Ruh roh! Hillary is in trouble now. Russia Is Set To Release Clinton's Intercepted Emails

Poor rubes. They were so sure Hillary's indictment was imminent for months and months and months and months and months and months.

Their disappointment has to be let down slowly or they might crash into depression. So...let's tell them a fairy tale the Ruskies are about to release her sooper sekrit emails! That's the ticket!
The fact they have them is enough.

Fact? There is no such evidence they have them.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
Usmb is all facts.
so is whirlynutdaily or newsmax or any of your far right wing nut case news outlets ... they assured us hillary would go to jail ... seems they missed that one huh???

Convenient that Bill Clinton was involved in a private meeting with attorney general Mrs. Lynch while his wife was under investigation from serious allegations brought forth and confirmed by the Inspector General. That in itself alludes to political deal making that arises suspicion, You can truthfully say you won't find any impartiality nor integrity from within the Obama administration.
yes it was convenient for you right wing nut jobs make something out of nothing ... we understand your fears .. you fear everything left wing sucks to be you
"A U.S. intelligence official told Inside the Ring that the indications of the email release are being closely watched, although the veracity of at least two postings on the matter could not be confirmed as authoritative.

A State Department official has said Russia is one of at least three foreign governments likely to have obtained the full content of the former secretary of state’s server through covert hacking operations. The other two are China and Israel.

Russian intelligence agencies are suspected of cyberintrusions that obtained sensitive political information contained in Democratic National Committee networks. Last week, reports surfaced that computer networks of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation were also compromised, also by Russian hackers.

Russian intelligence is considered to be the most capable nation-state cyberespionage and cyberwarfare power, and its intelligence-gathering operations in the U.S. are said to be going at Cold War levels.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, a former KGB intelligence officer schooled in the black arts of covert operations, would be the top authority to order the release of the Clinton emails, if in fact Moscow has obtained the tens of thousands of private emails.

A possible Russian motive for making public all the emails would be to undermine any Justice Department influence in the ongoing FBI investigation of the private email server, an investigation said by FBI sources to have expanded into whether the server was used improperly to boost the fortunes of the Clinton Foundation.


Mr. Putin may being calculating that the release of some of the highly classified information within the emails could be used against Mrs. Clinton to influence the U.S. presidential election. Alternatively, Mr. Putin could use his access to the emails for blackmail should Mrs. Clinton win the election in November.

Gertz is a top notch national security reporter with excellent sources. The story may or may not be true, but it's clear that US intelligence officials believe it to be so."

Read more: Blog: Russia may be ready to release Clinton emails
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Very interesting. The Clintons could be black mailed at this very moment. Although I think the Russians best use of this information would be greater if she becomes POTUS. If it looks like she will not be elected, what would be in the best interest of this information from Russia's POV??

And when you follow the link for the claim that "
A State Department official has said Russia is one of at least three foreign governments likely to have obtained the full content of the former secretary of state’s server through covert hacking operations. The other two are China and Israel.".....

There's nothing. And when you look at the folks that claim to have hacked Clinton's server.....they admit their lying. And when you look at the sources that claim that Russia is 'about' to release Clinton's emails......they can't back any of it up.

And of course, Russia has released no such emails.
as I said its wishful thinking on bripat part...
Of course you will. Because you are a retard.

You're hilarious.
I know. Thanks for playing the straight man, retard.

At least you got that part right.
right ... the retard part
Speaking of retard, could you put your old avatar back up, the one of you standing in front of the house with the retarded look on your face? That was great, a perfect match for your moronic posts. Please let us see it again (unless it's too embarrassing for you).
I don't know what you're talking about Ive always had my triumph ... I guess you were dreaming about me again ... sorry you can't have me
Why would Putin want to undermine the candidate to be more candy-ass than Her Mosr Worshipful messiah? Nay, he would never do anything that might put Trump, an actual patriotic American against him when his silence gets him another few years of freedom to romp?
You're hilarious.
I know. Thanks for playing the straight man, retard.

At least you got that part right.
right ... the retard part
Speaking of retard, could you put your old avatar back up, the one of you standing in front of the house with the retarded look on your face? That was great, a perfect match for your moronic posts. Please let us see it again (unless it's too embarrassing for you).
I don't know what you're talking about Ive always had my triumph ... I guess you were dreaming about me again ... sorry you can't have me
You're a liar, you had a picture of a stupid looking redneck standing in front of a partial brick house that looked like it was in Kentucky or Ohio. You had a really moronic and clueless look on your face like you were retarded. Kind of like the sun was in your eyes and you were too stupid to take the picture with the sun somewhere other than right in your clueless looking face. Try trading places with the person taking the picture, stupid. I guess he/she must be as dumb as you. :lol:
This is gonna be good. The crooked bitch is headed for a brick wall. I hope they time it right, so there's not enough time to put somebody else up against Trump. Let her twist in the wind. :lol:
October surprise?
october surprise ??? yeah hillary 59% trump 33% ... that would surprise you republicans right off the cliff you just jumped off:lol:
First. Notice the question mark.

Second. I'm a Democrat and have never been a Republican.

Third. I'm not voting for Donald Trump.

Do you understand sarcasm?

What makes you jump to conclusions?
can't you see I'm agreeing with you .. are you that dense ???
The operative phrase was "you republicans."

And you call me dense?
This is gonna be good. The crooked bitch is headed for a brick wall. I hope they time it right, so there's not enough time to put somebody else up against Trump. Let her twist in the wind. :lol:
October surprise?
october surprise ??? yeah hillary 59% trump 33% ... that would surprise you republicans right off the cliff you just jumped off:lol:
First. Notice the question mark.

Second. I'm a Democrat and have never been a Republican.

Third. I'm not voting for Donald Trump.

Do you understand sarcasm?

What makes you jump to conclusions?
can't you see I'm agreeing with you .. are you that dense ???
The operative phrase was "you republicans."

And you call me dense?

Billyerock's skull is the hardest substance known to man.
October surprise?
october surprise ??? yeah hillary 59% trump 33% ... that would surprise you republicans right off the cliff you just jumped off:lol:
First. Notice the question mark.

Second. I'm a Democrat and have never been a Republican.

Third. I'm not voting for Donald Trump.

Do you understand sarcasm?

What makes you jump to conclusions?
can't you see I'm agreeing with you .. are you that dense ???
The operative phrase was "you republicans."

And you call me dense?

Billyerock's skull is the hardest substance known to man.
And bripat is dirt stupid we all know that
I know. Thanks for playing the straight man, retard.

At least you got that part right.
right ... the retard part
Speaking of retard, could you put your old avatar back up, the one of you standing in front of the house with the retarded look on your face? That was great, a perfect match for your moronic posts. Please let us see it again (unless it's too embarrassing for you).
I don't know what you're talking about Ive always had my triumph ... I guess you were dreaming about me again ... sorry you can't have me
You're a liar, you had a picture of a stupid looking redneck standing in front of a partial brick house that looked like it was in Kentucky or Ohio. You had a really moronic and clueless look on your face like you were retarded. Kind of like the sun was in your eyes and you were too stupid to take the picture with the sun somewhere other than right in your clueless looking face. Try trading places with the person taking the picture, stupid. I guess he/she must be as dumb as you. :lol:
I know. Thanks for playing the straight man, retard.

At least you got that part right.
right ... the retard part
Speaking of retard, could you put your old avatar back up, the one of you standing in front of the house with the retarded look on your face? That was great, a perfect match for your moronic posts. Please let us see it again (unless it's too embarrassing for you).
I don't know what you're talking about Ive always had my triumph ... I guess you were dreaming about me again ... sorry you can't have me
You're a liar, you had a picture of a stupid looking redneck standing in front of a partial brick house that looked like it was in Kentucky or Ohio. You had a really moronic and clueless look on your face like you were retarded. Kind of like the sun was in your eyes and you were too stupid to take the picture with the sun somewhere other than right in your clueless looking face. Try trading places with the person taking the picture, stupid. I guess he/she must be as dumb as you. :lol:
Don't know what you are talking about ... this is the only one Ive ever had ... I guess that brain of yours has finally turned to silly putty ...
At least you got that part right.
right ... the retard part
Speaking of retard, could you put your old avatar back up, the one of you standing in front of the house with the retarded look on your face? That was great, a perfect match for your moronic posts. Please let us see it again (unless it's too embarrassing for you).
I don't know what you're talking about Ive always had my triumph ... I guess you were dreaming about me again ... sorry you can't have me
You're a liar, you had a picture of a stupid looking redneck standing in front of a partial brick house that looked like it was in Kentucky or Ohio. You had a really moronic and clueless look on your face like you were retarded. Kind of like the sun was in your eyes and you were too stupid to take the picture with the sun somewhere other than right in your clueless looking face. Try trading places with the person taking the picture, stupid. I guess he/she must be as dumb as you. :lol:
Don't know what you are talking about ... this is the only one Ive ever had ... I guess that brain of yours has finally turned to silly putty ...
You're either a liar or you're so burnt out from drugs and alcohol you don't remember. Probably both.
right ... the retard part
Speaking of retard, could you put your old avatar back up, the one of you standing in front of the house with the retarded look on your face? That was great, a perfect match for your moronic posts. Please let us see it again (unless it's too embarrassing for you).
I don't know what you're talking about Ive always had my triumph ... I guess you were dreaming about me again ... sorry you can't have me
You're a liar, you had a picture of a stupid looking redneck standing in front of a partial brick house that looked like it was in Kentucky or Ohio. You had a really moronic and clueless look on your face like you were retarded. Kind of like the sun was in your eyes and you were too stupid to take the picture with the sun somewhere other than right in your clueless looking face. Try trading places with the person taking the picture, stupid. I guess he/she must be as dumb as you. :lol:
Don't know what you are talking about ... this is the only one Ive ever had ... I guess that brain of yours has finally turned to silly putty ...
You're either a liar or you're so burnt out from drugs and alcohol you don't remember. Probably both.
I don't drink I don't do drugs ... if this is true, then produce this allege picture you speak of ... you're just mad cause that silly putty brain of yours can't remember shit ...I guess its all that meth you've been doing ... you need to seek help cause you're losing it ... this has always been my picture ... I have no Idea in what you're talking about ... must be some other liberal you hate
Speaking of retard, could you put your old avatar back up, the one of you standing in front of the house with the retarded look on your face? That was great, a perfect match for your moronic posts. Please let us see it again (unless it's too embarrassing for you).
I don't know what you're talking about Ive always had my triumph ... I guess you were dreaming about me again ... sorry you can't have me
You're a liar, you had a picture of a stupid looking redneck standing in front of a partial brick house that looked like it was in Kentucky or Ohio. You had a really moronic and clueless look on your face like you were retarded. Kind of like the sun was in your eyes and you were too stupid to take the picture with the sun somewhere other than right in your clueless looking face. Try trading places with the person taking the picture, stupid. I guess he/she must be as dumb as you. :lol:
Don't know what you are talking about ... this is the only one Ive ever had ... I guess that brain of yours has finally turned to silly putty ...
You're either a liar or you're so burnt out from drugs and alcohol you don't remember. Probably both.
I don't drink I don't do drugs ... if this is true, then produce this allege picture you speak of ... you're just mad cause that silly putty brain of yours can't remember shit ...I guess its all that meth you've been doing ... you need to seek help cause you're losing it ... this has always been my picture ... I have no Idea in what you're talking about ... must be some other liberal you hate
Sure, like I can post a picture from YOUR computer. Your brain is fried, redneck.
Hillary is useless

if you feel that donald trump is a strait talker, then you're dumb as shit ...

Wow! You can't event defend or say anything regarding the problems that accompany Hillary Clinton, that you try to raise Trump as her equal? When did Trump suppress a long line of women under an inappropriate harassment investigation? Which by the way, is a lot worse when a woman, who is supposed to know better under the campaigning banner of "women's rights", does it. When did Trump take huge donations from nations that don't respect women, gays, or anyone the democrat platform is supposed to support?

sorry to inform you hillary has never taken any donations from any nations ... you can't show us anywhere where she has ... where you get this crap from, well, we know where you get it from ...the house of ignorant republicans supporters they have all kinds of false accusation for you to lap up like the lap dog you are

Once again Billy, it's revealed how little you really do know. Several sources have confirmed her Foundation's resources are attributed to her association with foreign nations. There is even the clear knowledge of Mrs. Clinton's entanglements with foreign government donations, as revealed from her prior rival Bernie Sanders.

Foreign governments gave millions to foundation while Clinton was at State

Foreign Government Gifts to Clinton Foundation on the Rise

The Vermont senator said he’s concerned “a sitting secretary of State and a foundation run by her husband collects many millions of dollars from foreign governments, governments which are dictatorships.”

“You don’t have a lot of civil liberties or democratic rights in Saudi Arabia. You don’t have a lot of respect there for opposition points of view, for gay rights, for women’s rights.”

Sanders makes rare dig at Clinton over foreign donations

Since Hillary Clinton left the State Department, the governments of Germany, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Oman, and others have given money to the global initiative. Minassian said that now that she is running for president, that will stop, as will plans to hold gatherings overseas.
As far as the other Clinton programs and initiatives, the Clintons were permitted to collect donations from foreign governments. But they did agree to increased reporting requirements, though the Clinton Foundation says it failed to meet the reporting requirements in some cases.

In short, there are serious questions about how the Clinton Foundation reported foreign government donations.

Mrs Clinton's efforts to mislead and lie to the American people will continue, as she has made no effort to prevent herself from doing so.

this is how moronic you are the clinton foundation has nothing to do with her campaign ... not one dime from the clinton foundations goes to her campaign ... you can post all the sources of the clinton foundation receiving money from what ever country you want, I don't care ... not one dime has gone to her campaign and you can't show us where any money has ... that shows us how moronic you are ...

You said she has never taken any donations or financial support from foreign governments, You said there is no proof Hillary has financial ties to ANY foreign governments, while I have provided proof that she. What business would a candidate have in having financial CONNECTIONS well beyond her time spent through her campaign ambitions? What is she getting in return for their charitable offerings? Countries don't just donate with nothing expected in return, if you think otherwise - name them.

Use your brain Billy, I know that's often difficult for you to do.
Since Trump collaborated with the Russians in this criminal enterprise,

maybe a just outcome would be Trump sent to prison for 20 years.
boris knockers....jpg

It has been confirmed .... By my people...
The password used at the DNC for their servers was KNOCKERS....
Boris the hacker has confirmed....

Last edited:
Since Trump collaborated with the Russians in this criminal enterprise,

maybe a just outcome would be Trump sent to prison for 20 years.

I didn't realize an individual that spends his time in the private corporate sector had access to sensitive government information that would carry the ability to compromise our national security? How careless are you looking to project the Obama administration and Mrs Clinton in handling foreign policy matters to make that accusation?
The fact they have them is enough.

Fact? There is no such evidence they have them.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
Usmb is all facts.
so is whirlynutdaily or newsmax or any of your far right wing nut case news outlets ... they assured us hillary would go to jail ... seems they missed that one huh???

Convenient that Bill Clinton was involved in a private meeting with attorney general Mrs. Lynch while his wife was under investigation from serious allegations brought forth and confirmed by the Inspector General. That in itself alludes to political deal making that arises suspicion, You can truthfully say you won't find any impartiality nor integrity from within the Obama administration.
yes it was convenient for you right wing nut jobs make something out of nothing ... we understand your fears .. you fear everything left wing sucks to be you

This coming from liberals who blame President George W Bush for overthrowing Saddam Hissein over WMDs, and your 9-11 "blame.Bush" conspiracy theories :lol:

He fact remains, the Obama administration is anything but transparentand forthcoming whole Mrs Clinton is far from being honest to the American people
How can they make the leap that Trump was involved....
Stoopid question....

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