Rumors of War

I believe the risk of a war, started by some other nation, is more likely BEFORE January than after.

Twixt now and then those who would like to "take America down a peg" are comfortable that their primary ally will remain in power. The worst they can expect is a quick-vanishing "red line". At best, apology cash reparations for having pissed them off.

After January? Risk level returns to the (unacceptable) "normal" because there will be uncertainty for a time and, if the wrong candidate wins, diversion of funds that could go toward keeping America free to social engineering causes - or outright embezzlement.
It's just business, and with american style "capitalism", linear growth to infinity is the mantra. So of course we will continually be at war.
I have to admit that I am a fan of Hanson, but this article is just a generalization of possible flashpoints that could erupt.......Iran, N. Korea, China, and Russia.

Anyone who pays a mild attention to geo-politics, could've written this article. I'm disappointed that Hanson would even put his generalized musings to keyboard.
I have to admit that I am a fan of Hanson, but this article is just a generalization of possible flashpoints that could erupt.......Iran, N. Korea, China, and Russia.

Anyone who pays a mild attention to geo-politics, could've written this article. I'm disappointed that Hanson would even put his generalized musings to keyboard.

Yet very few do pay attention, so when Hanson says 'Pay Attention Now', I do - and hope others will also.
Victor Davis Hanson has studied war all his adult life; he is worried now:

Victor Davis Hanson - A hard rain is going to fall

Well, if the zioinists are worried about the elites triggering a false flag to initiate a war, guess you should be worried. The economy is in tatters, and it is just about the only way they are going to get out of this mess. It's what they have always done.

That was some seriously hilarious war propaganda. :badgrin: You would have to be a stooge to fall for it though.

If war breaks out some place on the planet, it's probably best we learn our lesson from the previous global conflicts and keep our noses out of it. . .

If a general war were to break out soon I'd expect nothing less than a complete and utter bloody mess. Just like prior to the First World War, we have had no serious practical experience in mass warfare for a long time. Since 1945. Vietnam, the Gulf War, the War on Terror, these have all been limited or asymmetrical in nature. We have a whole new order of battle, fresh technology in all fields, entirely new warfare doctrines relying completely on theory and wargame simulations for proof of usefulness.

Even if ICBM's aren't used against civilian targets and we fight conventionally, I suspect our officers will go through the same trials as those of 1914. Nobody is going to know what the hell is going on, or why nothing is working the way they thought it would. And frankly that scares the shit out of me.


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