Rush Limbaugh ....Hurricane Denier

Left Wingers just do not have the mental capacity to understand Rush's humor......and that just makes it funnier
The "joke" is on you DittoTard SUCKERS who are too stupid to see that your MessiahRushie is making a fool out of YOU when you defend his lies!!!
Even the queen of deniers Judith Curry says your MessiahRushie is full of shit in his denial of the connection to Climate Change!!!

The number of hurricanes that reach Category Four and Five has doubled since 1970, according to a report by Judith Curry, an earth and atmospheric scientist at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta.

Her team links the increasing storm intensity to a 1-degree Fahrenheit (0.5-degree Celsius) rise in global sea surface temperature in the same period.

Curry is the co-author of two of the papers linking global warming to increasing storm intensity

"For the time being," Curry said, "this is what the data says and what analysis we have, and it says we are at elevated risk for increasing hurricanes and increasing intensity in hurricanes."
So because the sea in that area of the world saw a 1 degree rise in sea temperature the whole globe saw the same rise and the world is coming to an end. It couldn't possibly be an anomaly that should simply be added to the data collected about the Caribbean area.
Proof the Right are TOO STUPID to understand simple English
Even the queen of deniers Judith Curry says your MessiahRushie is full of shit in his denial of the connection to Climate Change!!!

The number of hurricanes that reach Category Four and Five has doubled since 1970, according to a report by Judith Curry, an earth and atmospheric scientist at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta.

Her team links the increasing storm intensity to a 1-degree Fahrenheit (0.5-degree Celsius) rise in global sea surface temperature in the same period.

Curry is the co-author of two of the papers linking global warming to increasing storm intensity

"For the time being," Curry said, "this is what the data says and what analysis we have, and it says we are at elevated risk for increasing hurricanes and increasing intensity in hurricanes."
So because the sea in that area of the world saw a 1 degree rise in sea temperature the whole globe saw the same rise and the world is coming to an end. It couldn't possibly be an anomaly that should simply be added to the data collected about the Caribbean area.
Proof the Right are TOO STUPID to understand simple English

To many temperatures have been manipulated by the Global Warming crowd to make it look like their computer models of global climate are correct. Come back when the true data collected is utilized to illustrate her point. Much like the progressive media the scientists supporting global warming have lost credibility by their deceptions in changing the facts/data to meet their agenda. Display the data collected worldwide and prove that it was not manipulated to suit/meet the ends of the global warming apostolates.


You think Irma is caused by man, yet you call other's bullshit!
Again we see how the worthless lying scum Right operate, nowhere did I say Irma was caused by man, just a typical liar's Straw Man. I said Irma was intensified by the warmer ocean temperatures from Global Warming.
So? Was Irma caused by man or not?
Even the queen of deniers Judith Curry says your MessiahRushie is full of shit in his denial of the connection to Climate Change!!!

The number of hurricanes that reach Category Four and Five has doubled since 1970, according to a report by Judith Curry, an earth and atmospheric scientist at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta.

Her team links the increasing storm intensity to a 1-degree Fahrenheit (0.5-degree Celsius) rise in global sea surface temperature in the same period.

Curry is the co-author of two of the papers linking global warming to increasing storm intensity

"For the time being," Curry said, "this is what the data says and what analysis we have, and it says we are at elevated risk for increasing hurricanes and increasing intensity in hurricanes."
So because the sea in that area of the world saw a 1 degree rise in sea temperature the whole globe saw the same rise and the world is coming to an end. It couldn't possibly be an anomaly that should simply be added to the data collected about the Caribbean area.
Proof the Right are TOO STUPID to understand simple English
To many temperatures have been manipulated by the Global Warming crowd to make it look like their computer models of global climate are correct. Come back when the true data collected is utilized to illustrate her point. Much like the progressive media the scientists supporting global warming have lost credibility by their deceptions in changing the facts/data to meet their agenda. Display the data collected worldwide and prove that it was not manipulated to suit/meet the ends of the global warming apostolates.
The ONLY people who were actually caught manipulating the data were your MessiahRushie's "official" climatologist and fellow denier Roy Spencer and his denier partner in crime John Christy. Since they were caught red-handed, deniers have been trying to muddy the waters by falsely accusing the honest scientists of data manipulation.
You think Irma is caused by man, yet you call other's bullshit!
Again we see how the worthless lying scum Right operate, nowhere did I say Irma was caused by man, just a typical liar's Straw Man. I said Irma was intensified by the warmer ocean temperatures from Global Warming.
So? Was Irma caused by man or not?
Like I have shown repeatedly, when the lying scum Right get caught lying, they play dumb!!!
Thank you.
You think Irma is caused by man, yet you call other's bullshit!
Again we see how the worthless lying scum Right operate, nowhere did I say Irma was caused by man, just a typical liar's Straw Man. I said Irma was intensified by the warmer ocean temperatures from Global Warming.
So? Was Irma caused by man or not?
Like I have shown repeatedly, when the lying scum Right get caught lying, they play dumb!!!
Thank you.
So Irma isn't man made? You are so terribly confused you don't know which end is up.
Even the queen of deniers Judith Curry says your MessiahRushie is full of shit in his denial of the connection to Climate Change!!!

The number of hurricanes that reach Category Four and Five has doubled since 1970, according to a report by Judith Curry, an earth and atmospheric scientist at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta.

Her team links the increasing storm intensity to a 1-degree Fahrenheit (0.5-degree Celsius) rise in global sea surface temperature in the same period.

Curry is the co-author of two of the papers linking global warming to increasing storm intensity

"For the time being," Curry said, "this is what the data says and what analysis we have, and it says we are at elevated risk for increasing hurricanes and increasing intensity in hurricanes."
So because the sea in that area of the world saw a 1 degree rise in sea temperature the whole globe saw the same rise and the world is coming to an end. It couldn't possibly be an anomaly that should simply be added to the data collected about the Caribbean area.
Proof the Right are TOO STUPID to understand simple English
To many temperatures have been manipulated by the Global Warming crowd to make it look like their computer models of global climate are correct. Come back when the true data collected is utilized to illustrate her point. Much like the progressive media the scientists supporting global warming have lost credibility by their deceptions in changing the facts/data to meet their agenda. Display the data collected worldwide and prove that it was not manipulated to suit/meet the ends of the global warming apostolates.
The ONLY people who were actually caught manipulating the data were your MessiahRushie's "official" climatologist and fellow denier Roy Spencer and his denier partner in crime John Christy. Since they were caught red-handed, deniers have been trying to muddy the waters by falsely accusing the honest scientists of data manipulation.
Only dumb statist lovers are Warmers.
Even the queen of deniers Judith Curry says your MessiahRushie is full of shit in his denial of the connection to Climate Change!!!

The number of hurricanes that reach Category Four and Five has doubled since 1970, according to a report by Judith Curry, an earth and atmospheric scientist at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta.

Her team links the increasing storm intensity to a 1-degree Fahrenheit (0.5-degree Celsius) rise in global sea surface temperature in the same period.

Curry is the co-author of two of the papers linking global warming to increasing storm intensity

"For the time being," Curry said, "this is what the data says and what analysis we have, and it says we are at elevated risk for increasing hurricanes and increasing intensity in hurricanes."
So because the sea in that area of the world saw a 1 degree rise in sea temperature the whole globe saw the same rise and the world is coming to an end. It couldn't possibly be an anomaly that should simply be added to the data collected about the Caribbean area.
Proof the Right are TOO STUPID to understand simple English
To many temperatures have been manipulated by the Global Warming crowd to make it look like their computer models of global climate are correct. Come back when the true data collected is utilized to illustrate her point. Much like the progressive media the scientists supporting global warming have lost credibility by their deceptions in changing the facts/data to meet their agenda. Display the data collected worldwide and prove that it was not manipulated to suit/meet the ends of the global warming apostolates.
The ONLY people who were actually caught manipulating the data were your MessiahRushie's "official" climatologist and fellow denier Roy Spencer and his denier partner in crime John Christy. Since they were caught red-handed, deniers have been trying to muddy the waters by falsely accusing the honest scientists of data manipulation.


Yeah right...

Australian Bureau of Meteorology accused of Criminally Adjusted Global Warming - Breitbart

NASA Exposed in 'Massive' New Climate Data Fraud | Principia Scientific International

Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions

...Looks like you need to present that worldwide data without the readjustments to the data.


Capitalism is inherently separate from the government, in this case the government, and media, are colluding, which prevents it from being capitalism.
So you are saying the government and the media FORCED stores to sell their products for whatever the free market would bare. :cuckoo:
Please cite the law!!!!
No, I'm saying they're colluding to cause a false premise, to cause people to buy specific products. What we have is fascistic corporatism.
"The sociopolitical organization of a society by major interest groups, known as corporate groups, such as agricultural, business, ethnic, labour, military, patronage, or scientific affiliations, on the basis of their common interests."

What corporatism is. This is a fascistic corporatist state, not capitalism, which is a completely free market, separate from the government.
The government has nothing to do with the prices charged at the retail level except for a sales tax, only free market Capitalism was at work in Miami that your MessiahRushie was bitching about.
We haven't had capitalism in decades. The government's regulations encourage monopolies and strangle out competition, while also causing a rise in prices for products that used to be significantly cheaper. medicine is a solid example, as due to the government's interference, prices were gouged on medicine that used to cost just pocket change. That's not a free market, and it's not capitalism, as capitalism is separate from the government entirely.

You've been duped into thinking fascistic corporatism is capitalism.
Rush Limbaugh 101

1. The media is all "fake news" don't trust them
2. Storms like Irma are being exaggerated to make excuses for global warming
3 It is all one big scam to scare you into stocking up on supplies
4. Trust me, this storm is not as bad as everyone is saying, they are never as bad as predicted
Rush Limbaugh 101

1. The media is all "fake news" don't trust them
2. Storms like Irma are being exaggerated to make excuses for global warming
3 It is all one big scam to scare you into stocking up on supplies
4. Trust me, this storm is not as bad as everyone is saying, they are never as bad as predicted
Probably all right. Yes?
Even the queen of deniers Judith Curry says your MessiahRushie is full of shit in his denial of the connection to Climate Change!!!

The number of hurricanes that reach Category Four and Five has doubled since 1970, according to a report by Judith Curry, an earth and atmospheric scientist at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta.

Her team links the increasing storm intensity to a 1-degree Fahrenheit (0.5-degree Celsius) rise in global sea surface temperature in the same period.

Curry is the co-author of two of the papers linking global warming to increasing storm intensity

"For the time being," Curry said, "this is what the data says and what analysis we have, and it says we are at elevated risk for increasing hurricanes and increasing intensity in hurricanes."
So because the sea in that area of the world saw a 1 degree rise in sea temperature the whole globe saw the same rise and the world is coming to an end. It couldn't possibly be an anomaly that should simply be added to the data collected about the Caribbean area.
Proof the Right are TOO STUPID to understand simple English
To many temperatures have been manipulated by the Global Warming crowd to make it look like their computer models of global climate are correct. Come back when the true data collected is utilized to illustrate her point. Much like the progressive media the scientists supporting global warming have lost credibility by their deceptions in changing the facts/data to meet their agenda. Display the data collected worldwide and prove that it was not manipulated to suit/meet the ends of the global warming apostolates.
The ONLY people who were actually caught manipulating the data were your MessiahRushie's "official" climatologist and fellow denier Roy Spencer and his denier partner in crime John Christy. Since they were caught red-handed, deniers have been trying to muddy the waters by falsely accusing the honest scientists of data manipulation.


Yeah right...

Australian Bureau of Meteorology accused of Criminally Adjusted Global Warming - Breitbart

NASA Exposed in 'Massive' New Climate Data Fraud | Principia Scientific International

Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions

...Looks like you need to present that worldwide data without the readjustments to the data.

Thank you for proving that the lying scum Right lie in packs.
So you are saying the government and the media FORCED stores to sell their products for whatever the free market would bare. :cuckoo:
Please cite the law!!!!
No, I'm saying they're colluding to cause a false premise, to cause people to buy specific products. What we have is fascistic corporatism.
"The sociopolitical organization of a society by major interest groups, known as corporate groups, such as agricultural, business, ethnic, labour, military, patronage, or scientific affiliations, on the basis of their common interests."

What corporatism is. This is a fascistic corporatist state, not capitalism, which is a completely free market, separate from the government.
The government has nothing to do with the prices charged at the retail level except for a sales tax, only free market Capitalism was at work in Miami that your MessiahRushie was bitching about.
We haven't had capitalism in decades. The government's regulations encourage monopolies and strangle out competition, while also causing a rise in prices for products that used to be significantly cheaper. medicine is a solid example, as due to the government's interference, prices were gouged on medicine that used to cost just pocket change. That's not a free market, and it's not capitalism, as capitalism is separate from the government entirely.

You've been duped into thinking fascistic corporatism is capitalism.
Monopolies are the staple of Capitalism. Capitalistic Corporations are out to beat their competition and gain the maximum market share they can. Capitalism is a cut throat system!!!!

"Competition is a sin"
John D Rockefeller
The worthless lying coward Limpboy has fled the overhyped hurricane Irma and got his fat ass out of Florida!!!!
OP thread title is a fucking lie and RW knows it. Troll thread
No, I'm saying they're colluding to cause a false premise, to cause people to buy specific products. What we have is fascistic corporatism.
"The sociopolitical organization of a society by major interest groups, known as corporate groups, such as agricultural, business, ethnic, labour, military, patronage, or scientific affiliations, on the basis of their common interests."

What corporatism is. This is a fascistic corporatist state, not capitalism, which is a completely free market, separate from the government.
The government has nothing to do with the prices charged at the retail level except for a sales tax, only free market Capitalism was at work in Miami that your MessiahRushie was bitching about.
We haven't had capitalism in decades. The government's regulations encourage monopolies and strangle out competition, while also causing a rise in prices for products that used to be significantly cheaper. medicine is a solid example, as due to the government's interference, prices were gouged on medicine that used to cost just pocket change. That's not a free market, and it's not capitalism, as capitalism is separate from the government entirely.

You've been duped into thinking fascistic corporatism is capitalism.
Monopolies are the staple of Capitalism. Capitalistic Corporations are out to beat their competition and gain the maximum market share they can. Capitalism is a cut throat system!!!!

"Competition is a sin"
John D Rockefeller

OP thread title is a fucking lie and RW knows it. Troll thread

Show the lie

Asshole Limbaugh is denying the threat of the storm

Hey did you hear? According leftist 'experts,' man is so amazingly powerful he caused Irma to occur.'t man GREAT???
OP thread title is a fucking lie and RW knows it. Troll thread

Show the lie

Asshole Limbaugh is denying the threat of the storm
Thread Title
Rush Limbaugh ....Hurricane Denier
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rightwinger, Yesterday at 11:22 AM.
I wonder why Rush would deny the hurricane, yet he left his florida home to escape the is all so strange....I just can't figure it out....

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