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Rush Limbaugh interview with Sarah Palin

Just can't stand it if somebody is liking the Palin and not Obama. It is OK for the media to kiss Obama's butt which happens on a daily basis. Some kid has got up a blog calling Obama the messiah what a joke. God forbid if any media kisses her butt. Get over it.

New flash Palin has more experience then Obama oh wait she is running for VP not president hmmmm

Another dumbass who actually thinks Palin has more experience. Newsflash - SHE DOESN'T so let it go for the love of god
He did so well, he's leading in South Carolina right now against a Republican incumbent. Next.

Yup he did so well on air that they NEVER made a dime and actually started refusing to pay their debts. They were so popular they tried bribing radio stations to carry them and then when they STILL couldn't make money refused to bay the bribes.
Yup he did so well on air that they NEVER made a dime and actually started refusing to pay their debts. They were so popular they tried bribing radio stations to carry them and then when they STILL couldn't make money refused to bay the bribes.

And yet they're still on the air. Amazing.
She ran government so well, she managed to be in office only one year and already had an investigation into her abuse of power. Amazing. Only one year.

Meanwhile Obama has a convicted crook that started him off and a KNOWN terrorist. Go figure. He is from THE most corrupt political machine in the ENTIRE country. But he wants us to believe he stands for "change". He sold out to the Ethanol lobby but wants us to believe he has no dealings with lobbies at all.

If the press spent 1/10 the time they have on Sarah Palin on Obama no telling WHAT we would learn. Assuming he did not sue them at every step of the way in the hopes he can shut them up with fear tactics.
Meanwhile Obama has a convicted crook that started him off and a KNOWN terrorist. Go figure. He is from THE most corrupt political machine in the ENTIRE country. But he wants us to believe he stands for "change". He sold out to the Ethanol lobby but wants us to believe he has no dealings with lobbies at all.

If Ayres is such a horrible, disgusting human being, where is he? Why isn't he in prison? Why isn't the FBI after him? Oh wait, that already happened. 40 years ago. Whatever happened to Christian forgiveness of ones sins?

Obama connected to an ethanol lobbying firm is much better than McCain's connections to 7 lobbyists including Fannie May/Freddie Mac. Better than his advisors receiving hundreds of millions of dollars from Fannie May/Freddie Mac. Better than his former economic advisor being the architect of what created this massive crisis. Obama does stand for change, no more 15% approval rating, no more shoot first ask questions later, no more Iraq, no more lies and distrortions of intelligence to manipulate the United Nations or the the American people.

If the press spent 1/10 the time they have on Sarah Palin on Obama no telling WHAT we would learn. Assuming he did not sue them at every step of the way in the hopes he can shut them up with fear tactics.

Do you watch the news at all, Sarge? Do you? Every minute of every hour of every day for the past 6 months has been covering Obama's every move. Him and his wife did a "fist bump" and the press analyzed that to its sub-atomic level. He can't blink his eyes without FoxNews breaking into programming with a "Fox News Alert" telling us that Obama just blinked his eyes and what that means for the american people. Maybe if you actually watched the news instead of listening to the conservative propoganda garbage on AM radio, you would know this.

News flash, Sarge: Limbaugh, Hannity and Savage don't represent the viewpoints of the majority of Americans. If you spew hate-filled propoganda long enough, anyone will listen to you.

Do you know that, in the 1990s, Rush Limbaugh attributed rising health care costs in America to women? Yes. Women. It was women's fault that health care costs were on the rise. By not being submissive to their husbands and by actually going out there and trying to work, caused them and their husband and their children massive stress. Stress leads to high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, you name it. All because women aren't submissive. William Buckley Jr. called for the tattooing of every AIDS patient. These are the same group of people who supported racial segregation in America's deep south. These are the people who don't want kids being taught science because of their religious beliefs. These are the people that don't want stem cell research, even though stem cell research can basically cure cancer, diabetes and every single other major disease out there. These are the people that lie to the American people about Iraq , send our troops to be in harms way and then vote down the use of armor and or anything else that can help protect our brave men and women from being slaughtered until years after the first IED went off. THAT is the Republican party of today, Sarge and if you associate yourself with THAT kind of behavior, then hell has a special place reserved for you.
Remind us again who was Obama's Economic Advisor again? And how bringing him up is racist?

Talk about MILLIONS from Freddie Mac, he made his 90 mill and then got fired for bad loans and bad accounting procedures, but hey he got to keep that 90 million, now didn't he? And who hired him as their Economic Advisor?

The press has NOT done shit with OBama, they lob softball at him and ignore any claims made against him either because they are supporting him or afraid they may have to go to court when he sues them for asking questions.

What skeletons we do know about Obama are bad enough, but I wonder what he is hiding that requires teams of lawyers to sue anyone that even hints they may question him?

Remind us again how if McCain had spent 20 years in a White man's church run by a racist white man supporting a theory that God should kill all blacks the press would have just said " Ohh he never heard those sermons" "ohh he quit that church just the other day"
Remind US again who is McCain's Economic Advisor that said we were only in a mental recession and were a nation of whiners.

Remind US again that "the economy is fundamentally sound."

Remind US again why G. Gordon Liddy is STILL raising money for McCain. This is the man who said when you shoot at the ATF agent, make it a head shot because they wear body armor.

Remind US of the anit semite racist group that McCain sat on for over two years in the late 80s.

Remind us of the Keating Five.

Actually, if people would pull their head out of their ass and discuss the real issues like Iraq, the Economy and Healthcare, we might be able to deal with something real.

No, let's just do the personal attack. Obama was a terrorist at age 8.

Fucking retards, as your are want to say.
She ran government so well, she managed to be in office only one year and already had an investigation into her abuse of power. Amazing. Only one year.

less experience Obama and already Ayers Acorn Rezko what else is going to fall out of the closet?

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