prosecutor fired in exchange for the release of a billion in foreign aid to Ukraine, he bragged about it on national TV. Everyone has seen the clip "if you want the money you must fire the guy, and son of a bitch, he was fired"

geez, woman. are you really as dumb as you seem?

So? There's nothing illegal about that now is there? Do you really want to start in on politician's children getting positions above their paygrade? Really?

sure, lets do it, starting with Chelsea Clinton, Hunter Biden, the kids of Pelosi and Romney. Sure, bring it. Trump's kids are actually working in his or their businesses, not some fake board job or made up government position.
Is that the new liberal lie now, that Joe wanted him fired for four months?

Supposedly, Joe wanted him fired for the only reason that he was corrupt. So he was fired, and they put somebody else in there that was just as corrupt. Why didn't Joe demand he be gone too? That corrupt prosecutor didn't seem to bother Joe as much, only Shokin did.

It's not like this is an isolated incident when it comes to Joe's family members getting wealthy from Joe's position in government. He has a history of it. The problem is, Hillary was supposed to win and keep this all under the rug. Now that Trump is looking into what went on with Joe and his dealings, the commies are scrambling to find a way to try and get rid of him.
Joe worked with other world leaders. He was open with what he was doing and why. He did not ask for personal favors.

Biden did not lock away the conversation, he did not demand secrecy. It did not take a whistleblower to reveal what was going on

Talk about secrecy, why didn't Schiff Face bring forth the testimony from the 18th witness? Why did he hide that testimony, or not bring him to the open House inquiry for Republicans to question?

According to Shokin, on video, he stated that Joe got him fired because he was looking into Burisma and Hunter. If that's the case, then Joe did get him fired for personal reasons, which was to protect his son.
That was up to the Defense team to call their witnesses friend and hostile, to the trial, for them to Question, but the FIX WAS IN, and The DEFENSE wanted no witnesses so the Rs voted to allow no witnesses and no additional new documents pertaining to the FAUX trial.

There was no need for new witnesses, right? The Democrats said they had a solid case, didn't they? The Democrats said it was clear cut what Trump did. So more witnesses for what?
You blow hard Trump idiots need to get off your high fuckin horse and thank God, the GOP Senate Trump whores with Mitch leading the way is as corrupt as their boss. The evidence was there, you just a senate that don't give a damn about facts...these white mf's want to get re elected, wanna get paid and Trump and Putin will see to that. But make no mistake, the orange bitch is guilty as hell and you simple minded pink mf's know it.

you can actually put that crap in bold after what the corrupt dems did in the house? you lefties are sick.
Is that the new liberal lie now, that Joe wanted him fired for four months?

Supposedly, Joe wanted him fired for the only reason that he was corrupt. So he was fired, and they put somebody else in there that was just as corrupt. Why didn't Joe demand he be gone too? That corrupt prosecutor didn't seem to bother Joe as much, only Shokin did.

It's not like this is an isolated incident when it comes to Joe's family members getting wealthy from Joe's position in government. He has a history of it. The problem is, Hillary was supposed to win and keep this all under the rug. Now that Trump is looking into what went on with Joe and his dealings, the commies are scrambling to find a way to try and get rid of him.
Joe worked with other world leaders. He was open with what he was doing and why. He did not ask for personal favors.

Biden did not lock away the conversation, he did not demand secrecy. It did not take a whistleblower to reveal what was going on

Talk about secrecy, why didn't Schiff Face bring forth the testimony from the 18th witness? Why did he hide that testimony, or not bring him to the open House inquiry for Republicans to question?

According to Shokin, on video, he stated that Joe got him fired because he was looking into Burisma and Hunter. If that's the case, then Joe did get him fired for personal reasons, which was to protect his son.
That was up to the Defense team to call their witnesses friend and hostile, to the trial, for them to Question, but the FIX WAS IN, and The DEFENSE wanted no witnesses so the Rs voted to allow no witnesses and no additional new documents pertaining to the FAUX trial.
Republicans wanted and were denied witnesses during the investigative phase. You know, the part where you are supposed to gather ALL THE EVIDENCE before submitting it to the jury. Guess who blocked that?

The fix indeed.

Y'all deserve the results you got from this SHAM PROCESS

Repeated attempts to harass the whistleblower were turned down

the whistle blower worked for Biden, he conspired with Schiff's staff before submitting his report. We deserve to know everything about this attempted coup.
Is that the new liberal lie now, that Joe wanted him fired for four months?

Supposedly, Joe wanted him fired for the only reason that he was corrupt. So he was fired, and they put somebody else in there that was just as corrupt. Why didn't Joe demand he be gone too? That corrupt prosecutor didn't seem to bother Joe as much, only Shokin did.

It's not like this is an isolated incident when it comes to Joe's family members getting wealthy from Joe's position in government. He has a history of it. The problem is, Hillary was supposed to win and keep this all under the rug. Now that Trump is looking into what went on with Joe and his dealings, the commies are scrambling to find a way to try and get rid of him.
Joe worked with other world leaders. He was open with what he was doing and why. He did not ask for personal favors.

Biden did not lock away the conversation, he did not demand secrecy. It did not take a whistleblower to reveal what was going on

Talk about secrecy, why didn't Schiff Face bring forth the testimony from the 18th witness? Why did he hide that testimony, or not bring him to the open House inquiry for Republicans to question?

According to Shokin, on video, he stated that Joe got him fired because he was looking into Burisma and Hunter. If that's the case, then Joe did get him fired for personal reasons, which was to protect his son.
That was up to the Defense team to call their witnesses friend and hostile, to the trial, for them to Question, but the FIX WAS IN, and The DEFENSE wanted no witnesses so the Rs voted to allow no witnesses and no additional new documents pertaining to the FAUX trial.
Republicans wanted and were denied witnesses during the investigative phase. You know, the part where you are supposed to gather ALL THE EVIDENCE before submitting it to the jury. Guess who blocked that?

The fix indeed.

Y'all deserve the results you got from this SHAM PROCESS
Nope, a lie by Trump team.... they were denied unrelated to the charges, witnesses but NOT witnesses to the accusations as defense.... there are at least 10 first hand witnesses that Trump could have called in his defense like, Mulveyny, Pompeo, Bolton, Duffy, Perry, Giuliani, Parnas, Fruman, Pence etc etc etc.....

The Trump Defence team CHOSE not to call them in the House Inquiry... they were not denied....they were afraid to call ANY first hand witnesses, so they PLAYED the only hand left to play, the " house was unfair" card..... :rolleyes: And y'all ate it up, as they knew you would.....

more BS, the dems held closed hearings in a basement secure room with no GOP allowed. The republicans did not have access to those witnesses or their depositions. it was a total kangaroo court in the house and then the crooked dems demanded fairness in the senate--------------total horseshit.
What is going on in the Ukraine definitely needs to be further investigated.
Simple question for any/all of our left wingers:

Why was Hunter Biden put on the board of Burisma at a salary of 83K per month?
GP ^ | January 23,2020 | Cristina Laila

President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani dropped a bomb Thursday morning warning that he is going to start revealing documents related to the Biden family’s corrupt and criminal dealings in the Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.

Later Thursday evening, Rudy revealed that he’s going to start hitting the swamp tomorrow and unleash on top level Democrats who sold their public office for millions of dollars!

Rudy also said Democrat officials conspired with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy!

“Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy,” Rudy said in a tweet.

Rudy Giuliani ✔ @RudyGiuliani Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.


Just in time for the Republicans to take the Senate Floor.for their defense of president Trump...
What a coincidence........ROTFLMFAO, now where is the popcorn?
Well, it's been a week now. Anything further from Rudy? Didn't think so. Once again you create a thread with some baseless horseshit and no link.
GP ^ | January 23,2020 | Cristina Laila

President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani dropped a bomb Thursday morning warning that he is going to start revealing documents related to the Biden family’s corrupt and criminal dealings in the Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.

Later Thursday evening, Rudy revealed that he’s going to start hitting the swamp tomorrow and unleash on top level Democrats who sold their public office for millions of dollars!

Rudy also said Democrat officials conspired with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy!

“Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy,” Rudy said in a tweet.

Rudy Giuliani ✔ @RudyGiuliani Starting tomorrow we will begin cracking through the Swamp media’s cover-up of TOP level Democrats selling their public office, resulting in multi-millions, in Ukraine and the conspired attempt with foreign officials to “destroy” the Trump candidacy.


Just in time for the Republicans to take the Senate Floor.for their defense of president Trump...
What a coincidence........ROTFLMFAO, now where is the popcorn?
Well, it's been a week now. Anything further from Rudy? Didn't think so. Once again you create a thread with some baseless horseshit and no link.

unlike the dems , Rudy will have his shit together before going public. its coming, be patient.

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