"Running a state is different than running a business"


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
Addressing the actual comment, perhaps someone should point out that Governor Romney also ran a state.
Barry got elected and he had no experience at all. Private sector or otherwise.

Hope and Change payed off big time for him.

To bad it isn't paying off for the rest of us.
Running a country or state is not the same as running a business or your personal finances.

The sooner people learn this, the sooner we can start electing qualified individuals.
IMO a lot of overlap in management skills needed for running a business or a state.

The conditions you run a business under are far harder to deal with. As a CEO your pay (should be at least) tied to the performance of the company. Better performance = more pay. As a governor your pay is what it is. A business has to remain profitable to stay in business. State governments so far do not. Running a governmental entity is like being able to increase the amount of money your customers pay for a service (i.e taxes) whenever you feel like it, and your customer still has to buy the prodcut unless they want to relocate.

On the other side running a business doesnt involve all the lobbyists and competing agendas of various groups. The business has one goal: Make money.
Running a country or state is not the same as running a business or your personal finances.

The sooner people learn this, the sooner we can start electing qualified individuals.

Yeah stupid, we're seeing this in Obama. A freshman Senator with experience as a "Community Organizer," whatever the fuck that is.
Running a country or state is not the same as running a business or your personal finances.

The sooner people learn this, the sooner we can start electing qualified individuals.

Yeah stupid, we're seeing this in Obama. A freshman Senator with experience as a "Community Organizer," whatever the fuck that is.

Obama had over a decade of experience as a Constitutional Professor and he had experience in a state legislature. That is still BETTER experience than running a business.

But hey, perhaps you could tell us all how running a for-profit company is exactly the same as running a state or country.
Running a country or state is not the same as running a business or your personal finances.

The sooner people learn this, the sooner we can start electing qualified individuals.

Yeah stupid, we're seeing this in Obama. A freshman Senator with experience as a "Community Organizer," whatever the fuck that is.

Obama had over a decade of experience as a Constitutional Professor and he had experience in a state legislature. That is still BETTER experience than running a business.

But hey, perhaps you could tell us all how running a for-profit company is exactly the same as running a state or country.

Being a constitutional professor requires absolutely no skills as it pertains to anticipating the unlikely, being pro active, and forecasting.

Running a for profit company and a state require all of them.
Running a country or state is not the same as running a business or your personal finances.

The sooner people learn this, the sooner we can start electing qualified individuals.

The same thing?
Many similarities?

It is quite obvious you have never run a business....as I noticed you coupled it with running personal finances....they are not to be coupled together.

But I can spend hours describing what I do as a business owner that must be applied as a governor of a state.
Jimmy Carter was a veteran, ran a successful business, and served as a governor before he was president...

This why he was a viable candidate for the presidency.
Sadly, he allowed ideology to get in his way of porper governing and he proved to be a one term unsuccessful president.

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