Rush Limbaugh Compares Obama To Biracial Oreo Cookie

I think it's perfectly clear.

Your message made no sense, I have no double standard, I equally criticize the left and right on racism, the rightwingers here don't.

Sure, you criticize white racists - from either side. But... you tend not to start threads about blacks making racist remarks. That, my dear buddy, is double standards.

I've called Herman Cain and Jesse Lee Peterson racist, your statement isn't true.
Your message made no sense, I have no double standard, I equally criticize the left and right on racism, the rightwingers here don't.

Sure, you criticize white racists - from either side. But... you tend not to start threads about blacks making racist remarks. That, my dear buddy, is double standards.

I've called Herman Cain and Jesse Lee Peterson racist, your statement isn't true.

Here's a picture of racist Rush with his producer and call screener.

Dear lord in heaven you are really looking like a moron. I've put up a thread about snerdly so no one else can look like an idiot.

Sure, you criticize white racists - from either side. But... you tend not to start threads about blacks making racist remarks. That, my dear buddy, is double standards.

I've called Herman Cain and Jesse Lee Peterson racist, your statement isn't true.

Here's a picture of racist Rush with his producer and call screener.

Dear lord in heaven you are really looking like a moron. I've put up a thread about snerdly so no one else can look like an idiot.


We've heard that 'my best friend, co-worker' is black excuse, yeah whatever.
I've called Herman Cain and Jesse Lee Peterson racist, your statement isn't true.

Here's a picture of racist Rush with his producer and call screener.

Dear lord in heaven you are really looking like a moron. I've put up a thread about snerdly so no one else can look like an idiot.


We've heard that 'my best friend, co-worker' is black excuse, yeah whatever.

You should really look up who Bo is you moron.

I have you in a cyber world vice grip.

That's his producer/engineer/ call screener.

He's basically been with Rush from the begining of Rush's stellar rise to fame and fortune.

And how demeaning of you to say best friend or co worker like Snerdly is just a bum boy. Idiot.
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I've called Herman Cain and Jesse Lee Peterson racist, your statement isn't true.

Here's a picture of racist Rush with his producer and call screener.

Dear lord in heaven you are really looking like a moron. I've put up a thread about snerdly so no one else can look like an idiot.


We've heard that 'my best friend, co-worker' is black excuse, yeah whatever.

If someone who has buddies who are black, clearly they are not racist. It may well be that they are confident enough in their non racist views that they can joke about racism. Just a thought.

Because I've seen you tear into 'white' people, Charlie. But I also don't see you as a racist. Lots of posters on this forum do though.
Sure, you criticize white racists - from either side. But... you tend not to start threads about blacks making racist remarks. That, my dear buddy, is double standards.

I've called Herman Cain and Jesse Lee Peterson racist, your statement isn't true.

Here's a picture of racist Rush with his producer and call screener.

Dear lord in heaven you are really looking like a moron. I've put up a thread about snerdly so no one else can look like an idiot.



I knew a guy that owned a roofing company. He was from Germany (he was my friend's wife's we sorta lost touch since my friend's divorce) and extremely racist. Could not stand black people. But he hired them..for his roofing company. In fact he paid them better then all other roofing companies in the area. And from what I understand he was extremely kind to the guys working with them..loaning them money when they needed it and visiting if they were sick to make sure they were alright.

He was still extremely racist.
You know Bass, you and all of the other race baiters are really starting to make black people look like a bunch of fucking pussies........... is that racist moron? Call me a racist, call me a cracker, call me whatever silly bullshit name you want....... words only hurt the extremely weak and I have never seen such a bunch of mentally weak asswipes ever. Black people are the only whiners out there crying racism....... pathetic....... the accusation is a joke and meaningless. I'm so bored with black people it's scary.
I've called Herman Cain and Jesse Lee Peterson racist, your statement isn't true.

Here's a picture of racist Rush with his producer and call screener.

Dear lord in heaven you are really looking like a moron. I've put up a thread about snerdly so no one else can look like an idiot.



I knew a guy that owned a roofing company. He was from Germany (he was my friend's wife's we sorta lost touch since my friend's divorce) and extremely racist. Could not stand black people. But he hired them..for his roofing company. In fact he paid them better then all other roofing companies in the area. And from what I understand he was extremely kind to the guys working with them..loaning them money when they needed it and visiting if they were sick to make sure they were alright.

He was still extremely racist.

Ahhh, the 'I knew a guy' excuse. Well, clearly, because you knew a guy like that - they must all be like that.

Idiot. Racist.
Here's a picture of racist Rush with his producer and call screener.

Dear lord in heaven you are really looking like a moron. I've put up a thread about snerdly so no one else can look like an idiot.



I knew a guy that owned a roofing company. He was from Germany (he was my friend's wife's we sorta lost touch since my friend's divorce) and extremely racist. Could not stand black people. But he hired them..for his roofing company. In fact he paid them better then all other roofing companies in the area. And from what I understand he was extremely kind to the guys working with them..loaning them money when they needed it and visiting if they were sick to make sure they were alright.

He was still extremely racist.

Ahhh, the 'I knew a guy' excuse. Well, clearly, because you knew a guy like that - they must all be like that.

Idiot. Racist.

And this is another post you picked up..and responded to with an insult without one being leveled upon you in this thread.

And you were the first to insult first.


I've called Herman Cain and Jesse Lee Peterson racist, your statement isn't true.

Here's a picture of racist Rush with his producer and call screener.

Dear lord in heaven you are really looking like a moron. I've put up a thread about snerdly so no one else can look like an idiot.



I knew a guy that owned a roofing company. He was from Germany (he was my friend's wife's we sorta lost touch since my friend's divorce) and extremely racist. Could not stand black people. But he hired them..for his roofing company. In fact he paid them better then all other roofing companies in the area. And from what I understand he was extremely kind to the guys working with them..loaning them money when they needed it and visiting if they were sick to make sure they were alright.

He was still extremely racist.


drop that shovel and stop digging the hole you are in. I've got you libs on this one.

They've been together since the 90's.

James Golden (radio personality)
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James Golden, under the pseudonym "Bo Snerdley," serves as call screener, producer, and engineer for the syndicated Rush Limbaugh radio talk show. Since 2001 he has been a Producer/Executive for Premiere Radio Networks, the largest radio syndication company in the United States.

Although Golden works from a control booth off the air, a 2008 New York Times Magazine profile of Limbaugh reported that during the show, Golden "banters with and occasionally badgers Limbaugh via an internal talk-back circuit." On occasion, Golden has been accorded airtime on the program. In February 2008, Golden, who is black, was assigned (as Snerdley) a satirical cameo role by Limbaugh as the show's Official Criticizer of Barack Obama ("certified black enough to criticize"); the role has become an irregular recurring feature.

He is a Senior Partner for Golden Creative Communications, LLC.

From 1992 to 1998, Golden co-hosted (with Joel Santisteban) a political call-in show, James and Joel, on WABC radio in New York. From 1998 to 2001, Golden served as Vice-President for Programming at, where he also hosted two internet radio programs. He occasionally contributes written political commentary online.

Golden was part of the production team on the Rush Limbaugh television program, which aired from 1992 through 1996.

He attended City University of New York-Queens College from 1973 to 1976.

drop that shovel sallow. truly.

Jimmy aka Bo Snerdly is one of Rush's best friends.
Oh and Snerdly has been designated as officially black enough to criticize the "O".
Oh and Snerdly has been designated as officially black enough to criticize the "O".

Anyone can criticize the President. That's part of what makes this country great. They can even level racist slurs against him.

But part and parcel with all that free speech is you subject yourself to criticism too..especially if you decide to go racist.

Rush does this on a regular basis.

Seriously..I don't know what the problem is..
A black person who consign white racist BS does not make the white racist not a racist, look at this dumb black man cosigning and standing side by side with a white racist:

[ame=]James Edwards & Jesse Lee Peterson Debate Roland Martin & Molly Secours Paula Zahn NOW - YouTube[/ame]
And I really could give two shits about Rush's racism.

But denying this drug addled blowhard is racist is idiocy.

Top 10 Rush Limbaugh Racist Quotes | News One

Drug addled? Now I know I've got you when we go back to the pain killer days.

:lol: Just drop that shovel. You're just getting in deeper.

What shovel?

Pain killer days.. :lol:

He was doing Oxycotin which is a known drug that abusers use.

And he violated a court deal in 2006 after he was caught trying to sneak in Viagra to the Dominican Republic without a perscription. And on a trip with no female companions. Wonder what he was going to do with the Viagra? :lol:

Rush Limbaugh Detained With Viagra - CBS News
Rush Limbaugh's Dominican Stag Party | The Smoking Gun
Look at the black dude in that video, he's a God damned disgrace who ponies up and co signs white racism but the white racists are racist because one black dude cosigns it, totally ridiculous.

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