Rump does it again

Daryl Hunt

Your Worst Nightmare
Oct 22, 2014
I was interrupted by what should have been a Presidential moment a couple of minutes ago. Rump stole a few minutes of my time I'll never get back. Okay, "Ideas and Executive Order" sounds remarkably similar to what the Dems in the House are trying to get passed that almost all the Reps are against because it's a Dem proposal. Fine, I can live with that. If that is what it takes to get the Reps off this BS, I am for it.

I switch to a western station when he turned it into a campaign speech. I didn't mind when he was trying to grab the glory but when he started blaming past presidents and Dems, it became apparent that this was just another sleaze bag way of upside down bible bunker boy to try and shift America away from his latest blunders.
Awwwww...Poor thing.

I was interrupted by what should have been a Presidential moment a couple of minutes ago. Rump stole a few minutes of my time I'll never get back. Okay, "Ideas and Executive Order" sounds remarkably similar to what the Dems in the House are trying to get passed that almost all the Reps are against because it's a Dem proposal. Fine, I can live with that. If that is what it takes to get the Reps off this BS, I am for it.

I switch to a western station when he turned it into a campaign speech. I didn't mind when he was trying to grab the glory but when he started blaming past presidents and Dems, it became apparent that this was just another sleaze bag way of upside down bible bunker boy to try and shift America away from his latest blunders.

Democrats in these Dem cities in Dem states have had decades to fix the problems and racism and FAILED!
I was interrupted by what should have been a Presidential moment a couple of minutes ago. Rump stole a few minutes of my time I'll never get back. Okay, "Ideas and Executive Order" sounds remarkably similar to what the Dems in the House are trying to get passed that almost all the Reps are against because it's a Dem proposal. Fine, I can live with that. If that is what it takes to get the Reps off this BS, I am for it.

I switch to a western station when he turned it into a campaign speech. I didn't mind when he was trying to grab the glory but when he started blaming past presidents and Dems, it became apparent that this was just another sleaze bag way of upside down bible bunker boy to try and shift America away from his latest blunders.
He really sucks at his job. Fire him.
I was interrupted by what should have been a Presidential moment a couple of minutes ago. Rump stole a few minutes of my time I'll never get back. Okay, "Ideas and Executive Order" sounds remarkably similar to what the Dems in the House are trying to get passed that almost all the Reps are against because it's a Dem proposal. Fine, I can live with that. If that is what it takes to get the Reps off this BS, I am for it.

I switch to a western station when he turned it into a campaign speech. I didn't mind when he was trying to grab the glory but when he started blaming past presidents and Dems, it became apparent that this was just another sleaze bag way of upside down bible bunker boy to try and shift America away from his latest blunders.
Never gonna be happy.....what a miserable way to live....
I was interrupted by what should have been a Presidential moment a couple of minutes ago. Rump stole a few minutes of my time I'll never get back. Okay, "Ideas and Executive Order" sounds remarkably similar to what the Dems in the House are trying to get passed that almost all the Reps are against because it's a Dem proposal. Fine, I can live with that. If that is what it takes to get the Reps off this BS, I am for it.

I switch to a western station when he turned it into a campaign speech. I didn't mind when he was trying to grab the glory but when he started blaming past presidents and Dems, it became apparent that this was just another sleaze bag way of upside down bible bunker boy to try and shift America away from his latest blunders.
He really sucks at his job. Fire him.
That's up to the people to do....and judging by the response to his first rally of the campaign I think his job is more than safe.....
I was interrupted by what should have been a Presidential moment a couple of minutes ago. Rump stole a few minutes of my time I'll never get back. Okay, "Ideas and Executive Order" sounds remarkably similar to what the Dems in the House are trying to get passed that almost all the Reps are against because it's a Dem proposal. Fine, I can live with that. If that is what it takes to get the Reps off this BS, I am for it.

I switch to a western station when he turned it into a campaign speech. I didn't mind when he was trying to grab the glory but when he started blaming past presidents and Dems, it became apparent that this was just another sleaze bag way of upside down bible bunker boy to try and shift America away from his latest blunders.
He really sucks at his job. Fire him.

He's under contract. But that contract comes up for renewal in November. I can't wait to see him escorted off the Whitehouse Property like every other Corporate Fired person in any business by security.
I was interrupted by what should have been a Presidential moment a couple of minutes ago. Rump stole a few minutes of my time I'll never get back. Okay, "Ideas and Executive Order" sounds remarkably similar to what the Dems in the House are trying to get passed that almost all the Reps are against because it's a Dem proposal. Fine, I can live with that. If that is what it takes to get the Reps off this BS, I am for it.

I switch to a western station when he turned it into a campaign speech. I didn't mind when he was trying to grab the glory but when he started blaming past presidents and Dems, it became apparent that this was just another sleaze bag way of upside down bible bunker boy to try and shift America away from his latest blunders.
What are you talking about? Could we kindly have a link to whatever it was? You're pretty short on whatever his ideas are. (And some mods will insist on a link)
I was interrupted by what should have been a Presidential moment a couple of minutes ago. Rump stole a few minutes of my time I'll never get back. Okay, "Ideas and Executive Order" sounds remarkably similar to what the Dems in the House are trying to get passed that almost all the Reps are against because it's a Dem proposal. Fine, I can live with that. If that is what it takes to get the Reps off this BS, I am for it.

I switch to a western station when he turned it into a campaign speech. I didn't mind when he was trying to grab the glory but when he started blaming past presidents and Dems, it became apparent that this was just another sleaze bag way of upside down bible bunker boy to try and shift America away from his latest blunders.
He really sucks at his job. Fire him.
That's up to the people to do....and judging by the response to his first rally of the campaign I think his job is more than safe.....

A President is not supposed to be Republican or Democrat. He is supposed to be for ALL America. This is not the case here. A President is suppose to act Presidential and not try and settle petty differences in a special speech that almost all networks air because it's the right thing for them to do. The President is also supposed to do what is the right thing to do. Rump's speech would have been only a few minutes if he had just lain out the points of interest, thanked the ones that assisted (Moscow Mitch didn't help but got credit) instead of using it as an election speech. But he didn't. He did what Rump; always does. There isn't a Presidential bone in his body, with the possible exception of his bone spur.
I was interrupted by what should have been a Presidential moment a couple of minutes ago. Rump stole a few minutes of my time I'll never get back. Okay, "Ideas and Executive Order" sounds remarkably similar to what the Dems in the House are trying to get passed that almost all the Reps are against because it's a Dem proposal. Fine, I can live with that. If that is what it takes to get the Reps off this BS, I am for it.

I switch to a western station when he turned it into a campaign speech. I didn't mind when he was trying to grab the glory but when he started blaming past presidents and Dems, it became apparent that this was just another sleaze bag way of upside down bible bunker boy to try and shift America away from his latest blunders.
What are you talking about? Could we kindly have a link to whatever it was? You're pretty short on whatever his ideas are. (And some mods will insist on a link)

Considering I was posting at the time of his "Speech" it's a little tough to have a cite. Fine, how about NBC, CBS, Fox, ABC and more. Pick one. I am sure any of them has it on file once it's done. Give it enough time and even Youtube will have it just not yet.

If it weren't for the Political nature of the speech, it would be better in the current events area because you can't get any more current than right now. But since it was political in nature only I posted in the Politics area.
I was interrupted by what should have been a Presidential moment a couple of minutes ago. Rump stole a few minutes of my time I'll never get back. Okay, "Ideas and Executive Order" sounds remarkably similar to what the Dems in the House are trying to get passed that almost all the Reps are against because it's a Dem proposal. Fine, I can live with that. If that is what it takes to get the Reps off this BS, I am for it.

I switch to a western station when he turned it into a campaign speech. I didn't mind when he was trying to grab the glory but when he started blaming past presidents and Dems, it became apparent that this was just another sleaze bag way of upside down bible bunker boy to try and shift America away from his latest blunders.
Keep in mind an executive order is a set of instructions to the executive branch of the federal government. It has no direct effect on state and local government. Only if the order directs federal agencies to take some action such as withholding funds if states do not comply with the order will it force any change. The tricky part is the agency must have the power granted by congress to act. This order is strictly a political statement outlining the president's vision of local law enforcement. It may or may not serve as a guideline for the states or it may just be a political statement the president will use in campaigning.
So sick and tired of the President and his administration using my tax dollar to campaign while on the government job.

That's suppose to be illegal... the Hatch Act.... but the Man of Lawlessness, continues to get away with his lawlessness....
A President is not supposed to be Republican or Democrat. He is supposed to be for ALL America
:auiqs.jpg: ......
Obama quote...."the GOP can come along but we won so they will have to get on the back of the bus".....

Nice one. Except you just quoted a Foxnews Headline Grabber that had nothing to do with it's own report and then you added to it. They were covering a disgruntled Democrat that Obama didn't open support during a midterm election and that Democrat lost big time. Obama didn't support either side for the Dems for that election.

Foxnews has gotten better lately about making shit up but back then, if it was reported by Foxnews, it was probably a fabrication or a sever twisting of the facts.

Obama Tells Republicans to 'Sit in Back'

And it wasn't said in front of all the networks. It was supposedly said during a Democratic Convention where it's appropriate. And there was not mention of any kind of vehicle either.

You can't stand it that, once again, you are going to have zero say in anything after the first of the year. But crap like this is why. Enjoy the back of the bus riding hanging onto the bumper. And remember, make sure you bring your skateboard.
I was interrupted by what should have been a Presidential moment a couple of minutes ago. Rump stole a few minutes of my time I'll never get back. Okay, "Ideas and Executive Order" sounds remarkably similar to what the Dems in the House are trying to get passed that almost all the Reps are against because it's a Dem proposal. Fine, I can live with that. If that is what it takes to get the Reps off this BS, I am for it.

I switch to a western station when he turned it into a campaign speech. I didn't mind when he was trying to grab the glory but when he started blaming past presidents and Dems, it became apparent that this was just another sleaze bag way of upside down bible bunker boy to try and shift America away from his latest blunders.
Keep in mind an executive order is a set of instructions to the executive branch of the federal government. It has no direct effect on state and local government. Only if the order directs federal agencies to take some action such as withholding funds if states do not comply with the order will it force any change. The tricky part is the agency must have the power granted by congress to act. This order is strictly a political statement outlining the president's vision of local law enforcement. It may or may not serve as a guideline for the states or it may just be a political statement the president will use in campaigning.

Finally, someone with something to say. I agree and the House is trying to get the very things passed he has grabbed credit for. The only good thing is, it builds a fire under Moscow Mitch's ass to get something done accordingly. To summarily reject the House Proposal just because it's done by a majority of Democrats like it's been done has to stop. If Rump had said that the reason he was doing this was to get the House and Senate on the same page, I would gladly call him President Trump because that is what a President is supposed to do. But, no, he plays politics, tries to grab all the credit and blames the past Presidents and the Democrats. So to me, it's just plain Rump

So sick and tired of the President and his administration using my tax dollar to campaign while on the government job.

That's suppose to be illegal... the Hatch Act.... but the Man of Lawlessness, continues to get away with his lawlessness....
Unfortunately many presidents do this. So, dumb Don is just following precedent.
I was interrupted by what should have been a Presidential moment a couple of minutes ago. Rump stole a few minutes of my time I'll never get back. Okay, "Ideas and Executive Order" sounds remarkably similar to what the Dems in the House are trying to get passed that almost all the Reps are against because it's a Dem proposal. Fine, I can live with that. If that is what it takes to get the Reps off this BS, I am for it.

I switch to a western station when he turned it into a campaign speech. I didn't mind when he was trying to grab the glory but when he started blaming past presidents and Dems, it became apparent that this was just another sleaze bag way of upside down bible bunker boy to try and shift America away from his latest blunders.
Keep in mind an executive order is a set of instructions to the executive branch of the federal government. It has no direct effect on state and local government. Only if the order directs federal agencies to take some action such as withholding funds if states do not comply with the order will it force any change. The tricky part is the agency must have the power granted by congress to act. This order is strictly a political statement outlining the president's vision of local law enforcement. It may or may not serve as a guideline for the states or it may just be a political statement the president will use in campaigning.

Finally, someone with something to say. I agree and the House is trying to get the very things passed he has grabbed credit for. The only good thing is, it builds a fire under Moscow Mitch's ass to get something done accordingly. To summarily reject the House Proposal just because it's done by a majority of Democrats like it's been done has to stop. If Rump had said that the reason he was doing this was to get the House and Senate on the same page, I would gladly call him President Trump because that is what a President is supposed to do. But, no, he plays politics, tries to grab all the credit and blames the past Presidents and the Democrats. So to me, it's just plain Rump

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Blaming past presidents is very common. Ears did it regularly.
Seems your take was similar to others...
CNNs summary:

(CNN)President Donald Trump took his first concrete steps on Tuesday to address growing national outcry over police brutality even as he offered a staunch defense of law enforcement that left little question about his allegiances.

Speaking during a discursive noontime event in the Rose Garden, Trump initially sought to adopt a unifying tone as he announced an executive order that, among other steps, creates a federal database of police officers with a history of using excessive force.

But later he veered from that topic and that tone to assault his political rivals and tout the stock market's recent rally.

It was a performance that laid bare the balance Trump faces as he continues to embrace a hard line "law and order" mantle, which he believes benefits him politically, even as he confronts a national reckoning over systemic racism in police departments and outcry over violent police tactics.

I was interrupted by what should have been a Presidential moment a couple of minutes ago. Rump stole a few minutes of my time I'll never get back. Okay, "Ideas and Executive Order" sounds remarkably similar to what the Dems in the House are trying to get passed that almost all the Reps are against because it's a Dem proposal. Fine, I can live with that. If that is what it takes to get the Reps off this BS, I am for it.

I switch to a western station when he turned it into a campaign speech. I didn't mind when he was trying to grab the glory but when he started blaming past presidents and Dems, it became apparent that this was just another sleaze bag way of upside down bible bunker boy to try and shift America away from his latest blunders.

Almost sounds like you identified yet another con from the Orange Virus. Like every single day. Like every time he emotes.
Seems your take was similar to others...
CNNs summary:

(CNN)President Donald Trump took his first concrete steps on Tuesday to address growing national outcry over police brutality even as he offered a staunch defense of law enforcement that left little question about his allegiances.

Speaking during a discursive noontime event in the Rose Garden, Trump initially sought to adopt a unifying tone as he announced an executive order that, among other steps, creates a federal database of police officers with a history of using excessive force.

But later he veered from that topic and that tone to assault his political rivals and tout the stock market's recent rally.

It was a performance that laid bare the balance Trump faces as he continues to embrace a hard line "law and order" mantle, which he believes benefits him politically, even as he confronts a national reckoning over systemic racism in police departments and outcry over violent police tactics.

I tuned out just when he started in about what Bush and Obama didn't do. The rest of the speech was predictable. The real meat (even with the stealing of ideas from the House Democrats) was in the first couple of minutes. But when he took his jab at Bush and Obama, that was when the Virginian began to play on my TV. If I want fiction, make it a good Western Fiction. Rump may believe himself to be a great actor but the Actor that Plays the Virginian really is a good actor.

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