Rush Limbaugh Compares Obama To Biracial Oreo Cookie

As intelligent, refined, knowledgeable and insightful as California Girl is, why can't she admit the obvious?

I dunno. To me, Rush is obviously Racist.

As an aside, your thread about the right making statements on gays>? Lol, you also seem to marry yourself to said conversations. Just saying, some introspect before you make ironic threads like that.

The thing is GT, I don't focus and obsess about homosexuality, rightwingers do.
Saying Rush is a racist is like saying the sky is blue.

He was punted from his dream job as a sports announcer because he couldn't keep is big racist trap shut.

In any what?
And since then, all the sports pundits have begrudgingly agreed with him; McNabb IS overrated. Sports reporters DID want him to be successfull merely because of his skin color.

Just like Obama.
As intelligent, refined, knowledgeable and insightful as California Girl is, why can't she admit the obvious?

I dunno. To me, Rush is obviously Racist.

As an aside, your thread about the right making statements on gays>? Lol, you also seem to marry yourself to said conversations. Just saying, some introspect before you make ironic threads like that.

The thing is GT, I don't focus and obsess about homosexuality, rightwingers do.

Sure you don't focus on them but you still hate them,. . I don't like them eitherI hate their life style but it's their life let'em live it but at least I will admit it I hate them
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I dunno. To me, Rush is obviously Racist.

As an aside, your thread about the right making statements on gays>? Lol, you also seem to marry yourself to said conversations. Just saying, some introspect before you make ironic threads like that.

The thing is GT, I don't focus and obsess about homosexuality, rightwingers do.

Sure you don't focus on them but you still hate them,. . I don't like them eitherI hate their life style but it's their life let'em live it but at least I will admit it I hate them

I don't them, I hate their homosexuality because its sin.
The thing is GT, I don't focus and obsess about homosexuality, rightwingers do.

Sure you don't focus on them but you still hate them,. . I don't like them eitherI hate their life style but it's their life let'em live it but at least I will admit it I hate them

I don't them, I hate their homosexuality because its sin.

Sure, ok sure yeah right. Look at the way you write about their lifestyle. I really can't tell the difference between your hate for their lifestyle and the person you're talking about.
Sure you don't focus on them but you still hate them,. . I don't like them eitherI hate their life style but it's their life let'em live it but at least I will admit it I hate them

I don't them, I hate their homosexuality because its sin.

Sure, ok sure yeah right. Look at the way you write about their lifestyle. I really can't tell the difference between your hate for their lifestyle and the person you're talking about.

Their lifestyle is sinful and God shall burn it with fire and brimstone and those who support it.
Rush is a moron. I care not what he says, as he is not the voice of the GOP (as many liberals seem to believe).

I'd say this was mildly racist. Of course, ANY level of racism is unacceptable to me. Rush should apologize. There should be some type of action by his management as well.

Rush owes an apology to Nabisco.

Just sayin'.
January 16, 2009
RUSH: I don't apologize ever.

July 27,2009
RUSH: Gods don't apologize.
Here's a picture of racist Rush with his producer and call screener.

Dear lord in heaven you are really looking like a moron. I've put up a thread about snerdly so no one else can look like an idiot.


We've heard that 'my best friend, co-worker' is black excuse, yeah whatever.

If someone who has buddies who are black, clearly they are not racist. It may well be that they are confident enough in their non racist views that they can joke about racism. Just a thought.

Because I've seen you tear into 'white' people, Charlie. But I also don't see you as a racist. Lots of posters on this forum do though.

Gently disagreeing. Somebody CAN have a friend of another race and still embrace a form of racism. My mother was a prime example. She was raised in a culture in which she was taught that black people were not inferior, but different and the races should not mix. Intellectually she came to know better but emotionally she never quite shook off all that. She had a black 'nanny' for me when I was a baby and adored the woman--paid her the lion's share of her meager salary at that time. She had black coworkers and a black boss (Don Perkins, the former Dallas Cowboy fullback, to be precise) that she thought a lot of. She never flinched when I brought black friends home from school. She never harmed a black person, never spoke unkindly to one, and frequently helped out as a neighbor.

And still, in spite of all that, she would say things like: "Have you noticed that as the 'nigras' get more education, their skin is getting lighter?"

And it never occurred to her what a racist remark that was.

Under currents of racism exist. Some black people feel them toward white people. Some white people feel them toward black people. And neither need be either harmful nor evil.

The more we focus on it, the more we geneate resentments and try to punish people for who they are, the more we call attention to it, the more racism will persist. The more we shrug off the silly, non harmful stuff and refuse to get all offended and insulted, the more quickly will that form of racism fade into a memory of the American culture.
We've heard that 'my best friend, co-worker' is black excuse, yeah whatever.

If someone who has buddies who are black, clearly they are not racist. It may well be that they are confident enough in their non racist views that they can joke about racism. Just a thought.

Because I've seen you tear into 'white' people, Charlie. But I also don't see you as a racist. Lots of posters on this forum do though.

Gently disagreeing. Somebody CAN have a friend of another race and still embrace a form of racism. My mother was a prime example. She was raised in a culture in which she was taught that black people were not inferior, but different and the races should not mix. Intellectually she came to know better but emotionally she never quite shook off all that. She had a black 'nanny' for me when I was a baby and adored the woman--paid her the lion's share of her meager salary at that time. She had black coworkers and a black boss (Don Perkins, the former Dallas Cowboy fullback, to be precise) that she thought a lot of. She never flinched when I brought black friends home from school. She never harmed a black person, never spoke unkindly to one, and frequently helped out as a neighbor.

And still, in spite of all that, she would say things like: "Have you noticed that as the 'nigras' get more education, their skin is getting lighter?"

And it never occurred to her what a racist remark that was.

Under currents of racism exist. Some black people feel them toward white people. Some white people feel them toward black people. And neither need be either harmful nor evil.

The more we focus on it, the more we geneate resentments and try to punish people for who they are, the more we call attention to it, the more racism will persist. The more we shrug off the silly, non harmful stuff and refuse to get all offended and insulted, the more quickly will that form of racism fade into a memory of the American culture.

Same for my Gram (as your mother).

Another good example of this: Rush Limbaugh.
Here's a picture of racist Rush with his producer and call screener.

Dear lord in heaven you are really looking like a moron. I've put up a thread about snerdly so no one else can look like an idiot.


We've heard that 'my best friend, co-worker' is black excuse, yeah whatever.

You should really look up who Bo is you moron.

I have you in a cyber world vice grip.

That's his producer/engineer/ call screener.

He's basically been with Rush from the begining of Rush's stellar rise to fame and fortune.

And how demeaning of you to say best friend or co worker like Snerdly is just a bum boy. Idiot.
What do you expect from a phoney "conservative genius" rightwing hating malcontent?
Maybe Rush likes (if he does) his black co-worker because his black co-worker isn't "uppity" like Rush considers Obama.

A black man under Rush = Good. A black man above Rush = Bad.
If someone who has buddies who are black, clearly they are not racist. It may well be that they are confident enough in their non racist views that they can joke about racism. Just a thought.

Because I've seen you tear into 'white' people, Charlie. But I also don't see you as a racist. Lots of posters on this forum do though.

Gently disagreeing. Somebody CAN have a friend of another race and still embrace a form of racism. My mother was a prime example. She was raised in a culture in which she was taught that black people were not inferior, but different and the races should not mix. Intellectually she came to know better but emotionally she never quite shook off all that. She had a black 'nanny' for me when I was a baby and adored the woman--paid her the lion's share of her meager salary at that time. She had black coworkers and a black boss (Don Perkins, the former Dallas Cowboy fullback, to be precise) that she thought a lot of. She never flinched when I brought black friends home from school. She never harmed a black person, never spoke unkindly to one, and frequently helped out as a neighbor.

And still, in spite of all that, she would say things like: "Have you noticed that as the 'nigras' get more education, their skin is getting lighter?"

And it never occurred to her what a racist remark that was.

Under currents of racism exist. Some black people feel them toward white people. Some white people feel them toward black people. And neither need be either harmful nor evil.

The more we focus on it, the more we geneate resentments and try to punish people for who they are, the more we call attention to it, the more racism will persist. The more we shrug off the silly, non harmful stuff and refuse to get all offended and insulted, the more quickly will that form of racism fade into a memory of the American culture.

Same for my Gram (as your mother).

Another good example of this: Rush Limbaugh.

I can't argue with that. I have noticed that Rush is an equal opportunity basher when it comes to liberal Democrats and leftists of all stripes, but he does seem to focus in on the idiotic things prominent black people say at a disproportionate level suggesting he may 'see' the stupid stuff there more than elsewhere. It is no different than our black friends not seeing the racism so much among black people but never missing a single misspeak or nuance if a white person says it.

I remember an "All in the Family" segment in which the very liberal Polish Michael Stivic ("Meathead") character was talking with his best friend and next door neighbor, Lionel Jefferson, a black man. Michael was expounding on some social issues of the day and kept asking Lionel for the 'black perspective'. Finally Lionel had enough and let Michael have it. He didn't speak for all the black people of the world and he was resenting not being asked as a person or American or neighbor but as a 'black man'. Michael did not see the undercurrents of racism in seeing his friend as a 'black man' instead of as any other friend.

This kind of thing is a part of who a person is and, while we might not like that about them, it is not something that needs to be punished or condemned to the level that some of us here, black, white, and everything else, sometimes take it.
Maybe Rush likes (if he does) his black co-worker because his black co-worker isn't "uppity" like Rush considers Obama.

A black man under Rush = Good. A black man above Rush = Bad.

Rush actually got married in the home of the Honorable Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

Clarence Thomas officiated.
Maybe Rush likes (if he does) his black co-worker because his black co-worker isn't "uppity" like Rush considers Obama.

A black man under Rush = Good. A black man above Rush = Bad.

Rush actually got married in the home of the Honorable Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

Clarence Thomas officiated.
Yep. Another of Rush's "good blacks."
Maybe Rush likes (if he does) his black co-worker because his black co-worker isn't "uppity" like Rush considers Obama.

A black man under Rush = Good. A black man above Rush = Bad.

Rush actually got married in the home of the Honorable Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

Clarence Thomas officiated.
Yep. Another of Rush's "good blacks."

He's a fellow conservative, it has nothing to do with race imo....
Limbaugh is a typical knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, anti-intellectual, anti-science, anti-thought process right winger. You find them everywhere, from truck stops to lounging in front of the TV in the trailer park.

Such creatures are largely ignored by those of us who actually think.

The big difference is someone pays Limbaugh millions to show his ass on the radio every day. Those are the folks who need to be chastised.

Too many of them are posting on this board.
Yep. Another of Rush's "good blacks."

He's a fellow conservative, it has nothing to do with race imo....
Sure it does. Rush doesn't tell racist jokes about conservative blacks.

Maybe he tells jokes about liberals, some of whom happen to be black? I don't listen enough to really challenge the issue, but i sure don't believe the idiots that report on his every word while drooling over themselves either. I still remember the asses that the media and democrats made of themselves over the "phony soldiers" garbage a few years ago......
Great article on Rush.

Anyone who knows anything about Rush Limbaugh at all knows he’s not a racist. Limbaugh’s call screener, Bo Snerdley, is a black man. In fact, Snerdley is so black that last year he was certified “Black Enough to Criticize Barack Obama,” or the “Official Obama Criticizer” for short.

Economist Walter Williams (a black man) often fills in for Rush when Rush is traveling. Another black friend of Limbaugh’s, economist Thomas Sowell, has even filled in a time or two.

Rush’s friend and former football player Rev. Ken “The Hutch” Hutcherson (who is black) frequently calls in to the show for some sports-related banter.

Rush is a friend of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas (who is black). Rush was married to his former wife Marta at Justice Thomas’ home where Justice Thomas officiated the wedding. (But then, according to the Left, Thomas doesn’t count; he’s just an Uncle Tom…one who faced his own media lynching during his confirmation hearings)

You know, for a guy with so many black friends and associates, he sure sounds like an odd candidate for being a racist to me.

So what’s the basis–however thin–for these accusations of racism? He doesn’t worship at the altar of political correctness and affirmative action.

Rest of article at the link:

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