Rush brags that he's responsible for dumbing down America

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Rush Limbaugh Brags That He's Responsible for the Dumbing Down of America

Nothing quite like one of the most well known conservatives in media trying to take credit for the dumbing down of America. But that’s what happened recently when Rush Limbaugh boasted about the fact that the United States leads the world in climate change deniers.

Limbaugh said, “Fifty-four percent of Americans agreed with the statement, ‘The climate change we are currently seeing is largely the result of human activity.’ Why would the U.S. be the leading nation with the highest amount of doubt about the conventional wisdom of climate change? Why do you think that would be? I think that’s exactly right: Me. There’s just no other explanation.”

Gotta say, I agree that he gets a lot of the credit/blame for teh dumbing down of America.

And then there's this --

? Rush Limbaugh: Obama Bringing Ebola Outbreak To US So He ?Can Strut His Stuff?

Rush Limbaugh spent his Aug 1. show pondering the reasons why President Obama would bring home from Liberia US aid workers who contracted Ebola during efforts to fight the worst outbreak in history.

After ruling out compassion, and the utterly unconscionable nature of leaving American citizens stranded in a foreign land to die – the two primary factors for the President’s actions – Limbaugh pontificates wildly about Obama’s hidden agenda.

“I cant think of a reason why anybody would want to bring into this country, anyone suffering from something…” he asks, while I imagine scratching his head and frowning.

He then leaps to a rather stunning conclusion – apropos of nothing…

“If there is Ebola in the world, it might aswell be here so Obama can strut his stuff.”

Then, convinced that he is right, he starts admonishing Obama and the Democrats for the views he has just ascribed to them, as if they were actually true.

“What a cynical view you’ve got, that if there’s gonna be a crisis it may as well be here so then Obama and the Democratic party can lead the compassion train?!”

He really does appeal to the brainless sheeples in our country.
well you and your buddies on the left do your fair share of that with the crap you all post, like this thread for example.

so what are we suppose to do now? laugh, do cartwheels?
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well you and your buddies on the left do your fair share of that with the crap you all post, like this thread for example.

so what are we suppose to do now? laugh, do cartwheels?

No just wait for him to post the whole article.
The world needs a good plague. Ebola would do as a start.

Imagine how much sooner overpopulation would have wiped out humankind had not Bubonic Plague wiped out abouit 2/3's or the population when it did.

Now, Ebola in Africa? Think or it as a limitation on the number of potential U.S. presidential candidates (that does seem to be Democrats favourite "farm club").

Though it doesn't seem to be doing much in Kenya.

Not yet.
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You can tell you hit a nerve when the most rabid RW nutters can only sputter lame insults.

Its fascinating to watch the left being made fools of by their own hand and they cant see it
Why does obama want to bring ebola to the US? Not just ebola, but any other deadly disease he thinks he can shoehorn in. Why does he want to do this?
Why does obama want to bring ebola to the US? Not just ebola, but any other deadly disease he thinks he can shoehorn in. Why does he want to do this?


Are you actually saying you don't believe the head of the GOP?

C'mon, all the brain-dead RW kneejerkers blindly believe every word that drug-addicted, drug-smuggling, alcoholic, tub-of-lard Lushbo utters.

Rush Limbaugh Brags That He's Responsible for the Dumbing Down of America

Nothing quite like one of the most well known conservatives in media trying to take credit for the dumbing down of America. But that’s what happened recently when Rush Limbaugh boasted about the fact that the United States leads the world in climate change deniers.

Limbaugh said, “Fifty-four percent of Americans agreed with the statement, ‘The climate change we are currently seeing is largely the result of human activity.’ Why would the U.S. be the leading nation with the highest amount of doubt about the conventional wisdom of climate change? Why do you think that would be? I think that’s exactly right: Me. There’s just no other explanation.”

Gotta say, I agree that he gets a lot of the credit/blame for teh dumbing down of America.


Global warming! Climate change!

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Why does obama want to bring ebola to the US? Not just ebola, but any other deadly disease he thinks he can shoehorn in. Why does he want to do this?


Are you actually saying you don't believe the head of the GOP?

C'mon, all the brain-dead RW kneejerkers blindly believe every word that drug-addicted, drug-smuggling, alcoholic, tub-of-lard Lushbo utters.


I don't listen to Rush unless I happen to be in the car. By obama's actions the only conclusion is that he intends to bring as many diseased here as he can.
and that crap came from people who call themselves, forward progressives

they should be called, jackass progressives, who has nothing better to post about than some radio host...they are the ones dumbing down America while throwing some hate in at the same time
Why does obama want to bring ebola to the US? Not just ebola, but any other deadly disease he thinks he can shoehorn in. Why does he want to do this?


Are you actually saying you don't believe the head of the GOP?

C'mon, all the brain-dead RW kneejerkers blindly believe every word that drug-addicted, drug-smuggling, alcoholic, tub-of-lard Lushbo utters.


I don't listen to Rush unless I happen to be in the car. By obama's actions the only conclusion is that he intends to bring as many diseased here as he can.

Yeah, there are just millions and millions of ebola patients that President Obama has personally brought into the country.

Is there ANY lie you gullible fools won't fall for?

Rush Limbaugh Brags That He's Responsible for the Dumbing Down of America

Nothing quite like one of the most well known conservatives in media trying to take credit for the dumbing down of America. But that’s what happened recently when Rush Limbaugh boasted about the fact that the United States leads the world in climate change deniers.

Limbaugh said, “Fifty-four percent of Americans agreed with the statement, ‘The climate change we are currently seeing is largely the result of human activity.’ Why would the U.S. be the leading nation with the highest amount of doubt about the conventional wisdom of climate change? Why do you think that would be? I think that’s exactly right: Me. There’s just no other explanation.”

Gotta say, I agree that he gets a lot of the credit/blame for teh dumbing down of America.


Would say you can't 'dumb down' people above your own level of intelligence. He can dumb down people dumber than he is, but not those that are smarter. :) So he's probably only dumbed down a handful of people most scoring much higher than he. :)

Are you actually saying you don't believe the head of the GOP?

C'mon, all the brain-dead RW kneejerkers blindly believe every word that drug-addicted, drug-smuggling, alcoholic, tub-of-lard Lushbo utters.


I don't listen to Rush unless I happen to be in the car. By obama's actions the only conclusion is that he intends to bring as many diseased here as he can.

Yeah, there are just millions and millions of ebola patients that President Obama has personally brought into the country.

Is there ANY lie you gullible fools won't fall for?


do you ever tire of making up things up? and do you ever get tired of defending a man the majority of the people in the country can't stand? you look ridiculous and using Limbaugh for it is even more ridiculous...
sheeesh, have some honor sometimes
Keep it relevant. If you want to have a flame-fest, we have a forum for that.

They should all start by pulling their heads out of their cracks and understand that there are already 1000s of Ebola samples in this country. All held by an organization that loses more stuff than an Alzheimers patient.
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